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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine quickly backs away from the spider. At first the spell doesn't seem to have any effect and the spider seems to be wondering what just happened. Then Strike shivers a little. *Today's lesson: Never cast a spell if you don't know what it does.* Strike suddenly pounces Helena and starts tearing her clothes, overcome with lust.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at Jasmine questioningly before "GAH! NOT FUNNY JAS!" she shouts as she tries to fend off Strike, Her attempts at reaching her familiar's mind thwarted by the sheer force of the Lust she had inflicted upon him. Due to the fact that she refused to hurt her friend she couldn't put up much of a fight and her clothing didn't last long...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Giggling madly, Jasmine douses the flames of lust raised by Helena with a single gesture. Strike looks confused for a moment, then goes to the corner of the room to pout. "Aww, don't be mad to her, it was my fault." Jasmine pleads at the arachnid. The spider looks at Jasmine for a long moment before going back to Helena's side.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets up and uses her old fashioned magic to repair whats left of her clothing before glaring at Jasmine, but having a hard time hiding how worked up she is as well. She'd thought about it before and the idea excited the hell out of her and still did. "Consider the lesson learned Sis..." she says before sending an inquiry to her pouting friend, a very simple **Male or Female**
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though there are no words, Helena gets the distinct impression that Strike is a female. "Is there anything specific you'd like to learn? I know lots of spells, but teaching them all would take a long time and I'll get hungry if we keep at this for long."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

after the near miss there with Strike, who was confirmed as a she, Helena was quite happy to call it for a day. Taking things nice and easy. "Not right now thank you. you're sense of humor is in a rather provocative spirit today" she says chuckling a little. "I think a nice walk around town to clear my head or a quiet day inside to relax wouldn't be bad options. But if What I remember is correct, Its been forever since I has a shower and that comes before anything" she says still blushing furiously and heading for the bathroom.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The bathroom seems luxurious despite or perhaps because of its aged style. When Helena comes out, Jasmine is petting Strike, but heads to take a shower herself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pats Strike on the head before choosing a simpler form of attire, simple jeans and a t-shirt before flumping on the bed and relaxing. Relaxing, now there was an over-rated activity, Helena was certain it wouldn't last long, it never did. But until the fates decided otherwise she was quite content to simply Laze about the hotel, doing nothing of consequence.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike seems quite content to just laze about, curling up near Helena's head. It doesn't take very long for Jasmine to appear from the shower and throw herself next to Helena, still naked. "I'm feeling a bit peckish after all that magic, how about you?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I got could for a meal" Helena said conversationally, "Any particular prey in mind?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Keep in mind that for the next few weeks, we might only have our guides and Ginny to have fun with. So...how about a good old fashioned orgy? I'm sure we could find one."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rockets to her feet and in her most serious voice she cries "TO THE ORGY!!!!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine conjures herself some clothes and walks out of the door. Outside the hotel she stops for a moment, her eyes closed. *See if you can sense anything. It's not hard to pick up places where a lot of sexual energy is being released, and you should be able to tell whorehouses from orgies, if you focus."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena takes a deep breath and tries to find energies in tune to her prior experiences and ringing a true note with the energies of both herself and Jasmine, trying carefully to differentiate between solid masses of mutual lust, and the combination of lust and greed that usually would signal a brothel or whorehouse. She was nothing if not a diligent student...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena senses large amounts of lust spread all over the city. There are dozens of more concentrated areas, but most of those are brothels. Still, there remain several points of interest, some not too far.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves in the direction of the one farthest from the hotel, it wouldn't do to have such activities taking place so close to their current residence. It may not make much sense to Jasmine, but Helena was still nervous as hell about her new abilities and identity as a demon and thought prudence was the best option to take given the circumstances...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine lets Helena lead without commenting on her choice. Eventually they arrive to a house with all lights on and music coming from the windows. The door seems to be open and Helena can feel inviting energy pulsing inside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns to Jasmine with a smile and winks "Shall we?" she asks before moving towards the door..
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The vestibule seems empty save for piles of clothing, and surprisingly no-one comes to see them. "Let's head upstairs." Jasmine says as she sheds her clothes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena likewise gets undressed and makes for the second floor, ears pricked for information as to the whereabouts of the apparent orgy...