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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy sends Helena giggling telepathically, and soon arrives with some rope. The wrap demon is still in the wagon where Helena left it, and it doesn't take long to arrive as a rolling turban.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, holding a finger to her lips as Cindy arrived, was hard pressed not to start laughing as the turban showed up like a tumbleweed. Scooping it up, Helena started to sneak into the wagon, floating up rather then taking steps.

Pointing at Flame, Helena stopped herself, before remembering how effective her goofy little sleeping spell had been for this with Willow and Cindy, and started silently casting, working to put both spiders into mild comas so they could be trussed up in peace and quiet.

If Helena managed it, she'd order the TumbleTurban to get started on Flame, showing it how it wanted the spiders legs bound. If we get them all stuck together, I don't think there's anything they can do about it Helena sent over to Cindy with a mental snicker. Payback was at hand.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Neither of the spiders stirs as Helena casts the enchantment, and the turban and the rope demon quickly bind the spiders' legs with Cindy and Helena watching. Cindy suppresses a giggle as she sees the spiders so bound. *Anything else?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles softly as the spiders are bound up, pondering Cindy's request for more and wondering how exactly you got back at a giant spider for raping you. I'm not sure. Make them really horny and have sex in front of them? Or tickle them? I have no idea... Helena said, trying to ponder that little problem out.

do you have any ideas? Because short those two, I got nothin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Cover them in tar and feathers? Or something else?* Cindy suggests, grinning impishly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I got it. We paint them Pink. With bright yellow spots. Helena said, grinning along with Cindy as she wondered where the hell they were going to get what they needed for that. Barring the paint, tar and feathers work. Helena added, wondering where they were going to get ANY of what they needed. Think Willow has something to change their color for awhile? Or something stick enough to feather them with? Helena asked, starting to look for the witch.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*How long we have until they wake up? Finding feathers and something to make them stick from the town shouldn't be hard. Paint might be harder, though.* Cindy replies as the two go to find Willow, who's sitting with one of the younger lamias, chatting about clothes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Good point, you and Willow sort out the supplies, I'll keep tweedle Dum and Dee out cold while you do. Helena said, Winging her way back towards the sleeping spider and sitting down in front of them, determined to keep them awake for however long Cindy needed to get the stuff. They were going to look rediculous...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow and Cindy get mounted and head to the town as Helena gets back to watching the sleeping spiders. Less than an hour later they return with a small barrel of tar and a sack of feathers. "Let's do this," Willow says.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Agreed. Helena say in answer, helping the pair as they got the tar out, and started diligently covering the spiders in a healthy dosing, meaning, as much as humanly possible, painting them in the sticky tar while Cindy was put in charge of feather distribution.

Turnabout was fair play after all. As soon as the spiders were good and covered in the sticky pitch, Helena started to help Cindy in covering the derpy duo in feather as well, making the spiders look more like really strange, 8 legged birds. OR, a pair of giant spiders that had gotten into a hen house. Regardless, when it was all said and done, Helena snuck back out of the wagon, and burst out laughing as soon as they were safely away, sending Jasmine a mental image of the spiders along with all of her amusement, and one, Glorious word. *REVENGE~!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

No sooner are the spiders both tied up AND thoroughly covered in feathers than they start to stir in their sleep. Jasmine seems highly amused by this elaborate scheme, and she comes to look herself, bursting into laughter at the sight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If only we had a Camera, right Jas? Helena says, doubled up in fits of giggles mid air, safe from any spidery wrath. Should we let them go? or just leave them there, like they do to us... All the Time. Helena said, still staying a safe distance away from the Spiders as she poked at Strike's mind with a very neener neener neener type attitude, sticking her tongue out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spiders finally come to, and Strike manages to shift enough to stare at Helena accusingly, only to become even more ridiculous looking as it does so. Flame wriggles weakly, trying to escape the bonds. "We'll have to let them go eventually. No need to hurry, though." Cindy says, moving to pat Flame's head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Turnabout is fair play~ Helena said in response to Strike's stare, floating over to pet Strike as well before flopping out of the wagon and making another goofy face. Agreed, the lovely 8 legged ladies, are in timeout. For not including me in their plan earlier. All that work binding you up wasted! Helena said with a vastly exaggerated sigh.

Helena, looking up at the sky, drew a line in the sand marking the shadows. 1 hour~ And then you two can go. Though, how you're going to get cleaned up is beyond me~ Helena said, sitting on the ground and grinning as she waited.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena waits, Cindy and Jasmine head to town to gather information about the rose of osiris. Willow stays in the camp and goes to help the young lamias who are just starting to cook dinner.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, sitting there and just staring at the spiders, does indeed wait, for the full hour, taking her meal there if necessary, and eating it with a delightful smile on her face and a great deal of lip smacking and belching, if only to torment the spiders just a little more.

As their hour was up, Helena gestured at Strike, willing the knots to loosen, while commanding the wrap demon to release Flame, the tumbleturban bouncing back onto her head as she "released" the spiders, still looking something between hilariously rediculous, and insanely horrifying, being covered in white feathers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The meal is - once again - rather heavy in meat, but still tasty, and Willow sits to eat with Helena until retreating to safer distance once the time of release approaches.

Strike and Flame seem somewhat cranky upon release, and they unanimously pounce at Helena, poking her repeatedly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena squeaks as the Spiders pounce on her, squirming under all the poking before starting to poke back, and then wrestling them both like a baws. You started it! First revenge in how many months for how many rapes? Helena squealed, rolling around and tickling them both as best she could, happy to play with both of them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The impromptu wrestling match ends with Helena on top, being hugged tightly by Strike. Flame squirms out and goes to stalk the unwary Willow, who also receives a poking attack before getting hugged.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, after many casualties and a long, and brutal battle, winds up king of the derp pile, snuggling into the feathery Strike, and watching Flame wander off to sneak attack Willow, laughing loudly as she does so.

Wriggling around on Strike, Helena just flops on the spiders belly and rubs and scratches between her legs a little, before starting to use a simple cantrip to slowly, and with far too much effort, clean the spider off.