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Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Name: Tiara
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Katana
Description: Couple of pics of the character

Humans: 4
Male/Female: 3
Female/Female: 4
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: 5
Birthing: 3
Non Consent Sex: 5
Slavery: 5
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): 4
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): 3
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): 5
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): 4
Futa option (You start as a futa): N
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): 5
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): N (Maybe only if she got futa'd)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Rough

Extras: Branding, Collars, Oviposition, Beast and such are great >.>

Tiara found herself in the city of Sigil, a very old city, on the edges of... nowhere, yet... everywhere, it seemed. Her home apparently had few means of getting back from Sigil directly, but she after talking to some people around the city itself, which was rather large, she heard that she had a few possibilities to choose from in order to find her way home.

One of those possibilities was to go through a portal from Sigil's red light district, of sorts, to an old and more wild world named Arantea, where she could contract the aid, possibly, of an old fey witch, that might be able to help guide her home, or at least give her some guidance on where she could look for someone that could help her.

Another possibility was to head to a world named Midgar, which was a world rich in magic, that another person had told her a man named Cyron Viscar lived, who could probably help her. Apparently this... Cyron, had lived in Sigil at one point in time, but had now moved on this other place.

The third of her possibilities lie in traveling through a portal to a world called Myria. This world, from what she'd heard, was a very strange and relatively unknown place, and the little information Tiara managed to gather, told her that it would also be the most dangerous of the three she managed to find out some about, that being a sizeable aberrant population. This world, she was told by the old man that mentioned it, had a woman named Aria, who was an angel that helped to keep the evils of her world in check. Tiara could of course try and learn more about the three worlds, should she desire, but she had the locations of all three portals to them, so it was in the end, up to her, if she wished to leave after getting provisions, which she had a little money to manage.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara sat within an almost empty tavern staring down at the table for a moment as she thought over her decision. The name of each place and what they provided ran through her mind though none really standing out over the other to her "Red light district... That screams instantly a bad idea... But then secondly a world of magic would also be quite disadvantageous to someone of melee formed combat... So does that leave me lastly with Myria? The one I haven't much information of but only that it holds an Angel... uuugh... Why is there never a easy choice" she climbed to her feet and checked her pouches to make sure she had sufficient supplies to start her off before making her way out of the tavern.

Once outside she eye'd off one of the portals in the distance and began walking towards it "That is the... Myria portal I believe... I suppose seeking the help of an angel would be a good start.." Standing now infront of the portal she peered up to the top of the portals edge where in the typical common tongue was carved in -Myria- "Alright this is the right portal, Here goes nothing" She started walking into the portal letting it's magic envelope her form.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Making her decision, Tiara headed for the portal to Myria, and when she got to it, she saw a few people milling about, walking to and fro on Sigil's streets, with one young elven woman also apparently about to head through the portal to Myria. "Hey there. First time going through a portal? It'll make you a bit dizzy the first couple of times, and possibly nauseous, but it'll subside after a few minutes. I'm Lana, by the way," the girl told Tiara before introducing herself as well. "And also, we might end up in slightly different places, because this portal's a bit random sometimes, but it opens up in the same general area, of about ten square miles. So... if we don't meet up on the other side, then I hope to see you in the town to the east, of the area the portal opens up at," she went on to say to Tiara.

With that, Tiara stepped through, and she did feel dizzy, but not too much that she couldn't maintain her footing. When she exited the portal, Tiara didn't see Lana nearby, and the dizziness finally got the best of her and her legs gave out, causing her to fall down. Looking around, as her dizziness subsided, Tiara saw the surrounding land was rolling plains, but the grass was... a strange purplish color.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

When Tiara started to regain herself She'd look around the plains momentarily "L-Lana?" moving a hand to her head and closing an eye as she continued to look "Seem's portals... are in the stages of perfection... Or mayhaps I have yet to build a resistance to the effects of it. Now.. She did say to the east there was a village.. Assuming I didn't meet up with her again" using her Katana she pressed the tip of the sheathed weapon against the ground and climbed to her feet "But... Which...direction is east?" thinking back to what the Elven girl had said "East of the area the portal opens up at... Then I should make the assumption that the way it opened up at is north" turning to her right now "So... This way.. I hope" she began slowly making her way in the direction she considered east with caution of the effects from the portal.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

When Tiara called out, there was no answer from Lana, making it obvious that they had indeed not come out at the same point. Looking up at the sky, Tiara saw it was a little past noon here in Myria, but it was obviously difficult to know which direction east was, without a compass, since she didn't know the world. Choosing her direction though, Tiara decided to head to the right of the direction the portal opened up in.

As she walked, once her dizzy spell had gone away, Tiara found the air smelled a bit... strange, but nothing that she couldn't handle. She couldn't quite place the smell, but she was pretty certain that she had smelled it somewhere before. After a good twenty minutes of walking, Tiara heard rustling in the waist high purple grass around her, but couldn't quite place where exactly, but it sounded to her right. She heard it again, this time to her left, and then again from her right once more. Whatever was out there, there were definitely two of them, from what she could tell.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

As the effects wore of Tiara rubbed at her nose "What.. is that...?" Still walking along trying to figure out the smell she only just realized how long she had been walking "Something.. isn't right... If there indeed was a settlement in this direction should of I found it by now?" Her attention quickly switched to the rustling of shrubbery "uh?" spinning around to the direction of the rustling "Reveal yourself... or I will be certain to cut you down fiend..." one hand holding the sheath of her katana and the other taking hold of the hilt and shifting into a more prepared stance to make a draw of her weapon meanwhile her eyes shifting and scanning over the area.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara received no answer as she called out to whatever was rustling the grass, and she didn't see anything in particular out there either, aside from the grass rustling again, as whatever was out there moved closer. Tiara had to make a choice now, because with the rate the grass shifted from the movement of whatever was out there, they would be on her within seconds. When whatever the things were got about ten feet away from her, the grass stopped rustling, and though she knew they were still there, she couldn't tell what they were doing, meaning the only way to do so, would be to get closer, or make a dash for a hill to her left which was clearer, and the grass much shorter. But it would be a near thing, and she didn't know how fast these... things were, or if they could keep up with her or not.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

The empty reply from whatever was in the grass made it very clear to her she wasn't dealing with anything remotely human or could speak common tongue. Removing her hand from the blade she decided to quickly made a run for it, her tail swaying behind her as she looked for anything in the distance that would clear her of the tall grass "Need to find a clearing..." peering back over her shoulder in search of the creature at all but only seeing the tips of the grass shuffle aside.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

As she made her break for it, Tiara saw the grass was indeed rustling behind her, quickly, whatever it was now chasing her, and slowly gaining on her, as her fluffy tail swished behind her in the wind. Making her way towards the hill not too far away, Tiara noticed the grass swaying closer and closer to her back, until finally she saw whatever the two things were, both leap out of the grass, and she saw... two strange purple skinned worm like creatures leaping at her, both about 2 meters in length, and both about 2-3 feet in thickness.

They didn't look sentient, and though they did catch her before she could reach the hillside, Tiara was able to duck under both of them, and dodge their pounce.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Thankfully in the nick of time she got to a area where she could see her enemies and make out what they were "Non-Humanoids... No real point in trying to run if they can out run me... Seems I need to fight" quickly shifting into her stance and grabbing the sword hilt with one hand while the other held the sheath "It'd be best to wait on their pounce to make my attack... If I attack at their position I risk my weapon getting lodged in the ground and giving a momentary weakness to myself..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

As Tiara drew her blade, she managed to swing and nick one of the two purple worm things without getting her blade stuck, which hissed in pain at her, before it and the other one both swung their tails around and slapped Tiara. Both of the tails struck her, the one she'd just hit, struck her across the ass, making her rump jiggle deliciously. The other tail swatted Tiara across the breasts, making her modest, yet perky tits bounce a bit.

The two worms wriggled around her position, giving her an opening to continue making a break for the hillside again.

Tiara - FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10

Worm A - FP: 2/3
Worm B - FP: 3/3


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara looked a little frustrated by only nicking the creature as it jumped "Dammit... You think you can make a fool out of me?" the kitsune girl now had her weapon fully drawn and still holding the sheath in the other hand "I'll turn you both into a culinary dish!"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

The worms didn't respond verbally, though they did dart around a bit quicker after she spoke. The one she'd already nicked a bit, jumped in again, this time to try and bite her, but Tiara was ready for it, and swung her blade around mightily, cleaving the thing's head clean off, where it fell lifelessly to the ground before her. The other worm though managed to bite Tiara, and where it bit her side, she saw her clothing dissolving a bit, its saliva apparently having some sort of acidic like substance on it to damage clothing, yet not skin.

Tiara managed to retaliate though, with another mighty swing, her blade splitting its side open a bit, but it still looked able to fight... barely, though it appeared to be weighing its options, as if thinking to itself, should it try and go for the victory, or should it run. It seemed to make that decision by darting in around Tiara's feet, swooping in between her legs, and coming up behind her, biting down on her left butt cheek, dissolving her clothing covering there too.

Tiara - FP: 1/5, AP: 3/10

Worm A - dead
Worm B - FP: 1/3


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Clenching her teeth down and staring down at the worm in frustration "Oh you might bite... But a fox bites much harder!" she did not wait for it's attack this time, Instead moving towards it and swinging her blade to cleave the creature in half "Die!"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

With one last swipe of her sword, Tiara managed to hack the thing's head off, just like the last one, where it promptly fell dead at her feet. Tiara was pretty winded, but she'd won her first fight here against a couple of quite strange creatures that she'd never encountered before. She was next to the hill now too, so she could scale it to try and get a better view, and to get a rest out of the tall grass, so nothing could sneak up on her again.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

The kitsune girl bent forward and huffed as she attempted to catch her breath, After several moments she knelt down placing the sheath to her side and pulling out a cloth from a side pouch and cleaning the blade "You did well again today, A vast improvement over my previous battles... Even if" she looked at the dead creatures as she continued to wipe over the blade "I have no idea what they were... Nor do I think I want to find out" placing the cloth back in the pouch she grabbed the sheath and stood up, resheathing her weapon.

She waste no time climbing up the mountain each step feeling somewhat steeper until she had reached the top, welcomed by a breeze and a view of her surroundings. She started to look over the landscape so she could get an idea of her location and maybe even the town the elven girl spoke of.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

After cleaning her blade and sheathing is once more, Tiara was able to move along up the large hill. After reaching the top about five minutes later, Tiara got herself the first good look around the whole area she was in, and saw that Lana had indeed not been lying about the town, and to her right from the top of the hill, she saw that it was in the far distance, maybe a good league or two from her position, and across a river it seemed. Aside from that, she also saw that the tall grass looked like it thinned out and whatnot after another mile or so, which was good, as it would help her be able to keep from being ambushed again. Unfortunately though, she saw no sight of Lana, the young elven girl seeming to have come out further away than she had from the town.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara decided to take a few moments and rest up, Planning out her travels to herself "So cross those fields and thar river and we will be that much closer to safety.... being that the town is actually safe... Though no information was said about creatures that may be marauding and ransacking towns... In any case that is enough rest, Time to get moving and keep on my toes" she slowly began to descend from the hill and move in the direction of the town "I can't deny that this would have been a little easier and nicer to have some company on my travels, Being met by the sound of emptiness or possible rustling within bushes isn't my idea of good company" she softly chuckled to herself "Oh well, We will meet again soon, Just be safe Lana"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Heading down the hillside, brought Tiara through the tall grass again, which waved as the wind blew a bit from the east, the direction she was heading. After about twenty minutes or so, Tiara managed to exit the tall grass without further incident from more worms, or anything else that might be lurking in there. After that, it was a good ways off before she reached the river. Thankfully, Tiara managed to avoid any more conflicts before reaching the river, which she saw was rather wide, but it seemed that there was a ferry further upstream from where she arrived at, but it was a couple of miles in that direction.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 1, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Kneeling beside the river she looked at the water for a minute before closing her eyes "Hmm... Crossing this carelessly could be dangerous" she'd open her eyes and look back down the stream at the ferry "Alittle extra time is better then having something go completely wrong" climbing back to her feet she became to make the trek for the ferry hoping that it was still in service and not damaged.