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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!



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Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Tris kept licking Rajas neck, enjoying the sweet taste some more. Her hands had managed to wiggle under Raja's clothes, playing with her chest, as her own erect nipples were rubbing against Raja's back...

"You are with the empire? Then you don't mind if I share how you saved me, do you?" she teased.

"Perhaps it was destiny that brought us together...perhaps you are the truly special and deserving...but would you want to become mine? Can I be selfish just this once, and ask you of this?" her right hand left Raja's chest, moving lower first over her belly, and then slowly trying to find it's way towards Raja's pussy...if she wasn't stopped.

"Can I have my knight in shining armor...and have him?" she whispered in Raja's ear, softly nibbling it afterwards.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken.jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Focused, Team: None

Nodding as Sal told him to go after Raja he asks, "Do you have directions to Z-7?" He waits a moment then runs off on foot, hoping to see something faster on his way. On the way he almost entirely ignores the people he runs past, they are not part of his current mission. There is one moment where he almost runs into some unfortunate alien, but Taken sidesteps them and keeps going, hood up and goggles down. Watching the numbers and letters of the halls his cloak flapping and the rifle strapped to his back bouncing with each step, he thinks to himself "I hope she is alright, she sounded like she wasn't in trouble but it is always hard with her. Also she left a mess again. Will it always be my job to clean up after them? It doesn't matter, I love my sisters, and if that means cleaning up their messes so be it. Now where is that, there Z-9, oh she really wasn't subtle, then again these people seem like they probably deserved it. Heck that man even has his dick out still, idiot." Taken begins to approach the bodies intending to take them further down the alley so he wouldn't be interrupted in making them disappear forever.

Perception: 16
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

Taken first notices the two rodians that had been crushed one on the other. A close inspection would reveal that those two were breathing.

A bit further, there is a corpse of a weequay that had a very obvious lightsaber slash on his back, and few steps away a human left with his cock out, having bled to death.

There are marks of something that scratched the wall down the corridor - probably a badly driven speeder, but no signs of the speeder itself.

Every one of those four had a blaster pistol with him, as well as a vibrodagger. Two are dead while the other two alive but unconscious. There is nowhere very obvious to dispose the corpses at.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Focused, Team: None

"Alright time to get down to it," he thinks as he looks around for a place to put these people, seeing the nearby dock he gets out the tools from his belt and begins to work on the door, as it soon opens he smiles then gets to work moving the bodies, putting down his rifle in the hanger by the door so he can carry them.. "Damn these guys are heavy, I should have spent more time with Sirius on the strength training she does." He has the Weequay under the arms as he is moving slowly into the hanger and just around the corner of the door. He repeats this for the other three starting with the human ignoring the limp dick. Then he picks up and slings his rifle across his back again and looks around. Seeing the cans of spray he smiles he had often tagged things in the simulations memo ran them through whenever he could, just because it annoyed memo and a bigger score it bothered Alk. (Just like that nickname, Taken only used it when he knew the grumpy trainer couldn't hear him, as the consequences were rather steep for using it.) Taken then picks up a dagger from one of the Rodians and its sheath, strapping it to his leg, just in case. He then went around and collected the other weapons putting them in a pile to pick up later. Sweaty and tired Taken looks for a release to the outer hanger doors, so he can dispose of the bodies completely. Seeing the terminal he heads over to it, he considers calling Raja for a moment, then decides Salvie would be better help for hacking. He calls her up on coms "Salvie I would like some aid, I am in hanger 45 looking at the terminal. I am going to try to open the outer doors so I can space the mess Raja left and then I'll clean up the blood. By the way let everyone know if anyone wants a dagger or pistol I have some extras now." He gets to work on the terminal, getting help he tries to implement it. Surprisingly it was easier than expected. As the doors open Taken takes the opportunity to try to make the wounds look like vibro-dagger, or blaster wounds, basically flaying the weequay then spaces each of the four.

Having cleaned up most of the mess he goes over to the blood stains and paints some images over it trying to make it look intentional.

He then goes back to the pile of weapons, realizing he has no idea how to use a vibro-dagger, he drops it back in the pile, loading up on the pistols then, heading out. He hits his coms again, this time to everyone, "There are some vibro-daggers if anyone is interested in hanger 45, I am leaving the door partly closed."

Mechanics: 18
Hacking: 20
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Location: Hangar 55 Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Serious, starting to become more chirpy again
Salvie remotely activated the transmitter of her comlink. "These things are easy. You pull up the advanced options console, select 'access interface' then enter a 8 digits, the first 4 are the registry number, that should be 3361 for all the bays on this ring. Then you enter the 4 digit ID number of the console, it's right there top of the interface. Once your past the programmed interface lock you access the OS console and enter, erm, override function 2, that was it for opening. Don't forget to close the door again log out once you're finished. Oh, and please bring back every weapon or anything else of value you can find. Thank you!" (Use Computer roll: 24)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Shady sidestreet, on a speeder Mood: Aroused Tag: DM, primarly

Raja moaned softly at the expert toying on her nipples from one that was used to pleasing oneself, by now even the most innocent of Zeltrons would know where this was going.. Raja of course knew the basics of her pheromones, even if she had never experienced them, like a colorblind painter.

But she actually liked where this was going.. the Twi'lek was certainly cute and not too pushy with her either.. her pheromones would have tickled out a pushyness.. and she gave nice hugs, by necessity right now, but still.. this could work, actually.. "I did kind of follow the force to .. at first I thought find the gangmembers, but I found you.. tell me about yourself uh.. what do you do for a living, Tris?" She asked, more serious, even whilest her nipples grew harder.. her nice smell and nicer taste still filling Tris with a soft, calming, yet encouraging warmth.

Raja blushed slightly, before admitting: "Y.. you know these are my pheromones, my races that is. Well, they don't create anything that isn't there, but they.. encourage you. In an enclosed space like this, you are feeling if you want to own me real bad, although if you weren't secretly prone to fantasizing about it, they couldn't make you either." She explained, oddly serious for a moment. "That said.. " She moaned sofly, as the Twi'lek's hand brushed through a bush of purple-blue pubic hair towards the way of her sex.

"I've just met you, but it feels we've been through a lot in mere minutes. I.. like having someone that keeps me safe, if you'll pay me back for my rescue and having me.." She blushed, smiling a little serenly, her own hand wandering lower as she ever so slightly spread her legs, shily, but curiously caressing along, feeling that green length throbbing beneath her. There was something oddly kinky about being dominated by one that most considered a slave-race...

"But just so you know.. I uh.. ah.. my consent is one thing.. making me yours is another.. Tris." She said, with soft affection, before leaning forward, or well, twisting about a little, to look the Twi'lek straight in the eyes with a shy hopefulness and a soft locking of their lips, filled with submissive desire.


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Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Relaxed, Team: None, Location: Hanger 45

Taken, having taken his share of the equipment begins looking for a place he could pawn off the pistols. He figured that since Raja hadn't checked in for a while it would be a good idea to reach toward her. Of course he wasn't very good at this skill, but as he was walking he emptied his mind of everything that had happened and focused, suddenly he felt a connection, "My that is strong." he thought to himself as he connected, and felt the urge for Twilek dick. He then sends the emotions of calm and completion to her with a little bit of his signature to let her know it was him before pulling away. Having done that he continues to look around for a pawn shop that looks decent, hiding his semi from the contact of the over-sexed Zeltron. Actually thinking about it, Twilek dick wouldn't be too bad right now. (looking for some of that too)

Use the force: 24
Perception (shop): 28
Gather information(Twilek Dick): 2


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Tris softly kissed Raja's ear.

"You were looking for gang members? Well...ehm...maybe I am one too? But please don't tell me that you have to arrest me now or something...right?" she asked, somewhat worried, but her hands didn't stop their way down. Her durasteel-hard cock was twitching, but to her credit she went for Raja's pussy instead, and started softly stroking it.

"I like being free, racing around...we do some salvaging to make ends meet sometimes. Sometimes we steal some things, but you know, from those who are asking for it." she explain, worried that Raja wouldn't approve of her.

"Pheromones? I don't know how that works. But did your pheromones made you save me? Did they made us end up here? Don't think so."

"Besides, I don't care what it is." she kissed Raja again. She was quite dexterous, with one hand teasing Raja's nipples, and the other her pussy.

"I have been waiting for you my whole life. I can feel it. You can feel it. There is something special...and I don't talk about just my cock going crazy for you." she whispered, her hot breath sending lewd shivers down to Raja's spine.

"No..." she stopped stroking Raja's pussy, her hand moving outside...only to unzip her bottom. It would take some effort to remove it, but making enough way for some twi'lek dick to it in wouldn't be impossible.

"I want you to be mine because I feel there is something more...than this. If you think I am talking with my cock...we can stop here. That should prove I mean what I say from my heart." she paused moving, letting Raja wiggle around on her cock.

"Do I have to stop? Would that make you mine?" she whipered, before turning into a more forceful tone "Or do you want me to let my burning passion show my feelings to you, Raja? But you would have to accept the consequences, my sweet candy bar..." her lekku moving above Raja's shoulders and resting above her chest. Lekku were known to house part of a twi'lek's brains, and were very sensitive...so much that even slave owners usually left them alone. If anything, Tris's action showed great trust at Raja.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

You take the elevator up, leading to the level above. There is something sticky on the elevator floor, but luckily it doesn't smell. The doors open, to reveal areas considerably larger than the corridors below - it would be more accurate to call them streets. You can hear people talking, laughing, arguing, fighting and many other noises, along with the constant noise every step on the metal floor is producing.

Taking a walk along the streets, you notice many interesting things - con artists, death stick dealers practicing their trade in remote corners, betting stalls, repair shops, cantina's....it feels like a dirty, ugly, poor yet extravagant weird little city.

It doesn't take long to locate a pawn shop, called 'Hell of a Deal" and it looks good enough for your purposes.

Inside you find a female Devaronian sitting behind the stall.

"Hey, hey, there Customer! In dire need of credits? Come closer, lets have a talk!" she motioned Taken to come closer.

"Oh my, quite the looker too. So, what can I do for you?" she offered suggestively.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Mildly Horny (calm otherwise), Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal

Taken stepping into the shop takes a moment to look around before lifting his goggles from his eyes and stepping closer to this lady. "I came looking to pawn off some things I found wondering around, but since you seem to be an interesting sort, I think I might be able to offer you something, depending on what you need." Taken has boldly moved toward the lady keeping his voice down so anyone else in the store can't hear him. He smiles as he talks, and his eyes flash a little brighter red as his breathing increases.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

"Do you think you have what I need then? I may need more than you can offer." she teased back.

"But. Business first. You don't look hungry or in a bad mood, so I guess you want to sell the things you found. Maybe keeping the sale off my books too?"

"I pay less for....lost and found goods. But it depends on what it is." she explained, staring in his eyes.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Mildly Horny (calm otherwise), Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal

"I have no worries that the previous owners may be looking for these, their bodies were cold by the time I found them. Colder when I left them." Taken smiles, he likes this shop keep she is savvy, and he doesn't restrict his eyes when looking her over. "As for how you run your books, I am not concerned. This is an honest deal, and however you like it I am sure I can supply." He takes the two pistols and places them in her hands with the safeties on.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

"Eh...blasters...how impressive...not. Don't you have a bigger weapon?" she said as she examined them.

"Couldn't you at least bother to clean them? This smells like a rodian peed on it. Wait EW, I think he actually did..."

"You got them from the 'Brutalizers' didn't you? In any case, honest doesn't mean legal. Basically, no licence means I can't really sell them legally. But whatever, I can offer 250crd for each one...no actually 240 for the dirty one. You can clean it and come back if you want, I don't care. Don't bother bargaining, you won't find a better price."

"So...how did you provoke those hotheads? Did you go out with a pretty girlfriend, maybe? Joined the wrong gang? Or?" she asked, taking out the energy cells off the weapons.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Mildly Horny (calm otherwise), Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal

"That deal is fine by me, if you would like I can clean it here. As for the 'Brutalizers' as you call them, I told you before I found them already cold. I didn't cross them but it seems someone else did, nasty cuts and plenty of blaster wounds." Taken takes the deal in stride, he got these blasters for free after all. "Again if you want something in particular I am rather accomplished at acquisition, though I am rather new on this station." He takes the one that the human had, again with the safety on, and hands it to her. If he gets a strange look he says, "There were three of them, again I am willing to clean them if needed, it doesn't bother me."
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Salvie. Mood: eager, Curious

Sarai listed to the open mike as Raja spoke to the guards and then provided a report. "Let's definitely hack into the maintenance equipment and garb Salvie. It's a better idea than fighting and kidnapping part of the maintenance crew here. It will help us get into the security center and maybe the upper rings as well. I'd guess that our target is there rather than here on the common access ring." Sarai listened as well to the sounds of combat that soon followed as Raja was involved in the fight. She put her arm around Salvie and hugged her closely. The Togruta clearly felt the bond that they all had with each other for her people were always close to one another. Sarai shared Salvie's fear and grief. "Don't worry, it sounds like she made it out ok. Let's move on with our part of the mission. I'll cover you and sneak in ahead into the maintenance hangar as the Force is with me in hunting and hiding."
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Location: Hangar 55 Tag: Mission, All, Partnered with Sarai, Mood: Serious, starting to become more chirpy again
"Thank you, Sarai. Really. You're right, we should go. Let's head to the hangar bays in the 40s range, down over there. That's far enough from our own dock."
On her way out she turned to Sirius: "Hey, if you wanna tag along with us, we're moving out now. If you have any other ideas, do those, this docking bay may be occupied soon."

Salvie walked down the corridors with a brisk pace, until she reached the series of docks in the 40s range. She made sure to stop by bay 45, luckily still unoccupied, to retrieve one of the vibroblades Taken had mentioned. She then walked a bit further until she stood before Bay 42, quickly looking around for any signs of trouble before hacking the door control and overriding the security.

(Perception roll for searching environment: 12 Use Computer roll: 18)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

"You know, 'I found some dead bodies and looted them' is a terrible line to pick up girls. Are you sure you only found them dead?"

"I mean, I could have some work, but not for picking up from the dead. What are you worried about, that I will call the security? I have a honest buseness to run here, I don't care how you got your illegal things."

"Speaking of, are you interested at buying anything? I have things. What do you need?"

"Weapons, eplosives, drugs...I bet there is something you would do with those credits, and I bet I have it."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Shady sidestreet, on a speeder Mood: Aroused Tag: DM

"I am errr.. looking for one man in particular, as part of some.. test to conclude my harsh training." She explained. "Truth be told, it was pretty stupid revealing myself like this, endangered the mission and the others I am on it with here, but.. I couldn't just leave you." Raja explained, before mieeping softly at the kiss of her ear... this was all quite.. distracting to her, she had to admit, sending her body into a lustful flush...

"I'm.. uh not imperial authority.. yet... oh and I'm no Jedi either, the Jedi were super meanos, but.. thats part of the test too, using my abilities without authority. A-anyway!" She chuckled, too shy to ask a follow up of the naughty gangster Twi'lek.
"Aah.. hamn..." She purred softly, under the Twi'leks touch... yes, she could definitly get used to this.. her lover was determined, but gentle...
And Tris might not find the feeling of Raja's warm, ever so slightly moist pussy either, opening up to her stroking if coaxed gently enough.. Raja was not as.. adventurous as most of her siblings, although she was not inexperienced either.
"I wish I could be free..." She said, letting the last syllable hang in the air just a little too long, before adding: "Ah uh.. enough racing for me though! I'd take a training lesson over this now..." She finally realized one of her hands had been holding onto the joystick still and released it, with but a minor cramp, her hand reaching out, first steadying herself against a wall.. and then resting on the Twi'leks thigh.

"I just wanted to be err.. honest... just so you know.. err.. the effect should fade, although if you inhale a lot .. uh.." Well, it was safe to say that Tris would feel a good deal more confident and in charge for a few days at the least, after gotting Raja so worked up now.
"Haah.. aaah.." The Zeltron made, sighing happily with Tris hands playing on her body, her chest pushing out and into that teasing hand, hard, puple nipples up against her, her thighs rubbing against one another in a lustful spasm, and, consequently, squeezing that hard, green shaft naughtily... even as Raja softly suckles on her nice lovers lower lips, her kiss soft, a little needy, but happily yielding to Tris advances.

"P... perhapst here really is, yes, Tris. I uh.. I'm not good with people but I don't worry too much about you.. and... hehe.." She hesitated admitting that she'd never touch someone's cock so.. quickly, but.. she blushed at Tris combination of confident advance and trust, hesitating a little at the feeling of those lekku ontop of her chest, closing her eyes and smiling.. and the oddest thing happened, the effect of her pheromones actually faded away, to a decent degree, leaving less of a domineering posessive need,, but more of just.. a desire, if not something more.. as Raja smiled... and gently extended a hand, caressing, stroking along Tris' shaft, before guiding it along in the stuffy speeder, inviting her foreward, whilst holding onto her softly, closing her eyes and smiling.
"You could have taken me.. I know you want to.. And I want you to... but you didn't succumb to just your desires alone. By not trying to own me you have earned the right to .. y.. you k.. k.. know.. a.. ah.. actually d... d... d.. do .. do that...." She stammered and squirmed a little now, almost struggling for breath. .. clearly, admitting her submissive desires so openly was quite hard for her.. a sign of trust back, perhaps. "Y.. you want to own me and j.. just maybe I want it too... ah.. aaah.." She gulped, reaching up and carefully caressing along one of ... her lovers tentacles slowly, cautiously, before whispering, admitting, to herself and Tris and no one else to hear, ever, hopefully... "I feel a connection to you too. As stupid as it may sound, I kind of trust you already.. and it definitly doesn't hurt that you've got a really beautiful looking cock." She whispered, somehow managing to sound sweet and innocent and genuine, but strangely not avoiding eye-contact for a change, lavender eyes focused on Tris'.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Tris looked back into Raja's eyes lovingly. It was the first time she watched Raja directly in the eyes, and it felt as if their...bond had been confirmed. She paused for a moment, trying to suck in that special feeling.

"Thank you." she said finally, closing in for a passionate kiss. She hugged Raja tightly.

After she had enough, she slowly rubbed her cock against Raja's pussy, waiting for her to push it inside on her own when she was ready. She felt that her mind was connected with her...now only their body had to be connected too, and they would be one.

"I....I love you." she moaned, slowly thrusting upwards, as her lekku hugged Raja's neck. She didn't know how she had ended up saying those words to a girl she just met...and yet she had no doubt that it was true. Maybe there was indeed something that guided them together?

"From now on, I will own you. I will take care of you. I promise." she kissed Raja once more.

"Now...excuse me, but...you are just too...too hot." she moaned, and with a move that was strong and nimble beyond one would expect, she managed to slip around Raja, and find herself directly above her.

"I want you to look into my eyes, as I do this. Don't look elsewhere. You are not allowed to." she ordered. She then placed her cock in Raja's wet pussy, before pushing forward decisively. She would fuck Raja with all her burning passion, softly caressing her breasts and stealing steamy kisses from time to time....but if Raja ever stopped looking her straight in the eyes, she would stop any action until she did so again.

It was as if they were really meant for each other, for their first orgasm came at exactly the same time...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Shady sidestreet, on a speeder Mood: Happy Tag: Tris

Raja struggled with arousal and emberassment in equal measure, but kept the Twi'leks gaze, her happiness at being hugge and rubbing up into the embrace giving away her genuine joy.
"L.. l.. love you t.. too.." She stammered, shily, seeking Tris' closeness in the unusual privacy of the locked up speeder, blushing a little more, if this was possible, as she looked down at the Twi'leks shaft between her legs.. aiming at her.. and just letting her go, shifting ever so slightly and moaning out as she felt the hot hardness rub against her.

Raja blushed and nodded, shily, at the confident, yet caring promise made, her body warm with arousal, her heart beating softly up against Tris' bare skin.
Tris, for her part, felt the tight, warm wetness or Raja's pussy engulf her in a warm, encouraging welcome. The Zeltron's pheromones still affected her, just a little diferent now, encouraging, but also making her feel good.. special.. because even as quickly as this had happened, she somehow already was to Raja now.

Amusingly, a lot of things were easier for Raja to do.. sexual favours, things to say.. looking at Tris was hard in it's own way, but oddly both bonding and commanding as she gulped and did as told, submitting to the womans bonding bondage and, once she had made up her mind, hardly failing to look at her with innocent, yet still lust-clouded eyes.
"T.. tris!" she shouted out her desire as.. as well as she could, she spread her legs to invite her lover within her, moaning and nuzzling up to her, pressing up against her, her own purple nipples rubbing their hardened arousal up against a darkgreen as she hugged up to her lover.. her mistress, pulling her close, and into her, moaning happily in her building climax and not letting go of her until she could feel all of the Twi'leks warmth pouring into her, filling her.
"Haah. I love the feeling of your warmth inside me.. c.. can we please stay like this a little while... " She purred, her warm sex squeezing the length of Tris within her encouragingly as she nuzzled up to the Twi'leks shoulder, resting her head upon it, a Lekku by the side of her head, sweet smelling blue hair cushioning her, as she asked..
"... mistress?"