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Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

When I tried opening it in a Windows XP VM

VM? As in RPGMaker VM? If so, why would you try opening the game using the wrong program? If not, I wouldn't have a clue. Also I'm pretty sure you need the RPGMaker XP RTP, not VX or VX Ace.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

VM? As in RPGMaker VM? If so, why would you try opening the game using the wrong program? If not, I wouldn't have a clue. Also I'm pretty sure you need the RPGMaker XP RTP, not VX or VX Ace.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I tried opening the game on my computer and got the freeze problem about three letters into typing a new character name.

After this, I tried to open the game in a Windows XP virtual machine I created in order to play some older games that were incompatible with a 64x system. That attempt is where I got the "script hanged" issue. Origins and Opala 1 both worked in the virtual machine, so I have no idea why 2 isn't even starting.

I have even less of an idea why I can't just play it on my computer without all that run around, since I have a fairly good computer. I can run most games on high setting and all that.

I really have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it.

I have the XP RTP and uninstalled the others (just in case), but I still get that weird freezing when I try to name my character.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I tried opening the game on my computer and got the freeze problem about three letters into typing a new character name.

After this, I tried to open the game in a Windows XP virtual machine I created in order to play some older games that were incompatible with a 64x system. That attempt is where I got the "script hanged" issue. Origins and Opala 1 both worked in the virtual machine, so I have no idea why 2 isn't even starting.

I have even less of an idea why I can't just play it on my computer without all that run around, since I have a fairly good computer. I can run most games on high setting and all that.

I really have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it.

I have the XP RTP and uninstalled the others (just in case), but I still get that weird freezing when I try to name my character.
I honestly wouldn't know what to do, I use a 64x system as well but I don't have this issue you have. The only thing I think you should do is to redownload the game and see if you still have this problem.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

I tried both the mega and the mediafire links on Gabe's site, but I get the same errors. A man just wants to see boobs. :(
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

You might try reinstalling the RTP. If that doesn't work, you're probably better off asking somewhere RPG-maker specific. It sounds like an odd issue with the engine itself, rather than this specific game.

There's a new beta out. Unless you haven't played before, or you're just itching to test minor bug-fixes, it's entirely skip-able. One new scene was added, and it was already mostly in the version that came out in August. You've seen the art for it if you saw a ripped archive. Other than that scene, it's indistinguishable from version 1.00. I thought we'd at least be able to walk past the river checkpoint and see a bit of what's beyond, but nope.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

You might try reinstalling the RTP. If that doesn't work, you're probably better off asking somewhere RPG-maker specific. It sounds like an odd issue with the engine itself, rather than this specific game.

There's a new beta out. Unless you haven't played before, or you're just itching to test minor bug-fixes, it's entirely skip-able. One new scene was added, and it was already mostly in the version that came out in August. You've seen the art for it if you saw a ripped archive. Other than that scene, it's indistinguishable from version 1.00. I thought we'd at least be able to walk past the river checkpoint and see a bit of what's beyond, but nope.

My virtual machine allowed me to play LoQO 1 and Origin 1.0. It's LoQO 2 that's giving me issues, unfortunately. I'm vexed as to why that game specifically refuses to work, when the other two do work.

I've been having issues playing RPG Maker games outside of a virtual machine environments for over a year now though. :(

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the RTP several times since, and nothing seems to work. I have no idea what could be wrong with my computer that stops me from playing RPG Maker games without resorting to VMs, and I don't know why my VM refuses to launch LoQO 2.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

It's hard to say. Shit does get weird sometimes. The software I use for mapping controller input to games that don't support them crashes every time I try to start it while anything with debugger features is running—Visual Studio, IDA, etc. I think it's either deliberate or it smashes into something it can't handle when it attempts to peer into those processes as candidates for hooking, but I doubt even the makers really know.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Has anyone been able to dig up any of the secret locations? All I get is that the ground is more soft when I find the location. Either the treasure shovel is not programed to work or do you need a better tool to dig with? Also Map 5 found on the east side where the venous hornets and abandoned camp is does not show up in your inventory. Anyone else have these issues with v1.0?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

No. I've dug up everything, and all the maps show up in the map folder at least. Actually, you mean the treasure doesn't show up, no, I don't have that problem. Gabe did say that a couple of items shared the same "number" by mistake, and it causes odd issues. The Thunder Bow wasn't named, but maybe it's part of it.

I honestly didn't think it was possible to duplicate IDs that way, but maybe Gabe means something else. The patch notes say "listed on the same number", so perhaps it's just to do with the screwy sort order the game has for the item menu.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Anyone know if a full walkthrough exist for episode 1?
I remember that LoQO II had a really well made walkthrough.
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Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Which new scene was added in the game with the beta?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Farah and a snake. There's a new character (sort of) added to the Gentlemen's Club upstairs. After you find what's-his-name dead at the Royal Cottage, and the game basically goes into post/zombie mode, you can talk to him and convince Farah to perform there. The CG has been there for a couple of versions, so if you ever looked at a rip of the artwork, you've seen it before.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Does anyone have a dl link to the latest beta that was released this year?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

im not 100% sure this is the latest sry if im mistaken

It says it's the v1.00 version. The newest is v1.08, I think.

Still, thanks for trying. :)
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Am I the only one who can't stand RPG Maker games anymore?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Am I the only one who can't stand RPG Maker games anymore?

Probably not, but I fail to see the relevance of that in a thread specifically about an RPG-maker game. :p
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

There are a whole bunch of links to it on different DDL sites. I don't have one handy right now, but I'll go looking later.

This game is being developed on a 10-year plan at the pace Gabe is going. Every new update mainly goes back and packs additional illustrations into areas you've already visited, and then once in a while one advances the plot by a millimeter.

The way it's mapped out seems really confined too. I'd say it's working toward the opposite of "a mile wide and an inch deep", but the way things are shaping up, it looks more like it'll be an inch wide and and an inch deep, but with a cubic mile of poorly planned and poorly utilized content stuffed in it.

Edit: Here
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Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Thanks, loopy!

Yeah, it's apparently going at a glacial pace, but I'm not really in a hurry myself (not being a patron and thus not invested), and I know I had a pretty good time playing Opala 2, so I'll just take things as they come. :)
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

The first Episode wasn't released that far from the deadline, actually (i think a few months from the one year per episode plan), the second is taking more time, I don't know how much though. I think it'll be released in this year though.
Thanks for the link anyway loopy :D
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