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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: HP 27/27 Mana: 15/18

Cindy stretches her legs as Helena gets to digging. It takes about ten minutes for her to clear the coffin, which she finds in good shape. Inside the coffin is a corpse of a dwarf clad in finely crafted plate armor. The corpse also has a beautifully crafted mithril shield on it, and its hand is gripping a morningstar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Finally revealing their prize, Helena looks at it all, before pulling out the shield and morningstar. Well, the armor is too small for us to wear... unless... Helena says, starting to yank it off the corpse carefully.

Thinking for a moment as she stared at the corpse, Helena started to shrink, her female features fading away, her build starting to match the dwarf, until a male, hairy dwarf, in clothing that didn't fit anymore, stood their, stripped, and started to pull on the armor, before picking up the shield and mace.

This will be interesting... Helena said, as she started to strap the armor on as best she... he... it could, and hefting the morningstar and shield.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It's a lot of work to remove the armour, but eventually Helena is done and starts strapping it on with Cindy's reluctant help, and eventually they get it on, though it takes a few tries to get it right, since neither of them has worn such thing before. "What are you going to do?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, now properly adorned in her rediculous disguise, shrugs, the metal clanking as she tries to move around, having to move slowly, though she liked the shield and beatstick. I rightfully have no idea, apart from walk around and see what happens. But apparently I am now Thorvin Battleshield! Returned from the grave~! OooooooOoOOo Helena said, her voice deep and gravely, which made the following girlish giggle sound even more rediculous then she looked.

Starting to walk back, Helena started whistling, clanking her way down the tunnel on her new short legs, and testing the weight of the morningstar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The heavy armor is cumbersome to move in, and Helena finds herself stumbling both because of the extra weight and because of the shorter legs. Cindy follows her with certain amusement. When she appears from the tunnel, most of the constructs continue their work. However, about one in the twenty react immediately to her appearance, either by stopping to stare or running off.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, clanking around as she tried to figure out the armor, almost completely failed to recognize the reactions she was getting, so intent on figuring out how to move around without falling on her face, making her way down towards the golden construct they were used to dealing with. As much as she liked money... Keeping this stuff? Probably not the best idea, since these were supposedly friends. It was probably best to give this stuff to them and see what happened. Because she wasn't running anywhere like this quickly.

Clonking, clanking, and banging her way down the mine, Helena started to pick up on what she was seeing, and realized she may have to lie her way out of this one.... Shit. O well! What was life without a little insane fun, besides, would Constructs even recognize the concept of grave robbing? She wasn't sure, but this was starting to get amusing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena and Cindy make their way downward, the initial panic of the machines seems to wear off, and they return to work. After a long and tiresome walk, Helena is back inside the dome with the golden craftsman. The machine turns to face Helena. "Those do not belong to you. Please explain."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, looking at the construct, yanked off the helmet, and flopped onto the ground. Not Stealing! She panted, this crap was heavy! Laying the shield and the morningstar down, Helena caught her breath, because she had admittedly taken quite the tumble down the last leg of the trip in a fairly hilarious fashion, and the armor appeared no worse for wear either. This was some crazy metal.

There was a cave in and I couldn't leave this stuff in there, the coffin said... Thorvin Battleshield, if I'm remembering right. And I can't use it, and it belongs to you folks. SO here it is! Helena said, starting to pull off the armor piece by piece.

Even if I wanted to steal it, I couldn't use it. Helena continued, taking her clothing from Cindy as she shifted back to her usual appearance, and found the sound of her own voice something she had missed BADLY. Getting dressed, Helena shrugged. Now you can put it somewhere safer. Fair warning, telling me not to touch something, is like begging me to do so.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though it has no expression to speak of, Helena gets a distinct impression of amusement from the golden craftsman. "Duly noted." It gestures with an arm, and two other constructs come to pick up the discarded equipment.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns and has to do a double take, raising an eyebrow. So there ARE emotions in there! Helena said, her eyes widened with surprise. I could spend days just sitting somewhere and talking with you about how you were made, and about how things work here, this is all incredible, if you have emotions... then there's a free thinking mind in there... Helena said, starting off on a little verbal ramble while she tried to puzzle it out.

It's the animals! It has to be, you were created using souls... whatever energy you're taking from the animals... And you... You were a dwarf! Helena says, stopping dead in her tracks, having been pacing in a small circle as she stared at the construct.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The craftsman shakes its head. "I was created by a runesmith. They did not need living essences in their work. I do not have their skill; thus I need live essences to imbue the workers for them to function." Now seeking for it, Helena catches another faint hint of emotion... envy? Or perhaps regret...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shakes her head, before she realizes something just as important as the recent discovery. This creature could feel... it could hurt and regret. Sighing, Helena walked over and reached out to pat the construct on the shoulder, leaning in to whisper. You've done fine work, nothing I've ever seen, in my life, on this plane or another, equals what you've accomplished. I'm sorry. Helena said very softly, before turning, spinning on her toes as she grinned at Cindy.

Learn something new every day huh! Told you this place was incredible! Ooo! Sir, would you mind overmuch if we kept looking? I'll try not to break anything else... Or maybe that library I mentioned? Just to keep me and my friend here out of trouble?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Try not to cause any more cave-ins or other destruction," he says, turning back to work and bolting another limb into place. Cindy looks at the cages thoughtfully, and one of the prisoners - an old woman - starts to weep softly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops again, and looks at the old woman in the cage. Well... How did I not notice that before... Overseer. This is a tad important. i've already agreed to try and find your masters and runesmiths are included in that. Is this mine able to operate without further human sacrifice for a time being? Give me a chance to find them? Or is it simply unavoidable... I don't like the idea of innocent people being killed... But you're Also alive as far as I can tell.... So I'm torn. Yes or No, Can you postpone killing the intelligent creatures you keep while I find the dwarves. And if so, for how long... Helena asks, looking at the old woman.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The golden craftsman stops to consider Helena's words for a few moments. "The overseers require essences of intelligence. In the absence of the dwarves, overseers are essential to the functioning of the mine. There are some non-essential overseers that could be reassigned, but there would be minor inefficiencies as a result. Currently two replacements are needed. It would likely be some months to years until another is needed, unless there is a major accident."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

So, you could reassign some hands to do the task without the killing. And given the skill I'm seeing around me, those minor inefficiencies could be worked around, or even taken advantage of. I'll find the dwarves one way or another, so lets call the humans and others a resource that doesn't need to be used. I wont ask for anything different if there is an emergency, but for now, try to find another way, I know you're more then smart enough to do it. And well, Woman, if they were to let you go, would you ever dare speak of this place? Or simply take the secret to your grave. This is an important question, if you betrayed their secret, I can tell you from experience that nothing would be able to remove them, and far more then yourself would die as a result, and this mine would continue it's operation without issue, as if you'd never existed... Helena said, looking around to make sure any other humanoid captives were paying attention.

Turning back to the Overseer, Helena paused for a moment.I will be expending great effort to find your masters and to bring them back here. Can we agree, that for now, that you will stop killing unless it is considered absolutely necessary, and there is no other option? Helena asked.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As soon as Helena looks at her, the woman shirks away and starts babbling incoherently about blood and darkness. Helena can see three other captives - a man with grossly misshapen head and oversized arms, a goblin with sand-coloured skin and a hyena-man who seems to be near starvation. The golden craftsman watches impassively. "The intelligent captives were found alone wandering in the desert. They would not survive long if they were released. We will cease seeking more captives until such becomes a necessity."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Understood, and acceptable. Thank you. Helena said, letting the issue drop for now, she wasn't going to get between a giant possibly cannon toting machine and his mercy killings. Well, at least the ones he had already captured, and from the look of things, they were already towards fucked before they were picked up.

Well Cindy, that's sorted, off to explore more things and specifically NOT touch anything that could explode! Helena said, striding out of the dome and back into the mine proper. Maybe there was something on the ground floor worth finding.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"As if you could keep your hands away from anything like that," Cindy comments, following Helena out and leaving the prisoners to their own. The mine is still at work - it seems that the constructs don't need any breaks or if they do, they do so rarely - and there is plenty to explore, from abandoned mine shafts to workshops to tunnels still in use.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nope~♫ Helena answered cheerfully. Well, mineshafts about got me killed, lets poke around some of the workshops, see what we can find there, hopefully there wont be any traps, just suicidal buttons. Helena said, skipping as they made their way towards the first workshop she saw!