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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine seems amused more than anything else, clearly understanding what Helena is going for. Cindy seems more thoughtful than before, listening intensively.

"Well, when I was sixteen I...ran away to avoid marriage. The second son of the local baron - a horrible, obese man - was a little too interested in me, and my parents were only seeing his money. I had some talent for magic, so when I by miracle managed to arrive in Paris, I apprenticed myself to a conjurer in exchange of certain favors. He wasn't particularly skilled, but he managed to conjure minor imps just fine, and taught me the basics of the craft in between his research for some obscure ritual.

About four years later, he finally revealed the ritual to me: it was one for summoning a powerful demon. The demon turned out in form of a stunningly beautiful woman, then slew him on the spot. Jezebel - as the woman called herself - was more powerful than he had anticipated. With the man who had attempted to bind her to his service dead, she was much more amenable - or so she claimed - so she offered her services to me, for no price at all. Of course, by then I already knew better than that, so we...negotiated. The contract was signed in blood, of course. Jezebel was - is, I suppose I should say - big on tradition like that.

After that, I spent several weeks with Jezebel. Though I was more slave than anything else, the contract had limits on how far she could abuse me. She somehow managed to bypass most of those while following the letter of the contract, but she kept the most important ones. And all the while I was learning more. At the end I willingly stepped into a summoning circle, and she summoned me back. By then I was a succubus, but of course, I was also in her summoning circle."

Jasmine abruptly stops, suddenly uncertain.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena listens even more closely and when Jasmine stops, she puts a hand on her shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. *You can stop, I think I understand, and I'm grateful for how kind you've been to me...* Helena sent her way, a comment for her ears only, an attempt to comfort a good friend...

Looking around, she checked Cindy one last time, assuming that she hardly understood the implications of the current end of Jasmine's tale or the apparent cruelty of Jezebel. And from the sounds of it, if Helena ever met Jezebel, there was going to be a reckoning...

Helena would not stop Jasmine if she chose to continue, nor press again if she chose not to. If Jasmine stopped her tale, then Helena would start singing, but just for her, the song special to Jasmine, the first one they had ever practiced together.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Jasmine continues her story, Cindy seems completely entranced by it.

"Jezebel wanted to renegotiate the contract, which is when I threatened to banish her; she really shouldn't have been surprised that I knew the spell. It shouldn't have worked, but I was freshly charged from my first visit to hell and she was tired from summoning me and powering the circle. Turns out that she really couldn't go back to hell without being able to pay a debt. I helped her get her debt paid and when we went to hell, she was in debt to me instead. Suffice to say, she's been eager to please me ever since."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded quietly and tried to understand it all, Still. Jezebel was still in for a mild ass kicking, or at least that was what Helena thought at the time. Given some time to rethink everything, she would decide to leave Jasmine's past up to Jasmine. Her sister didn't need Helena to fight her battles for her. It did give her an entirely new perspective on Jasmine though, How easy would it have been for Jasmine to bind her as a slave rather then as a friend... If anything Helena only respected her more which was impressive to say the least.

Deciding to return the favor, Helena thought it was high time to reveal her own past as well, granted it wasn't as interesting, to her anyway, but it was only fair.

"I was a student and an Athlete back home before I found the EGG, that's the name of the Pod I showed up in, and because of boredom and a great deal of frustration with my family who didn't approve of my school choice or the fact that I lived alone, I sought an escape in EGG. That machine sent me to the world where I met Jasmine on an asteroid base, a giant floating rock above the planet to do research. I thought it was all just a game really, that's all I had been told it was, all anyone is told really, I'm not even sure the builders understood what they had made. We we're studying Slime's and I met Jasmine there, and after a bumpy introduction and a few problems on the base, we decided to head back to the surface to check out a lead. I boarded the wrong ship and was headed to a Mining colony. Jasmine here summoned me through hell and back and that was the first time I became her Sister. She's been teaching me ever since." Stopping for a moment, Helena barked a harsh laugh, thinking back on her own family and why they disapproved so much.

"If I had to honestly guess at why my own family decided I was a failure, it would have to be that I wasn't like them at all and decided to become a Vet, a doctor for animals, rather then what they had planned for me. I was supposed to be their perfect little lawyer just like Dad and go to a big fancy school and do everything Just the way they wanted me to. The day I moved out they told me not to come back until I changed my mind and 'Saw things their way' which only made me angrier. I found as time went by, that I cared less and less about their opinion and didn't even really miss them. They have 4 other children to be their perfect little robots, they forgot about me a long time ago. Too be honest, I don't care if I ever make it back home, Home is here with Jasmine now and that's all that really matters to me."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy stays silent, and Helena can feel her mind working furiously. Jasmine looks more like Helena now, though the changes are so subtle as to be easy to miss.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena keeps an eye on Jasmine, slowly but surely changing and wondering what she was up to... Still, what was going on in Cindy's mind was more interesting at the moment. Like she had promised, no one here would force her decision, there was nothing wrong with stacking the odds a little though. And it would help their relationship regardless if Cindy understood them a little better.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a while, Cindy opens her mouth. "I don't have much of a story to tell. My parents are poor so I mostly grew up on the streets. I almost got caught trying to steal food, which is when the thieves guild... recruited me. After that, I spent even more time in the streets earning money and looking for a way out, until I grew old enough to get myself indoors and still earn money. Then you two came and I saw a way to get to at least a better level of the criminal society, if not out of there completely."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A better level of criminal society. Hate to say it Cindy, but I don't think we qualify as criminals. We're more... Free agents, we tend to do whatever we think we have to to survive. If you want out of the criminal world for good, then just stay with us, I sincerely doubt any guild would mess with two demons."

Helena smiled at her and winked, as far as she was concerned now, Cindy was part of their little troupe for better or worse and finally had her trust. Lord only knew it had taken long enough.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy gives Helena a suspicious look. "So far I've seen you attempting to rob a nobleman and then agreeing to assassinate another. Free agents does sound a little better than a thief and a murderer, I suppose."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We needed money badly, and the price for his help was this upcoming job. From all accounts our target is a man who has it coming, and although outside the law, I believe we're in the right." Helena said without missing a beat.

"But yes, we do have a tendency to Ignore restrictions placed by society" She added after a moment. "Jasmine, what do you think we would qualify as? I doubt we fit the Evil bill."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine snorts. "How about heroes for hire? We're about to overthrow an evil tyrant and we're doing it for money."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena laughed uproariously at being referred to as a Hero in any sense of the word. "I guess that sounds about right!" She said still chuckling. "So tell me Cindy, What ever do YOU think about our current situation, since you kind of jumped on board without a second thought"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Hey, I'm just in this for money. Though it is nice to feel that we're in the side of justice." Cindy remarks off-hand.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Money is material, if only it wasn't necessary for so many things I would happily live without" Helena remarked just as off handedly. She would spend the rest of their trip until lunch talking of mainly inconsequential things or singing, just taking it easy and wondering about their new arachnid guest.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The midday arrives without any interruptions in their travel, and they arrive at a small village soon after, complete with an inn and a seedy tavern, neither of which is looking busy at this time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has had enough of Inns after the last one and its pathetic food, and a drink sounds pretty damned good. "I vote the Tavern... Besides, Seedy can be fun right?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We're only stopping for a meal. Seedy isn't promising in that respect." Jasmine retorts. "Besides, what are the odds that we find two poor inns in a row?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Fair enough I suppose" Helena said chuckling and turning towards the Inn. She was still getting a drink...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Inside, the inn doesn't look much better than the tavern looks outside, but the innkeeper is a smiling woman and the smell coming from the kitchen promises better. Jasmine negotiates with her for a while before handing over a few coins and getting each of them a meal as well as a tankard of ale.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't even really give the food a second glance until she's had a good hard pull from the tankard. "Gaaah~ Sweet ambrosia!" Helena says before hitting the meal with her usual impressive appetite, hoping it tasted as good as it smelled.

"So, we've been lucky enough to find two Inns after losing our caravan, we have to be getting close if the population is only getting thicker. With outlying towns, I wonder how big the city itself is"