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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The youth shrugs indifferently. "I dunt keep much track of such things. I think Silver Mast is going 'morrow too, but you'd best ask in the tavern, the captains like to drink together and they're prob'ly all there." He very pointedly keeps his gaze above Helena's neckline.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded, and immediately left the ship, heading towards the Tavern, already reaching out for Jasmine. *Well, Any luck in the tavern? Apparently all the captains are there, though the Silver Mast leaves tomorrow as well. Apparently Stream Serpent is too small to take everything we've got.* Helena sent to her sister as she walked.

heading into the Tavern, Helena looked around for her sister, sighing in an annoyed manner, Jasmine was almost always a step ahead of her when it came to this stuff, though her more upfront method had paid off for them before...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine doesn't seem to be anywhere near the tavern. *I got curious, so I decided to get a closer look at the crimescene. Seems like someone got mauled badly and he's still out of it.* she replies to Helena.

The tavern seems to be separated into three rooms by thick curtains hanging from the ceiling which only part near the bar, the first which is full of rowdy sailors. One of the others seems to be reserved for other customers, currently housing mostly empty, only housing a few merchants and some people who seem to be locals. The third is much cleaner than the other two, and it's housing three tables full of respectably dressed if not respectable looking mostly older men.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Werewolf? Helena sent back over to her sister, not bothering to ask why she was even interested... Though personally, if she had anymore real trouble getting a ship, then she was liable to just pack up all the ingredients, the cash, and FLY out to Delagia to get things done, before dealing with Azalin...

Standing in the tavern, Helena sighed again and wandered up to the bar, demanding the attention of whoever was tending. Excuse me, yea, I'm looking for the captains of those ships outside, I was told to come here to find them. Mind pointing a girl in the right direction?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The barmaid looks at Helena appraisingly, apparently wondering what she might buy, before gesturing towards the last of the three rooms. "They're all in there, miss. Well, most of them at least."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Good, thanks. Helena said, now pointedly ignoring the barmaid as she immediately wandered over to the last of the rooms. Full of Older men... Well, she'd had stranger days...

Stepping into the room without a care in the world, at least not any obvious ones... Underneath Helena was actually starting to get really annoyed by this, she glanced around at everyone present, cleared her throat obnoxiously loudly, and spoke to everyone at once. Looking for the Captain of the Silver Mast, and the Stream Serpent for business, and was told I could find you here... She called out, standing with her hand on her hips and a coy little smile on her lips.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena enters the room, few men give her appraising looks, but most only glance at her before returning to face their drinks and conversations. As Helena speaks, however, one of the men - a dark, middle-aged man who clearly has eaten more than his share of meals - shifts, turning to look at Helena and patting a chair next to himself. "Sit down, girl. I'm the captain of the Silver Mast. Looking for a trip upriver, perhaps?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glanced around for a reaction, until she got one, and rather promptly. Although the larger man seemed amiable enough, and seemed to know what she wanted, Helena raised her eyebrow for a moment when the captain of the stream serpent didn't make himself known... Smuggler perhaps?

Moving to sit next to the man, Helena nodded, now completely ignoring everyone else in the room. I am, and with plenty to haul with, 4 other people, and a menagerie of domesticated creatures... Helena said, looking the man up and down, and feeling out his mind curiously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man grunts, perhaps sensing something as Helena delicately touches his mind and finds him to be more than he seems on the surface; an intelligent man, with his share of scars, both physical and mental. A closer look also reveals that although he has his share of fat, there is solid muscle underneath. "Could be I could carry you. Could be I could carry a lot of things. How many animals and what kind are we talking about? Silver Mast is going all the way Sidnar and I have extra space in the hold. She's not a fast ship, but she'll get you there comfortably enough, if you pay enough."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

five people, four horses, two giant spiders, and a very large Wolf. Helena says quietly, though she withdraws her contact with his mind.

Looking around the room, Helena kept tabs on the others, specifically Jasmine, hoping she wasn't getting into any serious trouble, though she was certain she'd have heard something if she had...

I have business in Delagia that concerns my cargo which I had to travel through the Mists with the Vistani to get. And personally, the sooner it's over with, the better. Helena continued, starting to seriously consider flying it out again and simply securing a ship for the others...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man snorts. "A little adventure, eh? Well, that'll be 80 gold. 10 for each of the horses and 5 for each of the others. Would be more, but the hold is not getting filled any other way."

The others seem to be together some way away from the harbor except for Jasmine, who is only a little away from the crimescene.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You've got a deal, I'll let the others know and we'll start getting everything set up to leave immediately Helena said softly, immediately standing up to leave and sharing the news with Jasmine.

Sticking her nose into Cindy's business, Helena poked at her mind repeatedly and whistled an annoying tune into her head as she left the tavern, heading towards Jasmine because her sister was getting the better of her curiosity.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man calls after Helena. "We'll leave tomorrow as soon as the cargo is loaded, whether you're in or not. Don't be late." Cindy mentally pokes back, seeming a bit annoyed.

As Helena gets to the crimescene, the crowd is starting to disperse, and Helena spots a familiar looking redheaded figure nearby. Catching Helena's gaze, Jasmine shrugs non-committally. *Could've been a werewolf, but I don't think so. Probably nothing we'll need to worry about, though.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well... We have all night, we leave first thing in the morning, price is 80 gold, skulls, or whatever the fuck they use for their own currency here. Helena sent over to Jasmine with a mental shrug. Besides, Cindy seems annoyed, lets go pester her, otherwise I'm going to get hungry and well... We already ate an entire village...Good times.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*That means we have time for fun and sleep, too.* Jasmine replies, grinning as she starts walking with Helena, her features becoming distinctly more... elven.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hell Yes... Helena answered, reaching up to stroke her turban as she wandered towards Cindy, pondering exactly How much fun they could have... And how delicious it would be...

What are we in the mood for? Fast food seems a little lazy today... Helena said with a chuckle, grinning as she looked around. I will give this place one thing, the food is... varied.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*We could go grab ourselves a few sailors, but we'll have days to do just that after we leave. I half-way just want to grab the next pretty thing we'll pass and hang her from ceiling.* Jasmine replies, considering their options.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mmm, Now that does sound fun... But we'll need an appetizer, and dessert as well Sister... Helena answered, already looking out for that Next pretty thing...

While we're hanging someone from the rafters... I'm pretty sure we should grab more then one, maybe leave them with a parting gift... Helena said, laughing to herself. Besides, we also have Cindy, Willow, and Aqua to enjoy too...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Mmm... If we happen to pass through this town again, we can always pick another inn.* Jasmine replies, eyeing the passers-by lazily. Surprisingly the town isn't filled with gorgeous people, but there is a cute pair of young women walking to the same direction with Helena and Jasmine, talking and giggling with each other.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, I found the appetizers~ Helena cooed happily, striding up to the pair and smiling. hello~! I'm Helena, and me and my Sister would love someone to help show us around a little She said sweetly, extending her hand.