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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A flash of surprise passes through Malken's eyes before his lips part in a smile. "You paint an interesting picture, Helena. Perhaps we should talk about it more, later. As a show of my trust, I'll give you whatever information you'd like about Othmar for free, in addition to your share of the job."

Malken is shivering as he gets up. "We'll meet tomorrow at dusk next to the church. Unfortunately I don't have time to talk more right now. Please see yourselves out."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and smiles. "I'll be there, Until then" She says before turning on her heel and following the sewers back out, bow in hand and grinning to herself. "We had better phrase our request for information carefully, I doubt he will extend such an offer twice" She said quietly to Jasmine and Cindy as they made their way back through the stinking sewers and towards the streets. Once in the streets, it would of course be back to the Inn for some rest before the next day in this strange little dance began.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The three of them get out of the sewers no trouble, though there's a feeling of being watches as they enter the streets in view of the church. Nevertheless, everyone seems to shy out of their way as they head back to the inn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Everyone makes it back to the Inn without issue, although Helena can feel eyes on her as she moves through the streets, wary and on edge until they were safely back inside.

Flopping into a chair, she rubbed her forehead and tried to untangle everything. She had Malken, Othmar, Oleg, and The Church to deal with, as well as all of this compounded with the issue of getting home, which Jasmine had said required a great deal more power then they had.

Sighing, she began to pull off her armor and set it aside, neatly placed at the foot of the bed before laying down and continuing to rub her temples as a headache set in.

"Well guys, Any ideas?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As they get back to the inn, Jasmine immediately pulls the night-time servant aside. "Bath. Now."

Jasmine gestures Helena and Cindy to follow as they're all lead to the same bath they used earlier. Jasmine and Cindy strip and go to the water quickly, and the servant waits before taking their clothes and armors away to be cleaned. The water is only lukewarm, and Cindy and Jasmine don't waste much time before starting to wash.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

At the mention of a bath, Helena suddenly realizes they all smell terrible and as Jasmine and Cindy hop into the lukewarm water and start scrubbing, Helena isn't far behind them, trying to get the stench out of her very skin as she scrubs with fervor.

As the ritual cleansing commences fully, Helena lets all the nights matters rest for now, realizing that now only did she smell terrible, but that she was exhausted as well, the stress of the meeting catching up to her quickly. Yawning as she stepped out and dried off, she looked at the others. "Bed? bed sounds good."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy and Jasmine both nod and follow Helena to their room, which has been taken over by the spiders. Thankfully Strike lets Helena and her companions in and sleeping can commence.

Helena wakes first as usual. The sun is already up and the spiders are gone.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles at the goofy arachnids having layed claim to their room in their absence. Chuckling as she hugged and kissed Strike good night, Helena promptly fell onto her bed, and passed out.

Waking up first as usual, Helena set about getting some underwear on at least, and ordering breakfast, the type of meal requested left intentionally vague as she was feeling lazy as hell, but that Coffee was to be involved, or the world as everyone knew it would end.

Taking a seat, Helena waited for the others to wake up, and for food to arrive, playing with the lock on the collar as she thought everything over and using the agile rope demon as a form of entertainment, of course having it hide when breakfast arrived.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A few minutes later the breakfast arrives: pancakes with jam, fresh juice and hot coffee. As the servant leaves, Cindy and Jasmine wake up and start gathering underwear before heading to the table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena digs into breakfast as usual, starting of course, with the coffee, pouring everyone a cup while they got dressed and sipping on her own. "Morning you two. Food." This simple pronouncement was followed by the inevitable inhalation of her portion so she could focus on the coffee without the heretical distraction of pancakes, the rope demon playing a large game of Cat's Cradle all by itself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Morning," Cindy answers with a yawn before sitting down next to Helena and nomming pancakes. Jasmine mutters something unclear before starting to drink her coffee and eat as well.

As she finishes the breakfast, Jasmine does a few stretches. "Looks like we've got another morning to waste. Any ideas?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shrugs and sips on her coffee. "We have 3 days worth of Silk to sell if we go up and collect todays, or we could open a hell portal under the church just for fun. I like the second, but I suppose the 1st makes more sense, and Cindy hasn't bothered to practice in awhile so there's that..." Helena said after thinking for a moment.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, I think I'll go collect the silk while you two finish your coffee." As Cindy dresses herself, the bell rings, surprisingly.

"Hello. Er, this is unusual, but there's a... woman who'd like to visit you. She seems kind of strange, though."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and smiles at Cindy before sighing at the ringing bell. "Send her up" If strange was bad, then they'd handle it, if strange was good, then... good. if it was neither.... Then... Customer?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Several minutes later there's a knock from the door. When Helena opens it, she see a strange looking woman behind it. The woman is quite tall, and wearing fine clothes that cover her entire body. She's wearing a mask that appears to be made of silk, and Helena can see her shivering, and she looks like she's about to fall down.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks for a moment before stepping aside and ushering the woman into a chair. "Gods above woman! Are you alright?" She asked worried, sipping on her coffee anyway.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The woman takes a few steps inside, nearly stumbling as she falls to the chair. With shaking hands she takes off the mask, revealing a beautiful blue face made of carefully sculpted liquid. "I-I just need to feed..." She seems to be on the verge of tears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the Slime curiously, finishing her coffee and setting it aside. "Well... What do you eat? I have an idea... But I like my limbs intact..." Helena said as she sat on the nearby bed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"N-need...fluids," the slimegirl says, looking wistfully at Helena. Jasmine gently moves closer to the girl, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Poor thing. Let's get you out of those clothes first."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, "Yep, I have no issues feeding a hungry woman" Helena says cheerfully, pulling off her own clothing to avoid getting it messy as Jasmine helped the slime out.