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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hearing how Sibella use her powers was really sad, it would mean than she should hurt herself in every battle and in the war this could be even worse. It was just too much for Susan so she was unable to stop herself and hugs Sibella for some moments after this take a moment after the noble ended of talk. Susan hidden her sadness with a friendly smile as she get slowly away of the noble It sound like these spells are really difficult to do but you make it look really easy like breathing, you are really skilled Sibella.

The little well description leaved more questions than answers for Susan, who not even know some of these races or kingdowns. Oh, thanks Sibella, mostly likely it help me a lot, so these three are some of the many Elise's wives, i wonder how many queens are in total. She asked to hersel sure than she must read a lot once she return to the palace.

Oh sure... Lets do it, i will try to do my best to check all this floor and i will call you if needed. Once they get started with the search, Susan dont wanted to leave any without get checked, trying to dont sneeze with the dust and carefully open each box to check what is inside once she placed the lamp at a side and her weapon ready at her hand as with the other opened the door, she cant admite it but she was mostly acting as a little curiouse child most of the time, having some fun looking each room. Once ended this room Susan will decide to check first the two fully opened doors, who certainly would be empty and leave at the end the most closed door.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"They can take their toll on one that uses sorcery, but we have a much higher amount of internal energies to throw into our magics than wizards or any other arcane user does, so it's very rare that a sorcerer or sorceress actually kills themselves by using too much," Sibella said to Susan when she said it sounded like using those types of spells was difficult. "And yes, they are her wives also, she may have another one or two somewhere in that mess, but you get the idea. I also know she has a few concubines that she has fun with as well, because she is quite insatiable when it comes to sex and has enough stamina to fully satiate three succubi and then some within a single night," Sibella went on to say about Elise's other wives that Susan saw in the portraits.


A couple of the boxes held a few things like old papers and scriptures, while the rest held things like old temple clothes and holy symbols of every kind just about. There wasn't really anything in that first room that was worth mentioning other than that really. The two rooms that the doors were opened a bit had virtually nothing in them whatsoever, only a desk in one that had nothing in the drawers of it and a chair turned upside down on the thing. The room that was pulled to had what appeared to be an old metal shield hanging on the wall and nothing else in the room, though it was rusted a little bit around the edges from the looks of it, but it would serve just as good as a regular shield it looked like, all she needed to do was take it down off of the wall to use it. The rest of the rooms were still closed at the moment, with 2 closed doors left on either side of the entrance hall, one at the far end of both at the end, and one in the middle under the steps on the right side, while the other one on the left side was on the back side more towards the back of the building.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Looks like the people of this place take what they could before leave, most likely the hunting creature should not be in this and the second floor unless it were most than one and the temple were now infested.

Having in mind the religious clothes in case of need them later, Susan leave the storage room and check the next rooms than werent so spectacular as the silver girl was expectin, maybe Sibella was having better luck in finding clues. She found an old shield and it looks to be useful, so Susan take it just in case than she need to defend herself. Finally there were just a few doors who were closed so most likely the creature would not be there, she sigh and used her keys to open the closest one and check the inside of the room, before move to the others rooms and do the same, she had the shield and latern in one hand as her weapon in other before go inside each room.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

(The slightly rusted shield gives an additional 10% chance of deflecting dmg from an enemy to go with the 10% chance from her studded leather armor, does not work against magic though so if magic is thrown at Susan then only her armor bonus comes into play.)

Taking the shield off of the wall, Susan found the handles in perfect condition and the thing usable, although slightly rusty, but nonetheless it would serve well enough for her if she intended to use it for protection. The front of it had the Crimean royal sigil on it, a red heart under a full moon with eight golden stars, on a blue field. Using the keys on only a couple of the closed doors as they weren't all locked, Susan found a sitting room behind one door filled with plenty of furniture to sit on such as sofas, couches, recliners, and other assorted bits to sit and rest on. Behind the second of the unlocked doors she found a completely empty room that literally had nothing but dust in it on the floor and window.

Behind the first of the locked doors, which was down the right hallway, Susan found a bedroom of sorts with the bed and everything else that a bedroom normally had all still in there, with some clothes still in the dresser and closet, though they were mostly temple like clothes like a nun's habit, or a priestess's robes, and the bed was of course still in there as well. It seemed that this was bedroom belonged to the head of the temple. Then behind the second of the locked doors she found the kitchens, where there was a dining table fit for at least a dozen people, and a couple of smaller tables fit for half that against the walls, with plenty of chairs for them to use. There were also a couple of stoves in there as well, and cabinets which had dishes and pots and pans in them to cook with. In the drawers to the sides of the stoves were silverware and other cooking utensils and whatnot also. In the back corner of the kitchen however there was another door that led down into the cellar, and it too was locked.

"Susan... have you found anything yet to tell what exactly happened here?" Sibella called from the top of the steps where Susan could easily hear her from the doorway to the kitchen.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Making some moves with her new shield, Susan tried to get used to the weight new added at her hand and then leaves the room, it would be the first time using one and it maybe get in her way some times but she feels it still useful to dodge any attack in a more successful way.

She soon continue opening doors, it was likely than there was nothing weird in this floor, she take a brief seconds to explore and check each room but there were just normal things on them until she reached the bedroom. There the many religious clothes make her remember her friend Astra, she said than she would be in one church or monastery. I hope than she is fine, maybe i should invite her to give the supplies... Susan think loud but she wonders if all will be right in that future mission, maybe Astra could help more in the city than at the battlefield.

The kitchen dont call too much her attention, most likely because she was a little bellow average in what cooking refeer, but then she found a closed door. She was close to open the cellar door until Sibella voice interrupt her. Im at the kitchen and i havent find anything in each of these doors, i guess than its only remaining this locked door what could be a cellar or storage room, once i end to check it i will go with you. The Silver girl said before continue trying to open the locked door to start looking inside it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The weight of her new shield wasn't all that great, making it a relatively easy thing to wield all things considered, being only maybe five pounds at most, as it was a smaller shield. "Alright Susan, I'll finish checking up here and meet you down there in the cellar alright, go ahead and check it if you think you'll be alright on your own for now. I should be down in a minute or two myself, nothing much up here other than bedrooms really for the priests and priestesses and the upper tier for the main temple hall," Sibella called back to Susan, giving her the choice to go on down without her or not.

the last key on the keychain Susan had was to the basement/cellar door here in the kitchen, likely ticking her off a little bit. As soon as she opened the door, a cool air whooshed through, not so cold it chilled her or anything really, but it was a strange cool air that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. There was of course still the main double doors leading into the main temple hall areas that she hadn't explored just yet as well, so if she wished to explore them first she still had plenty of opportunity to do so. The basement area was dark though, but her lantern would provide more than enough light to see by of course if she wished to descend into the darkness below.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was opening the door as Sibella continue talking, most likely sure than this door will be just another storeroom.

Dont worry, i will be fine. She end to say before open the door, suddenly once opened a cstrange breeze pass though her, making her gasp and get alerted.

Ehm... i guess than i forget some doors, i must end this floor first before check down. Susan said as she lock again the door and go to check the remain doors at this floor, as it looks to dont be a good idea to go now down to that cellar, maybe is a little more huge than she was expecting.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Shutting the door and locking it back, the breeze whooshing through ceased altogether, and the chill running up Susan's spine disappeared as well. Heading on out and back around to the main temple hall area, Susan opened the big double doors that lead inside further and found another hall that led to the left or right with a door directly ahead of her, which if she opened it up she would see that it was where temple services were held for one of the gods of the pantheon, Sehanine to be exact as she was the main patron of Crimea as Elise and the queens had said before to her. Down the halls to the left and right were other doors that also led into places of worship for the different gods of the pantheon, though they weren't overly large, maybe able to house 50 to 100 people in each at most. After checking the third one of those rooms, she would hear footsteps from above her and if she looked up she would see Sibella on the second floor overlooking her from the walkway up there, where there were a couple of little overpasses leading across to the main central shrine of Sehanine.

"Did you already check the cellar Susan? As far as I can tell all that's left are the shrines where people would go to pray from around the area close by, likely the town by the woods since we are rather close to it and all," Sibella said, leaning on the rails of the walkway across to the Sehanine shrine. "I'm wondering if there's anything else up here on the second floor further on, I'll keep following you from up here, but if something happens then I'll hop down alright Susan. Keep looking around down there though, because there could be a door in the back of the temple that's got something worthwhile in it, I mean we might as well look around all up here before going down into that cellar you said you found, that way at least we know nothing's going to be coming down behind us or anything," Sibella said from above, more than close enough so that she didn't need to call out to Susan so they could hear each other, as she was only about ten feet or so above her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The creepy wind looks to has dissapear once the door get closed, this certainly will mean than inside this Cellar they could find a hole to the outside, maybe an orchand or a secret garden, anything what could be is a secret than Susan wants to find once she get all clear here. That in part was why she decided to go to end of check the places at the first room.

Easily she opened the door and find out some doors than lead her to some temples, she never has been at one at theis country, so notice many of them together was really weird for her. She then heard soem steps over her making her turn and then saw than Sibella was at the second floor and soon both start talking.

Not yet, i think than the cellar is really big, because a cold breeze come when i opened the door and also i also think than we should check all before go down. This place is really huge, im sure than this place could had been filled with thousand peoples, anyway sure i will check all here too. Susan said as she continue looking the whole place and mostly also focusing on see more close that Sehanine just for curiosity to know how that entity is.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Mmm, yeah the cellar here could be extremely large really, I'm not certain to be honest. Best to make sure everything up here's checked out good before we go below I think. And yeah this place could support about a thousand to fifteen hundred people at a time, since it's a major temple and all. Shouldn't be too difficult to check it all out though. Just be careful, we never know what could be in here waiting for us and... oh hey, looks like there's another set of steps down that way some," Sibella said from above, pointing at another set of steps leading up before heading on along the second floor walkway towards them. "I'll check up there okay, go ahead and finish the sweep of these rooms and we'll meet back in the kitchens to check the cellar," Sibella added, waving to Susan before heading on.

As Susan started on into the shrine area for Sehanine, which was easily the largest in the entire temple as it was in the central area that the most people went to, she would see inside a large silver statue of what appeared to be an elven woman behind the altar with a silver crescent moon fixed above the statue's head on the wall just behind it, or at least that was the form that they saw Sehanine in at least. There were quite a few pews in the place for people to sit on while they had temple services, enough for at least 300 people or so, probably more since there was a second floor area for seating and more pews up there. Behind the altar and to the right of it along the back wall there was another door that was shut, though if Susan went to check it she wouldn't find it locked. Also in the place was the offering bucket set next to the altar, which had some gold, silver, and copper in it, and even a couple of pieces of platinum. The air inside of here was rather peaceful to say the least, but it would seem that it was a little too peaceful really to Susan, like something was off about the place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ok, i will check all this place , but i dunno if i could find something as all this floor is very quiet and normal. Susan ended to say and soon start to look again at the whole place, looking in every place and even bellow the seats where the believers used to sit. This mission was starting to be a little bored, but at least she was learning a little from time to time. One of her learning stuff than most amazed her was to see the goddess statue, it was just not what she was expecting. So...she looks like an elf!? Oh well lets continue. She whisper to herself before notice than there was a door behind, it was a little hope for Susan than this could be a little more fun, of course than she was not looking for a monster most likely she wanted to discover something interesting, so soon she opened the door even when she was feeling than all the place was so peacefull to let her find something
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As Susan opened the door leading to the next room over, she would indeed see something that was interesting... likely more interesting than she wanted in fact. What she saw in the room was what appeared to be a large pool with several screens to change behind, several benches around the pool as well. The room was a bit misty, so she had to go in a little bit to see everything, but after moving into the room a few steps Susan was able to see what appeared to be a young woman sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest and her face laying against them next to the far end of the pool from herself in the darkest corner she could find apparently. The young woman was sniffling and crying softly, looking like she was scared senseless, apparently not even noticing that Susan was there with her.

"It's coming... I-It's coming to take me away too... just like it did the others. I... I'm all alone now... it... no they... oh gods help me I don't even k-know anymore," the young woman said in a scared panicked voice as Susan stood there in the room, an eerie feeling creeping up her spine despite the still quite peaceful and serene look of the place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Once the door get opened, Susan found herself in a room with a pool and a lot of mist. What the... is this some kind of sauna or hot springs. Susan think to herself annoyed by the low visibility. After walk some steps she found herself close a girl who looks to be crying and completely scared.

The girls words really make her get softly frightenent, but soon Susan shake this fear out a little as she remember than all was fine and she have Sibella at her side. Soon getting a little close she said.

All will be fine, we had come to save you. do you know what happened here?. Susan said still giving some space to the girl so she dont get more scared by the sudden words of the silver girl
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"No no... no no no no. Can't tell you... don't know. Just know that whoever didn't run... it took them. Took them down below. It... they... get in your mind. Make you see things. Can't save me," the girl said, looking clearly insane as Susan came closer to her, as her eyes were wildly looking about her, trying to focus on things that were there from what Susan could tell. As Susan came up as close to the girl as she was going to get, Susan would see the girl go completely still and silent all of a sudden. "You... shouldn't have come... it... no they... will take you too," the girl then said.

No sooner did the girl say this than she launched herself straight at Susan, hands outstretched where she grabbed Susan by the collar and pulled herself right up in Susan's face. Susan could see that she was human... or at least looked human. Her brown eyes were severely bloodshot, her hands were stained with blood and she'd obviously been chewing on her fingernails, as they looked like they had been bleeding recently. Her skin was pale, as if she hadn't seen the sun in ages, and she looked very malnourished, as if she hadn't eaten in days. A pitiful sight to say the least this poor girl was as Susan was able to see her up close like this. She didn't appear to be hostile really, but after a few seconds of looking at her and taking in her features, the girl suddenly screamed at her like a person that had just lost all hope where she shoved Susan with amazing strength despite being very obviously physically weakened. Susan stumbled back where she fell straight into the pool of water, which wasn't very deep, being only a couple of feet deep or so. But as soon as she fell into it a strange force prevented her from surfacing again, and it wasn't the girl holding her down but something else, a strong magical force.

As Susan struggled to get free and to the surface to get her breath before she drowned, something heavy shoved her back down just as she almost broke the surface, preventing her from getting some much needed air. As her vision narrowed from lack of oxygen and the water grew darker also as a result, she would suddenly hear a voice in her head. "Calm yourself young one... help is on the way, don't struggle so much, or you'll only end up drowning yourself," the voice said in her head, a feeling of calm coming over her to help her calm down.

A few seconds before losing consciousness from lack of oxygen, a hand reached down into the water and grabbed Susan by the collar of her armor and yanked her to the surface where she was able to suck in some much needed air, where she would see Sibella helping her up. "Oh gods... Susan... what happened? I heard this scream while I was looking upstairs and... oh gods something terrible happened in this place Susan, I don't know what," Sibella said as she pulled Susan out of the pool, looking absolutely terrified.

As Susan took in her surroundings again and caught her breath, she would see the girl from before was laying over by the door facing towards them, a bump on her head. The walls were covered in yellow paint now... no they were covered in a sickly yellowish organic like substance of some sort she could see once her vision was back to normal, and the pool... it was filled with blood now, not water. The benches were all overturned and the changing screens were all tattered as if somebody had taken a knife to them.

"This place, as soon as I reached the top floor... gods I saw something horrifying. It was..." Sibella said, looking quite disturbed by what she'd seen to say the least. Sibella took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she stared at the doorway in case something was about to come in on them. "The priests and priestesses that had gone missing before this place was closed down... some of them were in there, and they... they looked like they committed suicide by cutting their only throats it looked like, well some of them did at least. The rest... well they were hanged by bedsheets from the windows on the back of the temple, from the ones that slit their own throats by the looks of it. And there were messages written on the walls in blood too, telling whoever read them to leave and run, to burn this place to the ground and purify the ashes with as much holy energy as could be brought to bear on these grounds. Then I heard this really shrill scream and came running to where it came from and found you struggling in this pool of blood with that girl laying there like that when I came in," Sibella went on to say frantically, sounding quite scared of the situation after explaining some of what she'd found.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Below? do you mean the cellar? We will save them, please resist im sure than we will find someone than can heal you. Susan ended to say as she get even closer, the girl words were really making her get more scared than before, but she needed to help her or at least find a way to save her so she dont get back.

Suddenly the girl talk again and then launch herself against Susan, pulling up her collar. Eh? you dont need to worry about me, i can beat them... The silver girl words get stoped confused by how this girl was acting and then how she looks making her feel pity for this poor girl loosing the chance of resist when this scream and push her to the pull. Susan nearly scream too by the sudden action but instead she manage to take a last breath before go down. Reaching the depth pool, she soon tried to go out the pool but she was having a lot of difficulties to even get out the depth, as she could feel as something were pulling her down and restrain her at the place, the struggle was making her get ourt of breath but then a strange female voice said her to calm herself what was really absurd if she wanted to save herself, even then she decide to believe and tried just to endure as much time her breath as she could until suddenly a hand pull her out the pool.

The silver girl soon start to cought and recover her breath, having problems to see at the start until notice who had save her. Thanks a lot Sibella, you saved my life, the scream was from that girl she push... oh my... this cant be... what happened here. The place has leaved the poor warrior without brath and words, she feels so dirty by has been in that pool and Sibella words werent making her feel better. She clearly get whites and shiver in fear as she get informed about all this.

I dont remember than the guild mission have this info...this is just so cruel, all these people died like that? Susan managee to say with her mind mixed with many feelings, it was so hard to see back the pool room, this was just as that time with the giant slime but maybe even worst as she dont know what made all this.

We must stop this... there must be still a chance to save them, right? we must find them and kill that thing, she said than this creature get inside your mind, so we must be careful. Susan said still very affected by what has happened and feeling so bad for the poor people than has been taken and also suicided here.

Its bellow at the celling, she said it to me, do you think than we can still save her?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh gods, inside our heads is what she said? No no no, not an aberrant, gods anything but that. Oh gods... I don't know if she can be saved or not Susan, but if she can then it won't be here. Let's take her back to Wallace and have him take her back to Nevassa and inform the matriarch of what's happened here, I don't think anyone thought it was this bad here. If it's aberrants then we have to end it as soon as possible, because I doubt that it's an aboleth causing this. It sounds like the old mind plague to me... and that is only caused by the illithid as far as I know. We need angels here as soon as possible, because the corruption of aberrants can't be purified by us, only angels of the gods are able to purify it as far as I know," Sibella said, sounding and looking scared still, but more desperate than anything as she prayed that it wasn't aberrants or rather a specific kind of them.

Moving over to the girl, Sibella snapped her fingers which made the girl's arms move around behind her as if they'd been tied up there, where she looked to Susan. "I'll carry her since I can use my magic without having to use my weapon as much as you, let's try and get out through the front doors, if not then I'll blast out a window and we'll climb out, take her down to Wallace and come back in and hopefully hold off these things... and even more hopefully find some of the other priests and or priestesses that may have survived," Sibella said to Susan as she hefted the girl up and over one shoulder, the scrawny thing looking to weigh only about a hundred pounds or so and barely looking like she was sixteen or seventeen years old or so. She must have been an acolyte in training here at the temple when everything went to hell and back.

Letting Susan lead the way back out to the front doors and the entrance hall, they found the same sickly yellowish corruption all over the walls along the way, though it seemed to not have reached the entrance hall too much just quite yet thankfully and was only encroaching on the doors leading further into the temple and down the way towards the cellar. Everything else in the entrance hall was free and clear as the sun shone into there still through the ceiling. As they made their way to the doors, Susana and Sibella both felt a presence behind them and Sibella jumped forward, being behind Susan a bit as a horrifying air blew in behind them. The doors also were thankfully still unlocked and easy enough to open, and as soon as they opened them the horrific air left them, apparently not liking the bright light like that.

"Oh thank the gods, leave the doors open Susan and stay out here a ways while I take this girl down to Wallace and have him take her back to Nevassa for us and get some help, because while we may be able to defeat whatever is causing this by ourselves, we can't purify the corruption ourselves," Sibella said to Susan as they started back down the hill towards the carriage, though Sibella wouldn't fault Susan for coming on down with her if she didn't want to stay nearer to the temple.

As soon as Sibella had told Wallace what had happened in there, his eyes went wide and he almost outright refused to leave before Sibella told him to go, that she would be alright with Susan and that they had to try and find any other survivors. Nodding to Sibella in agreement even though he didn't like it, Wallace took the girl from Sibella, who released the spell she'd put on her to tie her hands behind her back, where Wallace tied real ropes around her arms to keep her from struggling as he set her gently into the carriage and untied two of the four horses the carriage had, which was more than it obviously needed. "Here my ladies, I'll tie these two off here for you to use in case you need to make a quick getaway from this place. If it's illithid like you think lady Sibella, then you may need a quick escape. Be careful you two, I'll be back as soon as I drop this girl off and explain to the matriarch what's going on," Wallace said and got the carriage moving onwards as fast as the two remaining horses would go, breaking them into a run along the road.

"Alright Susan, let's go. We have a job to do here and by the gods I won't let these creature harm my country any more than they already have. If you'd rather go on back now I'll understand and won't fault you for it. You didn't sign on for this kind of mission and these things can be quite dangerous. The dwarven soldiers known as the Fallen are the only regular soldiers trained to fight the illithid and other aberrant creatures of the deep roads, and even they have trouble with the illithid one on one," Sibella said, still obviously scared, but determined to see this job through to the end as she started back over the fence and into the temple grounds once more, ready to do battle with whatever may come as she pulled her dagger from her belt.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was trying to calm herself and Sibella words werent helping, the silver girl just nodded when the elf asked for an affirmation of what Susan has said about than they get inside their heads. Even when she dont understand even a single name of these creatures it looks like it was really bad and she just hopes than they could manage to solve all these things, it was just a shame than Susan havent even heard of DnD. Yes, lets take her out of here as faster as we can, she said as she prepare to defend all of them, mostly trying to hide her many questions about all these cratures, it was not time to focus on that now. She let Sibella tie the girl and then guide them outside.

Oh damn, they really are fast at infecting the whole place. She said without thinking as the yellow thing looks to be in many new walls, this was looking to be even worst than she was expecting. The sudden cold air make her eek softly as also made her run faster to the outside, maybe even ghosts would had been less scary than these unknown things, fortunately the door was open, thing than Susan was glad because she was starting to focus on tackle the door with all her strenght to just get out there.

Once outside, the silver girl was near to close the doors but Sibella's suggestion stop her of do it. I think than i will go with you, i need to walk a little to get calmed after all this. Susan answer, mostly trying to dont get alone with that thing at the whole temple, mostly having at mind what happens to a lonely girl at the horror movies. The whole time she tried to check the surroundings to make Sibella have a clear path. Sibella, do you said angels back there, right? i meet one at my first mission, her name is Astra and we help each other that time, of course than i had meet others at the palace, so i wonder if there are many at Crimea at the moment. Susan manage to say to have her mind out of what just had happened. But once they reach the place where Wallace was waiting them all made her get more worried, as both Sibella and Wallace were just so worried of know than they will face a possible aberrant, it made her get worried for Elise and the others if they find out this too, so when Sibella asked for her to leave she needed a moment to think.

Of course than i will dont leave you alone facing that thing, there is also a lot of people traped there so i will go too and do what i can to beat that thing. Susan answer going back to the temple, sure than she will never forgive herself if something bad happen to Sibella there just because she run away, but even with her brave words she cant stop of fear to fail again as the last time. Ehm, i have a question. What is a illithid? i suppose than i can hurt him... Asked the poor clueless blushed girl
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh yeah, there's quite a few angels around Crimea, it's just they're the only ones with enough holy energies to purify an entire area the size of the temple grounds. There's one angel, one of the queens of the netherworld in fact, she purified an area a hundred miles across once a long time ago, by herself. A couple should be more than enough to purify the temple and grounds though. There's at least a handful of angels in every major city of Crimea, and maybe a couple in most moderate sized towns. Wallace knows what to tell the matriarch though so have no worries," Sibella said to Susan as they got back over the fence and onto the grounds with Sibella helping Susan down when she came back over the fence as well. "Thanks Susan, I couldn't ask you to follow me into here though knowing what's probably waiting for us. An illithid though is... a terrible creature. Purplish skin, tentacles on their faces, and... they eat people's brains, suck them straight out the tops of their heads when they want to, otherwise they enslave through mind control. I... I just don't know if this is their doing or something else, but... only aberrants cause that kind of corruption we saw on the walls, and it must be starting to overpower the holier energies of the temple since the priests and priestesses are gone. As for hurting and or killing them though, yes you can, just be careful and watch your back and we should be able to hold our own against them, if it is illithid causing all of this," Sibella continued as they walked back towards the temple, with Sibella shuddering a little bit as a chill ran up her spine, but she pulled it together and took a deep breath then let it out slowly as they arrived back up at the doors leading inside.

Glancing over at Susan and whispering for her to be ready, Sibella pushed the door open with her left hand as her right was occupied with her dagger, where the temple walls were pretty much the same as they'd left them a couple of minutes before. The air was... still, which was a little spooky to say the least, but other than that there was nothing else in the entrance hall. "How many of the shrines did you check Susan? Or was the Sehanine shrine the only one you managed to get into? The main shrine areas are holy ground, corruption can't effect it and if any of the priests and or priestesses are left alive in here then they'd be in those places most likely," Sibella asked as they went back inside, her fingers gripping her dagger tightly as she looked around.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course i meet her and many other queens, also Astra is also awesome but for what you say, all the angels looks to be the bests in purify places. She answer as she get up the fence and then helped by the elf mage who soon after both start walking to the temple started to talk more about the strange creature. Susan could not stop of open wide her mouth and feel sick by the description, the child than she has feel is now even worse and she feels just sick and wishing than this dont get worse.

Once in front of the door, Susan could feel her legs fully frozen, she was fearing than she could get uncouncious if another fearful event happens. Making Sibella words make her get surprised and jumping softly to a side. Ehm, yes i only check that one, i guess than we should check each of them with caution before go down, but if we found survivors we will be unable to take them all back. Susan answer mostly unsure of what to do now. Do you think than we should beat that thing first?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Then we should check the rest before heading down. And don't worry, if there are any other survivors then there's a good chance that they will either be imprisoned somewhere around, or in a sanctified place. In either case they'll be relatively safe until we get done or not in a position for us to get them out anyway until we defeat the culprit of all this," Sibella said to Susan as she looked around the room. "I'm more worried about myself than anyone else right now to be honest. The more I use my magic you see, the more I have to cut myself, and the only way for the mind plague to infect someone is through an open cut or something similar. Which means that I'm most likely going to contract it at some point in here, so... yeah. It takes a few days though for it to really start to effect someone though, so even if I do contract it I should be mostly alright until we're done in here, just don't be surprised if you hear or see me talking to myself or someone that isn't really there alright once I do contract it, also my eyes will get really bloodshot like that girl's from before," Sibella said, which told Susan why the elven sorceress was so worried about the situation now.

Sibella led the way back through the entrance hall towards the other shrine areas, where they went down the halls checking each one, none of which had a cleansing pool like the Sehanine shrine did. Checking all of the shrines nearest to the entrance hall, they could see that all of them were seeing the beginnings of corruption like the Sehanine shrine was, but not quite as badly just yet. The ones further back were relatively safe all things considered. However there was one of the back shrines that was mostly corrupted now, the shrine of Ioun, her statue in the rear of the shrine by the altar covered in the sickly yellowish goop like substance and the walls as well save for the areas around the windows, as well as her holy symbol on the floor in front of the altar. As they entered the room to look around a bit, the girls heard a door shut behind them down the hall, then they heard a pecking against one of stained glass windows, both noises made Sibella jump with a start. Sibella moved to check around the room some, motioning for Susan to stay close by as she did so and whispering to her to keep a close eye out herself. They found only some notes scrawled on the walls and on the floor in blood, telling not much but gibberish really until they got to one message written in blood.

"In the darkness it waits, in the shadows it hunts. In the depths it lurks, in the dreams it feasts. To whomever reads, don't sleep, for if you do, in your dreams you will meet," the rather ominous message read, trailing off as if it was incomplete, a smear running off from the t in meet.

"I take it we shouldn't sleep then if possible, then again whoever wrote this was probably already going insane," Sibella said, glancing over at Susan for a moment before looking around the shrine again, her gaze stopping on the statue of Ioun, where the eyes of the statue were bleeding now. "Ick... come on, let's check the rest of the shrines, there's only a couple of them left now, and Pelor's is one of them, which I have high hopes for there being other survivors there," Sibella added, still sounding a bit scared as she stood back up and led the way back out and down the hall towards another shrine just down the hallway a bit.