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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Instead of Helena's shirt, Willow uses the wrap demon for wiping, and the demon doesn't seem to mind, proving surprisingly effective at cleaning such fluids. After cleaning up, Willow gets dressed and leaves Jasmine and Helena to the tender care of the rope demon.

Perhaps two hours later the wand falls off, and the rope demon gently releases both Jasmine and Helena, unwrapping and leaving them on the floor. Jasmine slowly gets up and makes a few stretches. "Well, that was a fun afternoon."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was not surprised AT ALL when Willow left them there, giving her a mental wave before going back to fucking Jasmine... for the next two hours...

Left panting and limp on the floor, Helena got up with Jasmine and stretched as well, nodding in agreement. Yup~! Though we need like a bear trap in our holes or something, people keep pulling out! That's just rude! Helena said, laughing softly before getting dressed, the rape turban once more positioned upon her head like some might being of hat ness... Helena also picked up the wand and pocketed it for later, she'd give Willow another surprise, although this one would be a little nice for the witch at least.

Striding outside, Helena flopped down at the nearest available Willow, and cuddled into her side, whistling for that derpy wolf to come over for some scratches and dinner. Got a decent amount of what we need today, shouldn't take that long to recover the rest. And we're going out with Aqua later in the evening, if you'd like to join Willow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Willow sitting outside where a pair of young lamias is making dinner. The witch leans against Helena and smiles at her. "Sounds fun. Are you sure you're not too tired?"

Fenrir soon pads over, plodding down next to Helena and panting at her, no doubt exhausted from the heat. Soon Cindy and Jasmine also join them, sitting on Fenrir's other side. Then Helena is glomped by a giant spider.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Me? I'm fucking exhausted, but I promised, so I'll go ou -Blephgurm!- Helena's thoughts had immediately been thrown off as ambush spider pounced on her, Helena laughing as she turned and hugged Strike back, kissing her head. It seemed the gang was all here, well, they would be if Aqua somehow rolled her barrel out of the wagon... Around a fire... in the desert. Yup, that wasn't happening.

As I was saying, Yea, i'll go as well, besides, sooner we get out of here, the better, and moving will help me shake the lethargy a bit. That little bit of fun in the wagon helped a lot. A good meal always does, thanks for being a good sport.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It's not like I had a lot of choice," Willow replies smiling and kissing Helena's cheek. After a little cuddling, Strike lays down next to Fenrir, and Helena can see Cindy receiving similar treatment from Flame. Soon another protein-rich meal is ready, and Helena receives her part of meat from some sort of game bird, apparently. Though gamey, the meat is quite tasty with the spices added, and everyone seems to be enjoying it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Eh, if you'd really insisted, I'd have let ya go, but shouting into a gag doesn't count, I know you can brain poke me you clever woman you Helena teased, snuggling into Willow as everyone seemed to be involved in some kind of cuddle pile, before dinner was served. The Menu? Seemed the special was unidentifiable bird, which would henceforth just be called chicken.

Enjoying her mystery meat, Helena just wolfed it down as always, and made sure Fenrir was fed, trusting the ditzy spiders to know how to feed themselves unless they bugged her about it. And She KNEW Strike would start poking her if she got hungry.

Content around the fire, Helena, her meal finished, treated everyone to a song, soft and melodic, her voice drifting over the sand to carry on the wind softly, there would be no dancing tonight, unless jasmine was obliging that regard.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finishes before the others as usual, and her song easily carries around in the clear desert air. Jasmine joins the song, weaving it into an elaborate duetto while the two spiders seem to be plotting with each other and Fenrir lurks off into a shade. Some of the lamias start to dance, their odd, undulating movements somehow fitting into the song, and the caravan seems to be at peace.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't break her song regardless of the infamous plotting spiders plotting plottingly. Joining her, Helena and Jasmine's voices continued to carry as the Lamia danced and the sun was given a fine send off as Helena found her gaze captivated by the dancing of the snakes...

As the sun properly set, Helena rose, and rolled Aqua's barrel out of the wagon, before popping it up, and then open. I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING FUNNY IN THE WATER! she cried out in mock alarm, her eyes wide, before she started giggling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena opens the barrel, Aqua stares at her accusingly, and then pokes her nose. "Did you bring clothes?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, before dashing off and returning with her furs and leathers, and a shawl that would work fine in hiding Aqua, or at the very least making her look presentable enough that no one would give them trouble, and if they did, well, Helena would just set their head on fire and then rape them to death. Adventure Time! Helena said, laughing, before stifling a yawn. Grumbling, Helena wandered over and made a quick cup of coffee, before taking some of the beans to nibble on as well, to keep her awake.

So? Shall we go torment the fine people of this town?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua gets dressed rather quickly, and though the leathers look out of place in the desert, she can at least pass for a human to anyone who doesn't look too closely. "Let's go!" the slimegirl seems to be in a rather good mood as the temperature quickly drops.

Jasmine and Willow join the pair, and Jasmine is wearing expression that says that she has something in mind. "Let's go, shall we? We have all night."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and nods at Aqua, clapping her hands softly before glancing up at the rape hat. It looked rediculous with her current outfit. Sighing, Helena told the wrap demon to form up under her clothing, and BEHAVE itself for now, the wrapping coiling down her chest and binding in place gently, hopefully not molesting her, but if it did, well... she could put up with a great deal without showing it, so it didn't matter.

Draping an arm around Willow and kissing her cheek, Helena smiled and nodded. Yes, lets, we'll make a night of it I'm sure, so lets enjoy ourselves she said, grinning widely and just looking for fun, granted her fun usually got her in trouble, but meh.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The turban resists Helena's commands, but eventually submits, binding her bosom tightly against her chest.

As the group heads into the town, they find the streets fairly quiet, with only an occasional civilian and regular patrons populating the streets. Most houses are still lit, and Helena spots several places that might be called bars or taverns which still seem to have customers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not sure if she liked having her chest bound or not, just shrugged and resigned herself to looking a little flatter chested then usual. As they headed into town, spotting a few taverns and bars amidst primarily empty streets, Helena pointed them out. Well Aqua? This is all you today, want to hit a bar? get a drink? Get into trouble like always? She asked, snickering a little as they walked.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua picks a clean looking tavern and the three of them head in, heading straight to the bar where Jasmine pours a handful of silver coins onto it and tells the bartender to keep the drinks flowing, ordering beer for herself and Aqua. There are perhaps a dozen other customers, all men of various ages and all looking at the three women with various degrees of interest.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows them in, chuckling still before Jasmine makes sure the drinks continue to flow like milk and honey from the promised land, and everyone takes a seat, ordering the strongest thing at the bar, some odd clear liquor in a small glass, and quaffed it with a very satisfied sigh, enjoying the feeling of the strong alcohol washing down her throat, before realizing they were surrounded by apparently interested men.

Looking around the bar slowly, Helena just ignored them all, smiling as she turned her attention back to the bar. It was Aqua's show, she would behave and NOT have them chased out of town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Aqua is finishing her fourth drink, the bartender starts ushering everyone outside. It must be close to midnight, and most of the town seems to be already asleep. One of the men mentions a keg of beer at his place, and heads towards the middle of the town followed by half a dozen others while the rest quickly scatter.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, enjoying her drink in a fairly sleep little desert town, was waiting for Aqua to give them an idea for a direction, but it seemed if the slime wanted entertainment, it would have to come in the form of crawling around temples with them, about the most exciting form of entertainment they had, still, that didn't stop Helena from embarking on a bitch fest with her sister while she drank. Tell me Sis, what do you think would happen if we just started razing everything to the ground? Or summoned some of the bigger things from Hell here? Gods know I hate this place enough, it's like a limbo, it's annoying enough to get to you, and survivable enough to put up with. I don't relish the idea of spending a lot of time here in this world, but I can't think of any real good way to gather the power we need either. So... Thoughts? she sent over to jasmine, staying strictly within their minds.

Well Aqua? Short of causing an orgy where you can nibble all the cock you could eat, we could go check out the temples if you'd like, be a long walk though.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Summoning the rope demon was hard enough, I doubt we could get anything much bigger. And I don't particularly fancy having to either run from or slaughter an angry mob, thank you very much. Finding a way out of here is going to be tricky, but we've both been growing in power, so at least it should only be a matter of time.*

"Orgy sounds like fun" Aqua says, grinning. "Think you can find us one?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded, both at Jasmine, and at Aqua, smiling coyly. Sweetheart, Finding one isn't nearly as fun as making one. It's like baking a sexy cake, and I promise there will be plenty of frosting... Helena said, giggling slightly as she wandered outside, dashing after the man mentioning an afterparty at his place before he got too far away. You ladies gonna stand around? Come on! She added, laughing madly as she darted off, a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a bounce in her step that had been missing in her bad mood.

Surely you wouldn't mind a little more... Eye pleasing company Helena purred into the man's ear when she caught up, wrapping an arm around his as she winked. Life is too short to question, we live, we hopefully make the most of every day, and we pass like a candle flame, I promise, it will be a night to remember. She added, leaning in a little to brush her lips over his cheek as they caught up. She didn't need to charm this one, she knew all eyes were on her, and the slight sway in her hips, and the bearing she walked with said far more to the eye then her voice ever would... If she was human.

*Jasmine, when I start singing, steer people's eyes to me, help me spread this like a wildfire, We're giving Aqua everything she could want, and more.* Helena warned her sister, already churning around her power, and tuning her soul like an instrument, she was going to dump her true nature into her vocal chords and scream out her deepest desires and nature into the desert night, and the world around them would echo with the whisper of her song and the gentle caress of her voice. She was preparing, she was getting ready for the performance of a lifetime, to exercise something almost as old as the lust that drove her, the joy in song. Song was before Language, Before Man and all his workings, before Life truly took hold on any world, Song had ruled, even in the simple workings of the tides as they stroked the tender sands of far shores, or with the crashing of celestial kings of fire and ice as they struck the drums of the universe with their relentless tempo...

No, she would see control of the world around her, Helena's immediate reality would be known to anyone with the power to hear, and she would play the piper to the people on this night as she bounced in front of the crowd they had suddenly joined, and stopped them with outspread arms and a smile, softly tugging at her lips. She didn't need her power to accomplish this, the sight of a beautiful woman would be enough, and she was beautiful, enveloped by the curtain of moonlight that splayed over her now dark hair as her eyes flashed with their usual green, daring, exotic, as she swayed softly, prodding Jasmine gently to warn her, before her voice rang out in a single long, soul wrenching cry, the wail fading into the night sky, and the silence of the desert around her as she called to everyone within the reach of her voice.

Her voice, Hers, Helena's, The one thing she would always have, even silenced she had this, her language, her way of speech, it was the way that everything finally boiled down into her very core, when her emotions bled across the veil, she could hear it, she could understand the dangerous tempo her soul played within her chest, she could direct and compose, she could interpret and command, and as she dove into her fire, her eyes fixed on everyone, and she was within her mind looking out, as her flames were forced into the shape of a harp, and she plucked another note, and her voice cried out once more, before her fingers began to dance across the strings, the flames erupting with that beautiful crimson as the song began to take shape, and echoed from her mouth as she swayed.

It was a call, a tantalizing request, an ecstatic symphony that only she could truly dictate as the notes took shape and a song slid through the air, carried along on the beams of tender moonlight over the barren landscape, promising comfort, compassion, understanding, a tolerance for everything within a short and mortal life that she could understand better then her sister, she was still fresh, she still knew the weakness and the fear of a mortal heart, she was still wounded and afraid, and still she sang and her fingers screamed across the harpstrings of her soul as her power began to drip into the ears of all who could hear. She would stroke the flames of others as deftly as her hands could their flesh, and she began to walk, towards the town square, knowing Jasmine would back her, help her as she made the declaration to this horrible place.

Tonight was Hers! Tonight was to join in the revel! Tonight was to come to the sound that now hauntingly filled the village and to dive into your desires, to make this Night, Helena's Night a Moment to Exploit and Enjoy.

They reached the center square, and Helena hopped up onto the highest vantage point she could, before her voice took full power, and her song reached it's pitch. Between the highs and lows, the sheen of sweat that covered her body as Helena took in deep breaths, and released them as delicate and decadent music, Helena continued to push, to stoke the fires of lust within those around her, to call to them to simply enjoy one another, to simply be as they were, and always would be, for this one night, to find comfort in the arms of another, and the caress of tender flesh. Helena had now closed of her own vision of the world around her as she played, and her body sang, she was now seperate from her form as she hid within her soul and continued to push the music, and the power, and the carnal through her music even as she felt the power bleed from her. She would be as relentless as the salvos of the heavens, and the depths of the tides, her voice would continue to call as Nature had always done, and Aqua, her friend Aqua, would have the fun and the excitement she wanted...