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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men watch Helena with obvious curiosity, and Jasmine gives her a slight nod before sending out a wave of pure emotion, as if opening a channel for Helena's influence.

When Helena begins her siren song, something deep and dark responds, amplifying and modulating it until it seems to blanket the entire town with lust. For a moment Helena feels contempt against humans, those weak-willed an fragile mortals, and within the lust, there's a spark of violence, waiting to erupt.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was lost to her song, but she could feel the gentle tug of something else responding, before her own mind was invaded, thoughts of contempt for the fragile creatures around her, those beings that could still be called mortals were unfit to hear her song, unfit to listen...

Contempt turned into dislike, and dislike into hatred as her music took a far darker turn, a beautiful call of lust turning into a haunting dread symphony before her eyes snapped open and the music stopped. The silence in the air was almost palpable, but the spell, the power was still flowing, and something else was sustaining her. What had been a song driven by her own lust and personal strength had turned into something fueled by the emotions of the people around her, and those listening as they stirred from deep dreams. She was not lost in her power... she was lost in something else, cold, unfeeling, beyond the veil that she couldn't describe, and the power she had taken from those around her felt dirty... unclean.. she had to purge it...

These... animals... they'd make suitable targets. Cattle! That's all they were!, why should she think any differently!? WHY SHOULD SHE CARE!?

You are All, Each and every one of you... Unworthy... Unclean... Tainted... warped. DEFILED! CORRUPTED! Helena screeched as she pulled her clothing away and folded it neatly, standing naked upon her raised platform, before she cocked her hips, and the insanity in her eyes became quite clear, shining with something that shouldn't be there, before her wings and tail, her horns, and thin bone plates, pushed slowly into existence, something... beyond what she was. Her feet grew talons and her fingers were now tipped with long claws, and then... they could hear it... The song.. that same dark song seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere as Helena's head fell to the side and regarded everyone, before she erupted in blue and black flames, her shadow twisting and writhing behind her. Run... Run little creatures... Give me something to Hunt. Helena Cackled, before hurling a handful of fire into the crowd, the wrap demon that had been lying in her clothing curling up her arm as the flames parted to allow it.

Hopefully her friends had the good sense to get away... Jasmine... Jasmine would interfere...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The streets are filled with orgy of violence and sex creating a cacophony of screams both filled with pain and with lust. Helena spots Jasmine riding an unfortunate man with her hands locked around his throat while a dozen feet away Aqua is having fun with several helpless people, both male and female. As Helena hurls the handful of fire, causing a man to scream in pain as his shirt burns away, someone grabs her behind, growling in pain as his hands erupt in burns, and Helena faintly recognizes him as one of the men from the bar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watched the seen unfold, Laughing, enjoying the spectacle in her own twisted way, before she felt something touch her. She turned to see the man nursing his burning hands, the filthy creature has dared to touch her!? HE HAD DARED TO LAY HIS DISGUSTING FINGERS ON HER!? No! She would decide when the cattle would feel her caress, and nothing else. Turning, Helena lashed out with her wing and arm, backhanding the man away from her platform before wading into the crowd like a demonic queen amongst the peasants.

Her flames took on a far more docile temperature to those she reached out to, grabbing men and women left and right, the wrap demon and her own tendrils binding those that attempted to flee. One such capture, a woman, found herself wrapped in the cloth of the demon before being dragged into her outstretched arm, before she was stripped in an instant and suddenly filled, left to writhe in the grips of the tendrils and the demon as a man was lashed up behind her, and she sank with a happy sigh onto his shaft, his clothing having been removed long before Helena had found him. Pulled tight against her, Helena rolled her hips, taking him deep as she pulled in several more, soon falling to wrap her lips around the cock of another, and feeling her pucker filled by a third as her tendrils continued to bind and ravage everything and everyone within reach.

She would feed upon the cattle this night... But not the souls... the souls were the source of the filth, but the power... she would purify the power within the crucible of her own soul... *Remember Sister... Only Kill that which you plan to cook... Cattle... Is Valuable.

These were the actions of someone intending, to enslave the entire village, and to use them as nothing more then a food source for her dark workings... but the song wouldn't hold forever, Helena, bolstered as she was, was simply not that powerful, and though the night of rape, violence, lust, and carnal filled the evening hours, when first light broke the horizon... her power would break... the spell would fade... But... Someone was missing...

Casting her mind around suddenly, Helena couldn't find Willow, until she found her at the encampment... The Witch had Run... That was her right, she was no human, but a being of power. If she wished not to indulge, then so be it... Helena would keep the party going, until dawn forced her to stop.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men don't last for very long, of course, passing out after blowing only a couple loads each. The women Helena rapes last longer, but even they pass out quite soon. Luckily, replacements are readily available, and over the course of the night Helena fills up dozens of women with her seed, as well as getting filled and covered with cum from equally many men. By the break of dawn there's not one human still moving, and only then does the spell break. Helena feels filled with energy, yet still oddly drained. Aqua is nearby, her blue color turned lighter from all the cum in her, and Jasmine is laying on a wall several feet from the ground in her full demonic form, covered in cum as well and apparently asleep.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena... revels in the night, seeding what had to be every womb in town, and being painted by equally many men, her own nature soon proving too much for everyone as the town was reduced to a pile of unconcsious men, and sleeping women, most likely bearing children that weren't completely human, and who's actual sire would be completely unknown.

Rising, and feeling... for the most part alright, Helena shifted away the claws and talons, but left the odd, bonelike plates along her spine and thighs in place, finding them oddly comfortable. Chuckling at Aqua's lighter color, and feeling almost no shame for the act whatsoever, Helena wandered over to Jasmine, and poke her awake. Things did not go as planned... we should probably Go.... Just a thought. Helena said quietly as she stepped over people.

Aqua... I'd clean myself off... But letting you do it would be so much more fun... Helena said, winking as she made sure Jasmine and Aqua were both awake, and quietly tiptoe'd out of town and back to the caravan, her demonic lady bits hiding themselves once everyone was moving... That had been fucking wierd... Still, she felt like she had plenty of energy, but the presence that had interfered last night was gone, and that left her feeling drained... There had been so much power there... Besides, she wanted to find Willow, so, upon reaching the caravan, covered in cum, Helena proceeded to look around for her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine blinks as she is awakened and hits the ground with a thud while Aqua gathers herself before winking at Helena. The slimegirl tackles both demons and proceeds to tickle them clean before quickly finding her clothes. Jasmine doesn't bother, simply spreading her wings and hovering towards the camp with Aqua and Helena. Once in the camp, Helena finds Willow naked and sleeping next to Aqua's barrel, her sex glistening with moisture. The barrel is open and seems to contain a rather unfortunate Cindy, tied up and gagged and with Willow's wand stuck in her ass and still vibrating.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, heading back, was decidely rather tired of hiding herself, and had taken such a shining to the form she'd assumed last night, that she just did it again, wings, plates and all, and fuck clothing, it was treasure hunting today.

Finding Willow, and then Cindy in the barrel, Helena just loses it, starting to laugh hysterically, doubled up before falling over next to Willow and continuing to laugh for almost a full minute. She had never planned on anything getting this out of hand, but she really didn't care. She didn't feel any different, and she had plenty of energy, as she was sure Jasmine did, probably a sickening abundance of it if truth was to be told.

Pulling herself up the barrel, Helena looked down at Cindy before pulling the gag out of her mouth. Two options! I can let you go, or, and this is the more amusing one, Aqua can finish you off, let you cum repeatedly, because I know that wand hasn't been letting you, and Then she can let you go. Up to you Helena said, still smiling.

Don't ask, it's a confusing story I don't feel like telling. But when you're finished, with either option A or B, we're going after a certain Rose and a black pearl so we can get the hell out of here.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena removes the gag, Cindy squirms, whining pitifully and trying to form words. What exactly she was going to say remains unknown, however, as Aqua kisses her and slides into the barrel, quickly turning the whines into moans as the wand floats to the surface, the now-opaque slime covering what's happening underneath. After several minutes of moaning the ropes float to the surface as well, and the skinny girl seems to fall asleep.

Jasmine picks up the ropes and the wand and looks at Willow, clearly considering their use before setting them down. "I guess we should wait until evening."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena loses it again as Aqua decides for her, cackling with glee against the side of the wagon as she replaces the lid. Yea, though not entirely my fault, something interfered, I'm certainly partially to blame. Still, it was an interesting night. Helena said, smiling as she flexed her wings. They seemed longer, bigger. Interesting.

Wandering out of the wagon, Helena sighed softly with pleasure as the soft wind breezed past her, before spreading her wings and lazily rising on a thermal without a care in the world. Really, she couldn't be bothered to give half a fuck at the moment as she rose higher and higher into the air. Come on Sis, lets go for a little ride ourselves, the sky is lovely and we can clear our heads. And don't ask for an explanation, I really don't have one.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Must be something about this place You'd get similar reaction if you tried something like that in Hell, though you'd have to intentionally draw power from the land.* Jasmine replies, following Helena to the skies.

The rising sun is heating the desert quickly again, and the sky feels delightfully empty, though there are some vultures in the distance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is all smiles once she's in the air, pondering Jasmine's words. So Hell really is a twisted place, Huh, I thought it was just really misunderstood. That said, my experience with it probably isn't the norm. Ahh well, I don't care... HEY LOOK! BIRDS! Helena all but shouted as she dove towards the buzzards after rising much higher into the air, flashing through the air towards the vultures like a missile, watching them scatter with a heartfelt laugh as she did spins and twirls in the air.

The only thing that she was better at, then anything else she did, had to be flying, she loved the activity and seemed to have a natural talent for it, thinking for a moment that she was even more agile up in the skies now, then her sister.

Giggling madly, Helena dove towards the dunes, before leveling out with a snap of her wings, and shooting along the ground. Let's find us some tombs to raid~! Helena shouted, deciding now was the time to figure out where they were going tonight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though not quite as graceful as Helena, Jasmine easily follows her into the wind. A gust of wind appears, raising a brief cloud of sand in their way, but both succubi manage to stay over it as they keep their course. "There were three more pyramids at the last place!" Jasmine shouts over the rushing of air.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Were there? Huh* Helena answers, finding that shouting in the air was getting sand in her mouth, which was irritating, and moving back to that good old telepathy. Apparently she was a little airheaded after the run in wit the mummy.

Braking in the air and turning, Helena headed towards the other pyramids, apparently three being left to rummage through, and wanting to see if they could find the damned doors BEFORE they got there, and wasted hours searching again.

Okay! New plan! Open the pyramids first to save time later! And lets watch out for more traps... the last set SUCKED
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It doesn't take the pair long to get to the pyramids, flying quickly as they are. Though the doors are buried as well, finding them is easier since this time they know to look for them in the southern side near the centre. Last time they searched the south-eastern pyramid, this time they're at the north-eastern one. The door is a simple sandstone barrier, and with some effort it moves aside, revealing a dusty, dark doorway leading into a dustier, darker dome.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, glad that they'd broken into yet another massive booby trapped burial site, stepped inside gingerly, remembering quite well just how many traps the last one had had in it, and suitably paranoid about being turned into an ugly red smear.

She took everything one step at a time, sweeping each area with extreme care and on her guard. We may as well deal with some of these, I'd rather not see something awful happen to Cindy...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sounds of dice being rolled
As Helena and Jasmine make their way deeper into the pyramid, they find no traps at all. After a while they start hearing the grinding of machinery and soon the tunnel splits into two. The sounds come somewhere from the left where the tunnel descends downwards.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is surprised that nothing inanimate has tried to kill them so far as they make their way deeper into the tunnel, having expected this pyramid to be much like the last. Hearing the sound of machinery however has Helena's hair on end, curiosity burning in her blood until they reach the fork in the path. Mumbling something about ancient lightbulbs, Helena didn't even stop to consider, starting to move down the left path, heading downwards, and towards the source of the noise, drawn like a moth to a flame.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The tunnel turns into a spiral staircase, leading further down. The grinding and thumping of machinery grows louder as after dozens of steps the pair arrives at a heavy, polished door of copper. There is an intricate but worn carving of a dwarf on the door. The carving is of the best craftsdwarfship. The dwarf is striking the earth. The door doesn't have any visible lock on it, merely a handle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, following the sound down the stairs, lots of fucking stairs, Jasmine bringing up the rear, soon led them to a door with a rather odd looking door. No lock, just a handle and what could only be a dwarf striking the earth. Thinking for a moment, Helena did something very... Helena, she glanced back at Jasmine, shrugged, and went to open the door. Worst case scenario? She ran away again, best case.... well... the small mithril lock she was wearing was a clue as to the best case, and now she was more then a little curious... she was downright intrigued... The hell have we Found sis? She said softly as she reached out for the handle.