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The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz followed Mel into the tent and waited patiently as the other woman gave her report, nodding her agreement at her pause. “Aye, Sir, their town guards seemed...afraid of us when we told them we were part of Black Company,” Liz added, pausing afterwards herself to allow Mel to continue.

As the other woman referenced Helena, Liz stepped aside slightly so that the sergeant could see the new girl. “Her name is Helena,” she added, “We found her while we on our way back here from scouting the surrounding area. She said she was lost, so it seemed appropriate to let her stay with us...at least until she could find her way.”
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena examines the tent while the other two speak, though she avoids looking at the mages. As Helena is mentioned, the sergeant finally looks up from his cards along with the doctor and the mages, who seem suspicious of her, but don't say anything. "Very well. Report with her to Lieutenant as we break the camp in the morning. Until then, she's your responsibility."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"We'll keep an eye on her sir." Mel answered, returning the sergeant's worried look to him along with a salute, waiting to see if Liz had anything to add before turning and ushering the small group back out of the command tent.

"Well, what now?" She asked Liz, shrugging.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Yes, Sir,” Eliza replied simply, giving a casual salute of her own before following Mel back out of the tent.

When the other woman addressed her about what they should do now, Liz gave a half-hearted shrug of her own before replying. “Well... I guess we could go ahead and start setting up our own tent since we’re apparently spending the night...” she said, briefly looking around to see if there was a decent spot available for them to do so. “Afterwards, if there’s still time, I guess we could see if anyone else needs help around the camp...or, failing that, just get to know Helena a little better...” she finished, looking back at Mel to see what she thought.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

The camp seems to be starting to settle as the bustle of activity lessens and the men start gathering around fires, gambling and oiling their equipment and talking.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll make us some dinner while you two set up the tent and take care of the horses."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel nods. "Stay close, we're supposed to be keeping an eye on you two." She told Helena. "Over there looks good, that's where we'll be setting up." She pointed over to a clear patch of ground.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena nods and gets some firewood. As Mel and Liz are setting the tent up, Helena starts the fire with surprising speed and starts cooking while singing softly to herself about a long lost love.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza listened absentmindedly to Helena’s singing as she helped Mel with setting up their tent, finding herself becoming a little bit saddened by the apparent subject matter of the song. “I wonder who she’s singing about...” Liz mused quietly as she paused to watch the newcomer for a moment, not directing the comment at Mel, necessarily, but saying it just loud enough for her to hear.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel shrugged in response, taking the occasional glance over to their guest as she worked. She still didn't trust helena, and was just waiting to catch the woman slipping something into their food, or something. "I dunno. Something like that, could have been anyone, for any length of time. Heck, she may just be missing her pet spider." She observed, perhaps a bit harshly.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

When Mel and Liz finish setting up the tent, Helena already has a pot boiling over the fire - some sort of stew, it would seem. Finishing her song, Helena directs a charming smile at Melbara. "So what's souring your mood?"
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Just had a rather off-putting day, don't mind me." She answered, offering their guest a shrug.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena shrugs, turning to look at the stew again. "Food should be ready in a few minutes. If you don't mind me asking, how did you two come to work as mercenaries together?"

Both Melbara and Eliza continue finding their minds invaded by dirty thoughts, mostly involving each other and Helena, though some also involve getting egged by a giant spider.

A few minutes later, Helena handily removes the stew from fire, setting it to the ground and splitting it to three bowls. The food smells quite good, though perhaps that's because they're getting hungry.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Well, it’s not really that interesting of a story on my end,” Liz began, her mind suddenly flooding with segments of memories of her past courtesy of the EGG. “I was serving drinks at a local inn one evening when I overheard a couple of guys taking about Black Company, a well known mercenary group. As it turned out they were in town aiming to expand, and were signing up new recruits. I’d had a lot of archery and sword training from my dad growing up in order to give me the skills to defend myself, but when I heard about Black Company I figured it would be a better and more exciting way to make use of my skills...better pay, too,” she said, pausing briefly to finished something on the tent. “I signed up the next day, and after a few more weeks of formal combat training I was official inducted as a member of Black Company.”

With that, Liz returned her attention to the chore of setting up the tent, a task that for some reason she was finding a little more difficult to focus on as time went by. Flashes of incredibly lewd scenarios kept encroaching on her thoughts, distracting her from what was an otherwise easy process. Some were little more than erotic images involving herself and Melbara – which she had started having off and on anyway not long after that first encounter with the tentacle monster, while others were with her and Helena, and even all three of them together, their bodies huddled and writhing together as gasps of pleasure escaped their lips. The images that Liz was actually surprised by, however, were the ones of what must have been Helena’s pet spider stuffing her full of eggs...with her enjoying every second of it...a thought that she was a little surprised to find herself getting aroused by.

Eliza didn’t know why her mind was so flooded with naughty thoughts all of the sudden, but they were certainly taking their toll on her body, causing her to persistently feel wet and warm in her most intimate of places despite her efforts to quell them. It wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant situation, but it was an unusual one.

Once the tent was up, Liz finally got a bit of a reprieve from her dirty thoughts as the smell of the stew that Helena had been cooking wafted through the air and caught her nose. She shook her head took a moment to clear her thoughts and compose herself before making her way over, briefly thanking Helena before retrieving a bowl of the stew for herself.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Not every story has to be exciting one, and I bet yours is just starting."

As Mel and Eliza come to eat, Helena hands each of them a bowl. Somewhere Helena has managed to find plenty of spices and there appears to be even some chili mixed in, making the stew rather hot, but still tasty as evidenced by the speed with which Helena destroys her portion before setting her bowl aside with a smile on her face. "Hey, I've got cards, would you like to play something?"
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

((Sorry for the lateness, been really Ugh lately. Backtracking a bit for this part.))

Mel shrugged at the question of her history, feeling the EGG fill in what she should know. "Career mercenary, myself. Old family business, though I split from the herd to join Black Company. Been here about a year. As for how us specifically came to work together, I'd ask the sergeant, it was his decision."

((And now for the current))

Mel ate her first few spoonfuls slowly, swishing them around on her tongue and tasting each flavour individually. She was hungrier than she thought though, and the cooking was superb, so it wasn't long before she was chowing down almost as fast as Helena was. At the offer of cards, Mel shrugged, though she smiled a bit. "So long as we're not playing for money, I've got a pretty bad streak when it comes to card games..."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“I guess so, sure. It sounds like fun,” Liz replied to the offer of cards, smiling lightly as she finished off her bowl, having eaten somewhat more slowly than Mel or Helena due to the hotness of the stew.

Eliza paused for a moment as she considered Mel’s comments. “Well, if we’re not playing for money, then what?” she asked, her eyes widening a second later. “And before anyone says it, I’d rather not...err...play for...clothes...” she added, her voice softening as she finished her statement so as to avoid anyone else hearing. “We are in a camp full of men out in the middle of the wilderness, after all. Playing a game of strip-poker probably isn’t the best idea...” Liz said, blushing slightly as the image of being taken by a group of her companions – male and female – flashed through her mind even as she made her denial.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena's eyes widen innocently as Eliza speaks. "You don't think they'd be peeking, do you?" She then sighs and shuffles the deck. "Fine. But poker isn't fun to play without stakes. What else do you know?"
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"I like it just for fun, myself." Mel said with a shrug. "Other card games? Uhh... Crazy Eights, Go Fish, a whole bunch of variations that pretty well just play like poker... Cheat, if we have multiple decks..."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Well...it doesn’t really matter to me what game we play, just so long as it’s not a strip- version of it,” Liz replied, shrugging lightly and forgetting to keep her voice down as she spoke. “Go Fish sounds good, though, I suppose...”

My apologies for the delay.

Also, *I’m* fine with a strip- version of whatever card game we play, it’s just Liz who isn’t. Meaning if you guys want to or want to have something happen to overrule her and play strip-something anyway, I’m fine with it and will play along. It doesn’t matter all that much to me either way. ^_^
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena appears to be pouting a little as she shuffles and deals the cards, starting to sing a catchy tune while she does so.