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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

A ship exits subspace near the periphery of the Tarum system, and drifts in towards the third planet in the system. Scans indicate a massive lifeform all over the gunship-sized ship, and no recognizable sub-light propulsion being used, although there are strange gravity anomalies all around the ship. Once it is within communications range, it opens a channel.

"This is Caitlin Hall, aboard the Pillar of Glory, to the space station Dividing Line. Requesting permission to Dock."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The answer takes a while, mostly because Mara had to hurry over to the Tower. "Negative, Pillar Of Glory. State your purpose."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"oh, ah, silly me, I thought the general would call ahead for some reason..." There is a bit of a pause here.
"So yeah, um, I guess I'm a new recruit, sort of, anyway. I told General... General... the General that I was a geneticist and he pretty much threw a contract at me and gave me a shove out the door to get here, said there was 'something that fits my skills well', or somesuch, but didn't tell me what. So hi, I'm Caitlin! And I said that already, didn't I?" Another lengthy pause and the channel opens up again with a "Oh yeah, Over!"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Give me a moment, Dr. Hall... Ah yes. The Commander made a note in the system that we're awaiting a biologist. But you're not expected that soon. Now that you're here though, we might as well let you in.
Pillar Of Glory cleared for landing. I will meet you in the hangar."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Well, so much for first impressions...

"Umm, roger, see you there"

The Pillar continues its course, then deviates to holding orbit around the station itself. The bay doors open, and a small fighter craft exits the ship, also grown over with some sort of creature, and makes its way into the bay. The cockpit opens and a motorized wheelchair detaches from the underside almost simultaneously, with the pilot scrambling out of the cockpit and down into the seat by arm power alone.

Caitlin is fairly average looking, with hazel eyes, brown hair just over shoulder-length, which is hastily tied back into a ponytail, stray hairs everywhere, paler skin, and a thin build with a total height of around 5'10", if she could stand. She wears a stained lab coat overtop of a skintight flightsuit, which is a dark, mottled green and almost seems to pulse every few seconds. The wheelchair looks kind of bulky until you realize it has compartments to store almost everything she might need. She has a bit of a manic air about her, and seems both shy and outspoken at the same time as she looks around at the wildly varied ships sharing the hanger.

"Wow, and I thought I'd have to worry about everyone ogling my ship..." She mutters to herself before addressing the Telarin in front of her.
"Hi! I'm Caitlin Hall," as she holds out her hand, "Though if you're the person on the other side of that comms channel, you're probably sick of hearing that by now, hehe. I apologize, you probably told me your name, but I seem to have forgotten it..."
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((Still a bit confused. Purple is Mara, who is a Telarin.))

The slender Telarin reaches out her hand and grabs Caitlin's. "My name is Mara Alpha Gamma 14-22-7. Mara is okay." The scramble of numbers and words designate her home fleet, the ship and the precise storage room and tube she came out of. Normally a Telarin doesn't take an own name and always introduces himself with the full code. But this alien in front of Caitlin seems to be strange in more than one way. For example her suit shows some feminine curves - normally Telarin are genderless.
Mara releases Caitlin's hand out of the grip of her gauntlet and makes an inviting gesture to the door behind her. "Do you want to inspect the specimen right away? We did not have the chance to really store it."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Nice to meet you, and sure, lead on." Caitlin starts following the Telarin.
"Mind filling me in en route? i really wasn't told much, beyond the fact that my particular skills were needed. Did you all manage to capture a space spore? I've heard they are starting to appear more frequently now."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I'm not quite sure WHAT we captured here. It's not one of the brown ones." The door opens and reveals an elevator. "I do not mean to be rude, but when you see what else we have in store you may be very scared." Mara waits for Caitlin to get in before pressing the button for the next level.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Umbral steps out into the hangar, and heads over to the Fang. After getting the initial diagnostics on the whole ship started, he heads back into the aft bay. After doing a quick visual inspection of the craft, he seats himself in the cockpit and begins the diagnostic for it, as well. After doing these things, he steps back out into the hangar, to wait for whatever else happens.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Cyrus sits at flight console of the Scimitar, running pre-flight checks. He glances out at the other ships and notes Umbral standing nearby.

"Alright, so we're waiting on Kars and the new guy."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Zachery steps into the hangar, coming from the quarters. A quick check of the hangar tells him two of the ships have activity in them. After seeing Umbral standing next to one of them, he heads over to the other one, and calls out. "Requesting permission to come aboard."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Granted. Head up the lift on the right, and we'll head out as soon as Kars gets here."

The boarding ramp leads to a circular room with numerous storage bays and sleeping compartments. To the right of the entrance is a door leading to a circular shaft that stretches up to a higher level.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Zachery heads up the lift, and steps out. "Very well."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Flight Deck consists of the main console and six passenger seats. Cyrus sits at the console running diagnostics.

"Have a seat, hopefully we won't be kept waiting too long".
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Zachery sits in one of the chairs, once they're mentioned. Admittedly, he's still adjusting to having more freedom in what he does, and actually having tasks to complete. Well, he knew how to handle the second part, at least.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((Hooray for posting from a cell phone! Will expand once I get off work)) ((EDIT:Like now, for instance))

Caitlin wheels herself into the elevator, catching a glimpse of a couple other people as the doors close.
"Very interesting, and I don't believe there is much that would scare me, at least not where genetics are concerned. you should have seen a few of my experiments back in the trial-and-error days!" She does look a bit unnerved however, and decides to change the subject.
"So, not to be rude or anything, but why do you have breasts? I mean, aren't Telarin supposed to be mono-gendered? Come to think of it, I believe I do remember something mentioned about a genetic subset of your species... Something about being created as a more comfortable way to interact with the other races, right? I actually wouldn't mind comparing genomes there, see exactly what they had to do to make that drastic of a change."
At this point Caitlin almost seems to be talking to herself, and has taken out a datapad from some compartment and is now writing furiously away on it. "I imagine you would have had to add an entire set of chromosomes for that, seeing as it doesn't seem to be in the normal structure. Maybe its just aesthetic, just a quick fat allocation, wouldn't have to code in any of the organs then... Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to treat you like a science experiment, I just get kind of carried away sometimes." She gives Mara a sheepish 'sorry' grin, then shuts up and lets her lead.
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Mara shakes her head. "No, I don't mind. As a matter of fact i do have a fully functional set of genitals." She says that like talking about the weather. "But that's not the only change in our subset. The Phi strain was indeed, as you said, created to make interaction easier. We have our own name and our own personality. We have the ability to feel the whole range of emotion. Oh, and humor. At least in theory."
The elevator halts and Mara steps out, heading left. "The Phi strain is a project of the Alpha Multitude. Others have different projects. Pray to whatever you believe in that you never run into an Omega."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Kars has followed the rest of the away team into the hanger and wastes no time in getting to his own ship. He jet packs up to the ceiling where the Strafer rests and climbs in. Before closing the cockpit hatch he runs a quick suit check, and grabs some items from a smaller storage compartment, stuffing something in a pocket, and clipping another object to the suits combat webbing. Sliding down into his cockpit he seals the hatch, connects his suit to the life support, and powers up.

"Ok then! Let's take a look at this planet then. Kars, blasting off."

The Hell Strafer hangs for a second longer, before suddenly and worryingly dropping dead in the air from the hanger ceiling. Half way down it's engines explode into life, catching it in mid air. It rolls over backwards and flys screaming noisily out of the hanger. Kars cuts the engines again the moment he leaves the gravity field and drifts forward awaiting to join the others.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Umbral merely returns to the Fang, and takes off, holding a position just a short ways out from the hangar.

Zachery watches this, and brushes his hand across an odd panel on the right hip of his armor. "Here we go, looks like."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Scimitar takes off and heads out to join this others. Holding position a short way away from the station, Cyrus radios command.

"This is Cyrus. The team heading to the planet is just leaving."