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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan tried really to understand all about the many places where the souls go, but it was just her first time hearing about it, the words were just completely strange for her and also the way of how all works. Ehm, i can understand now than find my friends would be not completely certain, but i will do my best to find them. Thanks to share all this knowledge and your memores, Alluria The silver girl said after nod, not completely sure to had understand a single part of the gods planes out of Celestia and the fey world, she just suppose than she could heard more of them later or she can read more.

She then pats Andrea and hug her softly before kiss her cheek. You are so sweet Andrea, but i dunno if my friends will accept to rest with us so suddenly after find them. Also, i will gift them a room to each so, but i guess than we could sleep at the same bed from time to time, even play there and do others many fun things. Said without bad intentions, but asily someone could missunderstand it.

Once allie return and carry a huge box, Susan was close to ask her, but she suppose than were just personal things of the family than still were there, so it was not her bussines, yet she could ask later at the dinner. The car soon make them rach the palace and Susan follow Alluria to the castle, she know than she needed to at least try what she could to find them, yet she now have more friends to help them as she could, even if they really dont need her help.

They walked trhough the palace, moving through places than Susan havent seen yet until they reach the room where Alluria was taking them. The silver girl has been holding the young succubus hand all the time, but what wait for them there make her get surprised and stunned for a while. She remain without know what to do, trying to dont see, but all was so sudden and both women were doing a great show in front of them. Susan was not a lesb, yet her first consensual sex at her lst game was with Tess, but both needed to dont get crazy in the mushroom underground city, without a release the spores would had turned them into wild mindless animals.

She then get invited and she just couldnt decide yet, she in a weakeness moment move to the bed, but then she shaked her head softly, she was already wet and the whole talk inside the mansion has made her think what kind of pleasure could hold Elise's meat rod, even Andrea was already caressing herself ready to jump at the bed.

I...i understand and i really want to join, but... i need to end this first, i will go to the great hall. Susan said trying to fight her growing lust, the fact than she dont need to worry about pregnancy, how openly sex is at the city and how all had been friendly with her had make her think than she should dont past these chances, as certainly another monster will find the way of rape her anyway. Sweetheart, i will return soon, please stay here. Said Susan motherly to Andrea before hug her and let her go to the bed or follow her if she want. Susan then open the door and tried to dont turn back too much as she wave to all and then closed the door behind her, giving a long sigh to calm herself, she look down as she feel her thighs get wet and slowly drip her little drops through her legs, slowly making a trial down, she even shiver before moves away, crossing her arms to hold her erected breasts after all that show.

I wonder if i really should return. She whispery said to herself before go to the great hall, dont stoping to remember the hard Elise's member and the beautiful luscious body of all the royal family, the moans and sounds at that room dont stop to show at her mind, making her regret dont had stay here and make her walk faster to return soon.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"You don't have to join if you don't want to Susan, we won't force you to. And don't worry, we'll take good care of Andrea for you alright," Alluria said as she continued massaging Elise's breasts as Hazel continued using her own breasts to titfuck Elise.

When Andrea was beckoned over, her wings fluttered slightly as she walked forward over to the bed and climbed onto it beside Alluria, eyes full of lust as Elise reached over after Alluria let her go momentarily where Elise took Andrea in her arms and dipped her back whilst Hazel continued with her titfuck. Elise pressed her lips against Andrea's before Susan left, with Andrea going a bit weak in Elise's arms as the matriarch kissed her. Elise soon released Andrea just as Susan was leaving the room, letting out a squeal as Hazel slammed her huge tits down on her cock, though she didn't cum just yet, seeming to be holding herself back.

Once Susan left the room and got back out into the hallway outside, shutting the door behind her. As she went through the castle towards the great hall, Susan still couldn't get rid of the lewd dirty thoughts of what she'd seen in the royal bedroom a couple of minutes before. When she finally did arrive back in the great hall, sure enough just as Alluria had said, Elia and Tana both were there doing what looked like going over some maps along with the red skinned man that she'd seen at breakfast, as well as a couple of other high ranking officers, one male and the other female, the guy a human and the woman just a plain elf and not an Eladrin or Drow.

"Well the way I see it is if we can lure them into the valley there, then we can crush their main army that's trying to push through in the southeast, then once we deal with them we can shift our forces accordingly and... oh hello there Susan. What do you need dear?" Elia was saying as Susan came in and she noticed her, seeming to have been going over a battle plan with the others. "You look a little... different. Did something happen to you? And where's that succubus that's been hanging around you the last few days? Andrea I believe her name was," Elia then said, noticing Susan's embarrassment from before.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With her mind filled of dirty images from before, Susan reach what she suppose would find Tana and Elia, she tried to stop and dont bother them, but her quick moves and mind focus in something else make her dont stop at time. Elia soon interrupt the tactics to ask to Susan if she needed something, the silver haired girl was close to answer and say why she has come when Elia ask her about about Andrea and why she looks "different"

Susan get stunned for a moment, trying to calm herself as she touch her face, trying to know if she was blushed at the moment, she was a little ashamed after Ellia words and both princess werent alone, but also that red guy and two new persons were there. Uhm...im fine, im... just a little tired after check the manors and Andrea is with Alluria... they are a little busy at the moment... so Alluria said than i should ask to both of you to help me to get someone to draw the pictures of my friends. But, i can wait outside
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Elia, Tana, as well as the other three there all listened to Susan speaking to Elia and Tana about what Alluria had told her to do, to which Elia nodded knowingly as Tana smirked. "Very well then, I really wish we had Alluria's old painter Tess here, but she unfortunately decided to go back to the Netherworld with Elise's old friend Andrew when he left Midgar to take up residence as the Overlord of the Netherworld and all that. That's... gods that's been nearly two hundred years or more ago now that she's been in his service. Alyene is pretty good at drawing and sketching herself, though she isn't here right now or I'd ask her to do it. So we'll have to rely on Sora to do it, he's pretty good at it though so don't worry about anything, he can handle it I'm sure," Elia said to Susan once Susan was through talking.

"Don't worry Susan dear, you aren't a bother to us here. I'll take you to Sora so he can get started for you," Tana said, speaking up for practically the first time since Susan had met her. Elia nodded and told her okay that she'd see her later on. Tana had a pleasant and relaxed sounding voice Susan could tell, and as she began leading Susan away from the great hall and away from Elia and the others there, Tana gave Susan a naughty grin.

"When Alluria took you to our room to talk with Elise about seeing one of our painters you came in while her and Hazel were having sex. I can tell from the way you're acting and the fact that Andrea isn't with you still. Which means I'm guessing that she's still upstairs in our bedroom, likely having a bit of fun with Elise. Not that I truly care or anything really, just commenting on it," Tana said, seeming to know exactly what had happened. "It's okay really, I honestly didn't expect anything less to say the least because that's just how our Elise is, she's a really horny little girl our Elise so it doesn't come as a surprise when any of us comes in and maybe catches her with another woman in bed just plowing into her. In fact Elia made a bet with me that you and Andrea would both have been seduced or enticed into having sex with Elise in some way or another within a week's time. I'm glad that you didn't stay and lose me the bet," Tana continued, winking at Susan and giggling a bit as she told of her bet with queen Elia and explained why it didn't surprise her any at all, speaking as if she didn't really give a damn what she said or how she said it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hearing all what Elia said, but hearing than the old person in charge of make the portails was named too Tess make her get some hopes than she had found her easily, but then she heard than she has leaved 200 years ago, maybe she was just someone else named Tess. Thanks and once again sorry to interrupt suddenly. Said smiling and nodding to Elia and the others before follow Tana to where that new person named Sora is. However, this dont resulted in a safe walk, as suddenly Tana made a naughty grind and make her get informed than she know what had happenned. How?... uhm... you are right.,,, Susan tried to talk more but remain specheless as Tana continue talking A bet!? Uhm... the truth is than i wanted to join too, but i needed to do this first, but dont worry, i will try to endure as much as i can. Be the way, is weird than one of my lost friend's name is also Tess, it would be fun if both are the same person, but it had passed too much time of she leaving the royal, she cant be. Susan add, trying to change of topic, as being caught has make her get a little white by the surprise, maybe angry than with herself about how Elia was close to had won the bet.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, I doubt they're the same person unless your friend is a succubus and is also around two hundred and thirty or so years old. Would be nice though. And I honestly don't care if I win or lose the bet with Elia really, so if you want to have some fun with Elise then I don't mind... hell I might join you in fact," Tana said as they walked onwards. "Elise is very attractive though isn't she? She'll make you feel real good if you decide to have some fun with her, so don't say no to her just because of me telling you about the bet unless you just really don't want to have sex with her that is," Tana added as they made their way around a corner and down another hall where Tana stopped at a door and knocked on it.

When she opened the door after a man from inside called out to the to tell them to enter, they came inside to see an Eladrin or high elf as some called them sitting in there with an easel in front of him and a painting board there. "Ah queen Tana. What is it?" the man said as they entered.

"Well Sora this girl here needs your help, she needs you to paint some people's portraits as she describes them to you," Tana said to the man, explaining what they needed, to which he smiled and nodded his head, saying of course he could. Tana then smiled and gestured to Susan to sit on the sofa in the room with her after she sat down herself, where Sora told her to begin giving her descriptions one at a time.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Yes, i also doubt than she is the same Tess, i just supposed than that would be great... Susan answer, turning to a side and trying to find a way to dont feel so bad by how suddenly the talk continue again about Elise. She without think nodded when Tana asked than Elise is attractive. Yes...Uhm, i mean, she is really awesome and i cant believe than someone like her could exist, but the problem is than i really had just made the love to a single person in my whole life and the werecats, but these last dont count, Im just confused...sigh... Susan said touching her forehead not sure why she has said this, but remember than only mosters had raped her and just Tess has pleasure her was suddenly at her mind after think of her old friend. Maybe i will accept... but not soon

Once they opened the door, Susan placed her eyes on the man in front of them, she nod and tried to wave, but the man looks to be very polite, she remain silent as Tana said why they are they now and then she answer. She sit and tried to dont think in her wet lower body and arousal soft state, trying to remember her old friends. There were just two than were humanoids, so she decide to start with the most easy to describe.

Uhm, i will start with my friend Tess, i remember her to be a little smaller than me, she had red hair, green eyes and a petite figure, except for her breasts, when i found her, they were bigger than... well similar to... my breast size or a little bigger, some tentacle creatures made her a mother and they, well im sure than they could be smaller now. I doubt than she is still a farmer, her family was kidnaped and went i rescue her of that monster cave she has lost sign of them, so i lived with her for some days.

The next is Balgia she is not an human, is a sporling, some kind of mushroom humans, they lived in a cave, she was the princess, but decide to leave to get stronger and save her people. Her normal figure is of a pale body and a pink mushroom cap, she dont need clothes as she can hide her privates, like all her people. She also can let free without notice some spores than make the humanoids get aroused. But she hide her real body thanks to her mother spell, with this spell she looks as a girl with purple long hair and a strange hat. Both of them are so kind and helped me in a hard moment, at the end we help each other to get out of that terrible place.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As Susan spoke about what Tana had said, the gnomish queen of Crimea smiled and giggled a bit. "Oh gods you poor thing, you've never felt the true touch of a lover before save for one time, and have only ever been raped by monsters and stuff. Well we'll have to fix that sometime in the near future, but I'll respect your wishes on that for now, though it wasn't like I was trying to order you to fuck Elise or anything. I was merely suggesting it is all, because she's such a good lover," Tana said once Susan was through speaking, taking Susan's hand and kissing it twice before hugging Susan, though when she got to the last part about Elise being such a good lover she had a slightly dreamy look in her eyes.


When Susan began explaining to Sora what her friends Tess and Balgia looked like, he began painting, going fairly quickly despite her rather short description of Tess, which in about five minutes he'd set a painting aside facing away from Susan. Before she continued on to Balgia's description, he held a finger up to pause her for about five minutes extra as he painted something else on another painting sheet, which he then set aside with the first one. When that was done, he began a third painting painting, quickly finishing it off in about another five minutes. Then he asked her for Balgia's description, which was the first he'd spoken after starting his painting, seeming to be very absorbed in his work. He continued painting on with Balgia's picture until he was done, after which he went on to paint two more to make three in total for both girls, seeming to have done it a little differently each time.

"Alright miss Susan, as you probably noticed I painted three for both girls you described to me. I made some details a bit different on each painting, but all in all they aren't all that different in my opinion really. Now do any of the three of these look anything like your friend Tess by chance?" Sora said, finishing with his question of whether or not any of the first three paintings looked like Tess as he turned them around so she could see them all, lining them up in front of her and gesturing to each one. ( , , .)

Once she had answered for the paintings of Tess that Sora had painted up for her, he would nod regardless of her answer and then he'd set those three aside where he then set the ones of Balgia up for her to look at, doing the same thing as he lined them up for her. "Alright then, do any of these look like Balgia or whatever you said her name was? I've never encountered a mushroom person myself... unless you mean the Myconid's that is. But I seriously doubt that you mean she's a Myconid though, as they are quite annoying fungus plant like beings," Sora said as Susan looked at the pictures of Balgia. ( , , .)

If you don't like any of those pics for Tess and Balgia then I suppose I could look around for more to let you choose from, unless you've got any specific ones in mind that is. I personally am thinking the first pics for either of them myself, but I'd like to have your opinion and choice on the matter honestly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was not glad to make the gnome queen feel pity for her, for her have sex with many persons was not exactly right, she have a more conservative throughts about consensual sex, but after the monsters rapes, she start to suppose than many lovers was not so bad and after all Elise can control in a strange way what girl impregnate.

Thanks, i will try to find a good lover soon, but... i suppose than it will take me a little of time to find one. The silver girl add giving a little smile, trying to end the lewd conversation.


Once at the seat, Susan was interrupted by Sora, so she wait as she look him work as if he were alone in the world. The quick draws were very fast and Susan suppose than he has been doing this a long time of his life. Once ended the portails, she take a moment to remember.

Hmm, the third draw looks a little more than her, maybe if we make some changes here and here it will looks completely like her. Susan answer as she point some parts of the picture, giving soft intructions until she made him draw something like a this, but with green eyes and untie hair, but she ask for one with her hair tie because she suppose than Tess looks cute like that too.

Then she continue with Balgia picture pointing to the second. That one. Is not exactly like her, as she is a good spear warrior, but what could help to find her is than her cap cant be removed from her head, as is part of her. So if anyone know of someone who dont remove her cap in any moment then she could be her
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmm... well as far I know there isn't anyone that's like this Balgia girl in Nevassa, so we'll have to come up with something else. Though we can ask around to find out. Your friend Tess however is going to be the tough one to find though from the sounds of it, as she's just a normal regular old human with red hair and green eyes. But don't worry, we'll keep searching until we find her for you," Tana said after Susan picked out the second painting of Balgia that Sora had done, while having him repaint the one for Tess with a few minor differences, which he was doing as she was telling him which bits to change.

After a couple of more minutes of working on the other painting of Tess, Sora managed to finish the thing, getting it to near perfection as to what Susan was describing to him. "Alright then, is this more to what you're thinking for your friend Tess, lady Susan?" Sora asked, showing the painting to her which was pretty much what she'd described to him.

"That's pretty damn good Sora, as always. If those are both good Susan, then we'll leave Sora to his work, because we'll need a few copies of both alright," Tana said to Susan, glancing over at Sora who nodded his head.

"Of course my queen, I'll have half a dozen copies of both by tomorrow for you all to send out. Just tell the matriarch that she'll have them to send out tomorrow morning after breakfast, and I can have another dozen of either at least done tomorrow as well, or half a dozen of both again," Sora said, pulling up another bit to paint on and make copies of the ones Susan picked out for him.

Once that was done and Susan was through in the room, Tana gestured for her to come with her and they then left Sora to do his painting to make them copies to send off to other places to widen the search for Susan's friends. "Well hopefully with those portraits of your friends, we can find them sooner rather than later. But for now, it's nearly time for lunch, and I'm sure you'll be wanting to head back upstairs to check on your stuff, which we've had your newer things taken on up there already, so no worries about that. And I think you'll find a little extra surprise up there as well when you get there. For now though, I'm going to head on and get cleaned up for lunch, because it's almost time for it now, you should too. I'll send Andrea on upstairs after she gets cleaned up as well, so don't worry about her any and just relax," Tana said to Susan as they walked off from Sora's office there in the castle, with Tana bidding farewell as they went past the hall leading to the royal bedroom where Tana went down, leaving Susan to go back to her bedroom there or whatever she fancied to do really.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sorry to dont be able to give more in order to find them, Tess is a really great friend and archer, we helped each other in that cursed cave... However, when we returned to her farm, she dont have a family to where return so i... tried to be her support, but many things happened and i lost my friends, that is why i really apreciate all your help, even when there arent too much hopes to find the, i just cant give up. Susan answer, thinking than Tess was more than just an ordinary human girl.

She then saw how Sora manage to make the little changes on the picture to show how exactly the young farm girl looks like, Wow, amazing, she looks exactly as Tess or how i remember her at last, thanks Sora.

Susan thanks the elf man and then turned to Tana. Yes, more likely dress my clothes, this dress is really cute and i love it, but im not used to dress like this...an extra surprise!? hmm, i guess than i will take a bath and then go to lunch before check something at the town. It will be an honor to lunch with all of you again, please say to Andrea than im sorry, but i must do something alse, but maybe the next time i will join them... i guess.

Once she leave, Susan return to her room, as she take her time to look around, once she reach her room, Susan get inside and close her door, trying to know than she was alone before remove and place her dress at her bed, she then take a towel and get inside the bathroom, looking inside for the first time and after find how to take her bath, she take a moment to calm herself.

Susan clean her mind and body at her relaxing bath, then after dry herself , she looks for her things and tried to dress herself , she placed on her clothes and stored her dress, looking to find what was new before store all and leave out to go to the guild and pay the part required for theirs service.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As they parted ways, Tana nodded and waved back at Susan, calling back to her that she'd tell Andrea what she wanted. When Susan did arrive in the bedroom and looked around, she didn't find any really big surprise waiting for her like a naked succubus in her bed or anything like that. She did however see a young waiting in the bedroom for her, fully clothed in a cute little dress that wasn't all that different from her own save in color, though less noble looking than her own. She would also notice the package that princess Allie had gotten earlier when they stopped off.

"Ah lady Susan, I was wondering when you would return, my name is Adria. I've been tasked by the matriarch to tend to your needs. I already got your armor out of the package there and onto the armor stand that princess Allie brought up for you. The matriarch you see had it sent off to be cleaned and repaired after the battle, and the princess picked it up earlier during your outing with her and her mother, queen Alluria," the young elven girl said after Susan had made her way into the room, giving her a curtsy as she introduced herself to Susan. She looked like she was only about 18 years old or so, though looks could be deceiving of course and elves were long lived.

Behind Adria, Susan would indeed see an armor stand sitting there with her studded leather on it, looking all neat and tidy now rather than the rough dingy look it had after the fighting. "Please lady Susan, allow me to aid you," Adria said when Susan began trying to take off her clothing behind the changing screen in her room, the young elven woman moving to assist Susan in her disrobing, where she would then follow her to the bathroom and help her with the bath, unless Susan told her not to do so that is.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Once Susan opened the door, she get surprised to find a girl inside her room, she look at her for a second trying to identify her until she introduce herself, the silver girl frown when she heard than Elise has order her to the elf to tend to her needs. Nice to meet you Adria, so that was what Allie take from the mansion... Sigh... Can i ask what exactly do you mean by tend to my needs? I will be glad to know more of you or find out what kind of things could i ask you, but i need a bath to relax myself, so you can go where you need and return later if you want. Said Susan unsure on what she should order, her mind was a mess with her worries and naughty images of Elise and the others, she went to the changing screen to find out than Adria come to help her to undress herself, Susan give a shy thanks, leting her help her a little, but this make her get ashamed as her body still feels wet and softly aroused, she tried to use a towel to cover herself and move to the bathroom, saying to the elf, than she is glad for ask her to help her, but she needs to take her bath alone to calm herself.

Alone on the bath, Susan will take her time to wash herself, she was not dirty as was expected for someone uncouncious for days, certainly someone has wash her these days. Trying to clean her head of that and Elise seductive body, Susan ended her bath, used her towel to dry herself before get out covered with the towel. Then she will dress herself behind the changing screen.

Dressed with her old clothes, she will sit at the sofa and invite to Adria to sit close her, if the elf is still at the room. Sorry for let you waiting. So are you one of the women than Queen Allurie said than will help us in the mannor? Can i know more of you? [/color The silver girl ask friendly, yet curiouse about this new girl.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Very well my lady. I was sent to serve you though, not to please you in that way, unless you asked it of me that is, in which case I can do so however you'd like. But I shall leave you alone for now my lady and give you privacy if you wish it, I shall have some clothes set out for you," Adria said to Susan as the young silver haired girl stepped into the bathroom to bathe.

After a few minutes when Susan was through in the bath and came back out, Adria she would see had laid out a white tunic and a pair of white trousers, both were plain old cotton and weren't all that expensive like the silk dress was, which had been placed with care onto a rack in the closet, which sat open and had quite a few different outfits of Susan's size. "Ah lady Susan, I've set out some clothes for you here, something simple. I hope it is to your liking my lady, as I wasn't quite sure what you'd like to wear," Adria said when Susan had exited the bathroom and noticed her, bowing her head slightly upon noticing her. "Shall I help you get dressed my lady? I... i-it is my job after all, and I don't want to be a bad handmaid. The crown pays me very well to do this, I was one of princess Leah's personal handmaids, up until now that is, a-and she always enjoyed my help to get dressed and to help bathe her, and to sleep with her to have someone to cuddle up to on many occasions... among other things," Adria then asked, looking slightly unsure if she should ask if Susan wished for her help, blushing a bit as she spoke of princess Leah and the other things she helped her with.

Once that was decided and all and Susan had gotten dressed one way or the other, and then when Susan sat down on the sofa that Andrea had been resting on when she first woke up, asking Adria if Alluria had sent her to help with the manor, Adria nodded her head and smiled. "Yes lady Susan, I am indeed the one sent to help you with your new manor, I've been told that I'm to be your head handmaid there, despite being so young. I have been trained very well by one of the head handmaids here in the castle to be a wonderful steward to take care of things while you're gone. Also, I am very versed in several languages, common tongue like I'm speaking now, elven of course, as well as Infernal, Celestial, Ainoni, Neko, and Dwarven. Ainoni is the language spoken by the okami, like queen Hitomi, and Neko is of course what the Neko's speak, though I'm not as good with Ainoni and Neko as with the rest. So if you ever go anywhere lady Susan, I shall be more than happy to accompany you and translate, if you need me to that is," Adria said as she sat down beside Susan on the sofa, giving her a bit of information about her new handmaid, who seemed to be quite smart and capable from the sounds of it all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Glad to heard than this girl will not try anything weird and ready to go inside the bathroom, Susan nod and give a kind thanks before close softly the door and take her bath. Once refreshed and more calmed, Susan opened the door to be received by the elf making a bow and a closet filled with many new clothes. Susan wanted to check them all, but her mind is more distracted with the through than the royal family had given her another gift without deserve it.

Susan was close to dress herself but Adria interrupt her, the silver girl feels guilty by make the handmaid job so hard for the maid and answer Thanks, these clothes are fine, also Im sorry, i dont know that, its just than you are my first handmaid... so uhm... please help me to dress myself... Susan feels weird for ask for help to do something so easy, expecting to dont get used to these pampers.

Once dressed, she let to Adria inform her of her. Wow amazing Adria! But after take care of our manor and help me to talk understand these lenguages,i dont have too much work for you...hmm, how about if you come with me to the guild and walk around the city, i must pay something and i could buy you something than you need, if you want. Susan said before get up and take 750 golds, she suppose than give 250 to the guild will be enough and then she could know the works, of course than she cant take any today, but after that she could see around the shops to learn more of the city.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Adria happily aided Susan in dressing herself once again, bowing her head slightly as she did so. "Oh it's fine my lady, I just wish to do my job, because the matriarch and her queens have helped me so much. So when queen Alluria asked me to come and be your head handmaid and steward and told me the wages I would be paid as per the six month contract I signed for doing so... well I couldn't help but jump at the offer. She said that after the first six months that you should have enough money saved up to pay for mine and any other handmaids wages, since you're an adventurer and all and would make plenty of money from that," Adria said as she aided Susan with her clothes. "I can tell though that you aren't used to treatment such as this, but really I don't mind doing this, as I've done it since I turned fourteen," Adria added, seeming to know that Susan wasn't a noble... well not born one anyway.

When Susan was dressed and everything and had gathered her things together, Adria looked ready to leave as well and smiled at Susan when she mentioned that she'd buy her something if she needed or wanted it. "Very well lady Susan, let us go then. I am ready when you are," Adria said to Susan, offering to carry Susan's money bag for her if she wished her to.

Leaving the castle, the two made their way back down to the adventurers guild without much trouble at all, until about a little over halfway there they passed by a red building that had a pair of succubi standing outside of it as well as a young drow woman, all three of them were scantily clad in sexy lingerie, the two succubi both in black, and the drow woman in pink, all of them wore the full set of lingerie with garters and all. "Hello there cuties, would you like to have a... wonderful time inside, we have many girls inside that you can purchase the services of, by the hour of course," the drow girl said, as she leaned in towards Susan, getting right next to her as she ran a finger across Susan's chin, tickling it slightly. Susan could also smell the perfume they all wore as well, and it had a sweet fragrant smell to it that slightly relaxed her.

The two succubi were both right up against Adria, leaning in and lightly kissing her neck and cheek, trying to entice her to come inside with them as they giggled, their hands gently caressing her all over, one of them nibbling on one of her pointed elven ears. Adria looked to Susan for help with this, seeming to be getting slightly aroused by their perfumes and their caresses. "S-Sorry ladies, but we have business that we must attend to at the moment... o-or we'd definitely take you up on your offer... mmph," Adria said in a low voice, her voice quivering slightly to indicate she was having a hard time focusing on anything but the two succubi, one of which leaned in and cut her off as she spoke and kissed her right on the lips.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With the maid dressing her, Susan just can do moe than get surprised by how suddenly she would need to get money to pay the handmaids after passed the six months. Ehm... so adventurers earn enough money to have handmaids!? ehm... i never expected that, but fine, i guess than i could try to get the enough money. Susan take a moment to decide to dont think in that and continue. So you started to help the royal family when you have around fourteen, well for me being helped to dress myself is a little strange, it has passed a long time from the last time, when i was just a little girl of course. Susan said smiling as Adria end to help her. Susan let her go with her and then both walked all the way until they reach a close distance to the guild, however they pass close a red building where three women who looks to be prostitutes or something similar get close them.

The silver hair girl get amazed by how they were like this in middle of the day, she was not sure how to act by the sudden surprise. The elf get close her and Susan tried to get back but that perfume is slighty odd for her, it was making her get relaxed. Susan tried to dont breath it and get her distance from them. However she soon turn to see than her handmaid was really in problems with both succubus. Hey! go back! Susan said as she pull Adria away of both succubus and place her at a safe place. My apologize, but we are really in a hurry and i dont have too much money, the little than i have is not mine and must be used to pay some bussines with the guild. Susan said tring to dont get affected by the perfume or any spell of the three sluts. If they try to do more, she will order to Adria to go away and go to the guild, as she stop the three women at the place, she just hope to dont need to fight them
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aww... alright then, sorry, we were just trying to bring in some business. But we don't want to get you in trouble. So come on you two, knock it off, let them go on," the drow girl said, pulling away from Susan and waving to the other two to back off and leave them alone, which they quickly did, leaving Adria panting slightly from the kiss. "Do remember our place here though. We have the best courtesans in all of Nevassa that will do whatever you desire, assuming it isn't going to end up getting them hurt or killed, or in trouble with the law. And we have very reasonable prices as well for both our ladies, and... (giggles)... specially talented ladies," the drow girl added as she waved bye to them, asking for them to come back soon. Before they went though, Susan would be able to notice that the drow girl and both succubi were staring at Adria for some reason as they left.

"Whew... that was close lady Susan. I'm glad you were there or else I fear I would have been completely seduced by those lovely succubi," Adria said, blushing slightly in embarrassment as they continued on towards the adventurers guild. Adria was shifting her clothes around as she carried the pack full of money for Susan, and when she shifted her hips around when they stopped for a moment not far ahead for Adria to heft the pack full of money back up better, Susan would notice a slightly protrusion from the front of her dress around the crotch area, though Adria smoothed her dress skirt down again and it was then gone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was not expecting than the drow and the succubus could get stoped with words, looks like even these kind of jobs are normal at this city, as they were working as if this were really common. Ehm... sure, i guess than we could try it another day. Lets keep going. Susan ended turning to Adria and push her softly at her back, trying to get a little more calm if she need it. But more likely Susan notice how the three women stare at her handmaid.

Its ok, you dont need to thank me, really, as they looks to be just trying to work. But for a moment i feared than this could get worse. By the way, what they tried to say about "talented girl" and look at you. Do you know what they tried to say? Said Susan after see what could be a manlike member bellow the maid dress. However she must ask in this way in case than the maid could dont enjoy talking of that.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh but I do need to thank you lady Susan, if not for you I would have surely have gone on inside and stayed, paying them for many rounds with several of their finest ladies. I mean Gina's place back there is a bit famous for their quality in their work. They've taken care of some of the most prominent men and women in Midgar from several countries actually, some Counts, Dukes, and even Princes, I've heard gossip that even one of the kings of Ellyria went to there and was... well taken care of," Adria said with a blush, giving Susan a bit more information about the place behind them. "Gina is the owner, she is a succubus by the way, has been running that place for years and years, nearly as long as Crimea has been around," Adria added as they rounded the street corner and started down the street that the Adventurers Guild was based on.

When they arrived there and went inside, Susan would see Edward sitting there at the bar in almost the same spot he'd been in the other day when she first came in looking for work. He spotted her upon their arrival and waved her over. "Ah miss Susan... or rather I should say, my lady," Edward said, giving a mock bow to Susan before raising back up with a grin on his face. "How are you feeling? I heard you got wounded pretty badly the other day, but that you managed to get lady Lara back with her purity intact. A mighty feat considering it was your first mission and all. We've got plenty more jobs though for you if and when you're ready to take them, just check them over on the board over there," Edward said, accepting the payment from Susan when she gave it to him.