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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spiral staircase is wide and leads to a luxuriously carpeted hallways of second and third floors. Several of the doors are marked as reserved, but the one Helena is looking for has no sign hanging. Opening the door shows a large room with a dining table with six chairs to the left, all of exquisitely carved wood, and three large double beds, each accompanied by a closet and two locked chests. The walls are covered with animal skins and there's a thick carpet covering most of the floor.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's jaw hits the ground as she looks at the extravagance of the room before diving onto one of the beds, bouncing and laughing "Jackpot!" She giggles out, looking at the other two while she kicks her shoes off and lounges for a bit.

"Alrighty then! We need to find mr. tyrant and deal with business, and make enough money to stay here while we go about accomplishing it. It seems our hostess isn't bright enough to figure out how much cash she would make considering what I had thought to charge, but meh, what can you do."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine lays on the bed with Helena, while Cindy takes to one of the chairs. "I suppose we should start planning, then. As for money, she couldn't have known just what we are."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckled at that. "Very True. Still, something in my guts tells me she'll come around. We'll see. Until then we may just have to find our own customers. Easy way to get a meal and make money while we handle business. Besides, we garner enough of a reputation for such things and we may very well get his lord Dickishness to come straight to us. And then our job becomes infinitely easier... What about you Cindy? think any guild contacts here would be willing to part with some information? Especially on any magic users willing to take on a student for a short period of time..."

Helena didn't really have any high hopes for assistance of any kind from the Thieves guild, but hey, every resource was a possible option, and any high class assassination came with risks, it was always better to stack the odds in your favor. Regardless of the answer, Helena was, as always, perfectly willing to be as lazy as possible the first night after walking any kind of long distance, especially given how long they had been on the road. She also needed to find a teacher to increase her abilities, and glass marbles for the revenge she had in mind, it was going to be delectable.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy shakes her head. "I don't really know anyone here. The guild will sell their services of course, but they'll charge us however much they think they can get away with."

"Well, in any case we'll need supplies. New clothes, to start with, and information. Might as well use the inn's services. If they're as good as we've been promised, and they'd better be, for what we're paying."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Agreed" Helena said after a moment and regrettably putting her shoes back on. Standing up and stretching she looked for the speaking tube, assuming there would be someone on the other end to attend to their whims considering the price they were paying.

"Excuse me, I would like to ask about a guide to the city if someone is available. I have some errands that need attending to, but me and my friends have never been here before and are in need of some guidance."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A woman's voice answers from the other end: "Of course, miss. Anything special you need guidance for?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Certain destinations for sure, and someone preferably who knows more about where information can be acquired. In short I need someone who knows the city very well indeed... In ALL of its aspects."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Right away, miss."

Barely a minute has passed when someone knocks on the door, and when Cindy opens it, the knocker turns out to be a boy in his early teens. "Hello misses. I'm Tom, at your service. I know the city good, ask away."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Please take a seat Tom." Helena said gesturing towards one of the chairs.

"We need a great deal of information on several topics that a lot of people would not appreciate us asking about, and something tells me, looking at you, that you know EXACTLY what I mean. I understand you may have your own motivations, but understand this. Whatever we ask about is never to leave our company, do you understand?"

Helena said all of this very calmly, but her blood was up now and something dangerous flashed through her eyes. If she had been looking at it, she was certain her soul had taken a blue tint just for a moment. the conditions on the street had gotten her ire up, and if this man they were after was truly to blame, then she WOULD collect his head....
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom takes a seat, his demeanor suddenly all business. He nods gravely, looking Helena into the eyes, and Helena can feel a tinge of fear amongst all the other feelings going through his head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles, suddenly her old self, the steel edge tucked back where it belonged, hidden. No one would guess the depths of her fury if they didn't know her, which was all the more to her advantage.

"I'm glad we understand eachother then Tom. First things first, We need clothing, what we have simply wont work for our business here. After that's taken care of, we need to speak with someone who knows what goes on in this city after the sun sets. Do you think those are things you can accomplish?"

Helena had high hopes for this youth, he had the look of someone who knew far more then he let on and kept secrets well. Even though she had felt his fear, she hadn't seen it cross his face, which spoke volumes...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom suddenly grins. "Clothes? How much you want to pay? You pay gold, you get good furs and tight leathers and even silk. You pay silver, you get little fur, nice leather and fine wool. Lots of things happen after the night falls, you have to be more specific. Gambling? Drugs? Something else?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles before answering him. "You and I both know All of these things are interwoven. I'm looking for the organization that pulls the strings, But if you want to know just how high the stakes are, I'm looking for Magic."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom stands up. "The guild is good for cutpurses, not for you. I can find you magic, but it's expensive. Clothes now, magic later?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just smiles and nods. "The Guild, I suspect is good for a great many things Tom, but we'll come to that later, for now you're right. Clothing is first on the list"

Standing as well, Helena stretched and put her pack in one of the chests, bringing only the Javelins, the bow set aside for when she had time to brush up on her skills.

"My sister here is Jasmine, and this is Cindy. Jasmine knows more about our clothing needs then I do so please defer to her." She said gesturing to Jasmine and Cindy respectively and getting ready to go.

*It seems our friend here doesn't really want us to meet that guild. We may have to insist*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine and Cindy get up as well. "Let's go see that expensive tailor first, then." *We'll have to see if we even need the guild. He might be right in having us avoid them.*

Tom nods and leads the trio out and through several streets into unassuming looking tailor's shop with remarkable - and remarkably expensive looking - selection, even if some items show signs of wear and hints of stains that have been carefully removed, any of which would be easy enough to get rid of with magic, most likely. The owner is a fully grown man three feet tall and with graying hair. "Greetings. I'm Laverty, at your service."

"A pleasure to meet you." Jasmine says absentmindedly, looking at the selection with appraising eye.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*It's a possibility, but I think if anyone is going to know about a Lord's certain underground tastes, it will be them...* Entering the tailor's shop, Helena looked around at the selection, seeing extravagant clothing, but being entirely out of her depth in this kind of time period, not knowing what would be acceptable for any situation really.

Trusting in Jasmine as the voice of experience, she nodded and smiled at Laverty and waited, idly pondering what Spider's silk was worth. She knew it was worth a small fortune back in her world for clothing and the like but who knew. On a whim she decided to just ask one of the few men who would probably know.

"Mr. Laverty, you wouldn't happen to know by chance, what large quantities of Spider's silk are worth would you?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine gets each of the three several outfits of silk and leather lined with fur, each stylish if not fashionable, in addition to some silk and leather underwear and riding boots like the ones nobles Helena has seen were wearing. "Spider silk business is quite profitable, miss. You could get as much as 15 bridles per pound, from the right buyer."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*O ho... Another source of income... How much silk you think our 8 legged companions can make with the right incentive?* Helena quipped to Jasmine, admiring her picks of clothing.

"Well that's good news indeed mr. Laverty. You wouldn't by chance know someone who would be interested in large quantities of silk?" Helena asked curiously.