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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy seems to enjoy the meal as well, Jasmine a little less so. As they finish the meal, Cindy casually walks to one of the chest, pulling it open as Jasmine stands up, casually moving behind Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sits there acting like she has NO IDEA what's about to happen, but she does. Still, when it happens, she's still going to act surprised. Although, she was curious as to what Jasmine was doing...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine suddenly pulls a blindfold over Helena's eyes, using tentacles to bind her arms. Cindy rushes over, and the pair easily fit the stocks on Helena's wrists and neck as she doesn't resist too much, followed by a gag going into her mouth. Then Jasmine helps Helena up, pushing her on the bed as Cindy leans over her, giggling as she starts removing Helena's clothing, using knife as necessary, leaving only underwear and shoes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pulls against the tentacles holding her as she's blindfolded and then put into the stocks, struggling against the restraints and mumbling something through the gag as she's stripped, annoyed that her clothing is being cut to remove it. Soon left in her shoes and underwear, Helena cant really do much except kick her legs and pull on the stocks, which amounts to very little.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though Helena can't see it, Jasmine repairs her clothes before stripping her own and getting put into stocks, blindfold and gag as well. Cindy seems overly gleeful as she helps Helena upright before attaching leashes to their stocks and starting to lead both succubi to the manor, first carefully down the stairs and outside, where she's greeted by a group of guards. The guards escort them to Allen's manor, where the lord himself greets Cindy, and Helena can hear clinking sound as Cindy takes the payment and leaves them alone with the guards and Allen.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles behind her gag and gives Jasmine a mental high five when she feels how much Cindy is enjoying her revenge... and Helena was too... this was Kinky. Carefully being pulled along by a leash, and navigating outside, Helena payed attention with her ears and figured most things out. As Cindy left after taking the payment, Helena wondered what Allen had planned.

*So... What do you think his lordship is going to do with us?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*All I know is that it'll probably involve lots of people. Have fun.*

"Well, well. If it isn't the little minx who teased me almost to death last time." Allen says, roughly dragging Helena along to a table, where he pushes the stocks down, securing them into a slot at knee height that seems to be meant for them and forcing Helena to kneel, with her ass in the air. "This time it's your turn to be teased. I hope you're ready for a long night."

With those last words, Allen walks away, only to drag Jasmine back with him, setting her into similar slot to Helena's right before leaving again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena almost trips as she's dragged, and has a little trouble moving without being able to see as she's set into a slot of some kind that holds her there. Not really listening to Allen, who seemed like an idiot to be honest, she heard Jasmine treated to much the same thing. With her ass in the air, blindfolded, bound, and gagged, Helena heard him leave and waited. *He seems a little bitter....*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*He's paying really good money to be.*

A long time later Helena hears the noises of approaching crowd, before Allen's voice rings again. "And here we have the main entertainment for the night, all ready to be used as you wish. But let us not get ahead of ourselves." The murmuring of the crowd dies down, and Helena can hear two sets of footsteps approaching. As the footsteps stop, someone pulls her panties down, baring her sex to all onlookers. Then a hand presses on the small of her back and a whip lands on her rump with a satisfying crack and no small amount of pain, causing involuntary scream to rise in her throat. Helena hears another crack and moan, no doubt coming from Jasmine, and then the whipping starts in earnest, earning no small amount of laughter from the onlookers. The whipping continues for several minutes, painting Helena's ass red one lash at a time until her bottom feels completely covered in burning feeling.

Even though the whipping stops, there's little relief for Helena, as she can feel a quivering length press against her pucker before being harshly thrust into her unprepared and poorly lubricated anus. For a short while the member stays where it is as Allen's hands grope her burning ass before the man starts fucking her asshole for good, giving no thought to her pleasure as he roughly pounds her tighter hole, feeding her his energies.It doesn't take long for him to cum and pull out, followed by a few more whiplashes. "10 bridles to anyone who gets the blonde bitch to cum without touching her pussy!" Allen's voice maliciously declares, followed by a roar of laughter and another man's member pressing against Helena's pucker, even as her excitement is becoming more obvious. This man leans over Helena, freeing her bust from it's containment as he starts pounding her asshole just as roughly, though Allen's cum makes the experience a little easier for her. The man seems fascinated with Helena's breasts, groping and squeezing them, even pinching and pulling at her nipples as his thick member works inside Helena's ass. Finally the man grunts, releasing his seed inside Helena without satisfying her and pulling out to make room for the next man.

The next man pushes his length into Helena's asshole, and though he doesn't fuck her as hard, he seems to take perverse pleasure in pinching and spanking Helena's already red butt, even the fairly gentle abuse causing pain after the earlier whipping. He's followed by another. And another, each causing their own combination of pain and pleasure. Despite her flower being carefully left alone, Helena still comes several times, losing count of all the men who abuse her.

After heaven knows how much abuse, Helena feels another shaft on her pucker, this one much larger than the others. With the same indifference as others, it's pushed into her, causing her to scream from the pain and pleasure as her entrance is stretched and the member plunges much deeper than the other ones before starting to pound her with inhuman speed, causing her to come almost immediately. After several thrusts it gets easier for her, but this man lasts for a long time, never slowing down or going easier on her, before finally filling her ass with his cum, to the laughter of others.

Helena, with cum dribbling from her pucker, is lifted up and forced to stand despite her buckling knees. The stocks are attached to two ropes hanging from the ceiling, allowing Helena a certain amount of movement, but forcing her to stand, and making her get on her toes if she tries to get as much as a step away to any direction.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena really doesn't pay much attention to any of the talking going on, but she definitely notices the whip. Crying out and cursing muffledly into her gag, it takes awhile for the cries to turn into moans, the whip causing more pain then she was used to and making her try and turn her ass away from the punishment. Red and sore, it looked like her ass wasn't getting a break any time soon as someone roughly shoved there rod into her unprepared pucker, making her cry out again, but this time with a load and throaty moan. Granted it wasn't very nice, but it was far preferred to the whipping and soon Helena's own lust was becoming apparent. Far past caring what anyone was saying, Helena was stuck in a strange mental area between wanting to be fucked harder and wanting to be back at home in bed. Sadly, she realised they had payed for an entire night and it was indeed promising to be a long one.

Hearing Allen's challenge for anyone to make her climax without touching her slit, Helena squirmed a little more, and had to make do with cock after cock and load after load filling her backdoor. If Helena hadn't had a taste for punishment by now, this would have been insufferable, but as she did, she was soon rolling her hips as much as she could against the invading lengths and growling in frustration every time she was denied her release. The teasing to her chest was a vast improvement, sending shocks of pleasure down her spine that brought her closer, but still it wasn't enough.

Losing count of all of the men having their fun, and finally hitting her peak several times, Helena's eyes widened behind her blindfold as an inhumanly large and thick rod was shoved into her, pounding her with brutal speed and plunging far deeper then any of the men. In fact, after just a few thrusts, Helena was fairly certain it wasn't a man at all and that Allen was giving one of his horses a free ride. Wondering absently if the horse was enjoying Helena as much as she was it, Helena clamped around the massive length and came, her juices soaking her thighs as she was held at that peak until she was filled to the brim with heat.

Being forced to stand, her legs shaking and cum spilling from her stretched and thoroughly violated rear, Helena was affixed to a pair of ropes that held her standing. Free to move a little, but still VERY restrained by the stocks and her position, Helena could only pant through her gag and twist a little as she tried to recover, pulling at the stocks and wondering what in the names of all of the gods was next. Knowing that the night was probably far from over, Helena was at the mercy of her current tormentors until the sun hit the horizon and turned night into day. Problem was, blindfolded as she was, there was no way to tell...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon Helena feels a hand pressing against her flower, the fingers spreading her lower lips before pulling away. Then a pair of hands lands on her hips, pulling her forward. "Let's give this whore what she really wants."

Another pair of hands lands on her bust, squeezing it slightly as two members press against her lower holes. One of them dives into her pucker again while the other brings far greater pleasure as it makes its way into her flower. Then the two men start pounding her in unison, the blessed length inside her slit soon bringing her into an orgasm, and then another, before spilling their seeds inside her and pulling out, only to be replaced by another pair, fucking her for a long time. Finally they pull out, cumming all over her ass and thighs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

When Helena's flower is finally given some attention, she moans and bucks against it, despite her position. Groaning with frustration and shuddering slightly as the hand pulled away, she was soon filled in both holes, the member in her flower causing her to shake with need and clamp down tightly on both, bucking her hips as much as she could, just glad to be fucked properly this time. Gasping and moaning around her gag, Helena screamed in a proper orgasm as she felt her core filled with heat. As the second pair lined up, she happily took them both, revelling in the flow of energy and hitting her peak time and again as they took their time.

As they pulled out after a particularly pleasant climax, and sprayed her thighs and ass with their seed, Helena stayed where she was, unable to move, panting into her gag and wondering how much time was left. Granted, in another time and place, if anyone had called her a whore, she would have fed them their own cock, given where she was, what she was, and what she was doing for money, she decided it was tolerable because in fairness, she was, in fact, a whore. A very expensive whore, but a whore nonetheless. She was going to need a bath after this...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The ropes are removed and as Helena almost collapses, she is caught and pushed on her back on the cold stone floor. A man sits on top of her, hugging his member between Helena's orbs and starting to thrust between them before unleashing his sticky seed on her face. Another man does the same, creaming her breasts instead.

After a brief rest, Helena is helped on her feet and lead elsewhere. Soon she hears the clanging of armor around her and feels cool wind on her skin as she is led - or dragged, if necessary - through the streets, naked save her shoes and socks and covered in her own juices and sweat and cum.

Finally she is led into the inn and up the stairs. When Cindy removes the stocks and blindfold and gag, the first thing Helena sees is a large steaming bath with Jasmine already in it. "Did you have a fun night?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, rather then blushing or hanging her head, walks as proudly as humanly possible through the streets, wearing the cumulative mess as a badge of honor for still being able to WALK after all of that. As she's led back to the in, tired and sated, she almost dives into the bathtub as she's released.

Suddenly, remembering everything she went through this night, and still being covered in filth, she turns to look at Cindy, and without any warning whatsoever, Glomps her and gets her as MESSY AS POSSIBLE, Sharing the bounty of the night with her friend, because, sharing was caring after all...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy screams as Helena glomps her, but quickly regains her calm, tipping both of them over into the bath with a mighty splash. It doesn't take long before they touch the bottom and soon Cindy surfaces, still hugging Helena as she coughs, trying to get the water out of her lungs. She's still wearing her clothes, and soon she lets go of Helena and starts trying to strip.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena squeals as she hits the water, and releases Cindy fairly quickly, deciding that what she went through, was close to fair considering they had gotten payed, and she had had Cindy stuffed with spider eggs. Helping Cindy out of her clothes, Helena set about washing all of the collected filth away the old fashioned way and soaking in the hot water.

"Well played Cindy, Well played... But honestly, you'd rather not know." Helena says chuckling as she cleans herself, sore and a little in need of a drink before a good nights sleep. Still, Cindy was definitely going to be spending some time in her own stocks tomorrow...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine giggles at the two of them while cleaning herself, and as Cindy gets her clothes out, she starts helping Helena clean herself, though she seems a little nervous.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thanks Cindy for the help. "Look, IF I was going to get you back for this one, it would certainly happen tomorrow when I have enough energy to do so. So for tonight, you're safe." Helena says sticking her tongue out. When she was clean, she hopped out of the tub, and stretched, rubbing at her neck and wrists and promptly collapsed in bed, asleep before she hit the pillow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's announcement doesn't seem to help Cindy's nerves. "I just hope I didn't go too far."

When Helena wakes up in the morning, Cindy and Jasmine are still fast asleep, even with the sun already nearing midday. Helena finds her yesterday's outfit nearly laid out on the chest at the foot of the bed, cleaned and repaired.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, first up, again, gets dressed and orders breakfast, deciding that Cindy couldn't have had any idea how rough the men would be. Letting it go, Helena still planned a little mischief for later. Calling down through the tube, Helena asked for something with bacon, she didn't care what, and a nice loaf of bread.

Sitting and waiting, Helena once again dreamed of Coffee. But Coffee was not meant to be. ON an impulse, she called down the tube and asked about the strong drink anyway, hoping against hope, that someone, somewhere, had figured out they could grind beans into powder and make morning juice...