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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hearing her handmaid, make than the silver girl start to suppose than every place of the kingdom is completely under control and she would never need to use her sword at this place. So all that people go there? ... no doubt than that place must be famous and expensive, but even then i think than i over acted there, i was thinking at that moment than they could try something more direct to us, i guess than this whole city is completely safe.

Susan take a moment to decide what to say and continue turning to Adria again. So the owner of that house is a succubus named Gina, i remember a inn and tavern named the Blooming Rose, it is also being running by a succubus, both looks to be the best at theirs works. But if Gina has been here from the begining, she must be a really important person at this city. Anyway, if you would had bein seduced to try it, i could had pay you what i can, but mabe you are more rich than myself at this moment. Susa said smiling as both women reach the guild.

The place looks the same and even Edward looks to be doing the same. Soon he notice them and made a mock bow to Susan. I dont feel like a Lady, so just continue saying me Susan, please. The silver girl said blushing and frowning softly to the man after this talked. Thanks to ask, im completely fine now, but i nearly dont count it, thanks to all we manage to succeed at that moment. sigh...i must be more careful at the next mission. Answer Susan as she ask to Adria to give her the money needed to give to the guild then she just to know went to check the missions, but she know than maybe she should rest today and maybe even tomorrow.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmm... oh yes, there is little crime and lawbreaking inside of the cities of Crimea, despite their sizes and whatnot. I mean there are a few bad apples around of course and there are occasions when it is needed for people to be put in jail for a time, but all in all the majority of Crimea is peaceful enough, mostly to the point that you wouldn't need much inside a city or town unless you're fighting to defend it against an outside invader," Adria said in response to Susan's words about Nevassa being safe. "Also yes, Gina has been here for a long long time, and she's a very important person in the city, as she sends escorts to the castle and elsewhere in the city for foreign dignitaries and for people that come to her place that serve to... listen while they entertain, because when a person is feeling really good, they'll often have... loose tongues. And you know the Blooming Rose? My oldest sister works there as one of the bed maids for the pricier rooms, the ones that sleep with the customer in their bed with them and give them someone to cuddle up with, among other things for the night. And I do save my money as much as I can, so there's a chance that I may very well be richer than you at the moment, but that won't last long really, as you'll have plenty of offers and gifts and whatnot from other noble houses in and out of the city once they find out about you and everything," Adria went on to say as they made their way into the Adventurers Guild, seeming to steer clear of speaking much more on the matter of her being seduced or not as she walked slightly hunched forward, though that could only be from the weight of the pack she was carrying, though then again it could be from the bulge Susan had caught earlier which may or may not be a penis hiding in the elven girl's dress.


"Alright then, lady Susan. And don't beat yourself up over it cutie, you did very well from what I heard. Even though you got a bit knocked around in the fighting, you did something amazing. The main thing this did other than make you a good deal of gold, was it gave you a reputation. People all around here are going to know what you did, and that'll get you more and better paying work. That's pretty much how it goes around here, the better you manage to do, the better jobs and pay you'll get, because you'll be a trusted adventurer that can get things done and you are willing to take risks to get said things done," Edward said, letting Susan know the full scale of the things she'd done in saving Lara with her purity intact, and what it may bring her in the future. "I'm not saying that you'll have the overlord of the Netherworld himself asking for your services or anything tomorrow morning, but eventually you'll get some people asking personally for your services and whatnot," Edward added, letting her know that she could look forward to better jobs later on as he took the bag of gold from her after Adria had gotten it out of the main pack for her.

Edward took the bag of gold and bid her farewell for now as he set about counting it all out with Adria as she waited to take the pack that had all of the rest of the money inside, preparing to place all that was meant for the guild into the guild's coffers. When Susan went over to the job board while the pair counted the gold out, she would see it had mostly different jobs on it now, though the one about scouting for the royal army was still on there, as well as the exploring the Deep Roads, but there were three other ones.

Job Board:
1. Pick up a package in Ashfield. (Easy)
2. Investigate the old temple to the southeast of Nevassa. (Medium)
3. Escort supplies to the front lines. (Team, hard)
4. Scouting for the royal army. (Team, medium)
5. Explore the Deep Roads. (Extremely dangerous)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sound like this City is very safe, more than my home city at least. Susan said nodding to Adria. But soon she blush and shake her head before answer. I guess than i understand about what does Gina, dont worry and lets just dont talk more about that... Anyway, im sorry but i dont request a bed service and even i lost my chance to sleep there, as i went to the guild job and i lost the concious for some days... i guess than i just lost my money but at east i buy a cheap room. Said rubbing softly her hair and looking to other side, smiling softly and in a worry way. She hen give a soft sigh and playing with her indexs in front of her, pressing them in a shy way add. So, your oldest sister has been also working a long time as a maid? Its a usual work at this city? Susan ask looking softly to Adria.

Then they walked for a while as Adria continue. Hmm...im not rich, the true is than i was not looking to get rich or have a big mansion, i was just trying to help as i can, meanwhile i look for m friends, but i guess than now i must get as much money as i can to pay all of you. Say playfuly at the end smiling to Adria before focus on walk to the guild building again.


More people!? Oh well, i suppose than that is fine, in that way i could see more lands and people. Susan answer to the guild leader, as she lend the 250 coins than she needed to give. Thanks, i will be glad to help them if they need it, but yes im not sure to be able to help so important people as the overlord of the Netherworld.

After all get calmed Susan turn to see the works, she still can see three of the old ones, the last one maybe will be not chosen easily by anyone and she would think twice at it. So she turn to Adria and ask. I guess than im cured enough to take the easy one, but can i ask you about these others places? Do you know anything about that unknown temple or the Deep Roads? Said to her handmaid, trying to get more info about these unknown places, she then will say to Edward than she will take the job of "pick up a package in Ashfield"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmm... well yeah my oldest sister is about twenty six years old, and she's worked there for about seven years now, give or take a month or two. I have two older sisters and one younger sister, but only me and my oldest sister are maids though. My other older sister is a mercenary that is currently in the service of the royal army with her merc group, and my baby sister is a... heh, of all things a wet nurse. As soon as she turned fifteen or so her breasts began to grow, a lot, and she's eighteen now, and she's got F-cup breasts, that lactate a good bit. So she makes the perfect wet nurse really when you think about it," Adria said with a little giggle when Susan finished speaking in her playful tone. "Well you'll have six months to manage something good, but I'm sure that queen Alluria would pay to have my contract to serve as your personal steward extended for another six months or so if you couldn't manage it before then. In the end though if you hire me on yourself in six months time when my contract runs out, it'll be up to you to determine the wages I'm paid, so you've got plenty of time to make up some money and whatnot," Adria added to Susan.


After counting out the money with Edward, Adria collected what was leftover of what they had dumped out of the pack it was all in and came over to Susan where she was looking at the job board. "Well the Deep Roads as they are called are extremely dangerous, because there's so many different monsters down there that'll do just about anything imaginable to you. Some are down there that will kill you, some that'll eat you or parts of you, but nowadays there's mostly stuff down there that'll rape unsuspecting women that venture down there for some reason. But there are dwarves down there too, but their strongholds down there are far apart from one another, so it's quite dangerous because nobody but them usually are venturing the deep roads any, but they keep the areas they go through relatively safe for travel," Adria began explaining to Susan. "The temple though I've heard about it being defiled by something or another, can't remember what exactly myself, but it was a temple of Sehanine, our beloved patron of love. It might be worth checking out soon though unless someone else takes the job first I think because things like this are always good to check out for a good bit of money, especially if they have to be cleansed of corruption," Adria went on to say about the temple Susan spoke of.

When Susan went over to Edward and told him she'd take the job request of picking up the package in Ashfield, he smiled at her. "Heh, still recovering a bit eh, no problems though. It's to be picked up at the trading house in Ashfield, the name is Sander. Once you get it, just deliver it to wherever the trading house people tell you to, the pay for this one will be handled by the one you give the package to, so you don't have to worry about coming all the way back here, we don't ask for a split on small jobs like these, because they don't pay near as much as the ones like you did the other day when rescuing Lara," Edward said to Susan, giving her the info for the little job.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Wet Nurse? sorry, i havent heard of that work. Anyway, i dont want to let Alluria pay again, so i should focus on get a life here and do my best. Susan answer, thinking at get as much of money to dont make the royal family pay for her again. Sorry, it just than they had already helped me a lot, is just not fair and dont worry, i will try to maintain your contract at the same price. the silver hair girl answer trying to smile, but thinking for a while what she will do now. Maybe i could see your sister at the army later, it will be awesome if we can fight together. Said tro try to change of topic


Once at the guild and after pay the needed, Susan heard the info than Adria said about both places and of course when she heard about that creepy road Susan cant stop to frown and sweaat softly. Kill me and others eat some parts of me!? Hmm... i guess than i will pass of take the Deep Roads's Mission for a long time... Just hope than my friends arent there, that place sound really scary and dangerous, i will need to train a lot to even attempt to try to go there. The temple sound interesting, i will try to take it after end this easy mission. Susan add, curiouse at the last part of what she could find there at the temple.

Then she went to get the info mission from Edward and she blush when he said about how easy the mission would be. I...i just get recovered and i want to rest a day before a really hard adventure, but if this mission get acomplished soon, i will take the temple too, just hope than nobody take it or maybe i could team up with the person who accept the mission, is that possible? Susan ask to Edward before prepare to leave the guild.

Once outside, Susan and her handmaid will went to check around the shops quickly, trying to find what Adria loves and give her a welcome present before return to the Castle. So what do you want to get as a welcome gift? I dont have too much money at the moment, so please enjoy it even when is not so expensive. Said Susan with a smile.

Once Adria choice anything. Susan then will return with her handmaid to the castle, there she will try to ride her horse to try to go faster to acomplish the mission, maybe the warhorse is well trained to let her ride her without propblems
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"A wet nurse is a woman that you know, breast feeds and cares for another person's child when they are either unable to or simply don't wish to. It's usually orphans that have to be wet nursed and everything since their mothers are well... dead, but there are times when mothers are simply incapable of caring for their children and all in terms of breast feeding them, so in those cases a wet nurse is called in to feed the baby," Adria explained to Susan what a wet nurse was as best she knew how. "So my baby sister is perfect since her breasts are so large and since they lactate a lot, and elven breast milk is said to be highly nutritious for people whether they're babies or adults, though angels breast milk is much better along with a couple of other races breast milks. Anyway though, don't worry about our pay for now lady Susan, as queen Alluria and the matriarch have already taken care of it, and we may very well meet my mercenary sister," Adria added, smiling a bit as she spoke of her sisters. It seemed that she and her siblings were quite close from the looks of it.


"Well yeah the deep roads are highly dangerous to people that don't know what's down there. So you don't want to go unprepared or it could mean the death of you, or worse, a sex slave to some creature lurking down there," Adria said, warning Susan of the dangers of the deep roads as she visibly shuddered.

When she went over to Edward and began getting the information on the delivery job and after he filled her in about it and all and she asked him more about the temple job, he smiled. "I understand Susan, take your time in recovering, because if you jump straight into too tough a job then you'll get hurt worse in the long run and then you wouldn't be able to take any jobs at all. But I can't say for certain if anyone will take the temple job before you get back and or feel like it though, unless someone is specifically requested to take on a certain job then it's first come first serve for the most part. But I can try to delay anyone that goes to check it out or tell them I have someone else interested in checking it out if they'd like some help in investigating, but I can't promise that they'll listen or anything and will wait on you," Edward replied to Susan, looking apologetically at her.

Once she was through talking with Edward and Adria had hefted the pack filled with the rest of the gold, Susan's new handmaid followed her out and to one of the nearby shops in the city. When Susan asked what she would like as a welcoming gift, Adria looked a little amazed to say the least. "Um... okay then. I'll graciously accept your gift lady Susan. I think maybe... something simple would be best... something..." Adria began saying, pondering on what sort of simple gift to pick out. Then she looked like she had something in mind. "Ah I've got it. if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to have a new brooch of some sort, not a gold and diamond one or anything, but maybe an emerald one. They're usually fairly cheap all things considered and I've seen places around Nevassa that you can get them for less then five hundred gold for a golden and emerald one, or if it is silver then it's even cheaper," Adria said, deciding on a new brooch to have to wear.

Adria led Susan to the jewelry store she was talking about that they could find the brooch for cheap, and sure enough they found that the store was having a clearance sale on all things golden right now. Adria went straight over to a display case where she squatted down to look at a beautiful brooch, an emerald set into gold. It seemed to Susan that Adria had obviously come here before as she seemed to want it really badly. The price on the thing was a total of 420 gold, which was nearly all that was left in her pack, but then again she also still had the 5,000 extra gold from the bonus she got for bringing Lara back in one piece after all, so it was up to Susan really at this point.

"Oh... I was hoping it would be cheaper today, but... (sigh)... it's alright lady Susan, the silver one is just as beautiful to me," Adria said, glancing a little sadly over at a silver brooch in a different shape from the gold one, but the price on it was only 130 gold instead of 420 gold.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Oh, i see. That sound like a charitable and honorable job, your family looks to be so dedicated to this city, each of you have many great works to help the others. Anyway, i just feel bad for how the royal family has been helping me, i really want to pay them back, because i really dont deserve all this, i dont feel like an important person or had made something great, as many soldiers even given theirs lives at tha battle and i maybe fighted at theirs side, but i saw how weak im... that is why at least i must try to pay you and the others handmaids once your contract end.


I... just dont want to go there, but sigh... i guess than there is still the possibility than i should go there one of these days, i just hope to be really strong that day to return from there unscreatched and without anything bad happen to me or the people than want to follow me there. Susan answer, frowning and seven shivering by how terrible Adria descrive the place. After that when she talked with Edward, she nodded. I understand, so i will try to return quickly and take that mission to do it tomorrow, i think than i could take it before it get night and then give to any interested until the morning to go to the castle if they want to come with me. Susan answer to Edward about what she will do if she acomplish this easy mission and return soon enough to be able to take this mission when nobody had already taken it.

---- Once outside, Susan follow her handmaid trhough the stretts, looking the shops as they walk. Yes, a Brooch is fine, i think than we have enough to buy it, so lets look around until you find one than you like. Susan answer as they look each Shoop until Adria find the one than she wanted. However the price was huge and even when Suan could pay it now, she will not be able to buy anything more unless she return and take more money from the extra one than the last mission has given. Yes, the silver one is more cheap, but today the shop have a clearance sale than could not repeat and you looks to had been waiting to buy the gold one, besides you will looks great with the gold one, it combine really great with yours eyes and hair. Just buy it, is a great offer after all. Susan said smiling, she just loves than Adria could buy that broch in an offer, if only she have the money, she would had buy something more for Andrea too, but is a shame than she dont have too much money today to use this clearance day.

Susan will check if they have any good item than she could help her in her adventures, then after buy the gold broch, they willr return to the castle where Suan will place her adventurer clothes and go to the place where her horse is waiting her, if all is fine she will use it to go faster to end the mission.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"A-Are you sure lady Susan, I wouldn't want to ask you for something you couldn't really afford easily. And thanks for saying that, I have been wanting it and have been saving some of my money for it. But... if you're sure then okay I'll go ahead and get it," Adria said, asking the man working there to get it out of the display case, where she would count out 80 gold from the pack that had the 500 remaining and then start pouring out the remaining 420 pieces of gold.

Once they were through with that and the cashier had counted out the proper amount of gold for them, Adria put the brooch on and pulled her hair back a bit, making her look beautiful as the emerald in the brooch went good with her green dress she had on. "T-Thank you lady Susan. I'm happy that you're so kind and would buy this for someone like me," Adria said as they headed out, with Adria carrying the pack with the remaining gold in it.

When they arrived back at the castle, Adria told Susan that she would take her things on back up to her bedroom in the castle while she readied her new horse for the journey to Ashfield and back, telling her also that she would inform queen Alluria and her friend Andrea where she had gone for the time being and that she would take care of her other things while she was gone as well. When Susan had gotten her horse ready and all, if she went upstairs to get her armor and things she would find that Adria had already laid her armor and money purse with the 80 gold she hadn't used out and she would offer to help Susan put her armor on as well before she left.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course than you can but it, is a really cute brooch and i will work hard to recover the money, so all will be fine. Susan said and help Adria to place herself the brooch. Im glad than you love it. The silver girl answer not sure why Adria was understimating herself by saying "someone like me"

With the remaining money at the pack, Adria and Susan leave the shop, easily they find their way to the castle where Susan will thanks her handmaid for take her things on back up to her bedroom and the others thins. Please say to Andrea than i will return at time to see the sky at the night with her and also i want to talk with her later. Susan then goes up and let her handmaid help her to dress her armor, she was not sure exactly how wear it alone, as the other time the shop sealer help her to dress it.

After than her she went to check her horse and slowly get close him, to rub him softly before decide than it was safe to get over him, she has dreamed at her childhood to have one, but this is really huge, so Susan was not sure how exactly start , but maybe someone could say her how exxactly ride him before go to her mission
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Of course lady Susan, I shall tell her when I see her next. And do try and hurry, I mean Ashfield is a good ten to eleven miles out of the town, so it shouldn't take you all that long to go and get back on such a fine warhorse and it should be relatively safe... but be careful please," Adria said to Susan as they parted ways in the castle for Susan to go and saddle her warhorse and get ready to ride. Before Susan had left though, Adria showed her how to get the armor onto herself in case she needed to remove it for some reason and put it back on later, showing her the best tightness for the straps and whatnot for her size and everything.

When Susan got to the stables and was shown to her horse, she would find him already fixed up in a stall there in the stables, ready for her use whenever she needed him. "Hey there Susan. Admiring your beauty of a warhorse there? He is quite gorgeous to say the least," princess Adriel said from a couple of stalls down, where she was tending to a massive and terrifying solid black horse with a strip of flaming red hair running down its back. It looked much different than Susan's own warhorse and much more powerful, but it seemed to like Adriel quite a bit as she brushed its mane. "You going somewhere?" Adriel asked, noticing that Susan was getting her saddle up and ready to put onto the horse.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ok, but is my first time riding a horse, i feel like i will screw it and fall for it if i go fast. Said Susan between giggles taking it as a joke to calm herself. Anyway, i will do this as quick and right, as much as i can, please take care of all. Say Susan as Adria tech her about how place and remove the armor.

It take a moment, but Susan remember nearly all, she give a soft hug to her handmaid and then went to where her warhorse was waiting her.

She slowly prepare all until a voice surprise her. A...Adriel! i dont notice you, sorry. Hmm, yes im trying to prepare all to go out to a mission to ashfield, is a easy one so all will be fine... i feel ashamed to ask this, but can you teach me the basic to ride a horse, please? This will be my first time and... i only know a little the basic. The silver girl smiled blushing as she continue getting ready the horse.

Wow, i havent see a horse like the one of you, it make see a normal horse like a pony... Sjuddenly said Susan when she notice the horse at Adriel side.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Ah I see, well as long as you think you can handle it after only just waking back up today then everything should be fine. And of course I can teach you some of the basics, but first let's get his saddle on alright," Adriel said, coming over to Susan where she helped her get the saddle onto her warhorse quite quickly, seeming to have a lot of experience in doing it herself, Adriel also showed Susan how to fix the saddle on her new horse much like Adria showed her how to fix her armor on when alone.

"My lovely steed over there though isn't a regular horse, she's a Nightmare. We get some of them from the Netherworld and my baby there is one of the best," Adriel said, explaining what her steed was exactly to Susan before helping Susan hop up onto her warhorse. "Now just sit there for a minute and I'll open the gate and we can start, because I think I'll ride with you a ways on your trip. I've got nothing better to do honestly since mom is handling most of the war meetings and such with momma Tana and marshal Malak," Adriel said, opening the stall gate before going over to her steed and doing the same, mounting up after opening the stall's gate.

Susan would see Adriel walking her Nightmare out through the stable, motioning for her to follow. "Just give him a little kick to the sides with both feet and click your tongue, then pull the reins forward gently and he'll walk along with me, and pull to the left or right a bit when you want to go in either direction. He's been trained so he shouldn't throw you off unless you make a mistake," Adriel said as she told Susan what to do in order to get her warhorse moving. Adriel waited for her to get up beside her before leading them off towards the castle gates.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Yes, i will be fine as is just a delivery work, i certainly will return before it get dark. The silver girl said smiling as she try hard to find a way to place the saddle, it was a little hard, but soon Adriel went to help her. Susan give a soft thanks as she see how the saddle get placed.

A nightmare!? Susan repeat amazed, of see one for first time. Indeed she looks amazing, certainly she is really fast. Soon she stop talking as Adriel decide to get her up, Susan cant stop of whimper a little as she get over the huge horse and sty in awe when seh looks how she was now over the horse. She take a moment to admire him, even touching his hair a his head. Uhm thanks, it will be great ride with you for a while. She said as she nod and decide to rest and hug her horse for a moment as Adriel open the door, she cuddle her face a little until the door noise make her get sit correctly at the horse.

She notice how the princess looks to want than she follow her and she suddenly get her mind in blank as she heard the instructions. I kick him at the sides softly and click my tongue? hmm... i suppose than i could try it... The silver girl said as she try to get in a better way at the seat, she softly rubs her hair a little to take a moment to remember the instructions and then give a soft kick at both side of the horse, as she try to make what she suppose is a click of her tongue and take the reins pulling them fortly forward, as she wish than all get fine and the horse dont go really fast at the first time
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yeah she's very fast, can fly too when needed. But have no worries, this big boy here should do you proud, he's a Crimean warhorse after all and we have some of the best trained warhorses even in Midgar. So long as you trust him to not lead you astray he won't do the same back to you," Adriel said as she helped Susan up onto her horse.


As Susan did as Adriel instructed her to do and clicked her tongue and pulled the reins as told to do, her horse started walking out of the stall, then when she pulled them to the left a bit to head towards Adriel and her steed, he complied, turning left and following Adriel over to the doors of the stables. When they were at the doors, Adriel led Susan on out and down towards the castle gates along the path. When they reached the gates, Adriel nodded over at Susan and continued on down the road from the castle gates, leading her down the road from the castle. "Captain, tell my mother that I'm going out for a ride for a little while and that I'll be back shortly before dinnertime," Adriel called to one of the guards as they went past, who saluted her and told her alright he would have them informed of her departure.

With that, Adriel and Susan rode on as Adriel looked over at her. "So... would you like to take it up a notch and go a bit faster? We've got a little ways in the roads where we can ride a little fast before getting into the city proper and need to slow down or trample people," Adriel asked Susan, looking a little expectantly at her, as if she wanted to ride fast. "If you want to take him into a little gallop then just kick your feet a little harder, and snap the reins a little bit. Like so," Adriel added, motioning to Susan what to do in order to take the horse into a gallop as she snapped her reins and kicked her legs a bit, shouting, "Hiya!" as she did so, which spurred her Nightmare steed into a gallop, with Adriel calling that she would meet Susan at the city's north gates.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Fly!? I never expected than a horse could fly, even if it were a nightmare, but anyway, of course than will do my best to protect and love my horse, he is so cute, right... oh yes must decide a name fom him... maybe i will choice ona later. Susan mutters to herelf and then let Adriel know than she was ready.


The silver girl giggle and smile as the horse slowly move to the door, look Adriel, im riding a warhorse, yaaay. She said happily as she get closer to the door and fights to find a way to control better her warhorse. She tried to master the begining when suddenly Adriel ask her to do it faster, Susan whimper softly, yet finally nod and smile. Sure, so i must just do that... Susan said as she looks to Adriel make her horse get faster, she then tried to do the same and repeat what Adriel has made. Hiya! she shout and prepare for the worse as the horse increase the speed. Maybe i should had asked her how to reduce the speed and stop him... She said to herself as she wish than nothing bad happen.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As soon as Susan kicked her horse and did as Adriel did, he went into a quick little gallop and Adriel had slowed down a bit so Susan could catch up as she directed her warhorse to follow the dark elven princess. When she came up alongside Adriel once more, Adriel kicked her horse again to get her going fast and matched pace with Susan. They were heading up the road towards the north gates of the massive capital city of nearly 200,000 people. As they galloped the horses, Susan could see Adriel's straight silky smooth beautiful snowy white hair flowing in the air behind her completely unbound, making her look more an angel than a princess. Adriel was wearing her own suit of scalemail, but it was fitted to her form pretty well and she also had her large spear with the head of it fixed into a sheath on her Nightmare's saddle and it was strapped in so that she didn't have to hold onto it the entire time she was riding and she had a shield strapped onto the other side of her saddle from the spear, and a longsword on her belt that served as a backup weapon.

"Ha ha, nice Susan. When you want to slow him down, just pull back on the reins a bit, but not too hard or he might rear up on you. He'll probably start swinging his head around to let you know when you're pulling too hard though so you should be fine. When you're at this speed here and you want to get him to sprint as fast as he can, kick his sides a bit harder than you did to get him to this speed and snap those reins harder too, he might rear up on you if you try and put him into a sprint from a dead stop, but he'll go as soon as he's back down on all fours. But be careful and not push him too hard alright or he might collapse from exhaustion on you and there's a chance you could get caught under him, and that isn't too fun," Adriel said, complimenting Susan on her skill in managing it on the first try without overdoing it and explaining some more basics of riding as they went along. "But remember, he's a warhorse. So if you need to charge at someone or something, then he'll run them down if you want him to without veering off. The only thing he'll really scare from is a phalanx of spears or bayonets, because he knows that he can't beat that alone with just you. But you shouldn't ever have to worry about that unless for some reason you go with me and mom into a battle for some reason and we have the royal knights there helping us," Adriel said as they neared the point where they had to slow down.

They passed a sign that said for mounts or vehicles of any kind to slow down to a walk until leaving the city or going back the way they came. Adriel waited for Susan to slow her steed before doing the same with her own, and once they had slowed their mounts down to a walk again Adriel looked over at Susan. "So... how did you like that? Hope you had fun Susan, because riding is so much fun," Adriel said as they walked the horses along through the main street of the northern quarter of the city.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan continue her attempts to get close Andriel without lost the control of her warhorse, she bet than this could be fun if she werent so busy trying to remember the instructions as the horse move faster. Pull reins slowly is reduce... got it Susan answer feeling a little of panic as Andriel remember her the chance than the horse could fall over her if she do it wrong. Fortunately the Princesss image of riding her nightmare, make Susan get a little more confident, she could imagine herself just like her at being at expert at fighting using a horse, but she needed to give step by step to do it right. The true is than i dont want to go at full speed at the moment, but i will try it once i get used to this. Susan try hard to remember each order than she must give to her horse, it was really hard as this was her first time and she needed to clean her head of the image of herself faling at the street or being pressed against the floor by her beast.

Ok, so i can use him in combats, but first i should learn to ride him better, maybe it could take me a little more time. Finally they reach what looks to be a principal street, she havent the control to look everywhere and she lost to see the amazing city as they move through it, at least she dont fall and decide to reduce the speed when Adriel inform her of do it. Susan pull back softly the reins and wished than the warhorse reduce the speed. She sigh once it happened and nod. Yes, it was fun, i will love to use my warhorse every time than i can, is really better than just walk around. She said smiling and following Adriel until the must separe and she start to move to her destined place to make the delivery
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"It's alright Susan, best to take things one at a time so you don't screw up. In my opinion at least anyway. I wouldn't want to be the cause of you getting hurt again," Adriel said when Susan spoke of her fears of putting her warhorse into a full sprint right now. "I know it's hard, but try and not be too nervous, because he can feel it. But he won't let anything happen to you as long as you trust each other, if he can help it that is anyway, and it's best to not think about falling. The best thing to do is to go into riding a horse with confidence, the knowledge that you won't fall," Adriel added to Susan, trying to calm her down and make sure she remained so, so that she wouldn't stay too nervous and mess because of it.

As they continued on and Susan spoke again, Adriel nodded her head. "Yep, he is a warhorse after all, so you can ride him in battle. I do myself with Caeda here," Adriel said as they slowed down and continued to the north gate.

It didn't take them too much longer to make it to the northern gate of Nevassa, though when they arrived there Adriel did not depart from Susan's company, nodding at Susan and smiling when she stated that she wanted to ride her steed whenever she got the chance. "So Susan, would you like for me to accompany you along the road to wherever it is that you're going and back? From the way you're talking it shouldn't take you too long and I don't mind, as I've got plenty of time on my hands after all. But it's up to you. I you decide to go on alone, don't worry about me, I'll find something else to stick my nose into I'm sure," Adriel said as they passed through the north gate, with Adriel waving to the guards there who saluted back to her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Heh, i will try to look coinfident with him, but i really im not used to ride, so is a little hard. Susan said before try to get control as she pats softly the horse. Sorry for make you get worry. She said softly to the horse.

They soon reach the end of the city and soon Adriel ask to her if she could go with her, Susan nodded and smile. Sure, it will make the mission more fun, maybe we could talk as we go there and then we return, it will be just a delivery mission after all. Susan said expecting than at least she could learn more of Adriel and her family, maybe they could talk of funny moments at her life or anything interesting to pass the time.

So, your nightmare is named, Caeda, it sound a good name and should have a realy interesting meaning, i should give him a name too, but im not good at that.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I understand Susan, and I'm sure he does too," Adriel said when Susan told her that she would try and be confident about it. When Susan patted her horse, he shook his head a little bit, but did nothing else, as if simply acknowledging her and what she was saying.

"Alrighty then, I'll be glad to come along, I honestly have been quite bored lately. I mean mom and papa wouldn't let me come along for that fight the other day when they met you and all, said the city needed someone strong to defend it just in case. But I know they were just worried that having both me and Allie both there and at risk of getting hurt very badly or worse was too much to risk," Adriel said as they went along out through the gates, telling Susan that she would be glad to come along with her.

When Susan started talking about Caeda and all, Adriel smiled and giggled a little bit. "Yeah Caeda here is a good and loyal friend to me for nearly fifty years now. I got her from aunty Adelle down in the Netherworld, my Caeda here is the offspring of aunty Adelle's Nightmare and named after her as well, though I'm honestly not entirely sure what the name means myself, but it doesn't really matter to me honestly, because she's a good mount," Adriel said, explaining where the name and the steed both came from. "Heh, don't worry Susan, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with a good enough name for him soon enough. Just think on it for a while and it'll come to you. Now... would you like to go a little faster now that we're out of the city? We don't gotta run them like before, just put them into a jog of sorts so we get there a little faster is all," Adriel added, assuring Susan that she would come up with a decent name for her warhorse in time.