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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 7 vs 16 J 16 vs 13 G 6 vs 25 counter
G 18 vs 7 | 3 vs 11
S 26 vs 8 miss | 18 vs 10 | 7 vs 9 | 11 vs 19 | 12 vs 17

Helena: 2/6 MP 1/4 Jasmine: 6/8 MP 11/8, Grappled: -1 to attack Ginny: 1/5 MP 0/2, Grappled: -2 to attack G1: 2/5, Grappled: -1 to attacks G2: 2/5, Grappled: -3 to escape, can't attack
Slime: 5/20
Helena's attack misses as she blinks away and though Jasmine manages to cause the slime to freeze up more, she also gets partially trapped.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Deactivating Blink and holding that one last option in Reserve Helena pitches a spear made of Into the slime, They were getting close, they just had to keep it up...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 12 vs 8 J 5 vs 23 counter miss G 19 vs 11
G 20 vs 12 | 18 vs 12
S 26 vs 16 | 20 vs 11 miss | 10 vs 3 | 25 vs 10 critical | 19 vs 10

Helena: 1/6 MP 1/4, Grappled: -1 to attack Jasmine: 6/8 MP 10/8 Ginny: 0/5 MP 0/2 G1: 0/5 G2: 1/5, Grappled: -1 to attack
Slime: 2/20
Helena's attack hits and is immediately countered by the slime, the ice touch threatening to drain the last of her strength as Jasmine blinks away again. Ginny and Aren seem to have gotten enough as both of them faint and the remaining guide seems to barely stay on his feet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gives the last of her strength to throw another pair of spears at the slime, Thankfully Jasmine seemed to be doing alright, even as she was on her last legs...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 16 vs 14 | 10 vs 26 counter J 4 vs 17 G 16 vs 20
S 20 vs 23 | 13 vs 18
J 9 vs 21 G 14 vs 24
S 7 vs 14 | 10 vs 6
J 11 vs 24
S 16 vs 11
J 7 vs 9 blink
J 4 vs 24 counter
S 7 vs 4
J 7 vs 8 blink
J 14 vs 13

Helena can feel the spears piercing into the slime before shattering, with the shards bouncing back at her, dropping her to her knees in the slime. The last guide falls down too and Jasmine continues to battle the slime alone, blinking away every time she threatens to be caught. The last thing Helena sees before passing out from the exhaustion is Jasmine kicking the frozen remains of the slime, shattering them to pieces.

Soon Jasmine shakes her awake along with everyone else. The only damage the slime seems to have done is to clothing, and Ginny is quick to fix even that.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena comes around slowly, tired and hungry, in more ways then one. Using a modicum of self control to not jump on anyone she clamps down on her own hunger and looks around first. Wouldn't too to try and scratch the itch if there were more problems to deal with first. Seeing that everyone was alright and nothing seemed to be all that threatening at the moment Helena gets to her feet slowly. {If were gonna keep running into things like that in here then we should probably feed properly... Need to find a more appropriate place though......}

Running through the current possibilities Helena has trouble staying focused, the very idea making her flush at every option rather then just one. Shaking her head slightly and remembering the amount of giant wasp nests that they had run across one way or another she decided that more spiders in the area would probably do the people some good, that and Strike was.... Shuddering Helena walks outside the cave and hops down, prompting the giant spider to follow her a short ways into the woods before picking a fairly large tree out of sight of everything and everyone before letting the Spider know what she needed, pushing lust across the link because she just didn't have the energy for the spell. Besides, How often did a giant spider have a willing participant...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena disappears, she can see the others continuing deeper into the cave, though Jasmine soon appears as well, going to talk with Red, apparently.

Strike follows Helena down the cliff and to the forest. Once again she starts by wrapping Helena in her web, this time also blindfolding her. After letting Helena wait for a while, Strike slashes the web open at her bust, revealing the orbs as she starts gently suckling on them, clearly enjoying the taste of Helena's milk and sending shivers of pleasure as well as small amounts of energy through Helena. After feeding, Strike prods her against a tree before slashing the web open again, this time revealing her ass. Strike's pedipalps slowly work on the slit until she judges Helena ready, then she can feel Strike change the position before her ovipositor slowly pushes it's way inside, sending more energy through her. She then starts slowly thrusting in, each time a little deeper until finally reaching her cervix. A sudden movement pierces the cervix and then Strike starts pounding her vagina furiously, each thrust pumping more eggs inside.

It doesn't take very long for Strike to finish and she retreats the ovipositor and leaves Helena there, still webbed to the tree.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena is bound and blindfolded she shudders in anticipation before giving a muffled gasp as she feels Strike begin drink her milk, the unexpected situation causing her to twitch and moan softly. As the spider breaks away Helena feels herself pressed against the tree, the web holding her there as she suddenly feels cool air on her now exposed backside, Strikes limbs rubbing and teasing her flower until she was shaking with need and almost dripping with anticipation. Crying out softly against the silk as she feels Strike's length press into her she bucks her hips as much as she can against it wanting it deeper and deeper until she feels it hit her cervix. She feels a sharp sensation of mixed pain and pleasure as Strike pushes to her core and she tenses sharply in climax, her inner walls clenching around the ovipositor as Strike begins to really work her over, laying her eggs and holding Helena at her peak, moaning and gasping until finally its over and she's left there, stuck to the tree.

Feeling the familiar pressure of Strike's latest brood Helena moans and lays there, recovering from the event and enjoying the feel of the silk holding her. It hadn't been the best as far as a meal was concerned, but Strike would always be her favorite. Too bad the others probably wouldn't approve overly much of her dropping spider clutches everywhere... It would just have to stay a guilty pleasure to be enjoy occasionally.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has been laying there for about half an hour when she hears a slithering noise getting closer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can't really make out the noise all that well, the Silk interfering and her own little blissful indulgence making her slow to react. Laying there against the tree Helena simply doesn't react, who knew, maybe another meal had happened across her and the extra energy would be nice. Would probably be more enjoyable if she didn't know what it was anyway.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the noise gets closer, Helena can feel something like long, flexible limbs wrap around and feel her through the silk before the slimy appendages start to slowly massage her exposed parts, the slime sending pleasant tingling through her body. Slowly something wraps around her orbs and starts squeezing and vibrating while her nipples are being teased and she can also feel something rubbing her slit while another appendage gently pushes against her pucker. There is a definite flow of energy and the teasing feels quite amazing, but just as she feels about to reach her peak, it stops completely except at her breasts, which are still wrapped around.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finally gets a proper bead on the noise but before she burns herself loose she feels long limbs begin to caress her where she's vulnerable, the contact bearing a slime that sets her nerves on fire and makes her moan deeply, still more then a little primed from Strike. Her chest being teased, the slime and the vibrations causing her to shudder in renewed arousal are only strengthened when she feels pressure and pleasure from her lower holes as well, her body trying to buck and rock against the mysterious limbs.

As she's about to peak they stop and this time she moans in frustration, eager for them to continue but not wanting to spook whatever it was, the energy was too delicious and this promised to be quite fulfilling if she just played nice it seemed...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena's body starts to calm down, the teasing returns slowly, her most sensitive parts getting gently caressed, but again the teasing stops suddenly just before she can get relief. As she lets out another moan of frustration, a tentacle thrusts into her throat roughly and her lower holes are filled just as roughly, sending her into an explosive orgasm. The rough thrusting soon produces a second one as well, but as she approaches the third one, the tentacles stop again and pull out, leaving her squirming in her bonds. Then one of them thrusts into her pucker, pounding her roughly before pulling out just as she's about to peak. Then the molestation of her bust continues as another tentacle starts spanking her ass, quickly sending her into another orgasm before stopping.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Shuddering and twitching in her binding Helena lets out a muffled scream as she's suddenly and completely filled, her mind reeling from the force of the orgasm as her entire body tenses and she's fucked well and truly straight through another. Before her third everything stops again and then her rear is impaled and she's pushed to the edge again before everything stops again! It was infuriating. Being teased and spanked into another orgasm Helena is suddenly left AGAIN! to squirm and shake at the odd treatment, the strange circumstances driving her crazy...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Once again a tentacle enters her rear and roughly pounds her, keeping her on the edge while her bust and ass are spanked alternatively gently and heavily, keeping her frustrated for a long time before she's allowed to come. Then a tentacle enters her throat, thrusting deep enough to make her gag as the teasing resumes. After a long while her flower is filled and she is allowed to come repeatedly before the eggs inside her start moving and the tentacle leaves her flower and then spanking is exchanged to squeezing as the eggs leave her one by one. When the eggs are all gone, the tentacles cover her with cum and leave.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena cries out and screams at the thing tormenting her, keeping her from orgasm before pushing her past several, the constant switching and flurry of different sensations causing her to pull and strain against her bonds as her body was used, abused, and teased past any tolerance. To make things even more confusing Helena could feel the eggs beginning to move even as her flower was roughly pounded and she screamed in another climax around the length still buried in her throat. As the length in her slit retreated and the eggs started to slide from her body Helena shook and yelled in climax time and again as she endured the exquisite feeling of laying the eggs with the caressing of the tendrils. As the last of the eggs slipped from her gates, whatever was tormenting her covered her in heat as it drenched her in cum and left her there, still gasping. Well, she had gotten her meal at least... It took her another full 15 minutes to get a grip and focus into trying to burn her way loose of both the silk from Strike, and the things cum...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena frees herself, she sees that the sun has already set. She can feel Strike hunting somewhere nearby and sees the glow of the campfire coming not too far away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cleaning herself up properly and feeling much better despite the... Nature... of her meal, Helena moves back towards the campfire, feeling much better. AND even better, there was now a freshly birthed set of spiders to deal with the wasps, so that was something... Getting nearer and nearer the campfire Helena suddenly realises she's still nude and quickly conjures up some simple clothing. That could have been awkward...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena gets closer to the campfire, the first thing she sees is satisfied looking Jasmine leaning against Red. "Welcome back. We're just making dinner."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles at the pair "Glad to be back, whats on the menu?" Sitting close to fire and enjoying the warmth Helena relaxes before finally remembering Strike's more recent gifts. "Hey Ginny, is there any way to use a couple stingers from those giant wasps?"