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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy's eyes widen a little as the second marble joins the first one, but she keeps struggling even as her flower grows wet and her nipples hard, though it's hard to tell whether Jasmine's subtle manipulations or Helena's marbles are more to blame.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena checks Cindy's actual mood, as she asks a question, the marbles ceasing their motions. "So tell me Cindy, who's idea was it to give me to you for a day. Yours? or Jasmine's?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena stops moving the marbles, Cindy stops struggling, though she's already panting with lust. Helena can feel her emotions as a complex mix of anger fading to annoyance mixed with lust. "I-it was Jasmine!" Cindy manages to pant out the accusation, shooting a glare at her other tormentor, who seems to take it in a stride, though her smile fades a little.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and then lets the marbles slip completely from Cindy. "You can be pissed at me, an eye for an eye and all that. But you see, I have Jasmine for the day, a prize for a little wager we made, and if Jasmine is the one that set me up and then in turn set my sights on you for a small prank of my own, Then I think its only fair that you get to decide her punishment. I'm admittedly a terrible mistress. No talent for it what-so-ever which means I would only waste the opportunity, but you seem to have a flair for it."

Helena crossed her arms and looked at Cindy. "So tell me Cindy, what should I do with Jasmine, we have all day to decide something but I'm interested to hear your thoughts personally. I was considering having her filled with eggs from the spiders on the roof, but I also, as previously mentioned, have no real skill in being in control."

Helena motioned for Jasmine to let Cindy go, and then put the marbles away, waiting for Cindy's answer.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena finishes talking, Jasmine lets go of Cindy and shifts away, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor. Cindy doesn't answer immediately, instead pulling her pants back up. "I...I don't really know, I haven't done these kinds of things before meeting you. I'll tell you if I think of something."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, sighing softly. "Well, It seems that I overstepped with you and the marbles, apologies. It won't happen again." Looking over at Jasmine, Helena softened a little.

"Make you a deal Sis, Promise to let me know next time you use me as a bargaining chip, and all is forgiven."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine gets up and walks over to Helena, dropping on her knees and looking up at Helena's face. "If mistress thinks I have done wrong, then I should be punished." *I'm sorry Helena. I should've realized... I won't do it again. Promise.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles. *Thanks Jas* Helena let go of her anger over the issue, and grins like a cat eyeing a mouse.

"I never said you would get out of a punishment, but punishing a succubus can be so.... Tricky..." Running a finger down her cheek, Helena pondered exactly how someone would or could punish a sex demon, and the obvious answer, was to let the lust run absolutely rampant without an outlet. Grinning wider as she figured it out, Helena leaned in close and whispered. "I absolutely forbid you to resist~" as she slid her hand over Jasmine's cheek and hit her with the full force she could muster, seeking to drive Jasmine's lust to utterly unbearable heights as she looked into her eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine meekly looks into Helena's eyes, letting out a little gasp as the lust hits her, thousands of images running through her mind, each appearing for Helena. The red-haired succubus struggles to keep still as her lust keeps building up. Jasmine starts panting as the lust soars to new heights and waves of heat seem to pulse from her, so powerful that Helena can feel them all over her body, making it hard to concentrate. Jasmine's eyes dilate and she looks like she might explode from the sheer lust, and Helena can feel Cindy start moaning as she starts taking off her clothes, furiously trying to satisfy herself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is shocked at the sheer force of the lust that she had instilled in the older and far stronger succubus, the red haired beauty pants and squirms in front of her, the waves of heat pulsing from her causing Helena's lust to rise as well, and from the look of things, anything and anyone within close proximity.

So shocked by the response was she that she couldn't break the connection. It hardly mattered since she wouldn't anyway, but she was suddenly struck by the curiosity that got her into more trouble then any other character flaw she had, and rather then do what any rational person would, she just kept at it, wondering how far she could push the limit, what the effects would be, and how far the lust would travel. Panting and shaking in front of Jasmine even as she pushed the boundaries, Helena ignored all common sense and pushed on...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Even Jasmine's iron will is starting to bend as she starts shifting her hands, barely keeping them on her sides as those beautiful eyes stare back at Helena, those kissable lips are parted and that body is just begging to be caressed... The lust inside Helena is burning nearly as hot, and Cindy's lewd moans as she desperately tries to satisfy herself are only enhancing the effect as the lust races higher and higher. A whimper escapes Jasmine's lips as she wriggles, every inch of her body as if in fire...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was utterly torn, looking at the beautiful creature on her knees in front of her, the lust overpowering and her will not the match for Jasmine's as her hand slid to her own hips unbidden, making Jasmine watch as Helena pleasured herself, twitching and gasping. She had a little control left, but couldn't break the connection now if she wanted to, it was all too much, and if she were thinking clearly, she would have realised that she was most likely caught in a loop, a cycle of heat that washed away everything else like a tide.

This was the last push, the last flood of lust before Helena lost herself to it and she knew it, but curiosity demanded she take it as far as utterly possible, part of her needing the question answered. Whatever happened, Helena would be utterly powerless to stop it, her mind desperately wanting to give in even as her body already was.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine's will finally breaks and a dozen tentacles burst out from her back. Never breaking the eye contact the tentacles grab Helena and pull her on top of Jasmine who doesn't waste time tearing off her clothes and filling her holes, pressing Helena closer as she starts pounding her uncontrollably, almost tearing her apart as the tentacles grow thicker and push deeper, filling her womb and bowels. Jasmine screams in pleasure, every fiber of her being begging for her to be filled as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is right behind her, the sight of so many tendrils springing into existence from a pair of demons hell bent on fucking each other into oblivion. Helena screamed in bliss before all three of her holes were filled and pounded, moaning and screaming around the tendril buried in her throat even as Jasmine was treated to the same, matching Jasmine motion for motion, utterly and completely lost to the lust that had soaked into the very fabric of the surrounding area.

Cindy, still furiously trying to relieve herself nearby, was soon snatched up as well and dragged into the pair, Helena's tendrils curling around her body as they yanked and pulled at the girls clothes, knowing now that Cindy was as lost they were and would probably welcome a good pounding as well. It was almost as if Helena's tentacles were acting on their own now, moving with a conscious will to claim anything within reach and that was exactly what they did, Cindy being filled as completely as Jasmine was.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Even filled with lust and tentacles as she is, Helena seems incapable of finding release...then the gaze contact breaks and Helena is hit with impossibly rapid and long series of orgasm, filling her with pleasure to bursting and beyond, tearing the last remains of conscious thought from he as the three of them are repeatedly filled with cum even as the tentacles autonomously continue their now pointless motions, pounding harder and harder as their bodies lose the last scraps of control and become little more than toys for the independently acting tentacles.

The tentacles are still moving when Helena regains consciousness just as Jasmine opens her eyes before slowly retracting her tentacles. Helena feels back in control, though she's hovering at the edge of consciousness as waves of pleasure fight for control with the exhaustion and pain as her aching body is being pushed and held at its limits.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena groans and writhes in frustration and need, wanting the climax, wanting to peak, needing to cum, anything, Please dear Gods!... And then it happened, Climax after climax, wave after wave of utter and total bliss to the point of insanity, and that was the last thing Helena felt as her mind fled her. As the tendrils took on lives of their own and pounded all three women past any semblance of endurance, filling every hole with cum and heat, Helena finally came back to her sense an unknown amount of time later, the tendrils still pounding away. As Jasmine removed hers, Helena did the same and collapsed in a heap on top of the redhead, panting loudly as her eyelids fluttered in what had to be the most intense afterglow ever experienced by a living sentient creature. Her holes still clenching around lengths no longer there, and her lower holes leaking seed, Helena could only lay there.

*What....... Was...... That!* Helena sent over after several desperate attempts to form a coherent thought.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*That...was...my day...as your slave.* Jasmine manages to tell Helena before passing out. Soon Helena follows.

When Helena wakes up on top of Jasmine in a puddle of dried cum, it appears to be mid-morning, and she finds herself to be very hungry and thirsty. Poor Cindy is sleeping the sleep of the dead, but Jasmine seems to be about to wake up as well. All Helena's muscles are aching, but the ache is almost covered by almost surreal feeling of general well-being.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can't help it, she's smiling ear to ear as she wakes up, something just making her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as if everything was right with the world. Rising slowly and carefully, she cleaned up ALL of the cum that was EVERYWHERE and carried Cindy to a bed, tucking her in. Stretching slowly, Helena called down the Tube for food and drink, hungry and thirsty beyond words, asking them to send twice as much as normal, enough to feed and water 6 people comfortably.

Smiling widely, even if she didn't get an answer from the tube, and judging from the power of the reaction, that was entirely possible, she walked over to the window and looked out, still beaming ear to ear.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A tired voice answer Helena through the tube, and as she's overlooking the street filled with fewer people than usual, a knock from the door tells her that the meal has arrived, and just as Jasmine wakes up, the serving girl brings a tray filled with breakfast goodies comes in, blushing as she avoids eye contact with the naked succubi before hurrying out. "Morning Helena. Sleep well?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena blushes as the serving maid comes in. "O gods, I hadn't noticed, Sorry!" She called out, making a show of covering herself, playing victim of the same calamity that had claimed a great deal of area. Returning to her smiling giddy self, Helena sat down and slammed down water. Seeing Jasmine wake, Helena just grinned at her. "O yes, And that was incredible. We need to remember that... I ordered food and water, I know you have to be as dry and hungry as I am" She said laughing, pouring Jasmine a large glass of water and serving up food for both of them, eating with her usual passion, like she hadn't eaten in weeks.