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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


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Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Domed Room Tag: Taken Mood: Aroused, Sexy and Still Very Naked!

Sarai gasped and trembled against Taken as the Force revealed to them the present and futures around both them and the planet floating before them. She felt the flow of Dark side energy into the planet twisting and corrupting it even as the Light Side energy was drained out into the pool. Were the figures swarming in the pool in some way drawing out the energy from the planet, feeding on it? The liquid felt holy but yet dangerous to her. There was power here much of it yet Sarai was not interested in taking such for herself. Instead she leaned in and kissed Taken again, her body grinding against the hot, sweaty blue-skinned body. Pulling back again she panted for a bit. "Taken, do you feel and see what is happening? The planet is being drained. I don't think we can stop it but perhaps we can take some of the Light Side power from the pool and feed it back to the planet. Why would anyone destroy a living planet like this?"


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Apr 21, 2019
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75492886_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Docking bay, Tag: The other "friends," Mood: Aroused as always, nervous

Salvie sighed. "Alright, wait. Look, we aren't smugglers, we don't have anything valuable on us. But we're... not entirely legit. We had to run from some local security before. Look, if you tell the Quermians we won't make trouble, we can make it up to you eventually. We don't want any trouble. So name your price." She offered one last time. Straight up admitting it would give them a lot of leverage to drive up the cost of this little racket, but Salvie was sure they would get the money eventually. She just hoped her siblings wouldn't get into too much trouble while she was away.


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Apr 21, 2019
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Taken Farseer, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Excited and Horny, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: The Temple's Trial

Driven by her love's words, Taken's hands danced across the supple flesh that made the orange woman's headtails and montrais. The experience of joining with her in both body and force transcended words, two heavenly bodies of pleasure and lust, each egging the other further. Their light shining brightly and easily shared with all about them. Having been a watcher for longer than a lover it was completely new to the Chiss woman, but she kept her lusty eyes open, flaring brightly and watching that of Sarai.

The paths before them were infinite, like they'd always been. Just like it would always be, they had to set their own course. Chart the stars and look for guidance only when an idea was already set. A map was only useful if you had a destination.

The darkness had gone unnoticed to the blue woman, and seeing how deeply it surrounded them concerned her. Chaos was necessary to life, but it would always need to be balanced with order. It seemed something had set this temple to suck the life from this planet, turn it into a husk. Or perhaps, this was a place of containment... A way to protect and hold the order elsewhere. What Taken knew was her vision, though it hadn't been explicit, had wanted her to revitalize this planet. That pool of force should be enough for just that.

Smiling as the orange beauty entangled with her trembled with revelation, she waited patiently for those emotion filled eyes regained their focus before returning to their love-making. Gently parting her lips to accept the kiss, Taken explored every ridge of Sarai's tongue this time. Then they separated. "I fear the only ones who sought to destroy it are the ones to partook of the pool, let us replenish the planet first then we can put our brains together on these questions." Teasingly biting the lush, orange, lower lip of her companion Taken let herself once more free and tried to lift the pure force back to whence it came.

UTF: 23+(FP?)6=29
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Domed Room Tag: Taken Mood: Aroused, Sexy and Still Very Naked!

Sarai tightened the grip around Taken's slender waist and kept the two pressed tightly together at the groin. She felt the surge of the Force from Taken not only as a shiver around her but as a tingle in her own body through their close physical and emotional union. "There is much here that I do not understand yet but let us start healing the planet now. We can then evaluate what to do in the longer term to help the planet and our sisters."

UTF: 34


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Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

It seemed that everything went as planned! Raja went along with Tris and visited the local IPS (Interstellar Parcel Service)! The line wasn't too big, and they even grabbed some advertisement flyers about beautiful vacation locations...sure they hadn't started working yet, but they would need to go on vacation sooner or later...maybe a honeymoon too...?

When they returned, Raja wanted to invite Lede for tea and learn more about him, but the old alien was already occupied working on his last project. How curious, it looked nothing like a spaceship, more like an egg sliced to four pieces...but if he said it was a ship, it probably was...

The dock was large enough, and there were even unoccupied rooms at the back. Supposedly they were for storage or something, however, Lede had turned some of them into his home. Sadly, Raja wasn't allowed too much time to explore the rooms, because Tris shooed her away to play with the Mouse droid, while she had something secret to do in the rooms.

Judging by the supplies she had 'sneakily' bought on the way back, she was probably preparing a romantic dinner or something...maybe Raja could go and spy at her?

However, as the Mouse droid was happily zooming around her, Raja suddenly got a bad feeling...looking around, she just noticed a shadow fleeing from the entrance of the repair shop!

The shadow left, but the bad feeling was still there...it seemed there was a package left on the doorstep! It was a dull green, shoe-sized, suspicious-looking metal box...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

The blonde woman stopped leaving, turning back to Salvie.

"What, we aren't leaving now?" the other complained awkwardly, before following behind her.

"Ok, so you are wanted, and you are trying to stay low. Wouldn't it be easier to say so from the start?" the blonde woman mused.

"I am Kelly, and this is Jerri. We..." "Wait, we are friends now? Well then, WELCOME ABOARD! I am Jerri-Jerri, as you may have guessed! Sorry to disappoint but I can't give autographs right now..."

"J, just wait a moment, we don't know yet..."

"Come on K, do they look like hardened criminals or something? If I had to guess they are just runnin' away from home or something. They could be a nice change in the plot...I can't be the *only* eye candy, right? Not that I am not enough but..."

Kelly sighed, her glasses being lifted slightly as she rubbed her glabella frustrated.

"Fine. We will cover for you, but we will have to check your ship to make sure you aren't carrying something really shitty. Like slaves or death-sticks or whatever. And your papers to make sure you aren't mass murderers or something. And also you will have to work with us...both in the shootings, and off-screen."

"We are filming a movie, and at the same time we are doing some smuggling by the sides as part of the role. The planet is in dire need of medical supplies and things like that, so they welcome smugglers with open hands...this means there is room for a large profit, and you are doing good at the same time. And you get to play in a holomovie. Well, we are gonna change the faces afterwards so you don't need to worry about that."
Kerry explained.

"We should discuss your roles too. You look innocent, I can totally see you getting abducted by the baddies and us saving you, or something. Or maybe we could be the ones abducting you, but then we fall in love or something?" Jerri suggested.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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75492886_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Docking bay, Tag: The other "friends," Mood: Aroused as always, nervous

"Running from home does cover it pretty well." Salvie commented, taken aback by their suddenly shifting demeanor. Where they serious? Was this little admission all they had wanted? Or was there something else at play? (Perception to spot if they're lying or hiding something: 12)

"As I offered before, you can look at our cargo. Nothing but scrap metal. As for paperwork, we don't have much. We had to leave during an Imperial Razzia. Part of the reason we want to lay low." She explained, stepping aside and gesturing at the ramp leading into the ship.

"Wait." Salvie blinked. "You're making a movie and want us to help? Why didn't you say so earlier? I thought you were going to fleece us!" She posed seductively. "I'm sure we can help with that! What... genre of holovid?" Salvie asked, giving her voice a sultry tinge.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken, Sarai

Combining their efforts together, Sarai and Taken managed to pull some of the liquid in the pool, and slowly bring it back to the floating planet miniature. It was a tiny amount, not even a drop...but just that took all of their effort and attention, leaving both of them exhausted.

But the results were obvious...the small swampy planet slowly started turning into a slightly more vibrant shade of green! Or maybe it would...in time.

Taken, however, would soon feel something strange...

@ Taken
A cold shiver went down her spine, as she felt something...a presence, getting in touch with her! Or to be more precise...the weird presence had sneaked inside her while she was distracted and defenseless! Taken felt compelled to follow the presence's will...she could feel what it was and what it wanted....and she found herself wanting to do the same!

The strange presence has something that was born from this place. Taken would realize that this place had been built by some higher entities, as a weapon...and later it had been sealed here to be forgotten. With time, the strange planet-killing weapon had started malfunctioning...slowly draining the planet, and giving life to this strange existence.

Taken felt a strange sense of familiarity with the spirit...it had been peeking at them for a while, while they have been doing all those lustful things. It was still curious...and now that it was inside Takens' mind, it had access to her darkest, most perverted thoughts...

And here many things were as imaginary as they were real. Perhaps she should lure Sarai towards 'the exit'...she just had to want it, and a doorway would appear. Then maybe Sarai would find herself encountering a tentacle monster...or perhaps a group of horny pirates...or perhaps something more perverted...after all, this slut deserved it for stealing from its precious pool!

[Taken is possessed by Curious and currently Lustful Force Spirit! Her destiny forcefully changes to "Tricking and Doing Something Very Perverted to Sarai!". This weird desire can be temporarily suppressed by spending a destiny point (booo!). While inside the Core, Taken can change 'reality' as she sees fit, if she plays along with the spirit's desires.]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja Eren, Location: Old Led's Mood: cautious-shy Tag: Lede, Mousey

"Look! That beach has palms and weird bird things! What are those called.. ooh I never went on Vacation.."
She mused. If anything, over time, at least with Tris, Raja seemed to grow a little less shy. Perhaps the whole brutal training regiment isolated from the outside world had played a large role in her social awkwardness..

Although when they got only minorly lost and it came to the choice of walking for miles or asking literally anyone for directions, said awkwardness came back full force prompting Tris to do all the questioning.

On return, she was quite happy to play with 'Mousey' so the shooing was little effort, Raja attempting, and somewhat managing to mimick the beeping sounds the mouse-droid made back at it!

Well, until she felt a shadow, which made her glance over to a suspicious parcel.
"Huh. Errr.. Mister Lede sir, I'll go to one of the unoccupied backrooms yes.. one with those fire resistant doors ok?"

She nodded, also adding. "I.. ignore this."
As she lifted the parcel up with a wave of her hand (not with her hand, as normal people would!) before quickly maneuvering it into a secluded room and 'unwrapping' it telekinetically from a safe distance.
(Even on a nat 1 Raja should be able to move object this easily enough at a distance, so doing that! better safe than sowwy!)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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WhoWatchesTheWatcher.png Taken Farseer, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Excited and Horny, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: The Temple's Trial

The dribble wasn't much, but perhaps for now... enough? The blissful moment was too soon broken by something, peculiar. The presence touched her and before she had a moment it and she became one. Had they always been one, or had the touch changed something deep within her. A shiver went down the Chiss' spine as she thought it over along with the newfound need. Yes it was a need, just as much as one needed to eat or drink. This hunger to satiate those delectable, perverted holy thoughts. Strangely, it came with knowledge, how and why this place existed, that it was a mistake.

The spirit was a watcher, just like Taken, and it had been watching them for some time. Just that thought brought the lusty girl back to the brink of orgasm. Calming herself a little she let it explore her thoughts as she explored her options. Yes that was it. She'd do it that way.

Moaning slightly and standing, the blue woman smiles widely at her lover. "You're delightful as always, but we've done what we came for, so we should get going. Oh, there's the door!" Pointing back behind Sarai the stone door frame formed as if her words had called it into existence. Only darkness could be seen through the frame but Taken, after helping her sister stand, calmly walked up to the frame, stopping right at the edge. "The sooner we get to the surface the sooner we could go again." She winked then wiggling her butt stepped through.

As soon as she had stepped through Sarai would find herself blinded by bright, artificial light as suddenly she finds herself lifted by her ankles and wrists, each clasped in a silvery band of metal and suspending her before a rather sexily dressed Taken. Leather coverings hugging her legs then wrapping up into a series of belts which are clasped at her stomach. Her breasts highlighted by the partial corset and each hand clad in a sleek glove. Her lips parted in a wolfish grin as her captive focuses in on her. "I'd say I am sorry darling, but you'll like this too..." Giggling the leather clad sniper picks up a wooden paddle and taps each orange ass cheek once before pulling back and slapping it with force.

After a moment in a sultry tone she adds, "Now that you know I'll punish you, why don't you tell Mistress what secrets you've been spilling to Mister Ruben, whore."


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Domed Room and Beyond Tag: Taken Mood: Aroused, Sexy and Still Very Naked!

Sarai panted and leaned against Taken for support and perhaps to cup a feel on a firm ass cheek as they managed with great effort bring a small droplet of the Light Side from the pool and onto the planet. Perhaps it was only small as seen from their vantage point but judging by the work required the small droplet might have a large impact. She sighed and smiled up at Taken as she helped her stand. Sarai was still focused on the changes to the planet and could only nod as her sister urged her forward. "You're right Taken, we need to go find the others and tell them of this."

She straightened up and followed Taken through the doorway only to gasp as she was suddenly clasped by her wrists and ankles by slender bracelets of metal and raised up from the floor. Jerking a bit she looked in shock at Taken. "What? What? What are you doing Taken. You know I like a bit of... Ouch!" Sarai yelped at the smack to the orange buttcheek. "Ruben? I've not even managed to have sex with him yet!"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Nothing happened when Raja moved the package with the force. Not to mention that, Lede wasn't really paying attention to whatever Raja was doing - he was too busy welding something in the back side of the dock - so she escaped any questioning about her usage of the force powers. Not that he looked like the kind of person who would betray them to the empire anyway.

However, everything changed when Raja opened the package! *FSSSSSSSSSSS* A yellowish gas was released all over the place...luckily Raja was not too close to get affected by it! Whatever that gas was, it probably wasn't anything good! But there was no way there was only gas in the box!

It would take a while for the life support systems to clear the unidentified gas. Or perhaps she should borrow a space suit from Lede, to be extra safe?

"Oh, here you are!" Tris popped behind Raja, while she was pondering what to do. "I have a surprise for you! Hmmm...is everything ok, little strawberry?" she asked, stroking her head!

Inside the box there was a mechanism with an unmarked spray canister and a note!

"You have been poisoned, old snake. If you want to live, come to the following address...alone. You only have a couple of hours left..." written with bad handwriting, on a paper that had been crumpled and uncrumpled in the past, its sides revealing that it had been torn off from a bigger sheet.

(an address is included on the back of the page! It is somewhere on this floor, by the looks of it. Who even uses paper those days...?)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"It is a new kind of thing! We are doing a documentary-action movie! It is like, BOOM it will be amazing!"

"If we can get it done...and you don't get us killed, maybe."

"Nah, I'm too tough, there is no need to worry. The acting school was way worse, you know." J shrugged.

"Anyway, K, do the rest of the explainin'..." she asked lazily. to which Kelly sighed and started explaining things.

Basically, they were making a holomovie to participate in some kind of filming competition. Their funds however were really low, and they had no other options, so they decided to go for this idea. They originally planned to visit and film the smugglers and the other criminals by the sidelines, however they soon realized that there was room for huge profit, if they joined the smuggling too. The planet was in serious lack of medical supplies, with the Empire punishing them by blocking intergalactic trade.

By that time, Jerri had already picked up a fight with the other smuggler teams who didn't want to get filmed at all, and thus they decided to just join the smuggling for good. Jerri (who originally was meant to be the voice of the documentary) would take the role of the wild smuggler captain, Kelly was the 'right hand', and the rest of the filming crew would double as the goons.

As long as you were a smuggler, the Quermians wouldn't bother you, however the same didn't go for the rest of the smugglers. Luckily there was enough work for everyone, so there weren't any serious fights...and besides some fights were necessary for an interesting movie.

Salvie and Bubble would also have to join in the filming if they wanted them to cover for them, it seemed. However, it seemed things wouldn't be so easy as just acting a bit!

"We still have to do the actual smuggling. We will give you some of our cargo, and you will have to sell it to prove you are also a smuggler. But it won't be free...you will have to do something for us in return."

"We need to install a few secret cameras in the ships of the other crews. Obviously, we can't do that...but they won't know you would work for us, so you should be able to."
Kelly explained.

"There are two other crews here...Doreliana and her goons, and Dr. Grask's team."

"Dr. Grask is supposedly running a small clinic...that's how he legally explains his cargo to the imperials."
"He claims tone a doctor too...but he is just creepy really. Have you ever heard of a trandoshan doctor?" "We would love to get a few cameras in his ship."

"Doreliana is more of a pirate than a smuggler...but since the creds are good enough, she is happy to make them."

"Anyway, we want at secret cams in at least one of them...both would be even better. Then we could potentially cause some kind of minor conflict with you at the center, and do the movie about that, maybe."

"But first, we should arrange you to sell some cargo for your cover story..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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75492886_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Docking bay, Tag: The other "friends," Mood: Aroused as always, nervous

"Huh. Sounds rather complicated. Are you sure you couldn't make more money by doing holopornos?" Salvie asked, half jokingly. In truth, she found the elaborate scheme quite interesting, but her part in it would prove rather dangerous. Salvie understood now what the two were aiming for. They would use her to do the most dirty work, an easily disownable patsy should things go wrong. Well, not like she had much of a choice.
"Ok, when do we start?"


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja Eren, Location: Old Led's Mood: curious-shy Tag: Tris 'n stuff

Raja watched the hissing with big eyes for a moment, until her training kicked in and she slammed the door shut, waiting for the venting.. and hoping that needed somewhere where it could do no harm.

Then, she whistled! "Mousey: Throughout cleaning of any organic gassey err.. residue protocol pretty please."

Raja pulled the box over, shaking it with the force, before extracting the letter, letting her and Tris read it, nuzzling up to her loving Twi'lek along the line.
"I do not want to endanger you, but perhaps staying here is dangerous, so would you like watching my ah.. back if that's ok,.. I guess I will have to send a neighbourly complaint. That was not very nice."
Her eyes narrowed.. she just wanted to live in peace.. maybe do some forbidden things with her girlfriend... ok not forbidden, but definite grey-zones..

"We cah... can catch up!"
She promised, before preparing to head to the location, giving a worried glance to the old mechanic.. best not to tell and worry him and let him work, she decided. Plus the troublemakers would not come here for the moment.. hopefully. "A.. alright, let's see where this was.."
she nodded, squeezing Tris for good luck and comfort if the same wanted to accompany her or not..


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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1584028466514.png Taken Farseer, Tag: Sarai, Mood: In Control, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: The Room of Taken's Imagining
That look of shock on her sister's face was positively delicious. Perhaps Taken would have to do this kind of thing again... This must be why Hel liked this position of dominance so much. She ignored the question of what she was doing, her actions would speak loud enough for her on that as her eyes blazed with the pleasure she felt watching the Togruta squirm and struggle, a canvas for her to paint on...

"Ah, did I ask you what you've done with him?" Pulling back the paddle again to accentuate her question she brought it down again (perhaps a little lighter) as she declared, "NO!" Then, sliding around in front of Sarai she took the orange girl's chin in her hand and looked into the expressive woman's eyes. "I. asked. what. you. Told. him." This time the softly sanded wooden paddle slides between the White Adept's legs pressing with an edge on her mons, an edge that the blue mechanic drags forth as she notes. "Though if you are honest with me there might be a reward for a good slave." The choice dangled in the air, continue to be punished or see exactly where Taken's mind would take the two of them in compliance.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Domed Room Tag: Taken Mood: Aroused, Sexy and Still Very Naked!

Sarai shook her head as Taken again smacked her ass that now glowed a brighter orange. She struggled, trying to twist away from the touch of the harsh paddle from her sensitive mons. "Ugghhh... please..." She wriggled more and then panted, looking up at Taken. "I just... I just talked to him about helping loot the planet. He offered to help sell things if we could get it out of the temples."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"It isn't about the creds! It is about sending a message!" "It is about credits too..."

"Yeah, but now we got those anyway."

Kelly shrugged, before returning back to the issue at hand.

"First, we need to give you some of our cargo...and then you need to sell it to the locals." she started explaining...

It took some work, but sneaking some cargo from their ship back to her cargo bay proved to be easy for Salvie. She then arranged to sell the contents of the small container (consisted of medical supplies) through the local holonet node to local merchants. It seemed that the operation was a success - at least for a while, the local authorities wouldn't bother her. Luckily, it seems the whole matter was handled well enough to avoid drawing the attention of the other smugglers...

Jerri and Kelly, along with their camera crew - a few stealthy hovering droids, returned back to their usual activities, in order to avoid drawing suspicion to Salvie and Bubble. They left them some information about the situation, along with some hidden cams to use in her mission.

The smugglers were allowed to dock in this facility officially, and they had each claimed their own turf.

Dr. Grask, the trandoshan (self-proclaimed?) doctor had claimed Dock 4, on the top floor. There used to be a shopping mall in that floor, but now it was just a ghostly, abandoned area.

e6e4ec7526384b710d6f450930fd8c01.jpg Doreliana had claimed the lower docks. She only needed one of them of course, but she had laid claim to the whole floor regardless. Most of the time she wasn't even here, but she always made sure some of her thugs were left behind to terrorize the local workers of the station.

Speaking of the local workers...it seemed that besides the officials of the planet, the rest were convicts who were working here to lower their time.

Jerri and Kelly had taken the middle floor, along with Salvie unwilling (and mostly unable) to start a conflict for no good reason.

The Quermian officials were stationed outside of the base, in some buildings that were half-hidden between the green scenery. It seemed they were keeping their distance with the visitors.

The smugglers weren't prevented from going anywhere - even in other parts of the planet, however, one could reason that the locals were still tracking down their movements.

[No one seems to be suspicious of Salvie and her crew...for now. What do you plan to do?]


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Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

The mouse droid cleaned up the thin layer of dust that had covered the ground, and everything seemed safe again...

"Eh...but I had prepared...damn, why would they do this! You could have gotten hurt!" Tris hugged Raja protectively as they read the message.

"Of course I am coming with you!" she declared "I mean, I am probably not going to be a lot of help, but at least I could try my best." she sighed "But you will have to promise, not to get hurt because of me...well better not get hurt at all, ok?" she asked.


Walking through the different casinos and other high-class entertainments of the floor, Raja and Tris finally arrived at their destination.

It was an unmarked door in a side alley, guarded by a huge tough-looking guy.

"Ugh...pretty ladies...not good place for ya. Move, move along, won't ya...ugh..."
he grumbled, trying to look scary enough to persuade them two to go away, but without wanting to be actually intimidating. It seemed Raja's pheromones were still working their work, but this thug had a hard time communicating properly...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja Eren, Location: Old Led's Mood: curious-shy Tag: Tris 'n stuff

"You a.. are super useful.. and.. ok but only if you promise to not get hurt either!" Raja insisted. The pact of non-injury thus made, and a wave to Mousey later, they headed out... after brief consideration, with the packet repacked and.. "Sorry Mr. Led, can I burrow this spray can? Thanks!"
Some innocent preparation.

"Hello there mister! Someone left a packet at the repairshop but we didn't order anything so it must be a mistake I wanted to return it ah.. if that's ok."
She nodded, smiling and, interestingly perhaps for Tris, being less nervous-intimidated by .. well, what normal people would be intimidated by. She lifted the unmarked and mouse-droided box with a helpful smile. "Any idea whom it could belong to?"
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