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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With a quick strike, Susam smirk when she notice than her blow has manage to release her friend from her captor hands, the fight get more narrow, with wounds from theirs weapons and hits from the strange creature who soon tried to beat down the mage, but once again Susan hurt it baddly. Just then he turns to the silver girl, maybe she was glad to turn away the attention from Sibella, but soon her body receive a powerful blow from the creature making her fall at the floor t recover hersel. Let me go, you bastard! Susan shout when this take her and then tried to take out her breath. Of course than she will dont sstay just there to wait and soon she stab the creature as much as she could at her actual state trying to beat him or give time to Sibella to end it with one of her spells.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 9 vs 12 MB, miss and failed to break free
Sibella - 19 vs 3 MB, crit hit with dagger for 2 FP dmg, fight ends in victory for Susan and Sibella.

"Susan, hang on I'm coming," Sibella said as soon as she saw the brute grab Susan.

Susan simply wasn't able to break free from the big brute, and even slashing and stabbing her sword at it proved useless as she simply just couldn't get enough power in her attacks to do so. Sibella though took this opportunity to slip around behind the brute and jumped up onto its back, where she brought her dagger around directly into its left eye, stabbing through the thing and into its head where she then twisted her dagger and finished the thing off. The brute released Susan as soon as Sibella stabbed it, dropping her to the ground as Sibella rode it down when it fell, landing atop the now dead thing.

"You alright Susan?" Sibella asked, panting quite a bit after the exertion of that fight. "Gods I'm starting to get a little tired now, but we're really doing the world a favor with this. And there shouldn't be many more of these between us and the queen, unless we can sneak in that is. We should really try that I think because if we have to fight every one of them then this'll only end in misery for us I think," Sibella went on to say after catching her breath.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

trying to get some fresh air as she try to take away this thing, Susan saw her attempts to get free being pointless, as this creature looks to be easily enduring the punishment than her sword was causing to him. But just then Sibella jump over the creature and went direct to his head what looks to be mostly the only vital zone than these creaturs have. Thanks again Sibella. Eh, really? exactly how many of these things are here? I was expecting to face just a dozen or maybe a little more of these creatures, dont say me than we could find a whole army, our forces would be unable to beat them all as this continue, so yes we should just aim for the queen, but i hope than the battle dont call the attention of her whole army. Susan answer fearing than they were just losing the time here against something than would not make a change at the mushroom army and was making lost the chances of survive to the people trapped by the ilith.

Once recovered Susan get up and wait for Sibella to be ready to continue, this time trying to avoid these things and goes straigh toward the queen.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Eh there's probably not that many left. They like to spread out for guarding their areas, but they aren't overly strong really. Just annoying more than anything really if you ask me. I'd say their queen is just around the corner if I had to guess, maybe a couple of those brute like things guarding her," Sibella said with a confident look on her face.

After a minute or so Sibella was back on her feet, where she helped Susan up as well and they continued onwards down the path a bit until they got to another corner and as they peeked around it they saw a group of the mushroom things standing about in a large cavernous room, with one larger than even the brute looking ones, of which there were four of, along with about ten of the smaller ones they'd fought already. Sibella motioned for Susan to stay quiet for now, where she then crept a little closer and up behind a rock, motioning for Susan to follow and stay low. The two were easily able to do this without any of the things noticing them, their attention drawn to their queen who was apparently ordering them around. Three of the brute looking ones soon moved off along with seven of the soldiers, heading off into two groups going in two directions. The first group was heading the other way down the large room and into the tunnel at the far end, while the second group came towards them, with two of the brute like ones and three of the soldiers going past their position without ever even stopping to look around.

Once both groups were past, Sibella winked at Susan and began creeping closer towards the larger queen. "I can summon us a bit of help here, so don't worry too much. That big bitch isn't going to be running away from us really, at least not easily. And as soon as we take her out we'll have a much easier time moving around down here," Sibella whispered to Susan from their hiding place before moving up.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella's words were so confident than Susan calm herself and earner more courage to end this side battles. Very well, lets end all this to continue looking around for survivors. Saying this and recovered of the battle, both girls walk more deep inside the tunnels, the silver girl was really anxious until suddenly until they made a peek at the next corridor and chamber... it just looks like the worst scenario, a lot of these creatures just at an only place, the quantity certainly made Susan to think at their imposible task of beat them all, she notice Sibella moves and decide to follow her orders as maybe she have an idea of what to do now. In complete silent she goes toward a good hiding place and wait with the elf, they remain there for a moment and soon the creatures start to move to maybe new scout places to guard their queen. The most difficult moment was when some walked close them but these just dont notice them even when they could be easily spoten with a little more of effort .

Soon the queen was almost alone what then made Sibella to talk with Susan before decide what to do. The young swordswoman was scared of be heard by the queen so she nod and lifting the thumb, glad to heard than Sibella have that little trick to make this more easy. So once the summon has been complete and Sibella gets ready, the swordswoman would will be the first to attack the queen, as needs to beat her before she could call more of her minions. She will get closer and then try a sudden stealty attack, but of course her tactic could change if the elven sorceres find a better way to do it
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 14 vs 4 MB, hit for 2 FP dmg
Susan - 3 vs 2 on MQ, hit for 2 FP because of surprise
Sibella - 14 vs 16 MsA, miss

Myconid Brute - 1 vs 13 SLE, miss
Myconid soldier A - 11 vs 10 Sibella, hit
Myconid soldier B - 7 vs 13 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier C - 4 vs 10 Sibella, miss
Myconid Queen - 7 vs 12 Susan, miss

"Get ready to rush her okay, I'll make them all turn their heads with my summons," Sibella whispered to Susan as she raised an arm and swung it around after slicing a thin cut across her wrist, where the blood began dripping out and pooling into a spherical shape in mid air directly in front of the two girls, while Sibella's eyes began glowing a light blue.

Soon, Sibella waved a hand out towards the myconid queen and her subordinates that were guarding her, making the glow leave her eyes as she gasped softly, with a slight look of pain on her face. Suddenly, a form rose up behind the myconids with a soft rumbling, the form was that of a humanoid, with the same soft blueish glow that had been in Sibella's eyes moments before, and it looked like its form was surrounded by crackling lightning. It went straight at the larger myconid brute and swung an arm sheathed in lightning straight at it, catching it full in its midsection and causing it to stumble back.

Susan and Sibella then both rushed out, with the elven sorceress nodding to Susan to go for the queen. "I'll keep the rest of them occupied with my elemental, you take care of the queen, let's go. Hit them hard and fast," Sibella whispered to Susan before they rushed both out.

Susan caught the queen completely by surprise, stabbing her sword into the large things form where it howled in agony as she wrenched it free, a rush of purplish blood following. Sibella attempted to slash her dagger at one of the soldiers while her elemental held off the brute, though her small blade missed as the thing raised its spear just in time to cause it to glance off of it. The brute then went for Sibella's elemental, but the summoned magical creature easily evaded it. The soldiers then all went for Sibella, surrounding her as the one she'd attacked managed to smack her in the face with the butt of its spear, though the other two missed as Susan's attack on their queen threw off their focus on Sibella, allowing her to evade their attacks. The queen swung the large staff she had in her hand at Susan, the young silver haired girl managing to duck under it before it slammed into the side of her head and possibly knocked her out cold.

Susan - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 4/4
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - FP: 5/5

Myconid Queen - FP: 8/10
Myconid Brute - FP: 5/7
Myconid soldier A - FP: 4/4
Myconid soldier B - FP: 4/4
Myconid soldier C - FP: 4/4
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan nod, ready to attack as fast as possible, waiting the time enough so Sibella could cast her power. Once all in march she stealty moves until be close enought to make a sudden run to her target. She manage to see with astonishment and worries how Sibella used a lot of ehr blood to summon a strange lighting being, it was really a hard work for the sorceress who get slower to attack this time, but at least all were far enough to miss their target, so Sibella get nearly unscratched. The battle just begun when Susan used her sword to cause a deep wound on the huge queen, it was at least not an humanoid like her so the terrible feeling of wound someone was not present, she just wanted to end all this as quickly as possible so Subella dont get wounded by all these soldiers. She suddenly notice a powerful blow than she dodge at the last moment.

In guard she continue, trying to put an end on the terrible creature, slaying its body and lower part so she cant escape of the palce.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 16 vs 7 MB, hit for 2 FP dmg
Susan - 15 vs 3 MQ, hit and slowed (meaning she can't run away for a couple of turns to get help)
Sibella - Sibella is using a burst of magic on all 3 soldiers, 4 vs 4 MsA, 6 vs 6 MsB, 1 vs 19 MsC. Hits MsA and MsB because of the tie, but MsC counter criticals Sibella. Sibella deals 2 FP dmg to MsA and MsB, but takes 2 FP dmg from MsC and is grappled.

Myconid Brute - 11 vs 16 SLE, miss
Myconid soldier A - 2 vs 5 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier B - 9 vs 13 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier C - 17 vs 7 Sibella, hit and stripped to mostly nude
Myconid Queen - 4 vs 6 Susan, miss

Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 18 vs 2 MB, critical hit for 3 FP dmg, killing it
Susan - 2 vs 20 MQ, crit miss for 2 FP dmg on Susan and grappled
Sibella - 7 vs 6 MsC, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg, but she didn't free herself from the grapple.

Myconid soldier A - 8 vs 19 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier B - 4 vs 16 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier C - 3 vs 9 Sibella, missed on dmg, but did strip her the rest of the way
Myconid Queen - 18 vs 6 Susan, hit and stripped some

Susan would notice Sibella's elemental she'd summoned smashing into the larger brute like myconid, raking its claws made of pure lightning across the thing's waist, leaving a trail of greenish blood leaking out of the wounds. As the elemental did that, Susan found it fairly easy to get past the queen's guard to slash at her legs, leaving her limping after a quick jab to her left leg was followed by a rush of blood. Sibella prepared a burst of lightning from where she stood, slicing a thing streak across her wrist to release a small bit of blood to power her attack as she did a couple of hand motions and lightning burst forth from her body in all directions, hitting two of the three soldiers surrounding her, but the third ducked the blast somewhat and dove in at her, catching her off guard with a blow to the back of her head with the butt of his spear where he then threw his spear around her in a strong and hard to break grapple.

The large brutish myconid swung at the elemental, trying to hold it back, but its attack went wide as the elemental arced itself around behind it in the blink of an eye before it could manage a blow on her. The two soldiers that Sibella hit were still a bit effected by her lightning to actually aim straight, so their stabs at the elven sorceress missed as she swung her hips around to the left and then the right. The soldier holding her though got a hand around and tugged at Sibella's robes, jerking them halfway down so the only thing holding them up was the tie around her waist. The queen went to swing her staff at Susan, but Susan's shield caught the blow coming at her and turned it aside.

"Gah... don't worry about me Susan, just keep smashing her, I'll be fine," Sibella said to Susan as the fight raged on.

Sibella's lightning elemental arced around behind the brute again, but this time as it did so it transformed its right arm into a long blade the it stabbed straight through the brute's chest before jerking the blade out through its side. Susan made to slash at the queen's stomach with her sword, but as she did so the queen managed to catch her sword with its staff, turning Susan's blade aside where she smacked Susan in the face with her staff, grabbing Susan around the waist with a large hand. Sibella meanwhile was still struggling to get free from the soldier holding her, but didn't manage to do so, however she was able to jolt it with a powerful surge of electricity in the process.

The soldiers all made to attack Sibella and subdue her completely and bring her under control so that they could then deal with Susan, but the elven sorceress would have none of that and kicked her legs out and pushed the two other soldiers that weren't holding her back, throwing their spear attacks on her off. The soldier holding her however managed to tug the tie of her robes and pull them the rest of the way off, leaving her completely naked now as her smaller but perky breasts bounced out of her robes. The queen then bonked Susan on the head with her staff before pushing her roughly to the ground and tugging at her armor, pulling it off a bit and making her breasts jiggle around some as the top of her armor began coming loose, letting her know another good tug and she'd be virtually nude save the soft clothes she was wearing underneath.

"Damn... hold on Susan... help her," Sibella called out to her, then she looked over at her elemental and ordered it to help Susan, where it started towards Susan.

Susan - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 2/4
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - FP: 5/5

Myconid Queen - FP: 7/10
Myconid Brute - FP: 0/7, dead
Myconid soldier A - FP: 2/4
Myconid soldier B - FP: 2/4
Myconid soldier C - FP: 2/4
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The fight was getting really fsat. Susan could manage to land a solid wound than will certainly affect the Queen to try to escape, but she shoon find herself afected to see how Sibella was getting defeated by the many mushroom creatures B...but Sibella, let me help you. She answer after heard how Sibella said her to dont try to dont worry for her. The worries for her partner and her doubts about maybe try to beat the little things first were making craks on the swordswoman skills, even if she could not see it, she was leaving more openings and soon her sword get moved to a side, she wide open as she notice how she could not dodge the staff to hit her face, making her groan and be a little drowzy by the hit, it looks like her young face is not used to this kind of treatment and as she tried to recover ehself she get caught by a huge hand. The huge arm make her feel like a toy in some way. I cant leave this happen again!. She shout to herself as she tried to use her sword to free herself of the grappe, but she was sended to the floor, making her close softly her eyes as her head still dont get recovered from the impact. Suddenly she notice her breasts be free of her armor making her yelp and get in anger. She roar and tried to use her sword to hurt the hand the enough to get free and roll away of the queen, if she gets more hurt then she will try to drink her unique potion, even if she dont use it if she get beaten maybe she will lost it anyway.

Once all passed she will try to continue the fight and beat the huge creature before this get worse. Each second she was worried than Sibella could faint, what will happen to her and her summon. Susan was just sure than she cant give up or run.

use potion if she reach 1hp
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 19 vs 1 MQ, crit hit for 2 FP dmg and broke free
Sibella - 6 vs 4 MsC, hit with magic and killed
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 6 vs 2 MQ, hit for 2 FP dmg

Myconid soldier A - 9 vs 18 Sibella, miss
Myconid soldier B - 7 vs 10 Sibella, miss
Myconid Queen - 13 vs 5 Susan, hit

Susan - Drinks her potion of healing that restored her to max FP
Sibella - 10 vs 5 MsA, hit with magic for 2 FP and killed
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 2 vs 12 MQ, miss

Myconid soldier B - 6 vs 7 Sibella, miss
Myconid Queen - 10 vs 5 Susan, hit and grappled again

Just as Susan felt her armor loosening as her breasts jiggled around underneath it, she stabbed her sword into the queen's hand and she roared in pain as she jerked her hand back, a small gush of blood splashing Susan's armor and staining it, but that could be cleaned later. Sibella finally seemed to have gotten fed up with the myconid soldiers that were messing with her, as she planted her feet and placed one of her hands right against the one's chest that was holding her, where she muttered angrily and a hole burst out of the thing's back and it fell backwards dead as a doornail. Sibella's summoned elemental jolted over to the queen and punched it across the face, dealing a good amount of damage as the queens stumbled backwards and away from Susan a bit more.

The remaining soldiers both attacked Sibella who nimbly dodged both of them, batting one of their spears aside and kicking the other away as it came at her. The queen came back at Susan as she got back up to her feet however and managed to club her in the stomach again with her large staff, knocking the breath out of her.

Susan was able to quickly pull her potion out though and quaff if really quickly before the queen could get another hit on her, where she felt the magic in the drink coursing through her veins and re-energizing her body, the pain vanishing for the most part down to a dull ache in her muscles. Sibella hurled a little bolt of acid at another one of the soldiers, virtually melting its face off as it fell to the floor to join the brute and other soldier. Then her elemental swatted at the queen, but missed as the queen caught its hand with the staff being wielded by it.

The remaining soldier attempted to stab Sibella this time with the head of its spear, but the elf just barely managed to prevent a wound as she swung her dagger out and in a clang of metal on metal she'd just managed to turn the spear head enough to hit the wall behind her. The queen ducked under the elemental and came at Susan again, bopping her with the staff again and grabbing the young human up, where she'd feel the queen's hand starting to squeeze a bit, trying to get a good grip so Susan couldn't get away.

"Come on Susan, just a little bit more and we've got them," Sibella called to the young human, encouraging her to keep it up.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 0/4
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - FP: 5/5

Myconid Queen - FP: 3/10
Myconid Brute - FP: 0/7, dead
Myconid soldier A - FP: 0/4 dead
Myconid soldier B - FP: 2/4
Myconid soldier C - FP: 0/4 dead
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With the huge hand trying to rip of her armor, Susan tried to prepare her defensewhen the right time come, with a sudden move her weapon pass through the fungus queen making her retreat as her hand leave free a huge quantity of the strange queen's blood. The disgust to have some of it on her armor, Susan was more likely glad to herself by her good move, this has given her the enough time to roll away and drink her potion so she could be completely fine and ready to end this fight.

She soon notice than the elementalhas focused on hit the queen too and the way than all was happening was making her regreet use her potion, maybe sthey would had earned the victory without need to spend it. Soon the quenn hit her and hold her better, maybe if she havent drink her potion then she would be already out. Looking than a nude Sibella was fighting as best as she could and also how the elemental was in perfect conditnion made her try to get free so her friends could end this fight now and beat these monsters now. She witth try to cut the Queen's arm so the others could put an end to this cursed monster.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 13 vs 6 MQ, hit, but didn't break free
Sibella - 19 vs 8 MsB, hit
Sibella's Lightning Elemental - 20 vs 13 MQ, hit for 2 FP and killed, breaking Susan free

Myconid soldier B - 10 vs 8 Sibella, hit and knocked out.

Susan - 8 vs 5 MsB, hit and killed, victory...

Susan managed to swing her sword around where she stabbed the myconid queen's large hand from where she was being held at, the wound causing the queen to recoil in pain, but she didn't drop Susan and held firmly, squeezing the poor human slightly in the process. Sibella lunged in at the myconid soldier that remained and stabbed it in the shoulder, but she couldn't wrench her dagger out after that. Her lightning elemental darted over around the myconid queen where it rammed an arm formed into a blade of pure lightning right through the queen's chest, the end of it bursting out through in a shower of blood spraying on the large rock the queen had been sitting on.

The remaining soldier shoved Sibella back and off of it, where it then swung its spear around hard, slamming it right into the side of Sibella's head, knocking her out cold for the moment. Sibella being knocked out dismissed her elemental she'd summoned unfortunately, leaving Susan alone for the time being. Rushing over at the soldier after that brought Susan victory as he ran her sword through its chest, ending it as it fell forward as soon as she'd pulled her sword out again.

The dead myconid's were laying all about them, with Sibella still laying there out still, leaving Susan to decide what to do on her own.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After pierce the micoid flesh with all her strengh, Susan was unable to free herself, she groan in frustration as she was fearing than her armor get released from her body by the strange queen creature... thing than was stoped thanks to the elemental who manage to give a last hit to the queen. This made the silver girl to sigh in relief and get free as she turn to where Sibella was once she nod to thanks the summoned creature. Sibella look out! She success to mutter once her eyes notice how Sibella was unable to release her dagger turning into an easy target for the remain creature. Unable to act fast enough to run to help her she see in slow motion how the elven fall on the floor making her get in rage and run to put an end to the creature who hurted her friend.

With her sword giving an end to the battle she quickly store her weapon and then go at her knees to check the elven mage, she get glad to see than she would be maybe fine, but she dont have too much time to lost so soon she lift her with care and place her in a safe place so both could get recovered without get noticed by the remain creatures, then she return to collect the noble's clothes and weapon. Once both hidden she will try to clean the mage's body of the blood before dress her again, if the elven clothes werent so damage to make this be imposible. All will be fine Sibella, just rest a little. She said as she hold the elven hand and check than they dont get spot by any other foe and feeling bad than Sibella has lost her summon than has made her use a lot of the elven's blood.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Moving Sibella to a safe place that was out of the way was a little easier said than done considering they were surrounded in either direction by the other myconid's that had gone those directions, but just on the edge of vision and light, Susan could see a small darkened tunnel to the side of the large chamber where she could take Sibella to. Once there she had an easy time of grabbing Sibella's things after coming back, none of the other myconids having come back just yet thankfully. Sibella amazingly didn't have much blood on her that wasn't her own, her magics having consumed the blood she let with her blade and whatnot, and her clothes were still wearable and had only been ripped around the right shoulder area.

After a couple of minutes Susan was able to rouse Sibella from unconsciousness, though she seemed to be a bit out of it when she first came to. "Ugh... my head. What happened?" Sibella said with a soft groan before shaking her head from side to side a bit, then her head jerked around to look at Susan, a look of panic in her eyes. "Susan are you okay?" Sibella asked quickly, squeezing Susan's hand that was holding her own as she reached out with her other hand to touch Susan's cheek.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After look around for a safe place, Susan got some luck as she dont needed to hide both behind the rocks than they used some time ago, as maybe it would not be a safe hideout, instead she notice a dark passage than she used to hide themselves, left Sibella would had been a problem with a more heavy armor so she was thankful to had chosen this one. At the dark small passage she stay close Sibella once she has bring all and dress her friend.

It was a great moment when the elven awakened. Please take care Sibella, dont move too much your head. Susan said worried as she place her hand over the elven one than Sibella place on Susan's cheek. Yes im fine, we won and beat the creatures and the queen of the hall and we are hidden at a dark passage close there, so we must remain quiet Susan whisper.

I wonder if something hidden is in this passage, i will check it a little as you rest, i will be just some feet's away so dont worry, then i think than we must return to the intersection and take that nasty smelly path, maybe we could find a survivor there. Susan add as she use one of their latterns to look around
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Alright, but I'll be fine in a minute or two Susan. I'm glad you're alright," Sibella whispered back to her, laying her head back down for a minute or two to rest it. "There's a good chance something is hidden in here, though what I don't know. But regardless I need to rest for a few minutes at least to recover my energy, and I agree we should head back soon, because I'm pretty sure that whatever attacked the temple went that way. Also if you don't mind doing so for me, open my pack there and grab a bit of my chocolate I've got in there, it's one of the best things to recover magical energy with in my opinion, it should be in a little brown pouch," Sibella went on to say while she lay there resting her head, waiting for Susan to grab her pack and get her chocolate out before she explored the surrounding area a bit more.

When Susan did finally go on off down the little hidden side tunnel, she would soon see a chamber open up about a hundred and fifty feet further in or so, which had a couple of old wooden chests, which looked like the wood had rotted slightly, though they were still holding together enough to keep whatever was inside within them. Other than that, the chamber was empty and led to nowhere else really, though there was a small pool of water that had some more water dripping down from the ceiling and the water looked fresh and clean enough to drink if she wanted to get a drink and fill their waterskins up again.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hm, sure let me look for it. Susan said in soft tone as she nodded smiling, for what it looks both will be ready soon to explore more, maybe they could end all this before the night fall... she needed to return soon too or her friends would be worried and this place could be worse at night even when all remain in darkness most all the time. She let the elven stay rsting as she looks for the bag and once she found it she will look around for the chocolate, trying to dont get so distracted with the idea of check all , after all it was not her bussiness what a experienced adventurer as Sibella have in mind to carry with her at her adventures, once the time come she could ask her herself. Here is Sibella, maybe later could you say me a little about how this chocolate heal magic... anyway now i will just look around a little. she add rubbing her hand as she lend the chocolate and then walk out to explore the small tunnel.

She tried to remain in silence as she goes deep inside, fearing to find a monster like what happened in her last mission, but fortunately she was alone once she reach the last chamber, smiling she get closer and check the water purity, then she smell it and taste it a little before fill her waterskins, she even nearly has forgoten than she had one at her bag, so she needed to remember to use this water once they find any survivor, she then get closer to the pool with caution to fill it and then clean her face of any remain of her fights or the bloody pool, of course than she will first drink a little of it so once calmed and refleshed she will check the old wooden chests, she was sure than these werent from the mindless mushroom creatures, so maybe the dwarfs must had been here a long time ago and inside maybe she could find anything useful, maybe clothes, weapons or healing potions, what would save them theirs life. She would just look a little at them, trying to find out how they could get opened without hurt the chests so much. These would be the first treasures than she find in her adventures after found that gold enchanted armor.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well it doesn't actually heal our magical energies or anything like that, just helps to speed up our body's own recharging in a sense. Chocolate has been the best thing for this for as long a I can remember, at least two to three centuries I think. Any sweets in general help, but chocolate has always been the best for it, don't know why to be honest," Sibella said in a whisper about the chocolate as she took her first bite of the little bar of it she pulled out.

When Susan headed on through the tunnel, Sibella waved at her, whispering that she'd keep an eye out in the direction they'd come to make sure nothing got the drop on her while she was in there, at least not without a good deal of warning from her anyway.


Once Susan had washed her face off a little bit in the crisp clean water and refilled their waterskins, she went over to the chests. The chests had locks on them, but they were very old and very rusted and easy enough to snap off of the chests themselves. When she'd done that much, Susan would find in the first chest a longsword about the same length as her own sword she had, about a couple of inches longer, but weighted perfectly to someone her size it seemed. The second chest had a large pile of platinum and gold coins with a large bag sitting on the edge of the pile that despite its size didn't look like it'd hold it all, and there was also a few gemstones in there too mixed in with the coinage. If she wanted to Susan could go and get Sibella to take a look at these things, as they could be magical in some way and she could tell her if they were or not.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The answer was a little unexpected, as Susan was ready to heard a mostly fantastic reason. Uhm, yes sweets give energy quickly... so i assume than the magic get restored with food and rest normally. Susan answer before said than she willleave now.


Sigh... i guess than the sword would be useful at least. The silver girl said resigned after see her bad luck to found some kind of treasure, she suppose than maybe she will never will find out of who was this pair of boxes. So she take the sword and after suppose than split this in half would be the best she tried to lift the chest with the treasure and show it to Sibella, if she could with the weight of course, so the elven could rest a little more. If she can lift it all the time then she will try to dont make any noise and then once she get at view will said to the elven whispering. All has been fine? looks what i had found at the end of the tunnel and also i found this sword. What we should do with all this? Susan will ask remembering what happened when she found the enchanted gold armor. If she would be unable to lift it then she will ask for Sibella help informing her what she had found before guide her.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh yes it does recover normally, chocolate just gives us a quick boost of it is all," Sibella added as Susan went off, where the young elven noble turned back to look out of the hiding area they were in.


The longsword she could see had a beautifully crafted scabbard with it, with rubies encrusted on the sides, as if it were made for a noble and hidden here. The chest with the gold, platinum, and gems in it was quite heavy to say the least, but not so much that she couldn't carry it. It felt about 60 lbs or so give or take, maybe a slight bit more than that to Susan. When she made her way back to Sibella, who was still sitting there keeping watch for the two of them, the young elven noble turned her head to see Susan grunting a little bit from the weight of the chest where she moved to help her set it down gently so there wasn't a loud thunk for everything around to overhear.

"My goodness Susan, you found this back there? And I can feel magic in that blade you've got there too Susan. May I see it Susan?" Sibella said when she got back and they set the chest down. If Susan let her see the sword, then Sibella would look it over for a minute or so before handing it back, glancing at the bag as she did so and picking it up afterwards to look at it for a moment or two. "That's a magic blade, not sure what enchantment, but it does have one, a smaller one at least, and this bag here is a bag of holding, can hold two hundred pounds or so easily and make it feel as if it only weighs maybe a pound or so," Sibella said in a whisper, looking amazed for Susan to have found so much wealth hidden in such a place, yet looking quite pleased.

"And this is yours Susan, you found it, so by rights it is all yours to do with as you please," Sibella said with a smile. "Adventurers like yourself always have a tendency to find treasures like that from time to time," Sibella added, winking at her.