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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Willow in the barrel wriggling helplessly, her body save for legs immersed in Aqua who seems to be having fun and from the colour of the liquid, it would seem that she's been doing that for a long while.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sees Willow, Aqua, and the situation, and doesn't even bother facepalming this time, turnabout was fair play. Aqua, how long has she been stuck like that... and where has Cindy run off to? Helena asked, double checking the knots holding Willow's legs, making sure everything was snug.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Shortly since you left," Aqua answers, poking a grinning face above the surface. The knots holding Willow's legs seem to be expertly made, keeping her ankles together tightly but not so much that they bite into her flesh. "And she said she'd be meditating or something, I'm not sure where she is now."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, turnabout really is fair play, though you seem to benefit more then anyone else around here. Just don't wear her out too badly, have fun. Helena said, satisfied that Willow was both fine, and properly secured.

Turning, Helena cast her mind around for Cindy, trying to focus on the emotions she knew Cindy went through when she meditated, having been involved in it personally, the curiosity and calm that came from trance. If she found it, Helena would immediately head off that way, if she didn't then she was going to look the old fashioned way, checking the wagons.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though she doesn't manage to get a hold on Cindy's emotions - it seems that meditation is hard to get a focus on -checking the wagons soon reveals Cindy in meditative state in one of them where she has been left alone by the lamias.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, looking the hard way, and eventually rewarded for her efforts, wandered into the wagon, slipping behind Cindy, and rubbing her shoulders, gently bringing her out of her meditation because she was an impatient bitch. Cindy~ Rise and shine, come on, We need your hand with some locked chests if you'd be so kind. Also, you've left Willow in quite the state, nice knot work.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena starts massaging her back, Cindy slowly blinks and stands up, stretching her legs. "Sounds like a challenge. Where are we going?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The first temple me and Jasmine explored when we got here, mount on up, it's not exactly close. And we'll go make us some coin. Helena said, smiling as she stretched herself a little, and headed back outside the wagon to saddle up her own horse so they'd have a good way to haul anything particularly heavy back with them.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy nods and grabs a few waterskins and some food before mounting up. "Lead the way."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded, nudging her mount into a trot, before picking up a good gallop once they were out of the caravan and into open desert towards the temple. We've got a locked chest, and a trapped one, and the trapped one is positively loaded. Just not sure how to get at it without losing something important, like a limb.* Helena sent to Cindy as they rode
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The ride takes considerably longer than flying and the horses seem to be sweating a lot in the desert sun, but eventually the pair makes it to the temple again. "Wow. The pyramids look massive up close."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

yup, they also feeled shitty and cramped on the inside. And they have the benefit of being full of undead it seems. But the temple is clear, or was last we were here. Lets tie these guys off at the entrance and head on in, get them in the shade. We take too long and we'll have to wait till nightfall to ride them back. Helena said, noting the horses reactions rather acutely as they rode onto the temple grounds, Helena dismounting to lead him inside, and tie him off carefully, patting down his shoulders and neck, cooing softly as she waited for Cindy to do the same.

Once the animals were settled, Helena would head off towards their prize, first being the small, albeit fucking heavy, locked bronze chest.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy follows Helena's example and ties her horse inside the temple. Once at the chest she kneels and opens her bag of tools. After trying several of them, the lock clicks open. After examining the chest for a while, she opens it to reveal several small bags, a pair of rings and a platinum amulet that seems to be glowing softly. Hesitating a little, Cindy mutters a simple spell before picking up one of the rings and the amulet. "These are enchanted."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena goes full dork as Cindy opens the chest that had denied her, fist pumping wildly before noting the contents. Again waiting for Cindy, Helena widened her eyes a little when she said two pieces of the jewelry within were enchanted, which was a first for her... Stowing the 3 pieces of jewelry safely away, Helena gave Cindy's shoulder a heartfelt squeeze. On day, you have Got to teach me how to do that, because that little trick got us farther in this place then any brute strength got us in the last, I shit you not, I'm impressed. she said, a little in awe of the skilled girl.

Killing the moment, Helena suddenly turned, before bouncing in the direction of the big chest, the stone one set in the floor that was full of actual goodies. Figure this one out, and you get to decide who tries out our new toys first. Helena said, glaring down at the offending box, before suddenly remembering Willow and laughing softly. By the way, why IS Willow hanging upside down in Aqua's barrel?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy shrugs. "It's just a simple spell."

The girl then moves to the second chest, examining it closely."She tied me up this morning, I decided to return the favour." Frowning, she reaches into the chest. "There's something-" Suddenly the scorpions on the bottom come alive and Cindy barely manages to pull her hand away as one of them tries to sting her hand.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I meant the lockpicking Helena said, giggling softly before Cindy tripped the trap in the other trap, the damned thing filled with scorpions of some type, a kind of arachnid Helena most certainly did not approve of. At all.

Looking down at the little bug that had tried to strike Cindy, Helena just opened her palm, and froze the little bastard right there, going about the frost based extermination one bug at a time until it was done, trusting the metallic and crystalline treasures within to weather cold far better then they would anything else, occasionally arcing electricity through the trove, just to mix things up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The scorpions quickly freeze up after a few bursts of frost from Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And behold! Loot! Helena says cheerfully, immediately starting to sort through the wealth within the chest, trying to get an idea for exactly what was in there, and how much, this day was still going to be profitable.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena starts grabbing the loot a dozen spikes shoot up from the bottom of the chest, barely missing her hand. In the dim light of the room the spikes glisten with oily substance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena barely manages to avoid having her hand, and a good chunk of her arm skewered by glistening, likely poisoned spikes, she let out a loud curse, falling backwards, before sitting back up. I hate this fucking place She muttered darkly, before resuming her search of the chest, seriously doubting 3 traps, and avoiding actually touching the spikes.

If nothing else tried to kill her, she'd start taking the shit out of the doom box, and setting it aside. There should be a graverobbers law or something, that makes it illegal to boobytrap cash a dead person obviously no longer needs this thoroughly. Seriously, it's downright wasteful.