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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 22 vs 9
A 10 vs 19 | 14 vs 8

Helena: 6/6 MP 6/4 AP 3/10
Ants: 3 dead, 3 visible
The ant dies and the chitin lets out acrid smoke as it is replaced by another. The two ants keep spraying her, and Helena is starting to feel quite aroused, with the strange power welling inside her again like she can remember from the wasps.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is starting to have trouble concentrating as the substance starts to get to her, figuring blinking would probably be a bad idea in her state she tries to kill as many of the ants as she can, tossing a pair of bolts at the two below her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 18 vs 4 | 14 vs 6
A 22 vs 4 critical!

Helena: 4/6 MP 5/4 AP 3/10
Ants: 5 dead, 2 visible
As the corpses of the two ants curls up inside the flames, the ant from above drops onto her and bites her arm while a seventh ant appears, once again above her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tries to repeat her last trick, trying to kill the only two currently visible ants with fire, if it worked she could probably try to get the hell out of this pit!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 7 vs 19 | 20 vs 15
A 17 vs 8

Helena: 3/6 MP 5/4 AP 5/10
Ants: 6 dead, 2 visible
As the ant from above falls, she can feel the stinger of the ant still hanging onto her bite into her hip, the venom burning in her veins. Eighth ant appears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's face is flushed and her skin is on fire, her folds moistening as she felt the insects stinger sink into her hip. Getting desperate she finally tries to use whatever strength is building inside of her, if nothing happened she'd try to blink away...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A 16 vs 13 | 9 vs 14
H 15 vs 17 | 11 vs 18 | 19 vs 7 | 5 vs 22 | 20 vs 12
A 9 vs 18 | 9 vs 9 | 19 vs 9

Helena: 2/6 MP 5/4 AP 8(-6)/10
Ants: 9 dead, 3 visible
As the ant stabs her again with its stinger, she can feel the heat build up before it releases explosively, killing the two visible ants. But three more appear, each spraying more of the liquid down on her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is panting and fidgeting as she tries to blink up the pit, trying to get away from the onslaught of ants that never seemed to end...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A 19 vs 3/99% critical! | 5 vs 9 | 20 vs 14/28% miss
Helena: 2/6 MP 5/4 AP 10(-6)/10
Ants: 9 dead, 3 visible
Despite, or perhaps because, she blinks upwards, she manages to get a lungful of the clear liquid, causing her to cough as it seems her entire body has caught fire...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Feeling the arousal completely take control, Helena stops fighting, going limp and slowly floating to the bottom of the pit, her eyes glazed over as she pulled off her clothing and began to kneed her own chest, a hand drifting lower to her own mound as she teased her slit softly, drawing small moans and gasps from her as she set foot on the floor of the pit, wanting nothing more then release....
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena's feet touch the floor, a large ant with a bloated abdomen drags itself through one of the holes and towards her, seeing her helpless state. The queen clumsily climbs on her back, extending its ovipositor towards her flower, prodding it gently. The other remaining ants drop next to her, impassively watching as their queen thrusts its ovipositor into Helena, triggering an orgasm even before it starts pumping into her. Noticing her bountiful breasts two of the ants get under her and take them between their mouth parts, gently sucking and massaging them in a weird way. Soon Helena can feel eggs moving inside the ovipositor as the queen deposits them inside her while mindlessly feeding her with energy. All too soon the ants finish up and leave Helena with a womb full of eggs that seem to squirm, feeding the lust that still fills her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moans softly as her own administrations are interrupted and the queen slowly clambers onto her back, wriggling slightly her back arches and she cries out in climax as she feels its ovipositor press into her, her hips bucking against it as the at thrusts into her and the others begin to do something for her chest. Helena's body is rocked with another climax with every few eggs pressed into her body and when all is said and done she's left in the pit, still overcome with arousal as the squirming in her core threatened to overcome her again. Know the ants were probably not coming back anytime soon, and still desperately needing more release, Helena flies out of the pit, still hungry for anything that she came across, anything at all...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has barely reached the top only to see no-one there when a powerful wave of pleasure forces her to drop on her knees as the larvae start to hatch and push themselves out. First one pushes itself out and drops on the floor, followed by a dozen others before the softened eggshells follow, only for the larvae to eat them before dispersing, leaving Helena feeling better, even with a burning feeling still coming from inside her womb.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena whimpers and moans as she falls to her knees and her insides begin to move, the larvae squirming out of her and causing her to cry out loudly as each slips from her body followed by the shells, her hands grasping at her chest and dousing the fire that seemed to burn throughout her body as she came once, and then again. Gasping on the floor its several minutes before she gets back to her feet and steadies herself against a wall, conjuring some clothing. She was still aroused, but not nearly as badly or mind consuming as she had been. Floating about a foot off the ground, Helena made her way deeper into the tunnel...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena gets moving, the fire gradually starts to burn down. The tunnel turns again and splits into two, the left of which is marked with a hastily scratched chalk arrow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the arrow thinking. {Did any of you leave an arrow chalked on the tunnel wall?}
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Yeah, that's where we are going. Feel free to check the other tunnel or join us.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

{Just making sure, thank you} Looking at the arrow again Helena immediately does the smart thing and heads down the unexplored path, still floating above the ground and keeping her eyes peeled.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hasn't gotten far when she feels Strike coming closer and soon the spider catches up with her and gives her a hug while hanging from the roof. The tunnel widens into a large cave with torch-like lights lining the walls. The large, clearly artificial space seems to serve no purpose, and it looks like another dead-end.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena carefully makes her way over every surface, every wall, the floor, even having Strike carefully search the ceiling for anything odd, anything that looked even a little out of place. Checking every light as well Helena conjures a small flame in her hand and watches it carefully, hoping a breeze in the wrong direction would give away something...