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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena hits the mummy in the face with fire, Jasmine aims another at its back. Howling with fury, the creature collapses, its spirit finally departing from the body, leaving only a broken corpse behind. It seems that some of the bandages are still salvageable. *Are you okay Helena?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I'm fine, I felt the son of a bitch crack my rib, hurts like hell Helena panted out, clutching her side and trying not to breath too hard as she muttered the words to the healing spell, hoping it was enough, she'd never used it for something this severe before. Just... Grab the bandages and lets get the hell out of here.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 13/17 MP: 9/10

The injury seems to resist being healed, but slowly the spell sinks into her skin, and though it leaves a bruise, the rib seems to be intact once more. Jasmine takes Helena's dagger and swiftly cuts several pieces of fabric and pockets them. *Right. Let's go.*

The two of them swiftly leave the pyramid without triggering any more traps and arrive to see the sun starting to set. As she leaves the pyramid, Helena's head starts to ache as if she was becoming sick.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, glad that the rib mended, didn't bother wasting anymore energy on the healing for now, she could see to that later now that she could move. Standing, and both of them making haste for the exit, the Scarab, Mask, and Wraps in hand, Helena was suddenly overcome with a headache, and a slight wave of nausea as she saw the setting sun.

Shaking her head to clear it, and gritting her teeth, Helena took to wing, heading fast towards the feeling of Strike, and her lover Willow. We'll come back for all the gold in the temple later. For now lets just get back, I need to sleep, feel like hammered shit. she sent over to Jasmine, already hating the headache
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The flight turns out to be uneventful, and the sun has just set when they arrive to the edges of what seems to be a human settlement. Helena can feel that Strike is quite near, probably on the other side of the town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena lands, and hides her true form quickly before anyone sees her, rubbing her temples slowly as she closes her eyes, trying to focus against the headache before walking into the settlement, just moving towards her familiar with a single minded purpose, Jasmine likely doing the same.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine follows Helena through the archaic town that seems to have quieted down except for a few guards making their rounds. On the other side of the town they see the familiar sight of the lamia caravan, with several young lamias dancing around the fire, as they have done almost every night save for those spent among the mists.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves quickly towards the caravan, her prizes in hand before flopping down next to the fire and calling to Willow and Strike and Cindy. We found what we were after... But... I'm sick, something to do with that damned Mummy we had to Re Kill. I almost garauntee it. Cindy, there's a buttload of treasure to collect as well, and we'll need your help tomorrow in getting it. Willow... I need help with this damned headache, And Strike.. Well, I just need the cuddles. Come here you 8 legged goon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow seems worried as Helena tells them that she's sick. "You do look a little gaunt. I'll see what I can do. This should help for the headache, though." Willow fishes out a small potion, handing it to Helena just before Strike glomps Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena manages to down the potion quickly, before hugging the Spider that she loved dearly, catching the rediculous hug and snuggling her friend tightly. She felt like hell. Looking at the other Lamia around the fire, Helena grimaced. You lovely folks wouldn't happen to have a professional and skilled healer with you would you? I think something is very wrong with me... she said quietly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

One of the lamias comes to take a look at Helena. "Lie down, you should. I'll take care of you." Without waiting for Helena to answer, the lamia simply picks her up and carries to one of the wagons before putting her down carefully. Going to close the door, she comes back to Helena and starts to carefully examine her. "Revert to your normal form, please."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't argue as the Lamia took her into it's care, carrying her to one of the wagons and lying her down, before looking her over. She was surprised at her prudence in asking her to change back to her normal form, thinking most people would simply not consider her ability to shapeshift so quickly. Nodding mutely, Helena shuddered before her body took on it's true shape, the wings, tail, and horns coming into view.

Her horns were a little longer, a little thicker now, and the spade on her tail had actually lengthened into a finer, sharper point. Her wider wings were harder to notice, though likely only Jasmine would note these slight differences at all, probably just a side effect of her rampaging emotions. It would all be fine when she had them under control, she wasn't worried. It was just part of who she was.

Helena was grateful for the mental exercises, they calmed her considerably, made her more accepting of everything, she no longer railed against it all, simply letting it happen, she was simply learning and growing, nothing more, nothing to be afraid of any longer. Her only fear now lay in losing control again, and she fought that tooth and nail every day.

Looking at the Lamia, completely unabashed, Helena laid there compliantly, letting her do whatever she needed to do.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The lamia healer checks Helena's temperature, looks at her throat and into her eyes, and frowns in between. "You were at the pyramid earlier? I think I've heard of this." The lamia fetches a bottle from a cabinet and pours some viscous, green liquid into glass and hands the glass to Helena. "Drink. You'll sleep deeply and in the morning I will make you better."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was silent as the Lamia checked her over, before saying she had some idea of what was wrong. taking the offered drink, Helena didn't even glance at it as she downed it quickly, already suspecting it would taste foul, before laying back down, and closing her eyes, the drug working quickly despite her own nature, and driving her into a deep, all consuming slumber...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The brew indeed tastes quite fowl, though perhaps not quite as bad as Helena expected, but the aftertaste more than makes up for the lack, if not for the quick unconsciousness that follows.

When Helena wakes up, the sun is already in the sky. She's alone in the wagon and still feeling quite bad, though the wasting seems to have stopped, at least.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rises slowly, trying to forget the miserable taste of the drug she had taken, but grateful for the sleep at least. Still feeling like a mix of hammered shit and bad hangover, Helena didn't even try to rise as she shielded her eyes from the light bleeding into the caravan with a groan, at least it seemed like it had stopped getting worse.

After a few moments, Helena rose unsteadily and stretched, looking around before gingerly poking her head out of the wagon, wondering what time it actually was, and where everyone else was, squinting against the light before retreating and waiting as she had been instructed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It seems to be a couple hours from sunrise, from what Helena can tell, and most people seem to be away. She doesn't have to wait for long before the older lamia comes back to the wagon. "How are you feeling? The disease, it should be gone, but you'll be pretty weak for today and maybe tomorrow."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I feel like crap Helena said, looking at the healer and smiling softly, grateful for the help regardless. stiff and sore, Helena took to stretching again, such a thing unusual for her, flexible as she was. What exactly was wrong with me? She asked curiously, laying back down and trying to relax, still tired.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The healer lays stretches her arms and yawns. "The ancient dead, they often spread this sickness. The cursed quickly wastes away, leaving nothing but sand behind. You would do well to be more careful; without a skilled healer, the diseased can pass away in only a few days."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded silently as she forced herself to relax, knowing she would probably spend the rest of this day just resting given how she felt. Resigning herself, she let the others know she was alright, and would spend the day sleeping and meditating, starting first with her control exercises again, proud of herself for not losing her cool during the last fight as she closed her eyes and began to run through the exercise.

When that one was finished, Helena would just immediately move on to her normal meditations, summoning up her flame, peering into her soul carefully as she thought about the things that had happened, reflecting.