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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy blushes slightly. "I'm...not hungry." Jasmine throws off the covers, moving behind Cindy, still naked, and starts to massage her back, causing the blush to deepen. "Don't be so nervous. You need to relax."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sits in front of Cindy and smiles warmly. "It's alright, you do need to relax." Mentally rolling her eyes at Jasmine, but not surprised in the slightest, Helena just relaxed and watched.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It's not long before Cindy visibly starts to relax, and her eyelids fall shut as the girl leans on Jasmine. "That's better. Why don't you start by telling us about this Malken?"

Cindy's voice sounds sleepy as she answers. "He's... I don't know what he is. Some people say he's a man, others say he's a demon. He lives in Kantora, but everyone here does what he says. Those who don't, disappear. He doesn't do very much here, though. I've never seen her, and I don't think many others have, either."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins and takes the information, committing it to memory. A demon huh? who kept to himself... living in Kantora...

"Where is Kantora and how big is it?" Helena asked, starting to eat her breakfast slowly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It's...a week of travel east from here, following the river. It's...much bigger than Liara, I guess. I've never been there."

"Are there many wizards in Kantora?"

"No, nor anywhere in Vaasa. Some nobles employ them, but not many."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*So we have what sounds to be a large city, with very little magical presence. Sounds a damn sight safer then this place...*

Continuing to eat, Helena pondered the information. Well they had a destination now, and mages seemed to be rare indeed, the boss could be a demon... Well this was interesting.

"Are there any trade caravans or the like that regularly travel between here and there?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"There's usually at least one caravan a week coming from here to there. So...you're not going to stay here?" Cindy's voice reflects a mixture of disappointment and hope.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*This is where you tell me to not pick up strays right? Too bad, part of who I am*

"That sounds suspiciously like you want to come with us, Why is that?"
Helena wanted to hear her reason, but this time it would come with conditions, she would not have a repeat of the vampire...

*Read her while she answers, And if she wants to come with, is there a way you can bind her loyalty Jasmine?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Not that you're getting stale, but I'd prefer a little more variety on my meals. I could control her, but I can't command her to be loyal and I wouldn't if I could.*

"I...I just want to get away from here to somewhere where I don't have to be like this. But I don't dare to go alone."

*She seems sincere.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I can understand that*

"Excellent then! You can come with us, the condition is you stick with us though, through thick and thin." Helena said with a warm smile, finishing her breakfast and giving a small burp.

*You should probably tell her... Tentacles and what not*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy looks at Helena, her eyes scanning the strange clothing. When she speaks, she pronounces each word clearly and slowly. "I promise I'll stay with you and help you as I can, but that doesn't mean I'll help you if you do something suicidal or that I'll throw away my life for nothing."

*Wow, she seems like she takes her word seriously. One of the benefits of being in the past, I suppose.*

"Before we start preparing to leave, I need my breakfast."

Jasmine lets Cindy fall on the bed and leans to kiss her. Cindy's eyes widen, but she makes no attempt to resist or even protest, not even when a tentacle appears from Jasmine's back and starts rubbing against her sex.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I accept then" Helena says giggling as Jasmine goes about getting her breakfast. As if to hopefully put any doubts to rest, she added "I trust Jasmine here with my very soul, do not worry, simply enjoy yourself"

Getting up and chuckling, Helena left to give Jasmine and Cindy some privacy unless Jasmine objected.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The place is emptier now, but there are still some people sitting or standing around and talking in small groups. Occasionally some people leave, but more come in. The sound of coins changing possession suggest that it has been a successful night for at least some people.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moved around slowly, taking care to stay out of the way. Sitting in a corner she continued to watch everything that happened and listened closely, making an attempt to go unnoticed...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Some of the people there give Helena speculative looks - especially the more successful looking ones - but the buzz of conversation continues unchanged. The criminals are talking about their trade and there's little of interest to Helena. Strangely, no-one seems to be talking about the change in leadership.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snorts softly at the lack of useful information, but isn't overly surprised. After about a half hour, Helena moves back to the room, gathering up her pack and waiting for Jasmine to finish
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine seems to have just finished as she and Cindy are just putting clothes on and both of them are smiling widely. "Let's head to the market district and find out when the next caravan leaves."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Glad to see you two are getting along" Helena said with a wide grin herself at seeing the pair. Shivering she scratched her hair roughly and then her shoulder, the sensation was Infuriating!

Snapping out of it when Jasmine suggested they go check the caravan time, Helena nodded and shouldered her pack, tucking the knife away again. Thinking about it as the blade slid into the bag, she pulled it back out and handed it to Cindy. "Rather not have you wandering about unarmed... I don't trust this place... Tuck this away somewhere hidden..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Thanks, but I already have a dagger." Cindy replies, looking at Helena curiously.

As the three make their way outside, people openly stare at Jasmine and Cindy, some even leering after them. Cindy seems a little nervous, but Jasmine just ignores them. Outside the streets are still filled with beggars and Cindy starts leading them towards another part of the town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Good!" Helena said brightly, tucking the blade away and smiling. So she wasn't as helpless as she seemed. That was both good and a reason to watch her, she would be slow to trust indeed, but far slower to act, the memory of Willow rising unbidden for a moment before Helena thrust it back down where it belonged. Following Jasmine, Helena also ignores the catcalls, wondering where Cindy was taking them.

She knew Why they were going, but the physical location was something else entirely... Staying out of reach of the beggars, Helena kept her hand on her morning star, wishing she had something to give the unfortunate but steeling her gaze forward nonetheless...