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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The closet is mostly filled with rotten clothing hung from hooks, though there's also a small bronze chest at the bottom. It seems to be locked.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Find a chest, left Cindy behind... Ugh annoying. Fuck it" Helena muttered, bending down to scoop the thing out of the closet and to go check the other closet. So far this place had been as barren as it seemed, which was all to the better considering the undead they had encountered shortly after arriving... those had been particularly unfriendly...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The chest is rather heavy and unwieldy to carry, but Helena picks it up nevertheless, though doing so takes up both of her hands unless she would come up with some other way to bring it along.

The other room is equally furnished, but the closet here is filled not with clothes, but with knives, or so it would seem: each of the three walls has a dozen or so bronze implements hanging from it; most of them knives, but a few of them shaped like spear- or axeheads as well. There's another chest at the bottom as well, this one without any apparent lock and made of stone; filling the entire bottom of the closet and raising good foot-and-half from the bottom to its curved lid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena set the chest down when she found the other room filled with blades, and another stone bed... and.... blades.... stone bed. NOT A BEDROOM! Looking around slowly, Helena picked up one of the knives, looking it over before she checked the closet and saw the apparently unlocked, much larger chest.

Setting the knife down on the floor, Helena set about shifting the heavy stone lid, and curious as to why something this size would be in a closet in the first place.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The bottom of the chest glitters with gold and silver jewelry, as well as green statuettes depicting scorpions. Helena also spots several raised spots on the bottom, possibly a trap of some sort.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing the wealth, but not anything they needed, Helena prodded Jasmine to let her know *We need to bring Cindy back here at some point, there's gold, but locks and traps and the like. Moving on.*

Leaving that for now, Helena sneezed gently and wiped her nose before heading out and slipping back through the door, moving in Jasmine's direction. There were the outlying pyramids as well, but Helena was pretty sure they weren't done digging through this place quite yet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Jasmine searching a similar grouping of rooms on the opposite side. This one has a few chests in addition to the closets, but none of those seem to have anything valuable - Jasmine has opened them all save for one, and is just rifling through one filled with trinkets. *Nothing good here, it seems. Unless there's something in that locked one.*

Back in the hall, there are still three doors unopened, one in each side and one at the end, the last one more of a grand portal than something as simple as a door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, neither of us are any good at locks, and honestly, I think the big one on my end was booby trapped so lets be careful. Helena said, thinking. As they headed back out and noted the other three doors, Helena simply gestured and went to check the one on the right, they had to pick this whole place over. Missing one of those reagents would drive her nuts.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Both of the remaining side doors open into stair leading down to musty, dark cellars. As she goes down the stairs, Helena finds herself in a small room, with doors on three sides and the stairs at fourth.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

heading down into the cellar, Helena was once again greeted with a multitude of doors, although down here, she was forced to conjure a light, the soft red glow floating to her left.

Thinking for a few moments, Helena just grabbed the door on the left and started opening them all, going clockwise, and peering inside before searching any one in particular.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The one on the left leads to a long corridor Helena can't see the end of with her light. The others only lead into small chambers that have assorted rotten trash in them, mostly, though the one in the right has a weapon rack containing a number of surprisingly intact spears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, you could never go wrong with long sticks with sharp metal bits at the end, you didn't have to use them as weapons either, they had other uses. Grabbing one, Helena head back, down the corridor to the left.

Unable to see the end of the hallway she had found, Helena admittedly moved a little more cautiously before shhe remembered she could see in the dark for quite aways, and extinguished her light, palming herself in the forehead and chuckling as she walked.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There's something strangely comforting about being able to see almost freely in the dark, as opposed to being limited to small lit sphere around her. Helena quickly makes her way to the end of the corridor, only to be greeted by a heavy bronze door that's barred and locked with a lock hanging from a chain. There are hieroglyphs on the door, though she can't make them out in detail without a light. The door seems to be charged with some emotion, and even Helena's inexperienced senses can tell that there's magic at work here.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I found a door... A magic door* Helena sends over to Jasmine, and for a moment, Jasmine can almost feel the catface Helena is making. Conjuring the light to get a look at the glyphs just in case, Helena did what any sane person would do, she backed up and sat in front of the door.

Closing her eyes, she felt the emotion, tried to key in on it, her mind opening carefully as she reached out to the door. Hopefully this didn't backfire...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The glyphs on the door seem to contain a warning - nay, a decree - not to open the door. It seems that there's something dangerous inside. *Don't try to open it. It's probably trapped.* Jasmine warns Helena as she sits down.

The door contains a multitude of emotions, but alarm and hatred are the foremost of them.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nu uh, Not trapped, it's a prison... And think about this place Jasmine, who do they hate and imprison here... People who have been pretty helpful so far... So, I'm gonna crack it, but... I'll wait for you I suppose.*
Helena answered, still focusing on the door, trying to see if she could push passed the emotions, get a feel for what was inside it... What had they locked away here...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The door seems to push Helena's mental probe away, as if designed to be barrier to both physical and magical.

A couple minutes later Jasmine comes from behind Helena. *Any idea what's behind it?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Not a clue* Helena says, looking up at Jasmine before standing.

Well? Let's Knock. Helena said cracking her knuckles, before trying to open the door like a sane, normal person, if that involved melting a chain with your bare hands... Sure, normal people did that all the time! If that didn't work, well... Blowing it open was still valid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The chain resists Helena's fiery touch, refusing to grow very hot: to Helena's resistant hands, it feels barely hot at all. Meanwhile, Jasmine studies the hieroglyphs with a frown. "Someone really doesn't want the door opened. I wonder who used this temple."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hrmm.... Can't crack it like the stone, melting it with acid would take too much time... Jasmine, give me a hand here. We're just gonna blow it off the frame. Ooooo Doors like this, you have to open them, you just have to , it's like an itch. Hell, it would have been safer for them to leave it unlocked and unchained with no warnings and it wouldn't have caught anyone's interest. Helena said, because once again... all her impotent bronze rage. Talk about an annoying weakness that had not been anticipated.

Standing back, Helena waited for Jasmine. Time to crack the safe, There was an idea... a nasty one. We need to buy explosives next time we're in the city, save us so much time...