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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys draws breath sharply, but doesn't reply, though Helena can feel her quivering right at the edge.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Stubborn to the end. You know, letting go of that pride a little would have made this a lot more enjoyable in general. I swear, the second person I've had to tell to just enjoy the ride sometimes. Helena said a little sadly. She'd fed, she was juiced back up.

Sliding her fingers into Alys' folds as her thumb continued to slide over her clit, Helena threw her over the edge, watching her cum deliciously before standing up and wandering to put her clothing back on.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys moans loudly as her back arches against the harness and she cums...and cums...and cums... for a long while. As she comes down from the orgasm, the noblewoman seems on the verge of passing out, and merely watches wordlessly as Helena gets dressed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snaps her fingers, the rope releasing Alys instantly and slithering up her arm, where it belonged. Walking over to the tired Alys, Helena got her back up, and over to the bed, pouring her a glass of wine as she refused to let her pass out just yet, letting her limbs recover from the bindings.

suppose you know you can find me if you want a good time. But something tells me, like so many others, that I'm not going to see you again. If I do, we'll have some fun. I make no promises not to continue to admire and enjoy your beautiful figure if you fall asleep here though. Helena said with a wink, sipping on her own wine as she topped off her glass.

Essentially leaving Alys' stay in her room entirely up to her, Helena also didn't lie, telling her quite plainly that more could be expected. It was up to her. Helena was glad she'd held her temper, if she hadn't, Alys would be passed out on the floor with a wolf cock buried in her, waiting for his thick knot to deflate.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys lays on the bed for a few moments before starting to move, slowly sitting up and staggering to her feet, before starting to gather her clothes. "I'll keep that in mind. Though I'll have a busy day tomorrow."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And I'll be leaving in the morning, still, if you see me around, don't be shy. Helena said in answer, helping her gather her stuff, and making sure she got her ring back.

Watching her go, Helena shook her head, scratching Fenrir on the head for several long moments before heading downstairs.

Seeing the others, Helena shook off the odd mood. She was starting to blame this shitty place for it. She hadn't been herself since they got here and everything had gone wrong, one thing after another. For SOME reason she wasn't charming people anymore, she didn't know why she wasn't doing it, but she wasn't, and it was going to spell disaster for her soon enough if she didn't pull her head out of her ass.

She was starting to fail in the most important aspect of her species. The Hunting. being around the others had blunted her ability to secure her own food supply the way she was meant to... And now, finding other lovers was proving to be a serious chore. She was getting out of practice and it was showing.

Sitting down, Helena helped herself to a drink as well, watching the cards fly as she pulled up next to Willow an laid her head on her shoulder. Jasmine, this food is bland and tasteless. In more ways then one.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sun is starting to set before Helena is back in the common room, and she arrives soon enough to see Alys slipping outside. As she sits down, Willow instinctively wraps an arm around her without looking away from her cards. "Maybe we should get you something more spicy, then." Jasmine replies with a wink. *You haven't gotted a good dicking since we left the vistani, have you?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, I had a very special time with Willow... Which reminds me, new shopping list, we need a talented leatherworker who doesn't ask too many questions... Remind me to demand the services of one from Azalin, Willow needs a real toybox. Helena said with a giggle, hiding her confliction on the outside as she reached out to Jasmine.

*My moods are spoiling my meals, It's not like it used to be, I'm caring about my food... Too much.* She sent to her sister, confused and angry at herself. There was a huge part of her that demanded she exist as the creature that had awakened in her wrath and rage, and during the imperious debacle in the desert village, a part of her soul that screamed and threw itself against it's bonds within her still human mind that demanded release. It was getting to the point now that Helena was almost begging for a reason to be the Demon, to be Herself. She wasn't transforming when she became enraged, it was her true self coming out... And it came across the link into Jasmine's mind, the only person here who knew her better then anyone else could.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Uh-huh. If you're going to to behave like THAT, I think we need to break out the pillories again and maybe leave you in some seedy alley for a night or two.* Jasmine replies, at least half-seriously while she discards her hand and Cindy starts dealing a new one.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I... I wont argue or fight anything you think is best in this Jasmine, I wont think I'm special or different, I can't hunt, and a predator that can't hunt is without any purpose... * Helena answered after a moment, almost painfully humbled by the problem she was facing.

Kissing Willow on the cheek, Helena closed her eyes, and held her true form in her minds eye, she locked in on it and started at herself from human eyes... It was fearsome and alluring. It was beautiful and haunting and terrifying.... And she was not living up to it, and the accusatory look in her own eyes starting back at her confirmed it.

Sighing with melancholy, Helena thought about Alys and Melissa, before thinking further ahead to Azalin and his vampire cohort.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Honey, you've gotten two girls in a day with almost no effort. It's not the hunting that's the problem, it's that you think you're not good enough for them. Truth is, even if they thought they didn't want it, you could make them unable to resist if you persisted.* Jasmine replies confidently before continuing with a mischievous tone: *So, shall I fetch a pillory for you?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Not gonna lie... I'd love the feeling of being filled with power... among other things Helena answered, chuckling as a small smile cracked her features for a moment, leaving the decision up to Jasmine and her mischievous moods, for better or worse.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine gives Helena a wink as Cindy finishes dealing for all four of them. *Enjoy your freedom for a little longer. We'll be going out once it gets dark and you'd better be on your best behaviour.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ha, yes Mistress. Helena said, giggling to herself, at least Jasmine could turn around her confusing moods quickly enough. Watching the card game for a little while, Helena stayed close to Willow, distracting her with small kisses and love bites along her neck and ears every so often just to be a pest.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can practically feel Willow's smile on her as the witch responds to the distractions by leaving against her while the card game keeps going on and on. The sunset seems to take a long time, but finally it gets dark outside and Jasmine stands up, signalling the end of the game. "You. Upstairs. Now." the older succubus commands while Cindy is gathering the cards.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena continued to dote on Willow until the sun fell, and the game ended. As Cindy gathered up the cards, Helena paled a little as she remembered what she agreed to.

Smiling weakly, Helena giggled before shrugging and starting to move. Yes Mistress. She said simply, moving ahead of Jasmine to head upstairs. She wasn't entirely sure what Jasmine had in mind, but there was a simple gratitude for being what she was, at least she wouldn't be too sore... Maybe...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena heads to her and Jasmine's shared room, she sees Jasmine going to talk with some of the hunters who appear to have been there all day, drinking beer. Once in her room, Helena is left to her own devices for a long time before Jasmine arrives, smiling widely as she starts rummaging through the saddlebacks. "Take off your clothes. You won't be needing them."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, waiting, raised her eyebrows as Jasmine went to talk to the hunters, waiting in their room as she twiddled her thumbs. Deciding ahead of time that her clothing was probably going to be either useless, or ruined if it stayed, Jasmine came back to Helena already naked save her collar, sitting on the bed.

Watching her rummage through the saddlebags, Helena shook her head a little and chuckled. What the hell was she getting herself into now, Apparently it involved hunters. Scratching Fenrir behind the ears as he draped himself over her legs, Helena had to wait for Jasmine and whatever insane plan she had.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a while, Jasmine pulls out a white silk scarf, which she quickly turns into a blindfold over Helena's eyes be before binding Helena's wrist and attaching a length of rope to her collar. "Let's go for a walk." Tugging the leash, Jasmine pushes the door open and heads out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, watching Jasmine, giggles as Fenrir just gets out of the way, before Jasmine blindfolds her. She had to give it to Jasmine, it was trickier to blindfold anyone with something like a scarf without practice. Feeling her wrists bound in front of her, and tightly cinched, Helena eeped softly as Jasmine passed the length through the ring of her collar, and drew her hands up to her neck.

This effectively made the limbs useless, but also pushed her breasts together and up, making Helena wriggle as the rope was tied off to the ring, and then Jasmine gave it a pull, urging her up.

Nodding as Jasmine told her they were taking a walk, Helena suddenly remembered Jasmine had threatened to do this for awhile, but never actually had. Squirming a little in her own excitement, Helena was forced to follow the tension on the rope, trailing behind Jasmine as she blindly followed.