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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine stops squirming and replies to Helena with a defiant "Meow!" For a moment she tries to control herself, but then the older succubus bursts into uncontrollable fit of laughter that seems to go on and on.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, finding Jasmine was more ticklish the she had ever figured, decided that now, NOW she would be the one doing the punishing! Extending a ton of other tendrils, Helena tore the original pillow apart, and retrieved All the feathers she could hold, proceeding to lavish jasmine in her feathery touch.

No part of Jasmine that was exposed was left untouched, the feather wielding tendrils assaulting her from head to toe as she purred on top of Jasmine, laughing with glee.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Mrowr! Jasmine declares once she has her laughter under control before sprouting her own tendrils and retaliating in kind, tickling Helena wherever she can find bare skin and even places where she can't!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Gah! WAR!! Helena shouted, before having to fight not to fall into helpless giggling herself, winding up creating one of the strangest sights any man could ever hope to walk in on by accident in the history of all humanity.

Flailing around as she held onto Jasmine, the tickling onslaught merciless and with casualties fast accumulating on both sides, Helena wound up rolling both of them off the bed, the sight being one completely naked, beautiful woman, rolling around with another, laughing, surrounded by tentacles, made even stranger as Helena tried to wrestle Jasmine's with her own, soon to result in a ridiculous and hopeless tangling.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The two succubi rolling on the floor quickly find themselves completely entangled as their tentacles get to knots around themselves and each other. Suddenly Jasmine makes her tentacles melt away as she reassumes the form of a naked catgirl, and Helena finds herself pinned in turn. "That's better." Jasmine says, and starts washing Helena's face with her own tongue.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, managing to maintain her hold, right up until the two got stuck, Eep'd! loudly as the support of Jasmine's tendrils faded and she overbalanced, Jasmine pinning her quickly after another short bout.

Looking up at Jasmine, Helena squinted and giggled as she got treated to raspy cat tongue on the face. That is better. I was worried about you, you don't normally sulk. Helena said, seeming satisfied that Jasmine seemed back to her old self, though she was still pinned.... Crap.

Going limp, Helena giggled again as Jasmine's tongue made another pass, wriggling around. So? What now? Helena asked, thinking about the short, albeit infuriating wait for the boat. She was trying not to dwell on the fact that her weakness had disturbed Jasmine's meal...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Ah...down't... know..." Jasmine replies, continuing to lick Helena's face. "We still have lots of daylight left, and I was planning to spend all day with those cuties."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, continuing to simply tolerate the odd bath she was getting, sighed. I scared my own meal away, and didn't want to just force her... It didn't seem right when I talked to her. Normally I don't care, but... this time. Not sure. Still, I didn't want her on the receiving end when you were freed, since I'd already promised not to take what she didn't want to give... I don't like being looked at like a monster Helena answered, telling the truth as she laid there.

Still, I ruined your plans, so whatever you want to do, we'll do. Helena finished, looking apologetic as her expression sank a little.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"That's not like you," Jasmine notes before slowly getting up. "I could use a real bath and I bet Cindy and Willow would like one, too. Think there'd be a public bathhouse or something like that in here?" Jasmine starts pulling on her clothes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

No, it's not. I'm not sure why it wound up that way, it just did. Helena answered, perking up at the idea of a bath... And all the possible hijinks... Watching Jasmine get redressed, Helena nodded, following after her.

I'd hope so, a bath does sound nice, It's been awhile since we enjoyed something like... you know... Hot Water... Helena said, poking Willow and Cindy. **My lovely lady partners in crime, we're looking for a bathhouse, come join us for hot water... and soap.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A couple minutes later, all four of them are gathered in the common room of the inn. Asking the innkeeper reveals that there is indeed a public bathhouse upriver just outside the town. That is where the group heads through the streets. The town isn't very large, and it doesn't take long for them to reach the bathhouse, which is a clean, whitewashed building that hasn't aged very graciously. Inside there is a misshapen excuse of a man manning a desk with a sturdy looking club visible nearby. Not only is he ugly, but he is also larger than most and with almost humorously bulging muscles. "Hello ladies. The public bath is 5 assula each, a private room for 4 is 4 ossis and if you want sauna, that'll be 2 ossis extra and you'll have to wait until it's warm."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena whistled cheerfully as they all regathered and journeyed onwards to the bathhouse, though if Jasmine were keeping an eye on her, she'd realize it was all mostly a front, just an act while Helena thought about the odd situation with Melissa. The girl hadn't seemed normal from the start, but maybe she was just being paranoid... Still, it seemed despite being what she was, and revealing it, that Melissa had accepted her in the end, and there was something about that that felt really good.

Shaking her head back and forth for a moment, Helena banished the thoughts, though she made a mental note to remember Melissa, in case there was more to this then she realized.

They reached the bathhouse in good time, and although the different currencies sailed right over her hear, Helena heard the option they needed, that Jasmine was probably going to want as well, and that Helena was taking regardless. The private room for 4 would be preferable please. And do make sure it remains private sir, you certainly look more then capable of that. I wont lie, the sheer size of you and those muscles is impressive... Helena answered swiftly, paying the man, or having Jasmine pay the man, whichever could get the coin out first.

She was going to bathe, properly, and that meant washing behind her wings, the wings, her tail, EVERY INCH OF HER WOULD BE PROPERLY CLEAN!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine hands the man 4 silver coins marked with bones, and the man directs the group through a door to the left which leads to a small room with glass ceiling that is crudely made, yet lets plenty of light into the room, though there are lanterns hanging from the ceiling as well, to be lit when the night falls. The room is otherwise fairly bare, featuring only some hooks and benches aside from a large copper tub in the center sunk to the floor, easily large enough for half a dozen people and it's bottom covered with fine sand. There are also some bars of soap in the opposite side of the tub. The door itself has a small bar that would assure no interruptions.

As soon as everyone is inside, Cindy bars the door and the others start taking off their clothes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, skipping, Literally skipping into the bath room, was out of her clothing with a speed that only lust demons possessed for such things. Watching as Cindy barred the door, Helena was already in the water, slinking in and sinking to her chin as she watched the others undressed.

Looking at them, Helena grinned. Mmm, Yes. Finally I have you all to myself, in a private room... Naked... Helena said menacingly, before several tendrils slid up and out of the water, waving around in her best impersonation of an octopus for several long moments.

Unable to hold a straight face, Helena started giggling before putting her extra limbs away, and satisfying herself with feeling the water on her whole body, demony bits and all as she leaned back against the side of the tub with a happy sigh.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The others slip into the bath as well, one by one, and Willow splashes water at Helena. "So what are you going to do about it?"

Meanwhile Jasmine immerses herself in the water completely and blows bubbles at Cindy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, laughing as Willow splashed her, answered her oddly daring question with a thick, slippery tendrils sliding around her ankle and creeping up her leg, slowly but surely as Helena just grinned like a cat at her, before laughing at Jasmine blowing bubbles.

What indeed Willow... What indeed. She said softly as she relaxed. Humming a simple tune to herself, Helena dunked her head under the water quickly and pulled her wet hair around to her neck as she made a happy little cry, before going back to her tune.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow smiles and ducks her head under the water as well before moving to lean against the edge of the tub next to Helena.

Cindy waits for Jasmine to surface before splashing water at her face. Giggling, Jasmine hugs Cindy and pulls her underwater before blowing more bubbles.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, smiling as Willow came over to join her, continued chuckling as Jasmine and Cindy continued to play like children, thinking this was what everybody needed.

Still, that left her and Willow... Continuing to wind her tendril up Willows leg, Helena grinned and leaned back, relaxing completely in the water as her tendril made it to Willow's thigh, stroking the soft flesh slowly as it continued to creep higher. Helena was partially curious as to what Poor Cindy had gotten herself into with the other SuccuToPus in the bath, but she was sure she'd find out soon enough.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow blushes slightly as the tendril makes its way up, but she grabs a bar of soap and starts soaping Helena's hair.

Meanwhile Cindy pushes Jasmine over and the pair struggle underwater for a while before Jasmine lets go of the skinny girl and both of the surface together. Cindy grabs soap as well and starts lathering herself while Jasmine blows more bubbles.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, touched by the gesture as Willow started to clean her hair, Grabbed soap herself and started to clean herself quickly so she could return the favor for Willow. Still, that did nothing to stop her tendril, which was now drifting lazily along her folds under the warm water, occasionally pushing and squirming against her petals, before ever so slowly, and gently parting her, slipping into her depths.

Grinning back at her as Helena turned so Willow could wash her hair more easily, Helena just left the tendril where it was, coiled around Willow's leg, resting in the heat of her depths, enjoying the feeling of her inner walls rippling around it as she held a completely straight face, not betraying the situation to anyone else.