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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Someone fell from the aft, I think. Hang on.* Jasmine replies. *I can't see anyone here, though. Strange.* When Helena gets back on the ship, everyone is looking around and the captain is bellowing loudly. "What do you mean he disappeared? He can't have disappeared, there's nowhere to disappear to!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)


There ARE more rocks, a lot of them, it's not safe to move at all. And I have no idea what's moving around. Get the men off the deck, if it is a creature, or the mists, it's safer to be down below deck, me and Jasmine can handle it. she said, pulling his shoulder to get his attention.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The captain grows pale, but does as he's told and gets everyone below the deck except for Helena and Jasmine. Suddenly a dead sailor falls on the deck from somewhere above with a loud thud.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Keep our friends safe. Helena calls after the captain, before turning as a thud signals a falling body. Cracking her fingers and neck, Helena looks up into the sky, before pulling her shirt off and letting her wings explode from her back.

Alright fucker... she muttered, checking on Jasmine as well as her hands lit up in blue flame. Glancing at her sister, Helena muttered the words of the spell she had just learned, taking her time, making sure she got it right, before rocketing up into the air

It goes without saying, you see it, you cook it. she sent to Jasmine as she started to actively search for it in the air, rising quickly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Will save Helena: nat 1 Will save Jasmine: nat 20

Jasmine quickly follows Helena, becoming invisible as well. As they rise above the mists, they quickly spot a flying humanoid shape. It seems to be a man wearing archaic armor and clothing, but as Helena's gaze falls upon the figure, strange fear grips her heart and she finds herself unable to move as Jasmine flies closer to examine him.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, spotting their adversary quickly enough, became gripped with an unnatural terror, and froze, it was just like it had been with the sphinx... This thing was horrifying, and she couldn't rightly figure why. Gritting her teeth, Helena shook her head, trying to clear the fear that was gripping her so tightly... Either this was a bad idea, or an amazing one, but she was still terrified and fighting it with every instinct she had to kill it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Crap, another mummy. You hit it from the left, I hit it from the right. And keep your distance.* Jasmine says, her thoughts coming from somewhere to the right of the mummy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, shaking her head, did as Jasmine told her to, which was odd as she was the stronger flyer.

Hopefully able to shake off the fear that had paralyzed her, Helena brought her arm back, before hurling a ball of flames at the creature, mummy, pain in the ass, before rocketing higher into the air as her spell wore off, cackling madly. Trumping Fear with Insanity, that was still a thing. except it didn't work, she was still terrified.

Can't! Too Scared! she sent to Jasmine, still standing there, invisible and cowardly to a fault it seemed at the moment.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Damnit. I think we'd better retreat, then. I'm not fighting another one alone.* The mummy slowly floats around, circling the ship as the paralysis wears off. Helena can tell that Jasmine is still somewhere nearby, but she can't tell where, since they're both still invisible.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Yup! I got no problems with that! Helena answered, dropping like a stone as soon as she could, and letting the spell fade once they were back on deck.

Still, looks like we're on guard duty. Think we can figure out a clever way to keep it away... or... Think we can nuke it? That would be hilarious... wait.. no.. Cindy and Willow trapped down with a bunch of overly horny sailors... that's a terrible idea... Helena said, flailing around as she muttered over ideas as they came.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine appears in front of Helena as soon as she fades into view. *I wonder where it came from and why it attacked that sailor.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I dunno, but it did, and it stuck around, we saw it. So... is there something on this ship? I mean, if someone took something... I could see that.. Or... all the stuff we took? It can't have it back Helena said, deadpanning momentarily as she put her shirt back on, wings shrinking away.

Well.... shit. One second I guess.

*Cindy~ Need a favour, Willow! You two hun, ask the captain if he knows anything about a mummy... Discreetly if you can please. And take Fenrir with you, no one will do anything untoward if the gigantic wolf is nearby.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Will do.* Cindy replies from somewhere below the deck. The rain stops and the sky clears, making the night quite beautiful with silvery mists below and starry sky above. *I don't think he does.* comes another thought several minutes later. *He just started telling us his life story. This could take a while.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Want to just throw this one up to poor unlucky bastard killed by flying undead and call it a night? Helena asks Jasmine, shrugging.

the girls say the captain doesn't know anything... So... maybe there's something on the body? OR in the hold? I don't know, we brought back more shit from the wastes then anyone here could have...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A quick search of the body turns out nothing but a small wooden talisman that feels warm to touch. *Must be some sort of charm. Probably not what the mummy was after. Let's go check the hold.*

The hold turns out to be filled with sealed metal barrels.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Probablyy not." Helena replied, scooping up the charm anyway and pocketing it.

Heading down to the hold revealed strange, non rapeslime barrels. "The hell you think is in these?" Helena asked Jasmine, pushing one of the barrels to see how heavy it was, or maybe hear something inside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I have no idea. Must be something they can't use wood for. And something they don't want exposed to air. Dye or paint of some sort, maybe?" The barrel is quite heavy, probably heavier than one filled with water would be and there is no sound when Helena and Jasmine try to shake it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shrugs, making at least a passing attempt to open one to get a look, while poking at cindy and willow *hey! Can you guys get an idea of whats in thee hold from the captain? We're trying to figure out what the mummy is after.*

In the meantime, Helena would continue to try andd figure the odd barrelss out, like an otter trying to smash a mystery clam open upon the rock hard abs of her mind.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The barrels are sealed tightly with metal rings covered with wax. Opening them probably wouldn't be too hard, but the tampering would be clearly visible.

Regardless of whether or not Helena decided to pry one open, a couple minutes later Willow replies: *Apparently it's rubber from Sri Raji. That must be worth a fortune!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Jasmine... howw hard wouldd it be to steal a good chunk, or all of this shipment?. It's rubber, all of it." Helena said, freezing after she got the news herself, immediately thinking of an arrangement they already had....

"Or perhaps, convince a captain to give it up to save his life? If you and the others went to handle that, I could meet up with you all at Azalin's castle, or keep, or whatever the fuck he lives in..... think of how far we could get on this when 50 pounds bought us a fucking clockwork suit* she continued, all the dialogue kept strictly mind to mind to avoid being overheard....