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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You...what? Hang on, I'll ask." A moment later the voice returns: "Apparently you're headed to a mining colony on Moon. I wish I could help you, but I don't think there's anything I can do. Unless...do you know anything about Demonology?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Only the absolute basics from training~" Helena says feeling slightly more depressed about her situation, she had an Idea what Jasmine was hinting at, but summoning her was way out of her league. She could make an attempt, but the results could be disastrous... "What did you have in mind?" Helena asked, still trying to hold onto a scrap of hope...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Hmm. I guess we can work around that. You have some of those slimes, right? This is going to need a lot of energy, and you'll need life force to supply that." Suddenly a bunch of images flickered in her mind; of killing the slimes and draining their life energy; of creating a summoning circle; of stepping through it somehow.

"You think you can do that?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena reeled from the rush of images, and was seriously disheartened by having to kill the slimes, but it had to be done. arranging the pictures and instructions in her mind she stammers back across the link "Ya, I think I can handle that" Moving through the motions she begins the process of the circle creation, when all is said and done she activates the ritual and hopes for good results...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A rush of pain catches Helena unawares and she blacks out. When she wakes up, she feels different. For one thing, there's gravity, and the air is warmer than she's used to, though she's not sweating for some reason, and has a strange smell to it. There's also something else, an almost pleasant feeling that reminds her of an old teddy bear. Sure, it's dirty and others might go as far as calling it disgusting, but it's comfortable and...homey. Like she belongs here. Opening her eyes, Helena finds herself in a large cavern, lit by flickering reddish lights that seem to come from everywhere and nowhere. The cavern reaches out as far as she can see. The spider has gotten there as well, though it seems subtly different, somehow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets up very slowly, taking a very careful look around her surroundings before moving over to her Spider, although it feels comfortable she's very afraid of whats going on. Any piece of information could be vital and still mourning the loss of the small slimes she moves to hug the Spider. looking for comfort...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spider hugs her back hesitatingly. Suddenly she can feel something approaching, and when she turns, she sees a huge rope demon - or rather, the shape of what a rope demon really looks like, without the rope. The shapes of rope dominate the being, but it has a face, barely more than a phantasm, that reflects hunger for something, and it's not difficult to guess what.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pales in fright and then remembers what Jasmine said about taming rope demons. Hopefully this would be enjoyable but there was never any telling. She would have this thing as her willing servant in this strange place and that was her decision, for better or worse. Patting the spider on the head calmingly she kisses it and then walks towards the demon, hands at her side and waits, offering no resistance whatsoever...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The rope demon rushes to hug her, gaining more solidity from her mere touch, until it becomes solid as a rope. Then it suddenly pulls tight all around her, forcing her hands behind her and her legs spread apart, pulling itself into a tight harness around her breasts and running a smooth rope below her crotch, her suit having disappeared, somehow. For a few moments the harness keeps growing tighter, pushing towards pain. Then the rope forces Helena on her knees, ass up. A coil slips around her head, forming a gag, and two heads appear and start whipping her behind, just hard enough to sting but no more, while the crotch rope starts teasing her by sliding back and forth slowly. Then her head is pulled up by the hair and another pair starts whipping her front similarly. The ropes focus on her butt and her breasts, but occasional lash hits her back or stomach or thighs to keep her on guard, all the while the crotch rope slowly tightens while moving.

This treatment continues until the sensitive areas are deliciously red. Then the ropes let her head go but hold her upright, allowing her to see a large dildo forming out of the rope, glistening with moisture. Slowly Helena's legs are spread apart and she is forced down until the vibrating dildo is poking her pucker as the crotch rope, still moving, splits into two to make way for it. For what seems like eternity, the ropes simply hold her in that position until they slowly start pushing her down on it again, stretching her asshole somewhat painfully despite the lubrication. After several minutes it miraculously fits inside her entirely, vibrating harder now. When Helena finally starts getting used to the dildo inside her, she is lifted off of it. As she looks down, she sees the reason: another dildo forming next to it. Again she is forced down to their tips, and again she is teased for a good while before slowly, ever so slowly being pushed down on them, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure crashing through her despite the pain.

An eternity seems to pass before Helena realizes she's moving again, as she is pushed back and her ass is lifted up, with the dildoes still vibrating inside her. Her ass is pushed over her head, so that her juices may drip on her face and her legs are forced over her. Then the ropes start whipping her ass again, quite hard this time. It is in this position that she finally passes out.

In the darkness she feels something calling for her. When she wakes up, she is standing inside a summoning circle, totally naked except for a rope harness around her. She is in microgravity, though it doesn't seem to matter as her feet stay on the floor on their own accord. In front of her is Jasmine, wearing the same leather clothes as before, looking at her with intense pleasure. Though she can still the almost hypnotic pull of the succubus' presence, it's as if Helena could stop that pull with a thought. "How was the trip?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the demon rushes to meet her Helena stands her ground and is fascinated as the Demon gains solidity from her contact. As it binds her and she realizes shes suddenly naked she momentarily loses her resolve and struggles against the rope before realizing its pointless at this point and remembers the entire point of not resisting, it would be hers... Relaxing and trying to enjoy herself she momentarily panics when the rope starts to become uncomfortably tight. Helena pants, growing wet despite herself as shes forced to her knees and a coil of the surprisingly smooth rope buries itself in her slit, causing a spike of pleasure to shoot through her with every motion as it teases her clit. Letting out a startled squeak as shes suddenly gagged and her exposed ass recieves several smart cracks from the demon, each eliciting another Squeak from the young mage. Panting heavily as she nears her first orgasm, intensely thrilled by the absolute helplessness of her position, all she can do is moan loudly as her hair is yanked and her head is forced back, her sensitive front receiving several lashes as well, the occasional stray smack striking her seemingly at random, never letting her truly fall into a rythem as the insidious crotchrope continues to work at her already sensitive flower. After only a minute of this treatment Helena's entire body tenses and she cries out through the gag as she hits her first climax, her body shuddering under the now incredibly pleasurable lashes of her tormentor, it takes her some time to come back down, the rope buried in her slit causing her to thrash against her bindings as the orgasm is carried to its limit.

Suddenly her hair is released and shes repositioned again, sitting forcibly upright Helena issues a low moan as she sees the dildo forming below her. Helena finds herself no longer struggling as shes slowly forced down, her legs pulled apart and feels the slick member press at her pucker. When it stops she moans again in frustration, bucking her hips against the thing, wanting it, needing it. Her body tenses harshly as she feels herself being forced lower again and the dildo begins to penetrate her, the tight hole stretching to allow the surprising girth, her head thrown back as she bellows through the gag and almost cums right there as it finally settles deep within her. When it starts vibrating though she hits her limit again and this time her juices wet the rope considerably as she shudders and moans into her gag, her hips bucking furiously, no longer under her control. As she really hits her stride though shes lifted off of the violently vibrating member and finally catches her breath, coming down from a second extremely powerful and drawn out climax. When Helena glances down again though and spots the second member she shakes her head in denial as shes forced down again, this time both pressing into her without issue, her dripping slit gladly allowing the intrusion, her hips moving again as both holes repeatedly clench against the buzzing lengths, her head hanging limp as her hips roll beyond her control and she simply moans as her now overly sensitive body is forced into a 3rd, and then a 4th orgasm. When shes repositioned yet again and she feels her own juices dripping onto her face and chest and her ass is treated to lashes again she barely has the energy to move but wants nothing more then for this thing to fuck her over and over and over again, loving the feel, the motion, the control. Her last thoughts being nothing but pleasure and lust before she fades into blackness...

When she wakes up feeling both extremely relaxed and still very horny as the harness is still in place and that damnable rope is still inconveniently placed. Hearing Jasmine she glances over and answers with a smile "Fantastic..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Welcome, sister*

Jasmine leans close to Helena and kisses her while pulling her to a warm embrace.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena returns the kiss hungrily, her body pulling against the harness as shes embraced, wanting more. Her hands exploring the Succubus' body before forcing herself away and trying to regain control of herself. "Thank you for the rescue, I'll assume you didn't know this little guy would be here." Suddenly looking around for her spider panicked Helena tries to find her 8 legged companion...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine allows Helena to pull away, looking slightly confused. The spider is nowhere to be seen.

*What guy?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena actually falls to her knees in shock, realizing her friend didn't make it she just sits there, tears starting to roll down her face. "Why... I should have left him there..." she whispers. All she can do is sit there, stunned.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine pulls Helena up and out of the circle. *Calm down* She then makes a gesture and a man Helena hadn't noticed walks over with an expression of bliss on his face. *Now, I want you to focus on your friend very hard. I'm also going to need your strength.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just nods silently and closes her eyes, bringing to mind every encounter with her 8 legged friend, every hair and limb brought into stark relief as she lived through each meeting again, building a picture in her mind with every scrap of will she had, careful not to forget a single detail...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man extends his hand towards Jasmine and she calmly slashes his wrist open, spilling fresh blood on the circle. Jasmine then grabs Helena's hand and pulls a lot of power from her, making her almost faint. A ripple appears in the air and the spider appears in the circle with the smell of brimstone. As Helena feels her knees give away, the spider glomps Jasmine, who giggles delightedly. The man calmly goes back to standing next to the wall, binding the wound.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just lays there, exhausted and ecstatic that her friend is ok. "What now?" she asked quietly, the fatigue coming through in her voice as she dried her eyes...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine yawns. *Now we sleep and then I'll start teaching you. There's so much for you to learn! Oh, you don't need to speak out loud by the way, it's much faster if you just do it like this.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and follows Jasmine, eager for sleep. motioning for the Spider to follow her, not wanting to be away from him for a second after the close call...