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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana

"Sure, go ahead." Pale answers with a shrug.

As Luciana leaves, Pale lets her gaze wander on the demoness's body before following at a slower pace and going around the pair to arrive at the door. Stopping just short of stepping into the sunlight, the vampire looks around. Stepping through a shadow she appears on the other side of the street and walks around for a while, careful to keep out of direct sunlight, until she finds a surprisingly large store with just the sort of supplies she is looking for. Taking her time, she spends several minutes choosing a suitable collar and leash and then plenty more time picking up a variety of other supplies.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia slowed upon hearing Luciana's voice, but didn't stop until the demoness stood directly beside her. The angel turned with a sweep of her wing to face Luciana, her face set once more into a smile, but one that was obviously forced. "Nothing.... Nothing's wrong." She said in a gallant attempt at a reassuring tone.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Shower
Alice -> Alex

When Alex ordered her against the wall, Alice silently attempted to comply, shuffling carefully backwards as she held her hands out behind her, feeling for the wall. With a few gentle pushes from Alex, the blind girl found herself successfully leaning against the wall, her arms pinned to the tile by her much stronger companion. Soon after that the dragon planted a quick peck on Alice’s lips, preparing her for a second, deeper kiss. The blind girl still wasn’t quite sure what was expected of her in kissing, but she tried her best to be a little more proactive, her tongue rubbing against Alex’s as the dragon probed her mouth with the appendage.

The kiss was over far too soon for Alice’s liking, Alex soon kissing her way down the frail girl’s body, leaving her feeling slightly guilty again as she couldn’t do anything in return. For a while the dragon pecked a straight line down the blind girl’s pale body, though she detoured soon enough to kiss at the small, sensitive breasts. First one and then the other was kissed and licked in turn, Alex gently suckling at each pert nipple for a few seconds at a time. Alice loved every moment of it, letting out quiet moans each time the dragon’s soft lips touched her body.

That too came to an end quickly enough, as Alex ceased pinning Alice’s arms against the wall and got down onto her knees in front of the blind girl, continuing to kiss down her stomach to her belly button, kissing and licking at the little indention for a bit, working her arms between the frail girl’s thin thighs. "Wha?" Alice started to ask, before Alex scooped her up into her arms. She let out a yelp of surprise as she was lifted up into the air, her back sliding down the wall for a bit before she finally came to rest in the crook of the dragon’s powerful arms, her legs over Alex’s shoulders.

For a few seconds nothing happened, and Alice’s face began to burn red with embarrassment as she felt her lover’s eyes staring at her exposed pussy. "Ahh… Alex…" she muttered, not sure what to say or do. She trembled slightly in anticipation in Alex’s hold, her hands reaching down to cover the dragon’s. Finally she felt her partner’s tongue tentatively lick her folds, and she shivered with pleasure. "Alex…" she whispered, blushing bright red as she realized exactly what the dragon intended to do. Alex’s tongue lashed out again, lapping at Alice’s love juices and making the blind girl writhe about on her shoulders slightly. Deeper the tongue delved, giving the dragon a better taste of her honey, and driving the frail girl crazy. It was far more stimulating than the fingers, and somehow being held up in the air made it that much better. Maybe there was an element of danger in possibly being dropped that made it more arousing, or maybe there was just something about being supported completely by Alex…

Either way, she was already having trouble containing her moaning when Alex’s tongue found her clit. She let out a sharp yelp of pleasure, followed by a lewd moan as the dragon kissed her pleasure button tenderly. After a few more such kisses Alice felt the dragon’s lips seal around her engorged bud ever so briefly, the tongue flicking against it, before Alex withdrew her mouth to focus on her folds again. The dragon kept up this cycle for a while, making the blind girl shiver and moan in steadily building pleasure. With each new shift Alex spent more and more time giving attention to Alice’s clit, something that suited the frail girl just fine, and time almost seemed to stand still. Her hands clawed gently at the wall, trying to find something to hold on to in her ecstasy before giving up. "Ahhh… Alex… I…" she muttered between moans, one of her hands finally reaching out to gently hold onto the back of the dragon’s head, her fingers running through the wet hair. For a few agonizing moments she teetered on the edge of orgasm, almost desperate for something to push her over, until finally Alex’s lips sealed over her clit one last time and began to suck gently, her tongue flicking rapidly over Alice’s pleasure button. She let out a blissful squeal, squirming and writhing around on the dragon’s shoulders, a flood of juices rushing for Alex’s chin as she made her blind lover cum.

It took Alice a few moments to come down from her high, still blushed and breathing heavily as she recovered. Finally she tapped the back of the dragon’s head, saying "you… you were… wonderful again. I… I feel guilty, it seems like you’re always making me feel amazing and I’m not giving you anything in return… But for now I… I really want to kiss you…"

Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana frowned at Nadia's very obviously fake attempt at a smile, and her "reassuring" tone that didn't reassure the demon in the slightest bit. In the back of the demon's mind she had the vague thought that this was a hilarious reversal of roles in a way, but still, she couldn't leave this alone for whatever reason. She reached out and gently placed her hand on Nadia's arm and looked her in the eye. "There's no need to lie to me. Something's bothering you, that much is obvious. I want to know what it is, so that maybe I can help you deal with it" she said, with a serious but friendly tone of voice. Luciana smiled then, a warm, genuine smile that somehow came naturally to her in the moment. "You aren't alone even in this crazy place you know."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

The smile dropped from Nadia's face, and her golden glow returned as Luciana reached out to touch her. Tension rose in her body the closer the demon came to laying a hand on her, and her aura flared violently just before Luciana's hand finally rested on her arm. It was, by that point, impossible for her to even see Nadia's eyes through the blue light flooding out of them, and there was nothing but prepared violence in the angel's stance. However genuinely friendly Luciana might be presenting herself as at the moment, it seemed that the best that Nadia could offer in return was restraining her response to whatever was bothering her.

"Alone....." The angel's voice came out in a hoarse whisper, and then she shivered. The angel's knuckled popped as her body began to tense even further, and she continued to build for several moments more. Finally, the glow of her inner flame began to dim, and a few more moments later she stood with only her normal glow again. Her body was still tense, but the haunted expression had returned. "You are not the first demon I've met."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

As Nadia began to glow again Luciana's smile faded, her expression becoming more and more flat as the angel glowed more brightly. From her stance the demon judged that it was likely Nadia would lash out at her at any moment, but she made no move to prepare for it. Not that there was anything she could do that would make a difference; she was many things, a fighter wasn't one of them. Finally, though, the angel seemed to calm somewhat, though her words turned Luciana's flat expression into one of slightly annoyed disappointment. "We aren't all the same, you know, and I resent the implication. I take it from that that you didn't have a very good experience with these other demons. Is that what's bothering you?" Her hand was still resting lightly on the angel's tensed up arm as she pondered how to deal with this situation, not really coming up with anything. She would have to wait for a response.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

"No... No you aren't all the same." Nadia replied quietly, and the tension in her body finally began to release as well. She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again she relaxed completely. "Yes, that is what's bothering me. And I know that you had nothing to do with what happened to me. Something you said just.... Brought up the memory of it." She sighed and then she adopted a very strange little smile as a shiver ran over her body. "And.... It's not that the experience was unpleasant that's bothering me."

She paused and looked Luciana in the eyes. "It's that I enjoyed it."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

"Hm. I see." Luciana replied quietly, looking back at Nadia. This was something she wasn't quite sure how to handle, but she could at least try. "I think I know what happened, then. I can see how the idea might take... some getting used to, for an angel. But it's not wrong, to enjoy such things. It's not unusual, either. It's in all of our natures, from angel to demon and everything in between. I would have thought by the way you rode my tentacle earlier that you would have understood that as well as anyone" she said, winking and grinning with the last sentence. The demon's hand went up to Nadia's shoulder, patting it a few times in an attempt to reassure the beautiful redhead in front of her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

"It is for one of my kind. We.... Aren't supposed to want things. Anything. It's against our nature. Giving in to our personal desires is how we fall." Nadia explained, and then sighed. "So far, I've been treating this island like a vacation. Like it doesn't matter. Indulging a bit. I wouldn't normally do that sort of thing, no matter how badly I wanted to."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

"If it were against your nature, then you wouldn't desire it so much, now would you?" Luciana asked rhetorically, still grinning. "That sounds like a sad way to live, in any case. Denying yourself so. And for what? What exactly does it mean to 'fall,' and how exactly does it come about? I've never met a fallen angel before, though I've heard they're interesting."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

"Maybe." Nadia said, though she wasn't convinced. "When an angel falls, we lose what it means to be an angel. Our Purpose. It is in our nature to protect and to serve, and when an angel chooses to pursue their own interests over the common good, that is when they fall. Our Insight is lost, and without it our connection to the things around us is lost as well. We become.... Shadows, of what we were before, and our power begins to wane. One of the fallen can only maintain the power that one of our kind possesses by stealing it from others, much in the way that demons do. Like you do, in fact."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

"Hmph, the 'common good.' What is the common good except all of our individual interests put together? We all want the same thing more or less. Happiness. We go about getting it in conflicting ways, is the problem. If people were all like me, this life would be easier. Everyone would spend their days having fun" Luciana mused idly. "And I prefer to think of it as being gifted energy, thank you very much. It's very rare that I truly 'steal' it" the demon continued defensively. She couldn't help but feel that Nadia didn't think very highly of her under that smiley surface, and though she didn't know why, that bothered her. She sighed heavily, frowning once more as she said "I suppose this world may need people who put others above themselves. Still, it's a sad thing for you, I think. Enjoy your vacation while it lasts, and if I can make it more pleasant for you, don't hesitate to come find me. Though I must say, I'm starting to hope that I never have to leave this place..." Her hand gently squeezed Nadia's shoulder, and the smile returned, though there was a tinge of sadness to it. She wanted to lean in and hug the angel, to give her a quick kiss, but she didn't know how Nadia would take it, so instead she stood there quietly, holding onto the redhead's shoulder and waiting for something to happen.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

"If only it were so simple as that, I don't think that my kind would need to exist." Nadia replied in response to Luciana's musings. The angel then shrugged in response to the demon's defensive words, and said; "Perhaps that's a better way of looking at it. You at least seem to prefer willing partners, but not all of your kin are so benevolent." She paused, and then sighed herself, knowing that her words had been more aggressive than she'd wanted them to be.

"I.. am sorry if I've offended you, Luciana." Then, another smirk came across Nadia's face, now accompanied by a slight blush. "Perhaps some time tonight, when you're done with Alex, you could come to my room. I'd like to give you... A proper apology."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana burst out laughing at the assertion that some demons weren't as benevolent as she was. "I've lived for centuries in Hell, Nadia, I know full well what my kind are capable of. Some of those centuries have been... far less pleasant than others." The demon stopped laughing, a frown crossing her face again. "I dare say I've had experiences similar to you, but perhaps less pleasant. You learn some... interesting... things about what you really enjoy if you're given enough time. Maybe not the best things to enjoy." She seemed distracted for a brief moment, lost in thought. "You know why we in Hell think angels really fall, right? Because you're altogether too caught up in staying pure, and your desires build up and build up until the weight of them crushes you. So don't be so strict with yourself that it doubles back and makes you weak. There are plenty of safe and moderate outlets for such things in the world. That's my bit of life advice, anyway, take it or leave it" she said finally, slightly rambling and with a serious tone of voice.

"Anyway, it's fine. I can see where you get your view of things, I just happen to think you're probably wrong. No sense getting too offended about it" Luciana replied, gauging the angels blushing smirk carefully. When Nadia invited her back to her room after her business with Alex was concluded she smiled again, saying "mmm, I would love to. I may be late, though, as I hate to give less than full effort you know." Less concerned that the angel would try to push her away now, Luciana wrapped her arms loosely around Nadia and pulled herself gently up against her, whispering "I'll be sure to be there at some point, though" as she hugged the beautiful redhead. As she disengaged she gave her a quick peck on the cheek and turned to leave, waving and calling back "see you then~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Luciana

Nadia gave a thoughtful sound at Luciana's advice, but failed to comment further. Truth be told, it was good advice, and advice that she felt like she had acted on before, the angel simply couldn't recall when or where...

Still, when the demon came in for a hug, Nadia returned the gesture in kind, and then said; "Alright.... I'll be waiting." They parted ways, and Nadia left to go off to the cafe to get something to eat, donning her clothing one more on the way.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Shower
Alex -> Alice
With Alice peaking right onto dragon's chin Alex never once let up her attention. Her lips continued to seal and pull on the girl's crown, and her tongue continued to dance over and around it as the blind girl practically screamed and writhed in her grasp. She remembered what that man had done to her, how he got her to squeal just like Alice and never let up as every bit of pleasure was dragged out of her body. She remembered how she thought she would break if he kept going any further, the waves of ecstasy rolling throughout her being so powerful that they nearly became painful as the seconds slowly passed. It was only when he had finally pulled his mouth away that she finally found relief, and as she finally came down from her high he simply licked along her netherlips and stayed there for quite some time. It sent a rather pleasant feeling radiating from her core, and she simply basked in the afterglow until she realized he had practically cleaned her.

In those days past she had asked why he had licked her dry, and he had simply said that he enjoyed it. With Alice sitting on her shoulders and her sex quivering in delight Alex finally understood what he meant, and she had to admit that it was a wonderful thing to see another woman bask in pure ecstasy. The warrior even found the taste of the shadowmancer's nectar to be quite the delight, and it was after a few languid rolls of her tongue that she realized she was now taking his place.

That thought caused her to giggle as she continued to worship the girl over her, but the light tap on her head caught her attention. The words that followed brought her to a halt, and though she was far from finished she used one arm to cradle Alice's back while the other dropped so the girl could lower that leg. Her free arm came up to support the girl's weight as the other shoulder dropped, and soon enough Alice would find herself being lowered so her legs could finally touch the floor.

"It's quite all right." As she was lowered she would find Alex waiting right before her, the strong body keeping her held and upright should her strength fail while she recovered. "I'm not sure why, but I find it rather fulfilling when I bring you to your peak." With the way she was being held she would find Alex speaking from just below her chin, and had Alice sight she would find the dragon looking up at her with a rather content look before she rose slightly and brought her lips closer to the girl's mouth. "And it's not like I'm not getting anything out of this." When Alex spoke the warmth of her breath washed over Alice for a few moments, and once she stopped she closed that small gap and gave her lover a slow kiss, one that lingered long enough for Alice to taste her own arousal and then some until the dragon eventually pulled away. "I'm learning something about myself, something that changed my plans for the future. Even if I never remember this island I feel I've finally realized what I truly want. I may never have done that had you not indulged me. Thank you." And with that Alex pulled her closer for another kiss. This time she simply laid passively, letting Alice take the lead from this point on as their time alone was slowly coming to an end.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Shower
Alice -> Alex

Alice squirmed on Alex’s shoulders for a while, the dragon still working her tongue and lips to pleasure her all throughout her orgasm, until she finally came down. Even then she continued to lick at the blind girl’s pussy, cleaning her off and giving her just that little bit of stimulation that made her feel absolutely wonderful. It also embarrassed Alice a bit still. She wasn’t used to having someone else staring at her most intimate bits. It also made her a little bit uncomfortable in a strange sort of way. It was hard to describe, but she felt almost as if she was getting far more attention and care than she deserved. On another level it was infinitely nice that the dragon was willing to give it to her…

As Alex slowly dipped Alice toward the ground, carefully cradling her back with a strong arm, the blind girl’s legs reached down tentatively, until finally they found purchase in the basin. Still she held on to the dragon, testing her legs at first, though she had far more reason than just that to keep her arms around Alex… The dragon’s statement made her blush furiously; the idea that Alex was fulfilled somehow by pleasuring her embarrassing her some, but mostly flattering. She could feel the dragon’s warm breath against her lips, and she trembled slightly in anticipation. It wasn’t terribly often that she wished for sight of her own anymore, but in this moment she wished with all of her soul that she could just see Alex’s face for herself…

Finally the dragon closed that last bit of space between them, her lips locking over Alice’s in a long, slow kiss. The blind girl could taste herself on Alex’s lips and tongue, another strange but enticing element to the whole thing. When the dragon pulled away and talked about her future, and thanked the blind girl before pulling her in for another kiss, leaving her just a little ways away so that she could take the initiative. "I… Alex…" she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. This had all been so sudden the time so short, and yet… Alice knew what she felt in her heart. It took her a few moments to work up her courage, but finally she almost whispered "I love you" and leaned the rest of the way in for the kiss, not giving Alex any time to respond to her confession. Despite her inexperience, she was assertive in her kissing, her passion lighting the way for her. Her tongue probed the dragon’s mouth, playing against her tongue as the frail girl squeezed her lover as tightly as her little body could. She spent a while keeping Alex’s mouth busy with her own, expressing her love in the best way she knew how, before finally pulling back and blushing, her head tilted down towards the ground. Soon she would be enslaved for the night to someone she didn’t know, but for right then, in that moment, everything was perfect.

Streets -> Hotel

A spring in her step after her conversation with Nadia, Luciana practically skipped towards the hotel, humming a tune as she went. That conversation hadn’t taken them very long, so she sort of felt guilty for making Pale do the shopping on her own, but it couldn’t be helped. She would wait in the hotel lobby for the vampire, grinning as she laid back lazily on one of the couches.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana

Almost half an hour has passed when Pale finally arrives to the hotel lobby, carrying a small bag hung over her shoulder. Upon seeing Luciana she waves at the demon. "Ready to go in? I said half an hour, so she had better be ready by now."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale

Luciana opened her eyes and swung around to a sitting position when Pale called out to her, looking at the bag and nodding. "I'm ready if you are. What kinds of goodies did you get us, hmm?" she asked, grinning as she slowly got up and began to follow along behind the vampire, of course not quite sure where her room was.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale->Luciana/ Alice/ Alex

"Oh, a little this and a little that. I don't know what's good, so I tried to get decent variety." Walking straight to her room, Pale pushes the door open without knocking. "Hello Alex."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice/Pale/Luciana
The moment she heard it Alex froze. She didn't know what to think. She didn't know if she could think, her mind simply spinning around itself while Alice leaned in and captured the dragon's mouth with as much passion as the frail girl could muster. Something deep down wanted her to reach out, to grab the girl and wrap her arms around that delicate frame and hold it close and never let go. It was almost instinctual, and her body acted on that impulse without the slightest hesitation. But there was something else. Something that made her feel guilty and appalled at letting herself cavort with this small woman. She couldn't place it. She couldn't even find it. But it was still there, that same voice that made her feel like something was missing silently screaming in rage. It made her feel like she was betraying something. Someone. A lover? Herself? Her own honor?

When that kiss finally broke Alex found herself nearly collapsing, her vision swirling for a moment as those two warring sides fought for control. It left her feeling weak and frail, and had Alice not been holding onto her the warrior wondered if she would have fallen on her side. But those smaller arms simply held her still. The fact that someone was holding her brought some comfort, and little by little she found herself relaxing into those arms. The voice that wanted to give itself to Alice was slowly becoming stronger. It beat back her doubts and self-loathing, it's strength growing each second she felt those arms wrapped around her. It urged her to accept what she could see and feel at this moment and not the ghost of something she couldn't and may never remember. "Alice..." Stop hesistating! "I..."

"Hello, Alex."

Everything came to a crashing halt. Even hidden away as they were in this washroom the dragon could hear her new mistress return. This meant that the time she had with Alice had finally passed, and now she no longer even belonged to herself. She forgot that she had pledged herself to another for a full 24 hours, and when she realized that she realized she could have done the same to someone else. She was sure she had done even more in that time she knew she had lost. And here she was ready to throw herself into the arms of another. Pathetic.

"I... I'm sorry." The apology was barely a whisper. Alex wasn't sure if she was saying it to Alice or to her unknown lover, but either way she embraced the blind woman tightly and squeezed her tight for a couple of seconds before breaking free and rising to her feet. "I guess it's time to greet Mistress Pale. Come on, let's go." At that she took Alice's hand and started leading the girl out, their discarded clothes left where they were since they were beyond saving. The only thing Alex stopped for was the blindfold, and she placed it within the blind woman's hands. She hesitated long enough to allow it to be wrapped around her empty eyes, and once that was done she led the both of them out into the main room.

It would probably be an odd sight to see them walking out hand in hand, naked save for a simple wrap bound around the shorter one's head, both dripping with water that could still be heard running behind them. "Mistress." Alex lowered herself to sit on her own legs once they were in the open, and when she finally came to rest she noticed the presence of someone else entering behind the vampire. Seeing the extra woman was a curiosity, but upon seeing the tentacles the warrior grew extremely cautious. "Will someone else be joining us, tonight?" Either this was a fully corrupted human or a demon, and with that in mind she squeezed Alice's hand in an effort to show that she wouldn't be alone.

That's right, I went for the dramaz.