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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"After tonight we'll have enough to buy horses, I think. We don't have so much that we'd need a cart for them. We should probably get a few maps, too." Jasmine replies thoughtfully. "How much does a horse go for?"

Cindy hesitates. "A good horse can cost hundreds, but you should be able to get one for less than hundred."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Malken promised something in the avenue of 1000 bridles for the job he offered. As well as information. I don't get him." Helena said quietly. The man unnerved her, whatever the hell he was. And Helena strongly suspected he wasn't a demon. Still, she kept that concern to herself.

"We finish that job, and move on Othmar as soon as it seems possible. I'm tired of the plotting. I say that if we have to, we raze his castle to the ground and make him an example" Helena said even more quietly. Ever since she had come here, her anger had slowly been building, sometimes showing in flashes, others in the hard edge her voice could take. Now Helena was barely able to keep it in check, afraid to look at her flame, afraid that she was changing into something else.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We'd need a small army to do that. Let's stick to the subtle methods, for now." Jasmine says, putting on clothes herself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighed but stayed silent. Subtle just wasn't working. Heading to the door she looked at Aqua. "Stay here for tonight dear, we have business to handle. Cindy, come or stay, your choice as always." Helena said quietly as she shouldered her bow and arrows, and opened the door once they were ready to leave. It was time to see Malken.

Once Cindy had decided, and they were ready to leave, Helena would nod and head to the church again, waiting to meet Malken there as instructed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

This time the church is still open as the trio arrives there, though the ghastly building is rapidly emptying as the shadows grow longer and the tendrils of the night seem on the verge of emerging from them. The priests leaving the building give the trio a few looks, but no-one seems eager to bother three armed women.

Some time pass, and the darkness finally arrives, along with two men wearing long cloaks with hoods that cover their faces. As he gets closer, Malken lifts his food to reveal the disfigured face. "Are you three ready to go?" he says with a malicious grin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena completely ignores the church, its patrons, and its clergy, keeping her eyes focused ahead and waiting. As darkness began to fall and Malken showed up, Helena smiled in greeting. "Lets go have some fun~" She said still grinning. "By all means my good man, lead the way."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Malken gestures them to follow, and starts leading the way, avoiding main streets. Strangely, there's not a patrol in sight. As they walk along, Cindy pulls a leather hood to cover her head, and Jasmine changes her face and turns her hair into sandy brown.

A good half an hour later, Malken stops in a back alley, pointing out a manor in the opposing street while hidden from anyone looking from that direction. "That's our target. Count to sixty and start your distraction. We'll be in and out in five minutes, if everything goes according to plan."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns her hair from it's natural blonde into short, raven black locks as Jasmine also disguises herself. When pointed at her target, Helena is cold inside, the worry gnawing at her gut gone as she was given purpose, at least for a little while.

Nodding at Malken's instructions, Helena counted silently to 60 before moving straight for the front gates, swinging her hips a little and grinning to herself like an animal on the hunt. Prey was near.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The strange man and his companion disappear swiftly, and are long gone by the time Helena has counted to sixty. While she's counting, Cindy retreats further into the shadows, pulling out her bow and readying an arrow.

As Helena and Jasmine approach the front gate, she can see a lone guard standing standing behind it, apparently half asleep.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snorts quietly, looking at the half sleeping man with something between hunger and derision. Something was wrong with her this night but she was too engaged to notice or care. Stepping forward and looking around for any more, she gently touched the man on the shoulder. "Wake up hun, don't want anyone to catch you napping." She said softly.

Charming him as soon as she made contact, she looked into his eyes. "We're the lords entertainment, but he didn't want anyone to know, he said to speak to the guard and you would take care of the rest~" She said quietly, tilting her hips and showing off her assets to their fullest in the tight leather. If this didn't work then bloodshed was always an option. And a good one... All this skulking around was starting to grind her.

She trusted Jasmine to do something similar to any others nearby, she doubted the gate was guarded by a single man.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man seems almost hypnotized by Helena. "Of course, miss. Come in." The man leads them to the front door, where a pair of guards are waiting, but Jasmine is ready, and Helena feels her mind striking first at one, then the other. When Jasmine explains their story to the pair, one of them runs to fetch the lord, who soon arrives. The man is old and ugly, and he seems more than a bit drunk. "What's the meaning of this? I never asked anyone to come here!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the lord of the manor came out and said he had asked for no one, Helena looked hurt and teared up a little. "That's so cruel~! You sent for us a week ago! said to come here! How could you forget lord Vishnek! And we came all this way..." Looking at him like a hurt child and turning to look at the guards, Helena started crying, tears rolling down her face as she kept a careful count in her head, they only had to keep him her for 5 minutes, even if that meant making a complete fool of herself.

"How could you be so mean to me! After saying such tender things and holding me in your arms! To take advantage of a young woman's heart like that!" Putting on the best show she could muster, she tried to draw out her hysterics as much as possible, trusting in that oldest of manly weaknesses, inability to see a pretty girl cry, even if she was full of shit.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The lord looks very confused. "But... I've never even seen you! And I never ask my lovers to come here!" He takes a closer look at both Helena and Jasmine, becoming even more confused. "And why are you carrying weapons?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glanced up at him and only cried harder, choking out between sobs. "Because it's dangerous for a young girl at night! It was so scary and I... and I... Ahhh Haa haaa Haaaah, Bwhaaah~!" Helena rubbed her eyes with the backs of her hands, now fully balling like a child and without any shame whatsoever. She just had to keep him off balance for a little longer. Eventually he would either figure out they were nuts, and throw them out, which with a little resisting would make their time, or he would invite them inside, and she would throw a fit, and then leave, which would make their time anyway.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Lord Vishnek suddenly shakes his head. "I don't know what you're talking about, and you're going to have to leave. Guards, escort them out!" The charmed guards approach Helena and Jasmine hesitantly, clearly not wanting to follow their orders.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena flings herself against the guards chest, sobbing into his shoulder. "How can he be so mean to us! And after everything we did for him." She would go, but it would be crying and sobbing and shouting at the lord the whole way, milking the last of their needed time out as best she could by making the worst and most embarrassing scene she could all the way to the gate. It had gone well for the most part, which was good, and the hysterics alone had bought them most of the time they needed, the last of it simply being a pain in the ass as they were escorted off property. And it had been done without a body count.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The guards reluctantly half drag, half carry Helena and Jasmine out, with the lord watching until Helena reaches the count of 280 before disappearing inside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*280 out of 300, that should be enough* Helena sent over, mentally grinning as they were dragged back out to the gate. Helena made a show of stumbling away and sobbing quietly as she made her way back to Cindy who was still lurking in the shadows. Once out of sight, she would resume her normal appearance and dry her crocodile tears and stretching. "That went better then expected." Helena said grinning widely at Jasmine and Cindy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing Helena and Jessica return, Cindy returns the arrow and the bow to the quiver. "I didn't expect you'd start crying. I haven't needed to pull that trick for a long time, Jasmine says, smiling as she returns to her usual shape.

A couple minutes later, Malken and his assistant return, and the misshapen man throws a heavy bag to Jasmine, before handing Helena a large envelope. "The bag has your share of profits as well as a gift from me, this envelope has a map of Othmar's castle as well as the guard routes and notes of someone who might get you in. A pleasure to do business with you."

Suddenly Malken is simply gone, along with his assistant.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snickers at Jasmine's comment. "No one can stand to see a pretty girl cry" She said pouting and fluttering her eyelashes. Seeing Malken, she smiled as he tossed Jasmine a bag that was probably LOADED with coin, and hands her an envelope, presumable with everything she needed to kill Othmar spelled out in black and white for her. Tucking the envelope away and grinning, Helena thanked him before he vanished and turned to head back towards the Inn. "Lets get the hell back inside before this good night goes south fast. Someone is watching us."

She didn't know how she knew, but she did. and it set her teeth on edge. Moving as quietly and as stealthily as she could, Helena made her way back towards the Inn hoping to remain unseen and keeping her bow ready just in case. Bad shit always happened after a good night, it was inevitable.