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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The comment about the spider certainly raises the man's eyebrows. "I don't think there's anything else for you to do tonight, miss. You can come back tomorrow and I'm sure there'll be something. Give me the location of that spider and I'll see it won't be disturbed. We've actually had reports of other such spiders, and they don't seem to be aggressive, so we're not even allowed to harm them."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gladly gives the man the spiders location before stifling a yawn, excusing herself she heads back towards the lab feeling less angry and panicked. hopefully it wouldn't be too much longer before she got a good nights sleep and tried to figure this all out...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Perhaps she's just lucky, or perhaps a patrol has already swept this tunnel, but Helena doesn't meet any wildlife on her way back to the laboratory. The door opens to let Helena in, and it would seem that Ginny is already sleeping, as the lights are out. Seeing the kitchen reminds Helena that it has been quite a while since she ate with Ginny, but her bedroom upstairs seems inviting, too.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat, something in a tube and easily inhaled. after the quick meal she planned on going upstairs and promptly passing out, heading out again in the morning.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wakes to a soft music playing as the lights slowly adjust their brightness to wake her up. As she gets up, she notices that the door to Ginny's bedroom is still closed; she's probably sleeping. The laboratory feels empty and apparently Helena gets to choose the breakfast: the fridge is suggesting porridge, but there's also English breakfast available, if she can cook it in microgravity.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets up with a stretch and a yawn, feeling much better. When the fridge shows an option for an english breakfast she is saddened, she can't cook in full gravity, let alone micro... Getting her porridge and eating quickly she heads out and moves towards the Sec-Team headquarters again, bouncing along the hallways happily. She would have to get to the bottom of things, but being worked up about it would only make it all worse in the end...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

19 vs 2
The best that can be said about the porridge is that it's filling. At least the coffee is refreshing, though, and it doesn't take Helena very long to get going. The now familiar tunnel speeds by as Helena flies along with the help of her gauntlets. Helena barely has time to dodge as something lashes out from one of the side tunnels. Were she to turn to look, Helena would see it's another of the crab things she lost to earlier.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pivots in the dodge and spins in the weakened gravity, turning and seeing the crab, or something very like it, she wastes no time in firing off a pair of fiery bolts at the thing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 19 vs 12 | 9 vs 2
C 8 vs 3

Helena: 4/5 MP 1/2
Crab monster: 5/7
The bolts connect with the monster, but it manages to slam her leg with a tentacle, causing her to spin in the air.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena whips around in the air, steadying herself she launches two attacks again, she wouldn't make the same mistake of underestimating these things twice...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 20 vs 6 | 14 vs 8
C 13 vs 2

Helena: 3/5 MP 0/2
Crab monster: 3/7
The bolts hit the monster's shell, causing small cracks to appear, but her carelessness stops Helena from dodging the crab's tentacle as it reaches out to touch her, sending the now familiar waves of nausea through her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena clenchs her teeth, a hand to her upset stomach as she attacks again, a little more carefully, trying to dance out of range of those dangerous tendrils...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 20 vs 9
C 22 vs 21

Helena: 2/5 MP 0/2
Crab monster: 2/7
The crab suddenly leaps towards her, touching Helena again as her attack causes its shell to crackle with heat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena keeps trying to back away, firing again, If they continued to trade blows like this, there was no telling who would come out on top...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 21 vs 8
C 22 vs 15

Helena: 1/5 MP 0/2
Crab monster: 1/7
A sharp pain goes through Helena as a tentacle slams onto her, but she manages to burn it away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

This was it, the end. it had come down to a final blow, a single moment, one last bid for supremacy, one last chance for retribution... Helena let out a cry of rage and desperation and she made what was likely her last attack...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 2 vs 2
As Helena fires yet another fiery bolt at the strange creature, it freezes for a second before its shell explodes, sending strange blue blood scattered across the walls alongside pieces of the hard chitin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena floats there exhausted, still shaking from the intense showdown. It takes her a moment to realize shes covered in blue blood. Cleaning herself off quickly, she heads farther down towards the HQ, both to make a report and offer further assistance...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The suit is thankfully easy to clean and soon Helena finds herself in the HQ again. This time the man she talked with earlier doesn't seem to be present, though.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Pouting, Helena tries to get someones attention, "Hello~" she called out, "I'm here to help with the security breach and the strange lifeforms roaming the compound". Looking this way and that Helena wonders where the hell everyone went...