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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You got overloaded with power. And by the way you hang in the ceiling, you still haven't bled the excess of, which would be why you're feeling sore. Here." Jasmine throws a small crystal to Helena. "Just focus on that crystal until you start feeling better, it'll take a couple minutes."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena picks it up and looks at it before closing her eyes and taking deep steadying breaths, focusing intently on the small stone...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The crystal seems to slowly come alive, and after a couple minutes Helena floats down, feeling better already. Jasmine has filled a cup of coffee for her and is drinking one herself. "Ginny talked with the guides yesterday and we have the supplies. We're leaving by car in an hour. Apparently we'll get to spend the first couple of days driving instead of walking." The table looks different than before.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena takes a long pull on the hot coffee, taking in what was said, but distracted by the table, taking a closer look...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The table's leg turns out to have been replaced by two quite naked and very tied up people. Jasmine gives Helena a curious look, apparently gauging her reactions.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just cracks a wide smile and looks down a little lower, checking to make sure they're okay before looking back at Jasmine "Do I even want to know?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Don't look at me, it was your idea. Though I did add some finishing touches, when they wouldn't stop moving."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snickers. "My idea huh. well I don't know what you folks did but apparently I think you deserve this." she said slyly sipping at her coffee
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's words cause the man to let out some muffled sounds and struggle, causing the tabletop to shake a little. "Looks like someone doesn't think their punishment is sufficient."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It seems your right Jas" Helena says with a smile. Moving down in front of him she grins at him before reaching between his legs and stroking him softly, never taking her eyes off of his, waiting for him to stiffen up before giving him the punishment he deserved...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man struggles even harder to no avail, as his member quickly grows to its full size. "Remember that we don't have much time."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glances up at Jasmine slightly annoyed but realizing she doesn't need 'breakfast' she relents and looks back at the man. "We have places to be and things to do, so when I'm done with my coffee well lets you go with a kiss and some fond memories." she says quietly.

Looking back up at Jasmine she smiles and returns to her coffee, drinking a little faster and smiling wide. "Bout time we got moving, as fun as all this is, I doubt our presence will go unnoticed for long and I'm not really sure how other people would handle the news. I know in school succubi were frowned upon to say the least..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As soon as the succubi finish their coffee, the pair is sent on their way and they finish preparations, seeing their guides and Ginny again in front of the hotel with all their equipment. Soon everything is loaded and the two cars start climbing the precarious mountain road.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena assists in any way she can, the overabundance of energy from last nights adventure making her excitable, even with all the extra bled off the young succubus was still topped off and couldn't sit still, much to the chagrin of her companions. The only one who seemed to enjoy the extra energy was Strike who seemed to be just as excited Helena. The rope demon was docilely helping secure all of the gear with Jasmine's. They were really very helpful.

Watching the mountains as the trip got underway Helena whistled an old tune and spoke to Jasmine and Ginny about nothing of consequence and simply enjoyed herself. Between her friends and the scenery and the excitement about making progress again (among other things) all seemed right in the young mages universe.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The guides don't seem particularly surprised to see rope demons and indeed, each of them has his own.

The ride seems endless ascension and descension, with no flat ground anywhere. Ginny is in one car with two of the guides and Jasmine, Strike and Helena in the other with the third. The trip continues uneventfully for several hours until they stop in a wider spot for lunch. Everyone gets out of the car for a while, to stretch their legs and enjoy the view.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena bounces out of the car and runs around with Strike, playing and generally just having a good time while they wait for lunch. running up to Ginny she asks in a rush "Where are we starting? OOO and whats for lunch!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Before Ginny can answer Helena, a scream echoes from the mountains. "Harpies! Everyone get ready to fight!" Each of the men has a rope appear as a whip in their hands as a flock of nine harpies appears in the sky, closing in fast!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tells Strike to stay behind her and watch her back as she charges her hands with electricity and fires off a bolt at the invading enemies. Distance would only be an advantage for so long. Touching the mind of her Rope Demon, still securing gear in the car she calls it over to her, the loosed equipment thankfully being let down lightly before the demon slithers along the ground like a snake and around her free arm. She may need it before this fight was through...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 8 vs 19
G 20 vs 3critical J 10 vs 19 G1 16 vs 4 G2 5 vs 11 G3 3 vs 9
11 vs 16 14 vs 3 16 vs 20 14 vs 17 9 vs 7 10 vs 9 15 vs 8 18 vs 13 16 vs 14
Helena: 5/6 MP 8/4
Ginny: 5/5 Jasmine: 6/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 4/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy1: 4/4 Harpy2: 4/4 Harpy3: 5/5 Harpy4: 2/4 Harpy5: 3/3 Harpy6: 7/7 Harpy7: 8/9 Harpy8: 1/1 Harpy9: 1/1
Two harpies attack each of the girls and one each of the guides, with varying degrees of success. The party's attacks seem mostly unsuccessful, and all except Ginny seem to get at least a scratch as the harpies gather height for another attack.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena ducks back annoyed by brimming with power, spinning away she throws a single blast of fire at the two nearest harpies and commanding Strike to go hide for now. The rope demon she holds in reserve for now, waiting for any of them to get too close for comfort...