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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver haired girl had a hard moment moving the old wooden chest all the way, she was thinking than she could need to rest soon if the road were too latrge, but at the end she manage to reach where her friend was, she let it touch the floor softly trying to dont hurt herself at the process and once done she will caress her poor hands and take a needed soft breath before answer to the elven, nodding. Uff... Yes, i found this inside two old wooden chests close a small pool of water. The truth is than this is the second treasure than i found on a cave and the first had an owner... we ended as friends, but the experience made me wonder if this treasure was hidden here for some reason, as these boxes were old maybe it had passed a lot of time. Susan wishper saying in part a little of her meeting with the strange enchanted armor before accept in the instant to let the elven see the new sword than she found at the other chest.

Nice, if have some magic it could help us on this mission, maybe. Susan said smiling as she place her new sword in place and then focus on the coins. Well, if is mine now, then how about if i use some of it to invite you to go out around the town and buy you something than you likes with it? Anyway, can this bag really do that!? Susan kneel and soon start to fill the bag as a kid and then check the weight, if all goes right she would had taken all the money and after store it she will help Sibella to get ready to leave.

Ok, i also found some water there, you can use some to refresh yourself and then when you are ready we could check the other tunnel.
When the time comes they will get in march for their new encounter.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, if the chests were that old then I seriously doubt that the owners are even still alive, so don't worry about that. Most things abandoned or hidden in the Deep Roads are usually just long lost treasures that aren't gonna be looked for save by descendants or the ones that hid them, or by people that are exploring the Deep Roads and manage to stumble upon it. Sorry though I'm not entirely sure just what enchantment is on the sword, I'd have to take some time to study it closely and I doubt we've got that kind of time at the moment," Sibella said as she sat there and handed the sword back to Susan, who fixed it up on its sheath wherever she decided to put it. "And I would love that, we can go to a restaurant and get something to eat in celebration of our safe return. Also, these bags of holding aren't actually all that uncommon. Hell you can buy them in most Nevassa magic shops from anywhere between about five hundred to a thousand gold, depending on the sales at the time that those stores are running," Sibella went on to say as she got up with Susan's help and took her up on the offer of refreshing herself in the pool in the back of the tunnel.

Heading back there, Sibella wet a towel she had in her pack and used it to clean herself up and any blood that was still on her off, then she filled up her waterskins, of which she had two, with fresh water after drinking a bit out of one of them. Once they were cleaned up and everything and refreshed after the fighting, Sibella led the way back to the other part of the tunnel that they didn't go down, where they thankfully didn't have to contend with any more of the myconids they'd fought before. Once back to the fork in the tunnel Sibella looked over at Susan when they arrived and nodded, then trudged onwards, ready for their next fight and in hopes of finding the cause of the corruption in the temple.

As they went forth, nothing really happened for a few minutes or so, but after about 5 or 6 minutes down the tunnel Susan suddenly heard a voice in her ear. "Keep coming closer love, you know you want to," a voice whispered in Susan's ear, but when she inevitably looked around she would see nothing around that could have whispered in her ear save Sibella, and it wasn't her voice that whispered. Sibella had stopped dead in her tracks though and was looking around herself. "Did you whisper something Susan?" Sibella asked in a whisper herself.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Uhm, very well then there is not any problem to take all this as us, also dont worry for dont know what enchantment it have, maybe i can find out what this weapon does in ours next battles. Susan answer placing her weapon in her shealter ready to use instead her usual common one. Once made this she continue storing all the coins at the strange bag, feeling than 500 was not a cheap price as that was the money on her posesion when she reach the city. Even if the price is not so high is great to have one for free. I wonder if is possible to store another things than isnt money on these bags, than fit on them of course. Susan ask before help Sibella to get up and follow her to take a drink from the water spot than she found close the chests some moments ago.

She always stay alert in order to detect any foe from behind and stay on guard as the elven fill her bottles and use the water to refresh herself, the human dont have too much to do really, check how much money they had got would not help them and would take them precious time to find any survivor.

The duo soon start their march to return to the intersection and the grey haired girl was glad than she havent needed to face another of the strange mushroom things, soon they found the other road and get inside it, she was sure than they will find soon a terrible foe, so she have her new sword and shield ready to defend themselves, the peaceful walk lasted for some minutes and suddenly a unknown whisper nearly made her gasp in surprise, she turned to spot the source but there was only Sibella who looks to also had heard something. Ehm, no. But i also heard a whisper from an unknown voice. Susan answer trying to iluminate the place around of them with her lamp to find the responsable of the somersault. I think than it said something like come closer and than i want to, sound like some kind of freak The human girl whisper back suddenly this attempt to get deep inside this tunnel sound like a bad idea, but maybe it was the voice of an insane monk, deep inside she hope for this last. If nothing is noticed they will continue deep inside.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"That would be good to try I think Susan, so you can maybe find out just what it does. And aye it is good to find a bag of holding of any sort, but this is a backpack enchanted with it from the looks of it, so even better I think since those aren't overly common anywhere really, so it'd probably be worth a bit more than just five hundred if I had to guess. And yes you can store anything but another bag of holding into one, so long as it'll fit and won't go over the limit of two hundred pounds," Sibella replied to Susan as they prepared to set out again and went to the watering hole.


"I didn't think you did. Well regardless, we've gotta keep moving a little longer if we're to find any possible hideout that whatever did this is using. Though I'm not entirely sure that was an illithid to be honest, I mean they can use telepathy sure, and the corruption and ichor in the temple was obviously of their make, but that was a female that spoke to me just then, so maybe there is something else at work here that we're missing," Sibella whispered back to Susan as they stood there and looked around warily. "I... don't want to press onwards, but we must I believe, at least in order to see if we can find the rest of the people and perhaps lay them to rest if it comes to that," Sibella added, obviously not wanting to press onwards, but not wanting to turn back and leave these people to their fate either.

With that they continued walking, deeper and deeper into the treacherous tunnels of the Deep Roads they went. They soon came upon the sound of running water after about 10 more minutes of walking, an underground stream running across the tunnel through a hole in the walls. There was a small bridge built to allow passage across it however, so it would be quite easy to cross it. As soon as they crossed it, they would find a smaller side passage leading down along the stream's edge, which Sibella was looking at intently rather than the main path. The main path was still just dark and ominous, while the side passage had a strange feel to it that just couldn't quite be placed.

"Hmm... I'm thinking we should go that way myself, it just seems to have that vibe of something is down that way that we need to investigate," Sibella said as she stared down the side passage, obviously wanting to investigate it, but leaving it to Susan to decide.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Maybe is a prisioner from the Illithids or someone over them, who knows. We cant just retreat, now than we are close to where we still have chances to save someone. Susan whisper back, very amazed than the whispers come from a woman, she tried to remember if the voice tone was the same as the one of the woman than she heard when she was throw at the bloody pool.

The path was not so boring, as soon they notice what could be a new choice of paths. Personaly, Susan was just wishing to find some victims and take them away, maybe then they could get reinforces from the outside. Just then Sibella gives her opinion about which one choice and the young warrior suppose than the experience from this woman should be heard, as also her curiosity drags her to find out what lays below. Yes lets find out what is hidden there, it must be just a small cave. she whisper before prepare to go down wit care of not fall.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Slowly making their way down the smaller side path, Sibella nodded to Susan and led the way, keeping her keen elven eyes open for anything suspicious that they might find. The water alongside them started picking up in speed a bit they saw along the way, turning into rapids at one point, though it didn't seem all that deep really, though there were plenty of rocks out in the middle of it they could see. After a short time they came to the end of the path where a shut door was before them, though it wasn't locked. It was a stone door as well, not metal or anything.

"Hmm, might as well see what's behind it since we've come this far already. Here help me push it open, unless you'd rather not and would like to head back to the main path," Sibella said to Susan, moving up to the door to push it open and waiting for Susan to join her unless Susan didn't want to go on in.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The duo soon went through the tunnel, the darkness of the place still was a problem for the young warrior, even when this was holding her lamp at her hand as she was ready to fight if needed. The river was not different so when both choiced to go down, she tried her best to aid their vision as best as she could, as she also needed to avoid fall by mistake, the quicks at the river shouldnt be a problem if they fall by mistake, but who knows what dwells at this place.

After some more time going down they notice a stone door, it was strange really than this could be here, maybe this could be an old ruin or a basement for the dwarfs, there was not sign than they could see to decide it. Also maybe the strange creatures could had decided to use this place as their hideout thanks to had been already there.

We cant let this passage without check it, not after had walked all this time to find the priests. Susan answer before aid at push this door, it should be an easy task between both of them. Lets dont drop our guard now, who know what is at the other side. Susan whisper again, she really wanted baddly to find someone alive and still sane enough to be saved, she just dont focused on the fear anymore.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye I agree, we shouldn't leave any passage unchecked. And be careful definitely that's for sure, because you never know what may be in there," Sibella said with a nod, carefully testing the door.

The door as it turned out was not locked up tight as they probably figured it would have been. Inside they saw a small hallway that opened up into a large chamber with a bed sitting right in the middle. On the bed were two young women, priestesses it looked like from the tattered robes they were wearing. Both of them had nothing covering their private precious places and their crotches were dirty with what was obviously dried semen and their nipples looked a bit red and puffy as if they'd been suckled on quite a bit by someone or something. They were both asleep and their bellies looked like they were bulging a bit as if pregnant, but other than that they looked none the worse for wear.

"What the hell happened here?" Sibella muttered quietly where only Susan could hear her.

Looking around the room there were 4 other doors. Two on the eastern wall spaced about 6 or 7 feet apart along the wall. One on the northern wall directly across the room from them as they'd come in the southern side. With the last being on the western wall. Other than the bed there were four stands with magical candles lit on them at the four corners of the bed, with several torches along the walls to light the room, but other than that the room was mostly bare save for a couple of rugs, one at the entrance they'd come in and that they were now standing on and the other a very large one that lay under the bed with a couple of feet of clearance on any side of it.

"Oh two more cute young ladies to play with, simply wonderful. I was hoping you'd hear me earlier. Now come on in and mind the two girls on the bed, they're resting and shouldn't be disturbed right now because they're tired after all of the fun we had earlier," a female voice suddenly told them in their minds, then the door suddenly shut behind them and locked. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, but we are going to have some fun," the female voice then said to them with a playful giggle.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After heard Sibella, the girls push the stone door who by surprise of Susan was opened. So suspicious... it was so easy. she mostly said to herself fearing than something was waiting for them or it could be a trap. They soon continue looking inside, moving through the small corridor as both stay at guard until they reach a large room. The silver haired girl soon notice the two poor priests and their actual state and then Sibella mutter to her. I dont know...why is a bed here? Anyway we should go to see if they are fine. she whisper before she was close to go to see if they were fine until the voice from her mind come, soon after heard it she turn everywhere. Where is she? What are you? Susan asked to Sibella before shout to the unknown woman inside her mind. All this was getting worse and suddenly the door behind get closet, the silver haired swordswoman even tried to reach the door before it get closed but it was too late.

Ok...we are trapped, should we check these two girls? i fear than they are under the control of this woman, so maybe we should beat her first, i guess. Susan ask to Sibella before walk back to the room and see their options. I dont want to check bellow the bed, but... Susan frownin said before make a quickly check ready to go away if a creature was there, then if nothing appear she will try to wonder which door take. lets take the closest door from the right, stay close me. she said to Sibella as she suppose than this was some kind of laberinth and they must stay together the whole time.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I... am just someone who happened to find these two lovely things being taken by those monsters before. These monsters in fact right here," the woman's voice told them as a pair of torches lit up on the wall to light up a darkened portion of it, where they would see a pair of illithid strung up and pinned to the wall with iron spikes, the two obviously dead. "They were the cause of all this commotion above, but they decided to make their way too close to where I made my home after escaping their clutches," the voice told them, darkening the wall again as the two torches went out, hiding the two dead illithid from view once more.

"I don't know Susan, I mean we don't even know what she is, or where she is for that matter. So it'll be tough to beat her I think. But... she did kill two illithid, so that's a plus in my eyes," Sibella muttered to Susan, looking around the room.

"Well how about we play a little game, I'll let you both pick a door and path beyond that door, and if neither of you finds me before you get to the end, then you can take those two girls and go, but if one of the doors and paths you pick does have me inside, then you must submit yourselves to me and play, I promise I won't hurt you though. Do you accept? If you won't then I'll just come out now and fight," the woman said to them, giving them an option or two as she asked if they accepted her proposal of a game.

Sibella grabbed Susan's shoulder and stopped her before she opened the door she'd gone to. "What do you think Susan? Should we do it? I... honestly don't think we have much choice in the matter, and I'd rather risk this than fighting an unknown enemy," Sibella said after a moment, looking deep in thought.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Trying to find out what has happened, Susan leave the unkown voice to continue introduce herself. Susenly some torches light up to make possible notice the terrible end of the two monstars, what made Susan get back her attempts to get closer and even feels bad by how these things had been killed, she was not sure what they were as she never has meet an illith before but she suppose than these were the monsters than Subella has been talking.

Ok, so these things were illithids, lets hope than there is not any other creature than was corrupting the temple. Said this the strange woman continue talking this time about some kind of game and it sound like a good idea if it were out of any trick.

She was thinking if she should accept or dont, but even then she cant stop herself to try a door and find out what was inside until Sibella stop her


Oh right, the game. Well she saved these two girls and we really dont have anything against her, i dont see why dont accept unless she expect to trap us here for a long time if we fail. Susan answer to Sibella before decide to check for more clues before choice a door, maybe footprints or detect any difference than let her know which door has been used recently.

So, i suppose than we accept to play with you, Miss. Any other rule than you want to add? I guess than we can take the same door
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh that's what was corrupting your little temple, I assure you of that. And worry not about me trapping you in here, I'd only have you work off your debt if you lose by... bearing my young for me. My race is... quite few in number thanks to those bastards hanging on the wall over there. Though... things may change with time and neither you nor I know what the future may hold. Just know this... regardless, I wouldn't hurt you at all, I don't do that save for those that deserve it, like the illithid," the woman said to them. "And yes if you both wish it, you can take the same door. Oh and elf dear, don't worry about contracting the Mind Plague, I can prevent it and I swear that I will, regardless of if I win or lose our little bet here," she added to them, with Sibella looking a bit more at ease

"Okay then, we accept to play your game then miss. Might we know your name at least?" Sibella said after glancing at Susan and nodding in agreement to go ahead with this.

"Ah yes, you may call me... Ashera. Yes that is what they named me when they created me. I am what you would call an aberrant, but I am more like your slime girls than the illithid, I don't kill needlessly like the latter, and I greatly enjoy the pleasures of the flesh like the former of those two," the woman said with a chuckle, telling them her name.

"Hmm... well I know not all aberrant beings are evil, some are actually quite nice like the slime girls she mentioned. But we should still be careful regardless," Sibella whispered to Susan, following her through whichever door she chose to go through.

The room was almost totally bathed in dim light save for the small patches around any of the lit torches or candles, so it was tough to see any specific details such as footprints to follow or anything of the sort. While she looked, Susan would notice the two girls on the bed stirring slightly as one of them rolled over in her sleep to face the other one, pulling the blanket on the bed up over herself and the other girl in the process. They looked rather peaceful laying there resting, both of them with a hand drifting down to caress and hold their bellies in their sleep. When Susan stepped through the door she chose, with Sibella right behind her, they'd find themselves in a corridor similar to the one they'd left outside of the big room area in the last room, save this one wasn't that long and only went in one direction from the door they came in from. There were 3 doors further down the corridor, 1 on the right and 2 on the left.

"Alrighty then you two, our game begins. There isn't much to it, just don't run into me. If you do I'll give you a chance of getting away, but if I catch you then you must submit to me, but you can still win if I only get one of you and the other gets away. Think of it as playing hide and seek in a maze. If you make it all the way through my little maze here and back to the big room from before, then you'll win. But if I catch you, then... hmhm, well I think you know from all I've said what I'll do. Do try and find me please, I wanna have some more fun," Ashera said to them as they shut the door behind them.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With both girls talking , Susan wait for her turn as she tried to endure the wait to choice the door. Very well, nice to meet you Ashera, for what it sound this little game could give to all some safe fun moments. The silver girl looks to Sibella as this wishper to her, noding with some questions on her face. Im a little new on this continent, so i havent seen any illithid until now and i had only meet some slimes at my travels, in some way it make this game more interesting and will be nice to meet you. The human add sure than their host must be a nice cute woman even if she werent human, after all the things than she had said.

With her idea than all will be fine and the doors filled of mysteries, Susan finally opened the door once she smiled when she notice than the two priests looks to be fine even when they were pregnant. She suppose than the birth time would be faster as the slimes from her first journey and at least this race looks to be more peaceful than the ussual slime.

Hmm... Susan express as she see the next corridor and heard the unknown creature say the rules. Ok, so it will be better if we take a different door... Maybe the right door is a dead end or goes to a long corridor. We had taken the right door and there was not another door from that side on the last room as also the entrance corridor.

Susan tried to find out which door take, she was sure than Ashera could be in an intersection where many paths get conected, maybe even the only passage toward the first room, so she could be at the left doors as also the right choice. Ok, i will take the second left door, even when i heard than the mazes's exits are always at the right paths. Which path will you take Sibella? Our best bet could take each a different path just in case. Said this Susan waited for the elf to decide the path than she would take and then she will take the second left door.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I would never hurt you girls, or any girls for that matter... well unless you were female illithid, then I'd obliterate you both without blinking an eye. But you aren't so it's a moot point really ladies. I do hope one of you finds me at least, but I'll hold true to my word, so don't worry about that. Who knows, maybe I'll even lead you out of here... though I feel that no matter the outcome I shall accompany you and investigate this corruption... it reeks of the illithid completely, and that is one thing I cannot by any means abide is them and their corruption," Ashera said to them telepathically in a fairly serious tone.

"Aye Susan, I say we split up since that seems like it'd be the easiest way to keep her from catching us both. Because I doubt she'd do anything to either of us without catching us both first," Sibella muttered to Susan, looking down the corridor and back to Susan. "I'll head right then if you're going through the last door on the left, that way we're truly split up and likely won't run into each other again... hopefully," she added before looking around.

"Miss Ashera... you would find and help us back to the big room wouldn't you? If one of us makes our way back to there I mean," Sibella called to Ashera, glancing at Susan as she asked her question.

"Aye, I'm not that heartless ladies, but it's not only me you have to worry about in this here maze. There's other things besides me that you'll probably want to avoid if you want to make it back here without me finding and catching you. They won't hurt you though, so you needn't worry about that. Just try not to have too much fun with any of them alright," Ashera replied back to Sibella's question, where they were then sent forth into the maze as Ashera finished up. "I shall keep my telepathic link open to you both to make sure if one of you gets back safely then I can come and get the other, and so I can inform the other if one of you gets captured by me," she added as an afterthought.

"Alright then, let's go Susan, you go that way I'll go this way and hopefully we'll meet back up in the central room in a few minutes," Sibella told Susan before heading for the door she'd chosen, nodding at Susan as she got to her's, where she then opened her door and went through, shutting it behind her and leaving Susan to enter her door whenever she was ready.

(Really sorry about not posting sooner than this, had almost forgotten about it honestly and thought I'd already posted. XD)
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

So... there are female illithds? Maybe i should never try to imaginate how they look. Susan said back mostly to herself really against the idea than something so odd could exist on these lands. Oh well i dont have anything against the idea of have you at our side, after all what had you has said to us.

Once said ths to the mind voice at theirs heads, Susan still have that huge urge to continue this game maze, if it were for her she would just open and see every room of this maze just for the needs to find out what is inside, but she also wanted to win this so she maybe will try it later.

Sibella and the unknown woman continue their talk and the needs to open the door were eating the silver girl so much than she was starting to sweat a little at her face and hand, frowning a little until she calm herself and nodded. Very good all sound safe and fun, yet maybe i should avoid any fight if possible She prepare to opened the door not before turn a last time to Sibella. Of course, i bet than i will be the first to reach the central room said to her ally before try her luck on that mysterious door
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"There are females yes, we just very rarely see them, and they look virtually the same as the males save a pale purplish color instead," Sibella said about female illithid. "Hmhm, don't get too cocky Susan, you never know what this Ashera might throw at us," she added when Susan stated that she bet she'd reach the central chamber again first.

"Oh I wouldn't throw anything too dangerous at you both or anything that would permanently change you both, but let's just say it'd be some... lewd fun if you get caught," Ashera's voice came and said to them as they split up.

Heading through the door she'd chosen, Susan came to a long rectangular shaped room that was at least 20 to 30 feet long and half that wide. At the far end was another door, but between that and her was a tree in the very center of the room. "I'll also give you a bit of information about each foe that you both run into. Susan, you've just run into a tentacle tree. They have a very long reach and if you get caught by it, it won't let go until it's satisfied. But it won't impregnate you so you needn't worry about that. Because that's what I'm going to do to you when you lose," Ashera told Susan, though she couldn't tell if Sibella could hear Ashera as well or not unless she asked.

Regardless though a few seconds later when Susan attempted to cross the room from the tree's branches came a bunch of tentacles, one from the tip of each branch, of which there were many as the tree was fairly tall and full. They were green in color and there were at least a dozen and a half of them if not more, it was hard to count just how many there were. Her only choices here were go back the way she came or try and get past somehow.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Oh...so they have almost a pink skin, by how odd they are i was almost sure than the difference would be more bizarre. Susan said about the female illithids. When Sibella answer, Susan waited for the other woman ended to talk to theirs minds. Im not cocky, this game sound fun and she said it must be some safe game... i mean we should trust at her, right?

Once said this the girls choiced theirs doors and soon the silver haired girl finally noticed what this new room have for her, she noticed the big tree in front of her but before she could see any move Ashera talked again at her mind. Susan gasped mostly worried about the huge quantity of tentacles than she should dodge, she cursed herself for only be able to use her sword, maybe Shibella would have more luck on this place with an area spell. Yeah sure... in case than i lose, that wouldnt be so easy She said with her mind

She quickly cursed herself and returned to the last room to choice the other door than nobody had choiced, mostly because she wanted badly to know what was there. After all she could return later to try to make a quick run when the tree calm.

(return and open the other door)
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well there are a few subtle differences of course, but at first glance the only noticeable difference is the different skin color really," Sibella said to Susan about the female illithid with a shrug of her shoulders. "Be careful okay Susan, don't get yourself hurt or worse," Sibella added before heading on.


"Hmhm, I never said it would be easy for you love. Go ahead and test your luck if you like, just don't tire out too quickly on me alright, I'd like a good long fucking with you, because you look to have a nice body underneath that armor and all," Ashera's voice said to Susan as she turned and left the room to check the other one.

This room led to another room that was similar to the one with the tentacle tree, however there was a difference in that this one had a door to Susan's left about halfway across the room, and one at the far end that could surely only lead to the same place that the adjacent room with the tentacle tree led to. For the moment it looked like this room was empty however unlike the previous room, and it was now up to Susan which way to go.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan just blink a few times after heard than there where some others differences between genders, but dont said anything. Once they departed she nod smiling as she wave Sure all will be fine dont worry Sibella She said mostly trying to dont think in what could happen to them.


Ehm... thanks, i guess. I like my body just as it is., unfortunately for you i will win this. Susan answer back as she closed the door behing her and then went to open the next door. Once a tthe next room it was obvious than the far end door will only follow to the previous room, so the tree could had been a trap to her and this was the right choice, also this make her fear than the choices for them arent as much as they expected, no doubt they would have a lot of chances to see Ashera on their paths.

Thinking than peeking a little would nt be trap on this game she tryied to open a little the room to affirmate than these two rooms were conected, after all these doors could warp to distant rooms so that could mean even greater problems for them so she needed to clarify it. Trying to dont open it too much to dont be trapped by the possible tentacle tree at the other room she will close it if affirmatively it lend to the last room and then she will choice to take the left door toward a possible new room if all went normaly as it must.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, if you say so dearie. But I just don't think you'll win, or at least I hope you don't," Susan would hear Ashera tell her with a giggle.

As she went to the other side of the room, Susan would hear the drip of water landing on stone, but other than that she wouldn't see or hear anything else. Checking through the door, she'd see a small hallway that went to the right, and in the hallway were two doors, one on the right about where the other room next door was, while there was another one at the end of the hallway to her left. If she decided to peek through the door to the right down the hallway she'd see the tentacle tree inside, though that didn't mean that these doors couldn't warp around somehow or another.

"Well Susan dear, looks like Sibella met her first foe, and she might be about to have some fun herself. Hmhm... I do hope she doesn't get too caught up with her new friend," Ashera giggled to her, informing her that Sibella ran into her first enemy of the maze.