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The Irrumation Society (IC)



Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Roddinjam nodded, "very well". He opened the case file and slid it over.

"This is Ember Strange, a reporter here in the city. You've probably seen her on the television a few times. She'll be your first beacon. Use whatever means you find necessary. At the same time, please be careful. This may be a simple mission but there's always a lurking danger in some form or another... in this case the danger is a human one but still, keep vigilant."

He massaged his forehead with his thumb as he waited for the girls to read the report.

"If you require it, I can set up a pick-up and extraction point for the mission... but I doubt you'll need it", he looks over to Linnea regarding her driving skills. "Once you've completed your mission I need one of you to contact me using this". He hands over a USB key to Lilia. "The program in here will allow you to contact me directly, understand?".


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Hmm, I see I see. Someone that's obviously a television figure will be tough to get close in close to and do this without drawing suspicion to ourselves unless we can either catch her alone or persuade her to take one of us to her room at the hotel. I'd rather it be the latter, but you know. Though we could get in her good graces if we can somehow entice this stalker into attacking her or something and then saving her maybe, but if worse comes to worse we'll kick his ass or take him out," Lilia said, making a suggestion or two as she read the file on their current target, passing the papers along to her companions. "What do you two girls think? I believe it possible to do virtually anything, but the question is can we do it and get away with it and not end up in jail," Lilia added as she glanced over at her two companions before glancing back to Roddinjam, taking the USB stick and putting it into her laptop bag.

"Aye don't worry sir, we'll contact you and all. Also what sorts of benefits are we looking at with working with you all? Because I was assuming that we'd be paid for our services, but never really saw anything about it honestly. I mean in our off time should we have any then we'd of course need money and whatnot to live on," Lilia said to Roddinjam after zipping her laptop bag back up with the USB stick safely tucked away inside, wondering if they'd actually be paid for this.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Roddinjam tapped the manual, "the Beacon will hold no memory of what had happened after the light comes forth. After you're done, clean her up and put her back into bed then you may go home. If you worry about reaching her then think as a team; co-operate with one another and do whatever it is you need to do." This was the old man's only two-cents about the mission he was going to give it seemed.

He stroked his beard gently. "As for payment... one of the other ten heads rubs shoulders with some very, very wealthy businessmen. It's also worth mentioning that said person is an expert hypnotist. Let's just say our budget is... 'donated'. A pittance in the eyes of billionaires but it's more then enough for us. Saving the world has it's perks. As such you will each indeed be paid adequately, I can assure you."

"Anymore questions?", he asked.

Whoever held the manual now had time to see the next page.


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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Oh sure than it could sound as rape, but i was thinking in something different. The silver hair girl tried to explain before heard than the other girl has worked at adult movies. Ehm, i never expected than your movies were of that kind, but i guess than you are the one with more experience on these things... ehm topics. Answer turning to Lilia, alone she would havent find out the way of works than this girl had before meet her, maybe the others girls also had a lot of experience what make her wonder if she would be ready when all this get at her hands one of these days.

Soon the man talk more about the mission, to heard than a reporter would be the first target was not so convenient for Lenneth, if all get bad she will be showed to the whole world, maybe she should have more caution than what she was expecting. I guess than do it as Lilia said would be the best, maybe if we meet her we could make her get inside a good place to make the work.

Once said all the girls get ready to leave, Lenneth dont have any question now, as mostly all sound so strange for her, a lot more than her ussual life. I dont have any other question at the moment sir, thanks for your time.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea grimaced as her attention wandered back to their manual. "'Humiliation'? Dat's not my bag... and vat kind of salvation comes from humiliation, anyvay? Den again, it isn't much stranger dan da way we bringing it about in da first place..."

She blonde shrugged. "Well, if she von't remember it later, I suppose it vill not be an issue. She is a local reporter, yes? So she vould have a condo or someting in da city, not a hotel room, ya?"

She handed the book to Lenneth and picked up the case file, looking for any more details they might have gathered. Was she married, or did she have a boyfriend? What was her sexual preference - perhaps there might be details on her kinks? Were there any more floor plans for the building? Where did the cameras feed to? If she didn't find the information she needed, she asked.

"I have two ideas, ladies," she said, as she stared at the file. "One: ve fuck her on her own bed. Take pictures vith our phones - ooh, use her phone, and threaten to send them to everyone on her contacts list. If she has a flatmate or a husband, we must drug them before we do this, and fuck her vile dey sleep. It would be very good if dey share her bed, yes. Two: ve get her to return to the studio, and rape her there. Ve use an empty studio, if we can, and tape it all - I'm not sure whether to tell her ve are broadcasting it or making a porn movie. Ve should probably stop at a sex shop for a ring gag - maybe get some cheap suits if we tell her we're doing studio porn, eh?"

She checked her wallet, wondering if she could actually afford a gag at last-minute like that. "Maybe some rope, too. I'm good vit dat."

Turning some thoughts over in her head, another idea struck her. "Ve could also try to get her into a car, make like ve are going to ruin her career vit a scandal - tabloid kinds of things. Ve vould have to rape her, but... vould that be humiliating? Eeh, I don't know."


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As Linnea grimaced at the unsavory details in the manual the girls seemed a little distraught at the what they had to do tonight. At the same time, the case listed only what was there. There was no boyfriend listed... perhaps the organization thought that this was a unnecessary detail? Perhaps they thought that the missions were daunting enough and didn't want anything else distracting the 'chosen ones' on an emotional level? The map they had only listed the lobby and at second glance Linnea noticed that the cameras would most likely link to the front desk or manager's office. Could this mean that the upper floors were clear? Roddinjam promptly answered Linnea's questions.

"The target has no known boyfriend or spouse. Also, if such information were important to tonight's case, it would be in the case file. The Beacon's penthouse has no security to speak of so there is no need to worry there. As to her sexual preference, it doesn't matter... we take the beacon no matter her orientation... understood?... Good."

As Linnea and Lia both began to talk of their plans Roddinjam lifted a hand, halting them, "that's all well and good ladies! But time is of the essence. As of right now... the mission is a go. Good luck." The girls were quickly sent on their way.


They approached the apartment in Linnea's sports sedan parking right across the street, outside the view of any cameras. The autumn air was nippy tonight and they could hear the wind outside the car's windows. The apartment building they targeted was quite large and seemed quite luxurious from the outside. Without the right gear and even with the right gear, scaling the building would probably be a silly idea. Just like on the map they were given, they could see a little flower shack in front of the building. The tiny store was still open and being run by a young woman with blonde hair. She wore a red petticoat with a warm white scarf around her neck and she was currently pulling a sheet of clear plastic over her flowers to protect them from the wind.

Standing right on the steps of the apartment building was a male bellhop, shivering from the wind and smoking cigarette. The apartment building itself was quite isolated, surrounded by a thick copse of tall trees. It was on the edge of city core but the streets around the girls seemed empty tonight. The wind ends up whipping a sheet of newspaper against the windshield of Linnea's car. Behind the bellhop, the glass give the girls a clear view into a luxurious looking lobby. Everything was in it's place as according to the map. It was a simple design but it looked very nice and warm. Finally, they saw a single bald head of a man at the front desk... most likely a security guard. They girls would need to work together and plan well to get through tonight.


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Well Lenneth, I... made some pretty good money doing it, so I have a bit of experience with sex... and a little on how to humiliate someone. And I like both of those ideas Linnea, but I think we should go with the first, it'll be easier and far safer, plus I have my laptop remember, and this is a helluva laptop with a webcam, so we can record it with that and I can make copies to threaten to send off to various places to help with that, she doesn't seem very brave so I'm sure she'd cave and give in to us better. A ring gag would probably be good so she doesn't try to bite, and definitely some rope too obviously, keep her from struggling. Maybe some masks so she can't identify us," Lilia said to Lenneth, then Linnea, agreeing with Linnea about getting the rope and ring gag and offering a suggestion or two of her own with using her laptop, where she took a peek at the paper as well to see what it could tell them of the layout of the place.

"Well that's good to know, that she has nobody that might be there to interfere with us I mean. It'll definitely make it a lot easier to say the least," Lilia said when Roddinjam interrupted their planning, stopping where she was at in the middle of her sentence and merely looking at him, thinking to herself that she really wanted to slap him for trying to rush something like this after asking them to come there and risk their lives for something they knew nothing about a couple of days before give or take. "Now hold on now sir, we should at least plan this out a bit just in case, I'd rather not spend any time in a jail cell if at all possible for attempted rape, but we'll finish planning on our way over there so don't worry about that. We know time is of the essence, but if we make a wrong move, we'll either end up in jail or worse... dead. I'd rather not have either happen myself and I doubt you do as well since you need us to do this and all... even if you can get other people to help you out you'd have to make contact and get them to help you after that and all. But I digress, we'll get moving now," Lilia went on to say after Roddinjam was done talking, letting him know that she wasn't going to rush even something that was supposed to be as easy as this was right then and there, because she didn't intend on giving her life unless absolutely necessary.


Once they'd left the office and got into Linnea's car, Lilia opted to take the backseat so that she'd be able to move back and forth in case she needed to shoot her gun, letting Lenneth get up front with Linnea. As soon as they got in the car and left, Lilia leaned up between the front seats to look at her two new companions. "Well you two... what do you think about all of this? I'm suspicious about it myself, mainly because we're being asked to do this and given virtually no support at all, and I've seen neither hide nor hair of anything hinting that these people have money with which to at least pay us for our troubles, which we'll need in order to get some equipment and such for any future jobs that may be a lot tougher than this," Lilia asked the two, wondering their opinions and not minding to stop and pick up some rope and the ring gag along the way if Linnea wanted to and thought they'd need it, pitching in some money if they needed some extra for the stuff they'd need, though it shouldn't cost all that much really since it was just a bit of rope and a small mouth piece.


Once they were at their destination, Lilia looked about the place and took it all in, looking for all viable entry points and exits that they could use. Then she spotted the flower girl in her little shop in front of the place and thought that could be one way of entry. She also saw the lone bellhop guy smoking a cigarette out front as well. She looked through the doors ahead as the newspaper whipped up onto the windshield and saw what appeared to be a security guy manning the lobby that would likely call the real cops in an emergency, meaning they needed a good way inside.

"Hmm... I can see one quick and easy way for one of us to get inside..." Lilia said as she leaned forward, pointing at the flower girl. "People send flowers like that to famous girls all the time, so we can use that I'm sure. Then once whoever goes is inside is in, they open up a window from the fire escape and the others climb through on one of the floors further up, or maybe even her room who knows. Question is, who would want to be the one to go in like that? If neither of you feel that you can't do it then I'll go... if you'd like to try that idea at least. I'm open to other ideas and I'm sure I can come up with another couple of my own to try if you two don't like that one, but if we're going to go with that one then we'll have to be quick because I don't know if she's going to close up shop soon or not," Lilia added to the others, pitching her idea to them to see what they thought of it, as it was simple, fairly easy to do, and had a decent chance of succeeding for them.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Not very brave?? Vhere are you getting dat from? And who told you my name?" Linnea responded. "I don't remember introducing myself. Ski masks would be suspicious looking if ve vere seen vit them on - and she vill forget vat happened anyway, so long as ve actually finish inside the mouth, ya. If vat he says is true, anyway. Maybe useful in case someone catch us, but just too shady."

Lin tried not to press her face into her palms when the wordy compatriot of hers talked back at their liaison with this weird cult and who she presumed was pretty important. And didn't Vanessa mention a 'Mr. Mass' or something? Whatever, it didn't matter. Linnea fluttered her fingers at Vanessa as the trio walked out the door - she definitely wanted to pay her a little visit sometime later - and, once asked when they were out in the car, responded to Lenneth's question with a very dry and probably sarcastic "Seems legit." She listened to the woman, and when she was done said, "Dat's all future stuff. Worry about in future, get wrapped around now. I figure, ve do dis thing, and if weird beam shoots out her mouth, is true. If not, veelll... I just try not to become a rapist before night is over."

The driver pulled up in front of Snowmaple Apartments, and started fishing around in her mouth with one finger. A few tries and she pulled it out, a curly black hair coming with it, which she flicked out the window. She'd stopped at a sex shop and sprung for a ring gag - heavily discounted, thankfully, or she'd have been unable to afford it and still have enough cash to fill up her car later. Not that it had been on sale - buuuut... she was an attractive lady, and had been peeking at the clerk while she browsed, making sure he noticed. A few touches and some flirting here, a few giggles and some smalltalk there, and it had been easy to convince the man - William, names were such help when she wanted to seduce a boy - that it would be a great idea to help the little lady test out her new toy, and that it was totally fair to count a kinky facefucking and using her face as a spooge-canvas as, like, a twenty dollar giftcard.

And it had got them some gear they could use, which was great! That hair, though, had been elusive until just now. Bush was neat, but sometimes it was a pain in the ass. As a newspaper blew into her windshield, she tilted her head to read it. Quite nicely, it seemed to get stuck, allowing her to read (sideways) at her leisure. "Das foreshadowing if I ever saw it," she muttered under her breath.

She scratched her head when Lilia laid out her plan. "I dunno, I vould think she might have told them to turn people like dat away, especially if she knows she has a stalker. Plus... well, she's in da Penthouse. Das a lot of stairs, fire escape is noisy... do dey even reach all da vay to da top?" She asked, peering up. "I vas tinking we pretend to be people from a different news company, trying to hire her, but I don't know too much about da TV here to pull dat off, I tink. Maybe instead, we just... walk in, head up elevator? If we get ask who ve are, ve say one of our girlfriends wanting to throw little... 'surprise' for her man. You know? We head up... you maybe, hack elevator control to get us all da way up if have to or someting like dat. ...I not too sure vat to do to get inside her apartment, though... should get some flowers, ya, good cover for dat. You tink you can access their systems through da vireless from here?"
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The newspaper on the windshield flutters and is quickly blown away. The bellhop shivers a little bit, his cigarette nearly finished.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

(oops sorry)

The tow others girls looks to be really experienced in these kinds of adult things, of course than the little blue haired girl could feel herself a little unconfident after heard how each of them have even movies, maybe she should not focus too much in this part of the job as the others two looks to fill the needs.


After a while the group manage to reach the penhouse and until heard both girls choices she add. Lin is right, for the info than we get, we certainly will need to go with caution inside this place and dont say our true intentions of go with her. So lets try her idea and go. Lenneth said, having all ready in order to sedate someone as quick as possible if all goes wrong.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Hmm, you're probably right Lin, my idea was just a suggestion anyway really. Wasn't trying to force you two to go through with it, just trying to get an idea out on the table for us. But it can still be a fallback plan just in case though," Lilia replied when both of the others spoke up about her idea, not sounding mad or anything. When Lin mentioned her hacking the elevator though, Lilia got a thoughtful look on her face for a moment before looking back up to Lin. "Actually hacking isn't that bad an idea I believe Lin. If it's a keycard lock for the doors, I should be able to hack that open easily enough I think to give us access to her room. The problem is though that if somebody sees us doing it then we'll be in trouble, so we'll have to tread carefully and I'll need you both to be lookouts for me while I do it, assuming it's a keycard lock that is and not a conventional key lock, in which case we'll have to pick it, or pop it open I think. Hell if anything we can just try and get a small room for ourselves as a cover to get upstairs and send the bill to our new employers when we leave, I'd say if we manage to pull this off then they'd be more than happy to pay for it afterwards for us," Lilia went on to say, collecting her laptop bag and getting it ready to take in with her, telling what else they could do and adding a thing or two to Lin's plan that they could try instead of just going straight up, though she would follow their lead really if they insisted on something else, she merely wanted a solid plan going in was all, and she would tell them as such too.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

So... i make guard and Lin distract anyone who come close us as you hack the door? Im sure than i can do that work easily. Lenneth answe back sure than Lin would be a best distraction than her.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea ran a hand over her hair. "I vould like to stress once again dat dese are apartments, not hotel rooms, ya?"

She sat at the wheel awhile, chin in her hand. "Ve've got a plan - a rough one, but it should be good enough, I tink, to get upstairs... vat vill we do to get into da Penthouse itself? I don't know if I can do anyting to get past da doors up dere, and if she sees us breaking in, she vill call security. Ve'll be blown, den."

Lin sighed. "I vish we had more time to plan dis... it vould be better if ve had da time to set tings up in our favor. Hmm..."

She dug out her phone from her pocket. "I suppose trying da 'recruitment-from-another-news-station' ting might get us into da door... maybe." She looked at the other two girls. "Do either of you know vat news organization she belongs to, and if any other ones might want to scout her? Maybe a big national one..." She got onto the internet from her phone's browser, looking up their target - and the info she'd asked the other girls - on it, just in case there was anything public she might be able to use - either in getting in her apartment, or using as ammunition against the woman during the deed afterwards.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Through Linnea's meticulous research and thorough scrounging around on the internet she manages to find the information in short time. Thanks to her skills, it didn't take too much time either.

It's revealed to the girls in the car that Ember Strange is a reporter working for the 'Snowmaple Press'. The city's most reputable newspaper organization! She' won a few awards for her articles in the past and even a Pulitzer Prize. Ember was a woman with the skills to work at any paper she wanted it seems... but it seems lately her head-hunters have perhaps backed off a little. From what Linnea is reading about her profile, it seems her articles have become too revealing.

Ember had recently written an article about Alexis Belle, a local celebrity and socialite here in Snowmaple City. Alexis had been gang-raped by some thugs... it made headlines around the country. While most of the newspapers printed the news you'd expect, Ember Strange seemed to do a complete turn-a-round saying that Alexis was perhaps, quote: "asking for it" and "not really raped". The paper had even been pulled that morning because Ember wanted to use a picture where Alexis still had sperm on her face from that night. Ember wasn't fired but she has been on very, very thin ice ever since then and still trying to work back up in 'Snowmaple Presses' good graces.

It's also revealed that Ember Strange has a dating profile! She's down to a few suitors now it seems as her profile is now spammed with personal attacks about the article. However, her profile still gets a few hits now and then from some rather handsome men.

Outside the van, the flower girl is sitting in her shack reading a newspaper. The bellhop has gone back inside the apartment building.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

It's a sedan.
Lin smirked. She could definitely use these findings. Perhaps she could look up something useful on this Alexis Belle, as well? Maybe reporter and the celeb girl had had a fight, somewhere? She sat a few moments, following this lead as well.

After summarizing the findings of her gossip-mongering to her two co-conspirators, Linnea sighed, checking what remained of the contents in her wallet. She wanted some flowers.

"Vell, dere's no time like da present, right, girls?" She said, stepping out of the car. She made her way to the little flower stand, looking to make the girl working there a little late-night money, and net herself a lovely bouquet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Pushing her glasses back up onto her face properly with her finger, Lilia looked over at Lin and saw what she was doing and leaned forward and looked at the article on her companion's phone screen when she found it, reading it aloud to Lenneth so she'd know what it was about. When she was through reading the article, Lilia had a thoughtful look on her face as she pondered this new information. Seeing her dating profile made Lilia think that she might be able to use that in order to just get invited inside without any need of sneaking or breaking and entering, it might be worth a shot at least since they had a little bit of time to think a plan of action out.

"I believe that may give us something to use against her, or at least we can make it look that way to our advantage I think. But you're right Lin, let's go, might as well get this over with before the girl leaves and we're left without having done the job," Lilia said to Linnea as they got out of the car and she swung her laptop bag over her shoulder, following her companion over to the flower stand and giving her a couple of dollars if she needed it to get her bouquet. "I could use that dating profile maybe to see if I could get her to invite me inside, or you could Lin. Might be worth a shot, but I doubt we'd have the time to do it and her actually reply to it," Lilia said on their way over to the flower stand in a low voice, her eyes flicking around at any possible dangers.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The girls headed towards the flower stand as the girl there began using clothespins to keep the plastic down over her display. She turns her head to greet you all, "oh! Good evening girls. Sorry about all the this, the wind seems to be picking up and I'm closing shop soon. How can I help you?". The flowers she had on display seemed limited. The best ones seemed to be the roses, lavenders and violets... those flower looked to be the least unruffled and lively. The rest of the flowers looked kind of bland and weak.

The girl herself had shoulder length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. A thick scarf and black felt coat hid the rest of her body but the good money was on her looking quite nice underneath as well. Two dirty gardener's gloves hung out of her pocket and near the register were a pair of a gardening shears and a watering can.



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Fine, lets find out what can we do to acomplish our mission. Answer to Lin before prepare all to go out the car and check the flower shop more closely. She take her equipment not before ended to prepare a soft sedative in case of need to put the girl to get calm or anyone else


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Evening," Linnea said, with her ever-present smile, trying not to be too obvious in looking the lady over. She had nice eyes.

"Could we get dat bouquet, please?" she asked, pointing out the nicest one displayed.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The flower girl nodded, "Absolutely". She picked up the bouquet of roses and held them outreached, "That'll be 16 dollars please". Just then, a cold autumn breeze swept pass the girls and the flower vendor winced. Her grip loosened and in that moment it seemed the bouquet she held looked as though they were about to be swept up with the wind!

Only someone with good reflexes may be able to save them now!

The next person who posts must try to stop the flowers from being blown away. Someone with high reflexes will have the easiest time but if you have another skill you can use creatively and believably then I'll accept that as well.