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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

For a long while, Melissa falls silent.

Finally she replies in a quiet, gentle voice. "It's not about anyone else. It's not about right or wrong. It's about me. I don't jump to bed with just anyone I see. I want it to be special each time. I want it to be about more than just animal lust. I want to feel good not just in my body, but in my soul. Can you understand that?" Slowly, Melissa lifts her eyes to meet Helena's gaze head-on. She looks melancholic, and a little puzzled.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena waits for Melissa's answer, thinking back, until she hears her reply and nods with a very gentle smile.Of course I do, I'm still a girl you know? Want to know a secret? I met my person... She's amazing and beautiful and smart... I gave everything to get her back after I lost her... And found her again against all odds. Believe me, I understand all too well... But because of my nature, it's impossible for me to just enjoy that... No Human can keep up with me for long...A day... maybe 2... Then it's too much. Helena answered slowly, explaining the situation in a way Melissa would get it.

Helena loved Willow. She loved Jasmine as family, but Willow held that spot in her heart.

Sighing and leaning back a little, Helena raised an eyebrow. You know, there was this nice couple who had that, loved eachother, but they were inexperienced, came to us for lessons because well... We know a lot about pleasure, it's like the air we breathe, and we were happy to help. But it seems you want to stop. That's fine, we'll just wait out the others I guess. And then I suppose we'll leave you alone. Just remember Melissa, you're still young, don't deny yourself the simple things. Life is short. Helena said, shifting back on the bed to lean against the headboard and sighing.

She'd have to find another meal.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa shyly moves to sit next to Helena, before giving her a gentle kiss.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, raising her eyebrow at Melissa she slides up next to her, is a bit surprised when she kisses her, returning the soft gesture in the same way, before breaking away and leaning back again. Wrapping an arm over Melissa's shoulder, Helena drew her in to cuddle against her side, letting her feel the warmth that was Helena.

Well, at least they're enjoying it... What should we do with them? Seems a shame to have them all trussed up and NOT do something... Helena said, looking over at the other pair, mummified and spread on the other bed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa suddenly giggles, turning to look at the other pair, who seem completely obvious of what is going on outside their pleasure. "I think I'd like to see what you come up with," the redhead replies.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles, before pondering the pillows they were on. There was one good thing to the Ye Olde feel of this place... The Pillows were all stuffed with feathers... or straw. Luckily today, they were feathers.

Slipping away from Melissa, Helena fluffed up a pillow, before tearing a hole in the fabric, and drawing out a pair. The classics never get old. Ever. Helena said, handing one to Melissa before sneaking up to the bed.

Reaching over the near side, Helena started to drift the feather over Jasmine's and the Blonde whose name escaped her's foot, slowly and deliberately, just to be annoying as she laid a hand on the rope demon. If Jasmine suddenly wanted free, she'd have to Fight Helena for it, Will against Will. And Helena was in a bent mood and without a sexy lady to distract her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa follows Helena a few steps behind, and as soon as Helena starts drifting the feather about, Elaine lets out a muffled yelp, to which Jasmine replies by giggling as she squirms in Helena's mercy. Melissa hesitates a moment, then starts tickling the pair's other feet, causing Elaine to squirm violently.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles at looks at Melissa with an evil little grin as she continues to torment the pair with feathery justice! A few vigorous flicks across their feet later, Helena stands and leans over, starting to drift the feather up their calves and thighs, running the torturous fluffy implement up and down their legs as she tickles their feet with her fingers instead, laughing.

No Mercy Melissa! Only sweet justice! Helena cries as the onslaught continues, laughing the entire time, because seriously, she couldn't ever remember doing this to Jasmine, despite any number of opportunities. Ever. What the hell!? Everything in existence had been done. EXCEPT THIS.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa grins in answer and mimics Helena in the other side, causing Elaine to protest loudly while Jasmine continues squirming and giggling. Then, in a meanspirited flash of genius, Melissa gives Jasmine's ass a firm slap, delivering a satisfactory sound.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, turning at the sound, Grins widely as she watches the pair squirming around, still finding this hilarious. A spanking was well in order! And what were they gonna do about it? Nothing.

Drawing her own hand back, Helena slides her palm across the flesh of Elaine's ass, before delivering her own good, firm spank, the sound echoing through the room for a moment as she continued tickling the pair.

And here I thought you weren't for spontaneous fun! Helena said to Melissa with a smile, sending several more spanks to Elaine as Melissa got to enjoy jasmine's perfect ass for awhile.

It's a shame, it would have been lovely to see what you look like when you cum. Helena continued, teasing her as they continued, growing her tail before stretching it out to suddenly spank across Melissa's ass as well, before curling around her thigh.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Elaine squirms as Helena tries to spank her before planting her ass firmly against the mattress. Melissa flinches as Helena's tail slaps her ass, but then she resumes tickling and spanking Jasmine's ass, drawing out a long growl from the redheaded succubus.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, pouting as Elaine hid her ass from Helena's spanks, decided she deserved far worse now... Helena going back to her feet and legs, refusing to let up as her tail started to poke and prod around her legs randomly, just adding to the confusing as Melissa decided to rouse the wrath of Jasmine herself.

Several minutes later, Helena flopped down, the random activity having grown old for the moment as she wriggled back into her clothes and started commanding demons to release their captives, though only after she pulled Melissa out of Jasmine's reach just in case...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Slightly startled, Melissa puts on clothes herself as the demons release red-cheeked Jasmine and Elaine. Elaine slowly sits up, shaking her head as if wondering how she got there while Jasmine takes time to stretch, grumbling something about "just getting to the good part" under her breath.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Eh there were complications. Helena sent over to the grumbly Jasmine before winking at Melissa. Nice seeing you Melissa, take care of yourself, and Elaine, maybe we'll see you again sometime. Helena said, making it pretty clear that it would be good for them to leave... Since Jasmine wasn't above going back in for "the Good Part".

Shrugging, Helena waited for them to leave and poked Jasmine in the ribs. No helping it Sis, Snacks abound, there are other meals to be had. Probably not as cute, but o well. Helena said, flopping onto her bed and sighing, in a strange mood herself, apathetic and depressed. Odd for the usually upbeat demon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa and Elaine quickly dress and slip out of the room, leaving Helena alone with Jasmine, who ignores Helena and flops down on the other bed where the rope demon still is, curled neatly into a skein.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nope! Don't get to ignore me! Helena said, diving across to Jasmine's bed and pouncing on her, tickling her sides mercilessly as she cackled.

What's eating at you Jasmine?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Oh, no you don't!" Jasmine growls as Helena pounces her, quickly grabbing and starting to wrestle her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, eeping as Jasmine decided she wanted to wrestle instead, was soon grappling with her on the bed, struggling for dominance... Meow~ CaatFiiight~! Helena cried, sprouting ears and a tail just to be a nuisance as the pair rolled around, Helena determined to subdue Jasmine and figure out what had made her so cranky.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a quick wrestling match involving tails and generally cattyness but thankfully no claws, Helena manages to pin Jasmine on the bed. The older succubus squirms under Helena, her cat ears twitching as she stares at Helena challengingly, though with her lips curved into a slight smile.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, looking down at Jasmine after she somehow won their wrestling match, a shocker, even to her, raised an eyebrow at Jasmine. She wasn't willing to trust the Rope demon to do the restraining, Jasmine was better at that then she was. The Wrap demon was untrustworthy to begin with. Which meant Helena had to keep her pinned herself.

Extending a thin tendril, Helena groped around near the foot of the bed with it, until she found her feather, and ran it along Jasmine's leg. Seriously, what's bugging you Jas? You've kind of been worrying me lately. Helena asked, looking concerned. I mean.. I've never beat you wrestling before either. Your heads not in it.