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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 18 vs 12 | 6 vs 23 J 21 vs 25
D 18 vs 14/08 | 12 vs 11/21

Helena: 1/6 MP 4/5 Jasmine: 6/8 MP 10/9
Demon: 3/10
Helena's attacks hit, but as the chains pass through her, she can feel the electricity flowing back to her, causing her muscles to twitch.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, that sucked... as her own electricity rebounded on her much like the Ice had, Helena made up her mind to simply do as much damage as possible before her likely collapse, the weight of her injuries starting to bear heavily upon her. Gathering Ice once again, Helena threw another pair of wicked looking spears, they had been effective thus far, and they had to be making progress...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 10 vs 17 | 5 vs 10 J 14 vs 24
D 18 vs 15/85
J 15 vs 23 | 16 vs 11
D 7 vs 15 | 20 vs 14/92
J 23 vs 18 | 9 vs 15
D 11 vs 18 | 18 vs 9/10
J 6 vs 12 | 20 vs 11

The demon sidesteps Helena's and Jasmine's attacks and launches its chains at Helena again. This time she doesn't blink away at the right time and the chain hits her head and she can feel her legs giving way. As she is passing out, she can dimly see Jasmine continuing the battle with the demon.

Jasmine shakes Helena awake. *Are you feeling okay?* As Helena looks around, a pile of chains is the only sign that remains of the demon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I dunno, I feel like I got hit in the head with a chain!* Helena chuckles and gets to her feet slowly. *What the hell was that?* she asks, moving over to examine the chains...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*You did. It was a chain demon. They're demonic warriors* Jasmine follows Helena to the chain pile, and picks one up, making it wrap around her arm. *Strange. Usually they don't leave the chains behind.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows suit, pondering the information. *Can you control these like the rope demons? because that would be cool. Also, why would a demonic warrior be out here?* Helena asks, her brain going a mile a minute...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*They can be controlled, but it's nowhere near as easy, unless you're a chain demon. The cultists must have summoned it for some reason. Information, perhaps. Or it might have been a gift from whatever demonlord or god they were serving. Let's go give the news to Ginny.*

Jasmine gathers some of the chains, and with deep concentration, makes them form an armor of sorts around her before taking flight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't bother with anything that complicated, content to have the one coiled around her arm docile for now, she would practice with it later. Marveling at Jasmine's control, Helena follows close behind, worried about what this could mean.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The night air is clear, and the town's lights can be seen easily. Jasmine leads Helena to a hotel and knocks the window, which Ginny comes to open shortly. "What did you find?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Swamp people and a giant chain monster! Errr... I mean cultists and a chain demon, O and a strange ghost that amuses itself by forcing people to cum uncontrollably, that was amusing. But the Chain Demon was NOT!"

Helena's brain still somewhat addled from the recent blow doesn't notice her strange manner of relating information, thinking everything she had just said utterly normal.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We searched the three houses in the swamps. One was empty and another haunted. The third had cultists, but I don't think they were the ones we were looking for. They had summoned a chaindemon."

"Well, that's worrying. I've done a detection spell, and there's definitely an occult circle somewhere within the town limits. I was thinking that we could try to find it tonight, but if you've already fought a chaindemon..." Ginny leaves the end of the sentence open as she looks at Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Dont look at me in that tone of voice! I'm fine!" Helena is mildly concussed in reality, but its doing nothing to dampen her spirits. "Honestly! lets go before something worse then a Chain Demon shows up."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I was just thinking that you're probably low on energy."

"I know I'm drained. We should have just charmed the demon before using the fireball."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"So were taking a break then? breaks are good. Recharging is good too, But i doubt I could fly very straight, Ill follow your guys lead."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Too bad Red's not here. But variety is good. Let's go find out what this town has to offer."

"I think I'll stay here. Two nights in a row is bad enough."

Jasmine nods at Ginny and leads Helena out through the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I Have NO Idea! Into the wild unknown!" Helena shakes her head a bit, and manages to get some semblance of a grip. *Think I got hit a little harder then I thought... What are you hoping to find in terms of food out here?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I don't know. We might have to settle to grabbing a couple guys from a bar.* Once they're outside the hotel, Jasmine closes her eyes and concentrates, her senses reaching out to cover the entire town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*A couple guys? you just started talking about variety and guys at a bar is what you would settle for.* Helena stretches her mind out as well, not all that keen on the idea of bars after Joseph. Who knew, towns always had dirty little secrets, and cults were pretty famous for the depraved and unusual, who knew?

*Actually, we should remember to settle that little challenge with the haunted house as well, I can't imagine that being anything other then hysterical, but food first, and lets actually look for something out of the ordinary, i hear cults can get pretty freaky*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can sense a strip club, a couple dozen bars, some of which seem more..unusual and a few more different kind of places of possible interest.

*Sometimes you have to settle for what you can get.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*True, I dont trust myself to dance, i get dizzy easily for some reason, Pick a bar and lets go then. These people aren't going to drain themselves!* Helena smacks on a smile and decides to just enjoy the night, it was good to forget the crazy once in awhile.