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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Cindy heads to sleep in one of the wagons, Jasmine stays with Helena and hands her the wooden box. Opening it reveals the box to be lined with lead. In the middle, there is a delicate flower with glowing petals.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

So a leadlined box, with what appears to be a radioactive super flower. Interesting. Osiris, God of Nuclear energy, who'd have guessed. Helena said, whistling quietly before snapping the box shut and tucking it away with whatever was left of their other loot. The collar was to cost 1200 Gold, or something along those lines. Hopefully this one component didn't cost them more then that. Or Helena was going to demand a certain asshat mage with a grocery list did the job for free.

Once the Rose was safely tucked away with everything else, Helena headed over to the wagon to sleep as well, suddenly not in the mood for cheeky fun, and just looking forward to some sleep.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As usual, Helena wakes up shortly before dawn, this time next to Fenrir. As she gets outside, she sees that this time most of the vistani are already awake, making preparations to strike the camp as the young people are making breakfast.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, waking up early, and surprisingly annoyed about it today, hopped out of the wagon with Fenrir, and set about helping the younger Lamias as she had become accustomed to. Granted she hadn't done much to help when they'd arrived, but when they were traveling, it helped to kill the time and keep her mind from wandering. Hell, the last time her mind had wandered, she'd wound up demanding everyone reclaim a bunch of sunken weapons.... and all those problems.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The breakfast is already done when Helena's companions get up, and the mood is looking up when Helena is glomped by a giant spider. Strike demands her share of cuddles, but eventually Helena gets free and the caravan gets under way.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena happily gives such demanded cuddles, and opts to just ride around on top of Strike rather then hang out in the wagons, deciding to give Strike the entire day. Because she was pretty sure that if she didn't, then she was going to put on the rape suit, get the net gun, and go on a rampage... Granted, a hilarious rampage, but a rampage nonetheless.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike doesn't seem to mind her rider terribly much and she opts to climb on top of a wagon to rest in the sunlight while the wagons crawl across the desert, taking breaks as necessary. As the sun starts to set, the Vistani set up a final camp before plunging back into the mists.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, lazing around in the sun with Strike, was really rather happy where she was, goofing around with Strike and practicing whatever the hell the language she was learning slowly but surely was called.

Eventually, the day wound down rather quickly, with no major problems, and nothing to distract anyone really, but Helena knew she'd wasted a day she should have spent practicing with Jasmine, and that was what tomorrow was slated for.

For now, pitching a final camp before they dove back into the mists, Helena found herself sitting in the sands, staring at the shifting mass. Closing her mind, Helena was curious enough to reach out to it, to see if it was intelligent or not, or simply dangerous like a certain book she remembered. Regardless, she knew what to look for, and if it seemed like a dangerous activity to be engaging in, Helena would sigh and drop it, heading back to the wagon to pester her friends.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Despite the words of the vistana, there is no mist in sight. After a short walk to the desert, Helena sees no sign of them either, despite the insistence of the vistani that the misty border is near.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, Shit. Fuck it then. Helena muttered, being unable to actually see the mists, despite being told they were close. Shrugging, Helena headed back to the wagon, discarding clothing as she went, and stuffing it into her bags. She was getting more used to being naked then she was to being clothed at this point. It was getting rediculous, but to each their own.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Some of the vistani seem to be playing music around the fire and others are busy making dinner while Cindy is playing with Flame and Willow and Jasmine are playing cards.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, seeing everyone falling back on old standbyes, hopped up into the wagon, and looked at the suit, but they were too close to the mists for Helena's brand of play... But then again... Ahh hell, she had nothing better to do. Twisting the key around several times, Helena stuck herself in the suit, feeling it lock up around her. She'd had no problems controlling it before, no reason why she should now. First thing was first, getting it to behave, because those tendrils were already moving.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

No-one pays attention to Helena as she climbs into the wagon and winds the suit. Responding to her faster this time, the suit locks around Helena's limbs again as the tentacles start wandering on her body as if the suit were daring for her to resist.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, laying there, stopped herself for a moment, and wondered about something. What if she didn't try and control it? Last time she had worn this thing, it had fought her until something gave. What if she didn't do anything?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the tentacles continue their rubbing, quickly becoming more insistent and rough, Helena senses a... difference. Like there was something missing from the entire thing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, starting to slowly writhe and moan as the tendrils became more insistent in their teasing, 3 now drifting over her folds and pucker, her jewel under constant torment, and her chest being groped and squeezed while another drifted across her lips. Helena noticed something apparently missing. Thinking on it, Helena wasn't really sure, however, after a few more long, tortuously slow strokes across the jewel of her clit realized that there was no flow from the suit, no energy to feed off of... Stifling another long moan, Helena realized what Jasmine had built, the ultimate succubus torture device... Though she was still curious about what it would do, willing to wait a little longer to see if anything changed, or if it was going to tease her until she started to fight...

Trying her best to lay still, Helena was panting softly and muffling her own moans of arousal as she tried to wait it out, though she wouldn't last much longer, her nipples now under the assault of the tendrils, and whatever oil it used being trailed across most of her torso...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena to pant, a pair of tentacles brutally force their way into her, causing as much pain as they do pleasure at first while a third tentacle gags her to stop her from screaming. Then the tentacles start thrusting, and though it hurts at first, Helena's body quickly accommodates to the tentacles, and the pain melts to pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, finding out what happened if the suit got impatient, wound up gasping and arching her back, her initial scream silenced by the thick rubber tendril diving between her lips while her lower holes were roughly filled. Writhing as pain and pleasure arced up her spine in equal measure. Starting to thrust, Helena was still twisting back and forth a little bit, moving as much as the suit would allow, before she adjusted and pleasure replaced the discomfort, her hips soon rolling against the tendrils as the one in her mouth dove deeper.

Her muffled gasps and outcries melting into mewling and moaning as the suit raped her, Helena didn't even bother to try and get out yet, getting the hard fucking Jasmine hadn't bothered to give her earlier, her lower holes clamping and rippling around the slick rubber lengths, quickly pushing her already primed body to a shuddering peak.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The soft tentacles drive Helena into a few more orgasms with the rough pounding and the tentacles rubbing other parts of her body before it stops and pulls out of her, apparently awaiting orders.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After several fairly impressive orgasms, Helena twitching softly in the suit, the tendrils pulled away and the suit was apparently ready to take commands. Looking around and hopping out of the wagon, Helena head over to her horse to get her net launcher. Well, she was already here, why not share the love with her friends...