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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow wriggles free from the net with Helena's help and curls up on her side, seeming exhausted. Jasmine stands up and stretches for a bit, still completely naked. *I'll keep that in mind, though I'd rather not piss off someone like that. If he commands vampires around like that, he probably has other tricks up his sleeve as well.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Agreed, false bravado is false. O well, for now we just get to be entertainers again, I'm sure the Vistani will appreciate it, been a little while since we gave them a proper show. Helena said with a grin, content to stay with Willow, Fenrir curling up on her other side.

Yawning, Helena finally relented and called it a night, falling to sleep between her friends before they went back on the journey through the mists... shit was not fun, but o well, that was part of the bargain in getting here, and her friends had been kind enough to see her through it.

With a final determination to see this through to it's end and get everyone out of this hellhole, Helena faded to sleep, cooing happily as she slid into the black.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

In the morning Helena wakes up early as usual. This time the lamias are already preparing breakfast, and the weather has turned windy, flinging sand around and making the desert even less pleasant to look at than usual.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Waking up with the dawn, Helena is surprised to see that the Lamia's actually beat her to it, chuckling as she hopped out of the wagon, a burst of wind shot sand across her nude front, making her scowl as her wings snapped out and around her like a cloak. Wandering over to her mount, Helena stroked the horses neck softly before getting dressed in her leathers and putting her wings away.

Wandering over to the younger Lamia, she greeted all of them with a laugh before starting in with the help like always, scarfing down her own breakfast quickly before seeing about serving everyone else. *Oi! Sleepheads, time to wake up and eat* Helena sent out to her friends, rousing them from whatever good dreams they were having whether they liked it or not for a meal.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Shortly after Helena's call, Jasmine peeks out of the wagon before going back in. After a few minutes she emerges with Willow just as Cindy arrives from another wagon. "Good thing we're not planning to stay here. Looks like it won't be a nice day for once."

Everyone seems to be in a fair mood today - except Cindy. "How can you always be so cheerful in the morning?" Cindy complains, slumping down next to Helena with her breakfast.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pats Cindy on the shoulder and gives her a short rub. I'm always cheerful, because I have bouts of extreme rage to balance it out I suppose~! Or, it's because I know that these little simple moments shouldn't be taken for granted Cindy. So cheer up~! or I'll find Flame and tell her you're down in the dumps, and we both know how those surprises go~ Helena said, grinning like a mad woman.

Besides, If I Wasn't always cheery, then the only stable emotion you'd have around here is Jasmine, and that's not so much an emotion, as an insatiable appetite Helena added with a chuckle. Still~! Just think! I didn't get to catch you last night, I'll have to try harder today wont I~, We'll make a game of it!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You'll get sand everywhere," Cindy points down, hastily eating her breakfast and trying to avoid getting any more sand into it. Jasmine chuckles. "That'll probably be the least of our problems once we get on the road."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hate to say it, but I agree with Jasmine, Vistani power not withstanding. And we've got our own special breed of trouble when we get back thanks to yours truly. Still, just think, you can all travel with me after we finish this without worrying I'm going to chip a nail and explode. Though... Whatever happened in the village? No promises on that kind of episode. Helena laughed out, remembering the odd rape-fest that had ensued when she'd gone all darkside evil queen on the townspeople.

Looking over at Willow, Helena smiled. So Willow, should we look out for any special ingredients you need along the way? Or just leave you to mix unspeakable things in that cauldron of yours and hope for the best.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"There isn't anything to look out for in the mists," Willow replies, also walking over and starting to massage Helena's shoulders. The comfort doesn't continue for very long as the vistani pack up and the caravan continues forward. Not a hundred meters from the camp a sandstorm strikes, pressing the wagons from all sides. The vistani ruthlessly force the horses to continue, and after some time the party is again in the strange world of cool, eerie mists that to Helena seem threatening and comforting at the same time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena groans softly as Willow massages her shoulders for a few moments, not saying any more on the matter of spectral mist herbs that may or may not exist, they'd already seen a radioactive rose...

Cursing as the sandstorm hits, Helena pulls Cindy and Willow tight up against her after pulling her shirt off, and sheltering them both under her wings before they all scrambled into the back of a wagon to get out of the worst of it.

Spitting into the hissing Sand, Helena, in her stubbornness, simply dove back out into it, and walked in the wind, her hand against the wagon, until they met the cool mists and their siren song started all over again.

Nudging Jasmine with her mind, Helena raised her chin and started singing, a soft and wisping song at first, that soon raised to a respectable tone that called of the simple times Helena had said not to take for granted, of friends around a fire and of sharing meals with family and loved ones. She was determined that her own call would outmatch that of the swirling mists, and she would sing until she was hoarse
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine joins Helena in the song, and for a moment the mists seem nothing more than ordinary fog. Aqua appears from her barrel and takes a seat next to the driver of the wagon, waving at Helena mischievously. As the singing continues, an echo appears, calling for Helena as the wagons trudge along at slow but steady speed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glances at Aqua and her lips curl into a smile, wondering what she's up to. As the singing carries on and the voices of herself, and her sister seem to drive them back, Helena soon hears an echo of the otherwordly call trying to draw her in.

Casting her mind and her eyes around, Helena kept watch for any others that could hear it, particularly Cindy and Willow, making sure they didn't wander off before she redoubled her efforts in her voice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The echo continues matching Helena's song, but apart from faint presence she senses nothing from it, though it grows louder as Helena redoubles her singing efforts. Willow and Cindy seem to be enjoying the trip, though their minds seem to be wandering.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns her mind to Willow and Cindy, nudging them a bit Do me a favor and try to stay focused, I really REALLY don't wanna go running into this shit looking for you guys. We have no idea where you'll end up. Helena says to them, her voice brushing into their minds as her song continues.

*Actually, anyone mind bringing us something to drink? Our throats are going to get dry if we don't. Please and thank you.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Focused on what? There's nothing even slightly interesting here.* Cindy replies sharply before coming to bring Helena a drink. The volume of the echo starts undulating teasingly, weakening and strengthening by turn. Giving Helena a cup of water, Cindy heads towards Jasmine on the other end of the caravan.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Don't get your pants in a bunch, just looking out for my friends. I don't trust this shit. Thanks for the water* Helena answers as she takes the cup, tossing it back quickly before resuming the song, deciding to beat out the echo by keeping her own voice steady for now, not letting the mist tire out her voice while they moved.

Just think Jasmine~! Several more hours of this and we still wont be done! Helena sent to Jasmine with a mental chuckle, not really minding, it was a great workout for her lungs and voice in general.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Forget it Helena, I'm not going to continue singing all week.* Jasmine replies, seeming faintly amused as Cindy catches up and there's a brief pause as Jasmine takes her turn to drink. The strange echo seems to be following along somewhere to the left of the caravan and the faint presence seems to grow slightly stronger.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seems I'm a solo act then, my voice is going to be incredible~ After it heals up and I can talk anyway. Helena replies to Jasmine, snickering before her arm snaps out to the left and a fire bolt blazes into the mist towards the presence, or at least, wherever it felt like it was coming from.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*What was that for?* Jasmine sends to Helena as the bolt of fire streaks through the mists before sizzling into nothing, causing no change in the echo or the presence. Aqua gives Helena a puzzled look as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

maybe just my mind playing tricks on me. I swear I feel something out there. And since that didn't make any difference, I don't suppose any more will. Helena answers, dropping her arm and changing her tune to sing about spring and summer.

I hate this shit.