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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Sounds good. I'll go out in a bit and you'll let me know when he follows.* Jasmine says, taking another sip.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Got it, I'm quite sneaky myself when I need to be, I'll follow a bit after* Helena confirmed, sipping her wine and making light conversation about the trip and the salvage, hinting at the size of the pay day and laughing about their good fortune, all the while keeping a watch on the man from the corner of her eye.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man pays Helena and Jasmine no attention whatsoever as the two chatter, though Jasmine hushes Helena several times in a not-quite-blatant way before getting up several minutes later and walking out through the backdoor to take a piss.

Half a minute later the man gets up and, leaving a few silver on the table, heads out through the backdoor as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena told Jasmine the second the man moved to follow her, and discreetly followed, making her way after him quickly but discreetly as soon as she was sure he wouldn't notice, keeping a bead on him and Jasmine as she moved, keeping track of him the entire time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets out just in time to see the thief entering an alley, followed by a precise mental strike from Jasmine waiting for him in there. Seconds later, Jasmine walks out, counting the contents of the man's purse.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena had to silently applaud the mental strike, she had felt it, and knew that at the moment it was beyond he own abilities to reproduce. *And money in the bank~* Helena sent over chuckling softly

*back to finish our wine? or call it a night, and how much did he have on him?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Let's go back to the tavern, he didn't have very much. Only two crowns a couple dozen skulls.* Jasmine answers, tossing the purse to Helena and heading back inside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pockets the coin, but incinerates the purse on the spot, burning the evidence to leave the ashes to scatter in the wind as they returned to the Tavern, Helena acting as timid as before and sipping on her wine after they sat back down. *Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, Sloth,and Gluttony* Helena whispered mentally to Jasmine as she scanned the tavern, looking for the one that stood apart. Strong emotions led to hasty decisions and easy indulgence.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Of the cardinals, none really stands out, though there's most of lust, sloth and gluttony. Jasmine continues sipping her wine and acts less timidly. *Looks like it's a slow day. Maybe we should have waited until nightfall.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods slowly before fingering her collar thinking. And there it was, her favourite solution to slow... Standing up Helena proceeded to put on just a little bit of a show. "But sis... do I have to?" She said quietly looking at Jasmine, stroking the metal of the collar as if it were a nervous habit, before sighing and improvising a song on the spot. The song itself didn't have any words, but constant practice and a good voice led itself to a song that had no place in this world at all, but in her own, giving the patrons of the tavern a rather interesting taste of a song they had never heard before.

Closing her eyes, Helena carried through the song, her vocals actually a slow string piece of violins before she slowly rose her hands and tilted her hips a little to the side, clapping once, and then again, slowly increasing the tempo of the music as words started to join tone. It was a song about autumn, an old piece her mother used to sing to her as a child that slowly got more and more upbeat, one of her fonder memories of a family she had turned her back on. It wasn't long before the she was in full swing, dancing smoothly and gently clapping her hands in time with the music, stoking the mood of the room higher, making sure every eye was one her as her body moved gently, swaying around. *Help me give them a push, lets make the slow day not so slow...* Helena sent over to Jasmine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena starts signing, all heads in the tavern turn towards her, and she can feel the atmosphere growing warmer. As she continues signing, Jasmine's voice joins her with a slightly lower tone - a viola to her violins - and continues in duetto as Jasmine touches Helena's mind to keep up with her song.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins slightly as she continues, pulling Jasmine into the slow dance, weaving around her and joining their minds together to share the steps and the song in perfect unison as Helena just kept pushing. There weren't many people here, but Helena was fairly sure that Jasmine was thinking of a way to profit from the situation. Which suddenly made Helena nervous...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the singing and dancing continues, a few more customers arrive. As mingled as their minds are, Helena notices Jasmine setting on one of them as their mark. A few others are dancing as well, though in more traditional pairs, but most eyes are still on Helena and Jasmine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pushes a little harder as they continue dancing, catching a glimps of Jasmine's apparent target and changing the direction of their dancing slightly, giving the mark a better view as the tempo of the dance increased, Helena grabbing Jasmine's hands and guiding her through the steps as they moved through and around each other before spinning together and falling back into the curling and swaying form with flawless precision.

*I see you found a target...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*He looks like he can afford us. Now we just need to convince him that we're worth it.* As she speaks in Helena's mind, Jasmine already reaches gently towards the elf, directing most of their effort to that direction. Their song rises in a crescendo, ready to be finished.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Noted* Helena answers as the song reaches their peak, the dance becoming a fevered and erotic weave, the dance bringing their bodies impossibly close but never touching as they stepped through each other, swaying and curving, showing of their physical assets to the absolute best of their abilities in a subtle way that teased the imagination, brought unbidden thoughts to a hot blooded man's mind, Helena intentionally arching her back and finally leaning in against Jasmine, her hands trailing up her neck into her hair, on full display to the man more then anyone else in the tavern, panting softly as the song finished.

At the end of the performance, Helena blushed heavily and became immediately timid again, her eyes down cast as she ran a hand through her hair, tucking it behind her ear and glancing around nervously, her eyes only catching the man's square on before blushing even redder and sitting down, reaching for her wine glass and sipping as she shifted nervously, glancing at her twin sister for the evening, a hand toying with the lock on her collar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine is all smiles as she pats Helena's shoulder and sways her way over to the elf and starts a whispered conversation with him. Quite a few other customers are eying Helena with various degrees of interest, but none approaches, for now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches Jasmine leave and looks as if she's about to say something before noticing the other looks and blushing again, hiding her face with her wine glass and trying to look as cute, harmless, and alluring as possible, she wanted a man damnit. The illusion she had kept up since they had entered this tavern was important to keep up and Helena played her role to the hilt.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few minutes, Jasmine walks back to their table, smiling widely. She sits down and takes her wine glass, sipping the wine casually. The elf she was talking with leaves quietly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks up at Jasmine and carefully watches their mark leave. *So?*