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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Letting go of Helena, Strike seems happy enough to just lay in there, letting Helena do the hard work of cleaning her. After taking a look at Helena, Willow provides the same service to Flame. It takes a good while to clean the spiders and when Helena is done, Cindy and Jasmine come back from the town. "We have a meeting at midnight with someone who's supposed to know where to get the rose."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Once the spiders are clean, Helena snuggles Strike, and rides around on top of her like a rag doll, watching Cindy and Jasmine as they get back from town. Hearing that they'd actually gotten a meeting with someone who knew what they needed and where to get it, Helena raised her eyebrows.

And what did that info cost us? Or did we cheat...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not much. Though the rose WILL be expensive." Jasmine replies. "We might want to make sure no-one gets the drop on us. But training first." Jasmine sits cross-legged in front of Helena, gesturing for her to do the same.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, before sitting down in front of Jasmine and closing her eyes, joining minds with her sister as she fell into the trance she was so accustomed to now. What first? Helena asked, running through the spells she had seen Jasmine use recently and focusing on the fire ball, and what could have only been some kind of curse.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With Jasmine's help, Helena soon sinks deep into the trance, the arcane patterns impressed upon her mind time and again, changing slightly each time.

When Cindy pokes the pair out of the trance, Helena wakes up feeling groggy. Blinking, she notices that the sun has set and the air is already cold. "It's an hour before midnight. We should get ready."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, once again working to untangle and memorize what Jasmine was showing to her, wasn't surprised when they were pulled out of their trance, and the time had flown by, the moon already high in the clear sky, and the air a great deal colder then before.

Stifling a yawn, Helena stood up and stretched, her back and neck popping loudly as she jumped up and down a little, stiff from being in one spot for so long.

Well, shit, if it's that late already, then yea, we should get moving. But only you guys have an idea of where we're going, so Lead on~! Helena said, dusting the sand off of her backside as she waited for the others to show the way.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine straightens herself and stretches for a bit. *Actually Helena, can you scout ahead? I'm not sure how much I trust these guys and having someone be there without them knowing it sounds like a good idea.* Jasmine sends, along with instructions: the meeting place is apparently a back alley at the temple.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You got it. Helena said, nodding before hopping up into the air as she darted for one of the rooftops. Following the mental instructions, Helena made her way towards the meeting place, her eyes scanning around as she got closer. About halfway there, Helena stopped and made herself Vanish with a motion and a word, as she started properly flying, and checking the streets, repeating her spell a few more times as she needed to, just to be sure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena status: HP 27/27 Mana: 14/18

The streets near the temple are all empty save for patrols that sweep through them regularly. The only exception is the back alley, which has three thug-like men waiting and three more men armed crossbows on the roof of the temple, hidden but with a view to the alley.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, noting the ambush, flew down immediately to hide on a rooftop on the other side of the alley, behind the crossbowman, before reaching out to Jasmine. *It's an ambush, 6 men, 3 high, 3 low. The ones up top all have crossbows. So far, no one has known what the Rose is, but these men suddenly do? And it's valuable? Sounds like a way to get us to wander out with a lot of coin on us. I can start creating a body count, or we can forget it, and leave with what we already have.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Let's not be too hasty,* Jasmine replies from some distance. *It's only six men. We can probably charm our way out of this if we need to.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alright, suppose I should say hello then. Helena said, slipping out of the shadows and leaping over to the temple roof, silent as any cat. Crouching low, Helena looked at one of the crossbowmen. Pssst, Oi! We were supposed to meet you about the rose. Can't say I approve of the welcome wagon, but whatever. Now were even. We can all watch the show together. Helena said quietly, keeping very still.

If i'd have wanted to attack you, I could have already, Relax. Helena said again as they looked a little too worried by her having found them out, spreading her empty hands and slinking over to the edge of the roof to look down with them. This way, we both have birds eye views, and can make sure both sides are playing fair, Names Helena, a pleasure. She continued, looking down at the other three.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds herself with three crossbows pointed in her general direction, though none of the men are actually aiming at her. "Hullo." the closest man says. "I reckon we're all here in business, so no need to do anything hasty. Just don't try to cast a spell and we can all go our own way when the deal's done." he advices, sounding calm.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Glad we agree then. Helena said, keeping her eyes level on the alley and ignoring the crossbows. Alright, should be good to do. Come on in, I've joined our rooftop audience. Helena sent over to Jasmine, glad she'd managed to get close enough to actually charm someone up here if she had to... or set them on fire.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine and Cindy arrive into the valley. Cindy is carrying her new crossbow and a dagger, the first being on her back and the second on her belt while Jasmine is unarmed. The men are carrying no more than daggers and clubs, and one of them is holding a small but rather heavy looking box.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, glaring down at the people in the alley, tried to get as good a read on them as she could, keeping track of their emotions as best as she could. You really think they have what we're after? Or is it a fake? Think you can force him to tell the truth without alerting everyone? Helena asked Jasmine, keeping her spot on the roof.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I think they're too wary to try cheating. That, or Ahmed is going to have a very unpleasant time fairly soon.* Jasmine starts talking with the man with the box, and after a few minutes, she hands him a bag and he hands her the box. The man empties the bag into his hand, and helena catches glimpse of jewellery before he puts them back. Jasmine looks into the box and seems to ask some questions before she and Cindy leave.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches the deal go down without any obvious problems, though some of the jewelry was apparently traded. Nodding at the crossbowmen, Helena turned to leave, not saying another word before slipping down to the ground in a shadowed corner, and making her way back towards the caravan. So what did he ask in return for whatever was in the box? Helena asked Jasmine as she made her way back on foot.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*A lot of gold. The jewellery seemed to satisfy him, though. I don't think we got overcharged too badly, at least Cindy said that what I gave him was about right.*

Jasmine and Cindy catch up with Helena, and the three of them make their way back to the now silent Vistani camp without incidents.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, if you say so. Helena answered, eventually arriving with the others to a silent camp, and presumably with everyone headed to bed. Pondering the antics at the temple, Helena shrugged and figured for a solo game tonight, she wasn't all that tired.

Wandering over to Jasmine, Helena poked at her. So? What... Is the Rose? Helena asked, curious.