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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The horses provide a nice ride, soon threatening to leave the two spiders behind. As the day advances, the mountains in the distance become more visible, though it would probably take several days to reach them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We picked a destination far away as hell didn't we" Helena says snickering to herself. "Weeeellll, Barring disaster, we're either looking at an uneventful trip, or a lot of training Cindy" She said slowing down a bit for the Spiders and staring at the mountains.

After a bit Helena started singing like she had before. it was a good way to pass the time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It takes several days for the group to reach the mountain range. The road they've been following so far continues along the river to the foothills of the mountains and it seems well-traveled. There's a noticeable difference in the atmosphere as they cross an invisible line on the land. The group has now arrived to Darkon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Several days of riding, of eating and camping, and surprisingly, of nothing bad going wrong. Helena, having forgotten her unruly emotions for the time being, was at peace, smiling widely as they reached the mountains and left the miserable country they had been in. Looking at the sky, and the stone peaks that thrust up into that blue expanse, helena muttered quietly and stretched in the saddle, patting the neck of her stallion gently and yawning.

"And with this we leave the papists to their own misery, may they rot." she said smiling and looking at the others. "Lets get moving, now that we've left that pit I'm only inspired to keep moving."

Feeling the odd change in the air at leaving, she only grinned wider and prodded the horse back into a gentle trot, heading into the mountains.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The foothills are still easy to travel and the group keeps making fair time as the day goes on. After midday, the track the group is following starts climbing upwards to the mountains proper. Suddenly they can hear voices coming from ahead, as if there were people talking with each other, but Helena can't make out any words.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the others at the sound of the voices, dismounting and leading the horse on foot as she readied her bow and knocked and arrow, holding it to the bowstring with her hand as she walked. "Lets see if our luck holds and this isn't trouble." She said quietly

Helena was an okay shot, but she had never fired a bow from horseback, and doubted she could hit anything that way if she needed to...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine and Cindy dismount as well, following Helena armed with their posts. As she turns around a large rock, Helena sees a floating figure ahead, apparently holding a conversation with itself in some strange language.

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops and stares at the figure, her blood running cold for a moment for some reason. Just looking at it, she figured her bow may not be of much use. Putting it away, Helena prepared to fight like her sister, with power.

Rather then try to speak with it, Helena reached out cautiously with her mind towards the strange creature. *Hello? May we pass peacefully?*

*Jasmine! Any idea what the fuck that is!?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The figure turns to face Helena, and for a brief moment she can feel its completely alien mind brushing against hers as it starts floating closer. Both Jasmine and Cindy are staring at it in fascination.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shakes her head and recoils from the alien mind, wondering what the hell they had stumbled into. Taking a step back, keeping her distance, Helena coiled her power into her hand and threw a bolt of lightning at the creature. "DON'T JUST FUCKING STARE AT THE THING YOU MORONS!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: nat 20, 7+7=critical (4+5)/2=4 damage
Jasmine: Still fascinated
Cindy: Fascinated
Allip: Quickly getting within reach
Helena: Wis 9/12 Jasmine: Wis 12/12 Cindy: Wis 12/12 Allip: 26/30
Though the bolt goes through the shadowy form, Helena can see it disturbing the creature. Continuing its mad babbling, the allip gets closer while Jasmine and Cindy keep staring at it in fascination.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena curses after she lands her blow, turning to see her friends still struck dumb by the sight of creature, rather then attack again, Helena ran over to Jasmine and smacked her across the face, Hard. "GET IT TOGETHER SIS!" She screamed in her ear at the same time, the creature quickly getting closer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: Shakes Jasmine out of it
Jasmine: 13+9=hit 19+9=hit (6+6+2)/2=7 (1+6+2)/2=4
Cindy: Fascinated still
Allip: 13+4=hit 3 damage
Helena: Wis 9/12 Jasmine: Wis 9/12 Cindy: Wis 12/12 Allip: 15+5/30
As Helena slaps Jasmine, the older succubus gets on top of herself, loosing two fiery bolts at the creature, tearing it apart even as it reaches to touch her, causing the older succubus to shudder as she tries to get out of the way.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns and somersaults backwards away from the creature only to loose another bolt of lightning in its direction as she came up from the move, Afraid of what getting hit too many times meant. Her anger stayed in check and she kept a level head, but there was no telling how long that would last, she felt drained and it was harder to keep her emotions under control, the sight of Jasmine being struck almost getting the better of her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 9+7=hit 5/2=2 damage
Jasmine: 4+7=miss 11+7=hit 7/2=3 damage
Allip:nat 20 2+4=doesn't confirm 2 damage
Helena: Wis 9/12 Jasmine: Wis 7/12 Cindy: Wis 12/12 Allip: 15+5/30
Helena's and Jasmine's bolts hit the allip, but seem to do no real damage as it follow Jasmine and touches her again as she tries to back away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena curses and shouts at Jasmine. "GET IN THE AIR DAMNIT!" keeping her distance, Helena tried again, throwing a handful of flames at the strange thing, wondering for a moment what the hell something like that was even doing out here!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 8+6=hit 2/2=1 damage
jasmine: 8+9=hit 14/2=7 damage
Cindy: Running away
Allip: 12+4=hit 4 damage
Helena: Wis 5/12 Jasmine: Wis 7/12 Cindy: Wis 12/12 Allip: 12+5/30
Jasmine takes Helena's advice, shooting another bolt as she spreads her wings, quickly gaining altitude. Her and Helena's bolts seem to weaken the creature as Cindy finally snaps out of it and runs away while the monster floats towards Helena, it's frosty touch sending voices through Helena's skull.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shudders at the things touch, her mind filled with voices, her will fading further, and her mind clouding. Bounding back again to get out of the creatures reach, Helena fired again, hoping to kill this creature before anyone was hurt or worse. She would have taken to the air like jasmine had she not been afraid off Cindy becoming the focus of the creature's attentions if she did.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena:19+7=hit 1/2=1 damage
Jasmine: 11+7=hit 17+7=hit 7/2=3 10/2=5 damage
Cindy: Still running
Helena: Wis 5/12 Jasmine: Wis 7/12 Cindy: Wis 12/12 Allip: 9/30
Helena manages to avoid the allip's touch as Jasmine puts two more lightning bolts through it, and Helena's attack makes it seem less solid as Cindy keep running away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing Cindy get some proper distance, Helena gave a quiet sigh of relief, continuing to back up as she threw a blast of freezing air at it, figuring that would hopefully be more effective then a solid shard of ice given the creatures strange nature.