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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The doors lead to a large room with an open door leading outside and another to upstairs. There are tables along the walls and one of the corners seems to hold a kitchen of some sort; the kind where the food coming out is likely to be sandwiches and greasy things. A number of the tables holds men in watch uniforms either eating or filling reports, and there's a desk next to the exit manned by a mean looking fellow with sergeant's stripes on his shoulder.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, using her new body, walked through the room, ignoring everyone and everything as she moved to the open door, muttering the words to her vanishing spell as she got closer, the handsigns forming quickly, hoping no one was paying enough attention to just another watchman to get the spell off. The door, she could see outside, and that meant sky, she just had to make it another few feet!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Perhaps surprisingly, Helena manages to pass outside unnoticed. She finds herself outside of a watch house, and there seems to be quite a few elves around.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Unnoticed, and temporarily invisible, Helena shed her top with record time and sprouted her wings, Exploding into the air as quickly as she could, not slowing down for anything as she moved higher and higher, looking down to try and get her bearings. If she could figure out where she was she would head towards the town. if she was IN the town, she would throw her mind around for Jasmine. If she was in a strange town, with no idea where she was, then she was going to start moving west with all the haste she could muster, just to put distance between herself and this place, and the vampire.

Even with this victory, she needed to think of a way home, and tried to home in on her familiar, hoping that if nothing else she could feel Strike across the distance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena suddenly reappears just a few feet off the ground, there are a number of shouts and in short order a dozen watchmen burst out of the building, though they do nothing but stare her. Helena easily finds Jasmine's mind, only a few blocks away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Thankfully, she'd only grown her wings, which meant she now looked like a topless guardsmen with wings, which was probably fairly amusing. Muttering the words to the vanish spell again, Helena flew as far away and as high as she could, moving outside the town with record time and recasting the spell for a third time in the air, starting to feel the drain on her power. This was her 5th casting in short order...

taking her own shape, Helena screamed out mentally for Jasmine before hiding in the first large tree she found, her skin blending with the bark as she shed the rest of the incriminating clothing and melted it. Trying to camoflage herself while she waited for her sister.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena disappears and reappears again against the blue sky, a number of people still strangely enough manage to find her, and some of them even run after her, though she manages to leave the crowds behind for long enough, and finally gets out of town.

Luckily enough, it seems that there aren't many people wandering around outside the town, and Helena manages to get herself more or less hidden in a tree, though her camouflage doesn't seem to work very well, as the best she can manage is a colored fur with some very approximate patterns.

It takes almost half an hour for Jasmine to ride to the scene, with Helena's horse in a tow and a bundle of clothes with it. "What the hell happened to you, helena?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*That damned Vampire happened! He came at me in the middle of the night while I was out enjoying myself, knocked me out cold with a sap. Long story short, I woke up completely drained in a cell hogtied, had to convince two guards to fuck me to get my strength back, damn got cut for my trouble, knocked them out, disguised myself As one, and bailed ass. I thought I was alot farther away then this, imagine my fucking surprise to find out he dumped me in the guard house of the same damned town I'd left!*

The mental words all came out in a rush as Helena hopped out of her tree, assumed a completely new form, a lithe woman with raven black hair almost down to her ass with sharp features and violet eyes, her ears tapering into an elves as she got dressed. *We need to be careful, he's strong, Really strong and I just want to go home....* She sent over as she mounted, moving back towards the town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine listens Helena's ranting quietly, giving Helena her clothes back. "Looks like the vampire is official, then. What did they want? We might want to consider getting them to ourside, if that's possible. Or just not come back here."

The horses allows itself to be mounted and, sensing Helena's energy, starts galloping towards the town, with Jasmine barely keeping up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*He said the higher ups were interested in, he'd been assigned to watch me, and then capture me, i vote we just get the hell out of here.* Helena sent over, slowing the horse down with some light reigning and some whispered words. "Nice and calm"

*I don't know, but if he's under orders then he isn't going to let this go. Im just glad i didn't kill anyone on the way out*

Sighing, Helena slapped a smile on her face and started talking animatedly to Jasmine on the way back to the inn, hungry, a little freaked out, and all in all just unhappy. Although she was glad to be free again, now she just had to stay that way...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can fell Jasmine's mind brushing against her own and calming her down. *Damn. Sounds like this is something big. Well, we'll just stay inside for today and leave after nightfall. You're okay with the full moon, right?*

Jasmine chatters happily with Helena, making an impression of talking about fashion until they arrive at the inn and go inside through the back, leaving their horses at the stable. Willow and the others are waiting in Helena's room, and Willow in particular looks worried. "What happened? First you didn't come back last night, and then Jasmine left to fetch you with barely a word."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena kept up appearances until they were inside and she could flop onto a bed and fidget with her collar, twirling the lock around. *I was nabbed by a vampire, imprisoned, escaped, and now i'm here again and very happy to be so Willow sweetheart*

*Jasmine, i have no issues with leaving whatsoever, i know I saw a gypsy caravan in that direction* she sent to Jasmine, mentally pointing and showing her sister. *Odds are that's who we're after*

Helena wouldn't move from that spot for a long while because in her gut, if they had had any idea of what she really was, then she wouldn't have escaped nearly as easily...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow comes to sit next to Helena and pulls her into a hug. "As long as you're okay."

Jasmine disappears downstairs and comes back with tea and fresh pastries. *That's a good starting point, at least. Think you can find them again?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hugs Willow back, squeezing her tightly, "yup, im fine, just a little shaken up" Helena said to willow before glancing at Jasmine. "Yea, i can find them again, but not at night, the vamp is gonna be looking. He didn't seem like an evil guy jasmine. My own prejudice aside, i want to try and talk to him again..." the odd statement surprised her, but if she could sort this interest out, then they could sleep more soundly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine raises an eyebrow. "If that's what you want. But we need to find a way to talk with him on our own terms." The red-haired succubus gives Helena a cup of tea and sits down, taking a sip from her own cup.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I agree completely Jasmine, just making that particular desire known, he still scares me shitless, fuck he's fast" She said, sipping on her tea and closing her eyes to relax. "I think, despite the absolute shit idea, that we're going to have to leave at night, or right now while the chaos in the guardhouse is still a little out of hand if it even is anymore. If you want Jasmine, we can finish our tea, and you and I can just go looking for the Vistani right now, or we can wait or... I don't know. "

Helena continued to drink her tea in a current state of indecision because she couldn't figure if the Vampire would use whatever authority he had to try and keep them all pinned in the town. It was possible, it was also more then likely that he knew where they were staying which made her nervous.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"They're probably keeping an eye on the rest of us anyway. If we leave at night, we might be able to get out and on the run before they realize what's going on. During day and with all the people outside, I don't think we can get away with our horses."

Willow pats Helena's shoulder and takes tea herself, as well as a pastry of some sort.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the pastries as some kind of horrifying ill omen before shaking her head from side to side. No! She didn't have time to be waging war on fluffy backed goods! Sighing, she took a pastry and resigned herself to eating it as she drank her tea. "You're right as always Jasmine, still... Alright, we'll do that, and I'll try and think of a plan B as well. Maybe well get lucky and the Vistani will still find the message I left and just come to us, gods above wouldn't that make our lives fucking easier."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The mood is sour as they drink their tea in silence, but after the meal Cindy pulls out the deck. "Since we're not going anywhere, we might as well play, right?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Ill pass" Helena said, moving to sit cross legged after setting her now empty cup aside and meditating to try and set her head straight, placing the caravan in her mind and just fixing the path to it that she had taken in her memory before the suckhead had come calling. Well, she knew know that it was run away from the big vampire.

She wasn't much in the mood for games really, after she had gone about remembering where the caravan was, Helena would get her bow and her arrows and set about caring for them, going over the arrows and the wood of the bow to make sure everything was alright with her weapons and watching everyone else as they played whatever it was they were playing, probably poker again knowing Cindy and Jasmine.