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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds herself being mentally stared at by a person filled with only two emotions: Rage and dedication.The man - it's hard to even tell that it is a man - quickly realizes that Helena is something strange, and she can sense hints of fear. *Get out of my mind, demon!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena held on. *Please please please, No Harm, I Swear it on my very soul, And trust me, I have one.* Helena sent over in a panic, a little afraid her self.

*I'm really really new here, and wound up like this, and I'm so scared* There was honest to god panic in the thought, she was, in fact, terrified of the pandora's box she had just opened.

*Please just tell me what's going on, everyone is panicking, and the church is going nuts, And why did you call me a demon? I don't even know what I am! I just woke up like this!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priest suddenly seems uncertain. *Who are you? And where?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena only let a flood of fear pound through the link. She know knew she was had probably knocked on a member of the clergy, and had made a mistake. The good news was, they would probably stop hunting witches. The bad news was, they were most certainly hunting her now.

*I don't know! I'm just... I don't where I am, I was at a place close to home, completely normal, and then there was a bunch of mist, and now I'm here and so scared. Please. And someone said the church would kill me just for being here by accident! I don't understand!*

He had already bought her first act it seemed, now that he was uncertain, he likely believed that she was in fact not from "Here" And logically knew very little about what was going on. Ironically, what she had said wasn't even a full lie, more a half truth, and now Helena knew she was playing a very very dangerous game...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

This seems to confuse the priest. *You're...outsider? The Lawgiver must have judged you harshly. Tell me where you are. Now.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*But... But people said the church would kill me! And why would you call me a demon! What's going on!* Helena seemed to be devolving into panicked hysterics, losing her ability to communicate properly. What did get thrown over, was the image of the werewolf biting her, that short snippet of her night being thrust into his mind like a sledgehammer and the image of the village where she had met Oleg. If the Church was going to go on a manhunt, she wanted it to be away from here. And with Oleg gone from his manner, he had an Alibi...

That town had been a fucking scumhole anyway.... Let it burn...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priest seems stunned by the sudden images, his mind straining to make sense of them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena slowed down, and the only two that seemed to come across with crystal clarity at all, were the scene of her being bitten, and the sight of the main square of the town, all of the beggars. The picture of the town was still, and it was accompanied with the name. The name of the town a young man had thought was a city. The priest would have no trouble knowing where Helena Supposedly was.

*Please help me, I'm so scared.... I'm underground, in a cellar surrounded by criminals*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priest shuts Helena out, and she can feel him running somewhere, almost panicking.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena blocks her mind off as well and flies out of the trance. "JASMINE! SHIELD YOUR MIND! No more telepathy unless its an emergency!" The second part of this sentence barely louder then a whisper.

"I have good news and Great news. Good news, the church is no longer hunting witches, its hunting demons. Great news. I sent them to Oleg's home village for their little hunt, and told them I was underground, and they bought it. So that criminal organization there hurting the people is fucked beyond measure. and Oleg has an alibi so he's safe."

Helena had moved closer to say all this, finishing right next to her and being as quiet as possible.

"Still, we need to be unusually careful, no magic. I didn't mean to tip off the church, but I did, and there's no fixing it, thankfully I sent the spanish inquisition elsewhere."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You're being a little too paranoid, Helena. Detecting our kind of telepathy is really hard for non-demons. I suppose it's a good thing that you managed to lie to that priest, but I think you'll be disappointed when it comes to dealing with those criminals. Oh, Tom brought you a letter."

Jasmine throws a paperplane at Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snatches it out of the air and opens it, commenting as she does. "It will give us some breathing room, just in case. I'd rather not be burned at the stake thank you very much, not that it would actually burn me all that well..."

Opening the letter, Helena read it all carefully, several times, memorising it, before ripping it into shreds.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The letter fills the entire page with poetic language, but the gist of it is that Willow is now out of the city, in her way to somewhere more remote, and won't be back for a couple months.

"No message from the prince. Guess we weren't a priority."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Seems to be, o well. Guess he must not want his fun that badly." Helena said with a snort. Any man willing to pay top dollar for their kind of fun, you'd think would be interested in seeing the wares himself. But if that was his choice then so be it. Helena looked over at Cindy. "Ready for another round of training?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy considers for a moment. "I suppose I am, though I don't want to spend entire night trying."

She takes the crosslegged position, closing her eyes and starting to focus. Jasmine moves behind her and starts her usual mantra.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

This time Helena moves to the front of Cindy and takes her hands, winking at Jasmine. Not just energy this time. Now Cindy got the both lust and power, Helena wanting to make sure it took, and to be honest, bring Cindy around to their way of thinking. Helena had never figured she would be so eager to swell the ranks so to speak.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy has trouble getting into the trance, and the lust seems to distract rather than help, as she becomes suspicious and hesitates. Eventually she starts going deeper and Helena can see her flame, still small and of purest white. Suddenly it flares, growing larger and taking red shade, and Cindy tears herself from the trance, passing out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena backs off a bit, feeling her hesitation, and her trouble. But when her flame suddenly changes and flares up, Cindy passing out, Helena jumps back with a yelp, not sure what the hell just happened...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine catches Cindy's body as she tips backwards, laying Cindy down with a frown. "That's not good. Let's hope she wont continue to resist."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shakes her head. "O dear. Why... Damnit. This girl is confusing. We may need to break off training for a bit, or cut me out of it, blame it on my inexperience." Helena said thinking. "You should oversee her training for now I think." Helena said flopping onto a nearby bed.