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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wolf shies away from Helena's touch, jogging along her just out of reach. It takes the pair almost half an hour to reach the camp and when they do, Willow and Cindy and Aqua are sitting around the fire, talking with each other as the spiders spot Helena and the wolf. The spiders and the wolf seem wary of each other, and the spiders stay out of the wolf's reach.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena waves at everyone and watches the spiders, telling them to play nice. Looking over at Cindy, Helena points to the wolf. "Poor guy got snagged in a bear trap. Didn't know that when I ran off like that, but I'm glad I did." She said smiling. Sitting near the fire, Helena tried to coax the large creature over, scooting around to make sure and give him room so he could relax near the warmth, trying to pet him again if he'd allow it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow smiles at Helena. "You tend to get a lot of pets, don't you?" Cindy looks at the wolf and then at Helena and shrugs. "We saved you some food." She offers Helena a plate.

The wolf settles down a little away from the fire, but close enough to feel the warmth. It doesn't shy away from Helena this time as it lazily regards the environment, but when Willow tries to get closer, it lets out a warning growl and she settles back down.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Sorry Willow, I'm not sure how to get him to accept anyone else, i'll work on it if I can" Helena says apologetically as she gently scratches the wolf and eats. Saving half of her dinner, she offered the remains to the large canine and relaxed.

"I really do tend to pick up strays don't I Cindy" Helena says winking at the brunette and chuckling. "But to be honest, I'm glad. I have wonderful friends old and new and a growing family. It's probably good I can't have more then one familiar or I'd have a small army by now" She said grinning before thinking for a moment and growing light gray fur, pointed wolf ears, and a fluffy tail to match. She really did enjoy being able to change her form at will. It was amusing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena offers the plate to the wolf, it sniffs it before gobbling it all up and laying down again.

Cindy giggles at Helena's comment and transformation and the wolf sniffs Helena curiously before rolling over to its back playfully.

The sun has set by now, but the moon is bright enough that it's not completely dark, though the forest hardly looks inviting. The spiders disappear to the forest, no doubt to eat and sleep on their webs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches the Spider's leave, wondering what they had been plotting and getting curious. Those two were up to something... Watching the wolf roll over playfully, Helena rubbed his belly and wagged her tail, playing with him and rolling the large canine around a little. Yup! He was staying.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wolf wiggles as Helena plays with him, enjoying the bellyrub very much indeed. Willow stands up and stretches before heading to the tent with Cindy and Aqua.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, slightly drained and hungry in another manner entirely, decided to retire as well. But rather then leave the wolf, or try to get him into the tent, which would have been a disaster, Helena yawned and curled up next to the large lupine, cuddling up to him close to the fire and starting to doze off pretty quickly. It had been a good day in general.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The ground feels cool and hard under Helena, but the wolf next to her provides plenty of warmth and softness. The wolf seems to be dozing already, and soon Helena falls asleep.

Helena wakes up at dawn to find the wolf gone. The others appear to be still sleeping in the tent, and the spiders are away, too.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pouts a little when she wakes up alone, but smiles and shrugs in the end before starting to make coffee, Still holding her current fluffy form because it was comfy. Sittting near the fire, she hoped he would be alright before going to poke the others awake.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The fire is started and Helena quickly brews a pot of coffee. Inside the tent she finds Willow and Cindy asleep, covered by Aqua. "Good morning Helena," Willow says, yawning as she sits up. Aqua pouts a little as she's pushed aside, only to reform in her usual form and come to sit around the fire with the others.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Awww, Don't pout Aqua, you know I'm always good for breakfast" Helena teased as she wagged her tail teasingly and sipped on her coffee. "Seems my new friend has moved on, which is for the best I suppose" Helena says smiling. "But I do wonder what those spiders are up to... They're planning something..." Helena mutters, glancing around suspiciously for the sneaky arachnids before returning her attention to the strong brew she lived by. She should probably give Cindy a break from her constant attentions today, considering how much attention Cindy had gotten from her yesterday... Willow however...

Thinking about it for a minute, Helena grinned at the witch as the fur turned a dark black and her tail and ears matched those of a cat, long whiskers and all.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As they enjoy the coffee, Aqua starts making the real breakfast. The sneaky arachnids are nowhere to be seen.

When Helena grins at Willow, the witch looks at her suspiciously, but soon that's replaced by a faint smile.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles back and goes back to drinking her coffee, lapping at it like a dork with her raspy tongue before going back to drinking it like a person, which turned out to be far more efficient. God Bless Posable Thumbs! While Helena abused the hell out of her ability to shapeshift, occasionally letting a ripple of color run across her fur, she decided on several other forms before finally reverting back to her own and spreading her winds, chuckling. "Best. Ability. EVER!" She said laughing

"Alright ladies! We have an entire day to do something or somethings! And we need to decide what they are before I pick, and that choice will be feeding. A lot. So... brainstorm! or I will lust you all into a frenzy for no reason whatsoever. Except you Cindy, you get a break today." Helena said laughing evilly and continuing with the life giving brew.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena finishes speaking, she notices movement in the corner of her eye. The wolf seems to have come back, and at its feet is a half-eaten rabbit. It's sitting down and looking at Helena expectantly. Helena can also sense Strike nearby.

Willow seems to consider what Helena said. "We could search the rest of the ship. Did you do anything besides empty the hold?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not a thing" Helena says as she stands, taking her more wolf like form almost out of reflex, her teeth forming into canines as she walked to meet her new friend and eating the rabbit without even thinking about it. It was a gift, and surprisingly, tasted fairly good as it was. Patting the wolf and smiling, Helena thanked him wagging her tail before turning to walk back to the fire, cleaning the blood from her face first. No one could ever say she did things by half...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wolf steps away from the rabbit as Helena devours it, sniffing her curiously. The others spend that time eating their own breakfast. As helena walks away, the wolf sniffs her butt.

Strike and Flame appear from the forest, both pulling a thread behind them. Willow looks at them curiously for a moment before starting to strip. "Into the water, then."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and just keeps walking as she feels her new friend sniff her rear, not really thinking much of it. The charm should have worn off by now, but she was still happy he had come back. Seeing the spiders dragging a thread as they returned, Helena wondered what they were up to as she watched Willow strip, apparently planning on searching the ship. "Not a bad idea Willow, there's probably more in there."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spiders attach the thread between two trees growing next to the river and retreat near the fire.

Willow and Aqua wade into the water, and willow shivers from the cold before diving in.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns and gives the wolf one last smile, hoping it would stay for awhile, she really enjoyed his company for some reason. And she decided to name him, the first name jumping to her name because of his size being Fenrir. Watching the spiders for a moment, Helena also moved towards the water before diving in and making a beeline for the wreck to help the other two.