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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A beautiful night, isn't it? It doesn't often get this... peaceful." a voice comes out of nowhere.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Yes, it is. Helena answers, opening an eye, before standing fluidly and turning around. Either you're the mummy from yesterday In a much more talkative mood, or someone new. New's not always a bad thing. she whispered as she turned. looking for the voice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The soft voice comes from a white-haired man who turns out to be standing behind Helena. He looks like a man in his fifties or perhaps well-preserved one in his sixties. He's also rather tall and handsome, in an imposing way, with an eagle-like face. The man is wearing a comfortable-looking black robe that hides his muscular frame. "Ah, yes. The mummy. He seems to be following you for some reason."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If I had to guess it has to do with all the ingredients we took from the Amber Wastes. We decided tomb robbing was a good way to pass the time. Our projects aren't always the cheapest and time is a bit of a factor. I'm Helena, you are? Helena asked after speculating on the undead, raising an eyebrow.

You weren't on the ship before, and I didn't feel you come aboard. So, New it is. She continued, wondering what the hell was going on.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Graverobbery. Distasteful, yet sometimes necessary." The man's emotions feel somewhat distant. "Oh, I'm just a nosy old man. You've been making a lot of waves lately, so I decided to take a look at you."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I've always been of the opinion that the dead have no use for material wealth. As for Nosy old man... Well, in honesty I expected a certain nosy vampire who's fun to mess with. And the Waves are intentional. I want to draw attention... So Now I have a question for myself, is the nosy old man powerful, knowledgeable, foolish. Seriously... who are you... What do you want... Helena said, still not daring to move overly much.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A slight smile caresses his lips. "Straightforwardness. So uncommon among your kind. What I want is information. What are you doing in my realm?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You know, I'd be inclined to ask about a lot of things in that short sentence. But fuck it, here's the answer. I want to LEAVE, go back to my own world... your realm? Seriously, do I have to strange and confusing pleasure to meet with the feared Azalin Rex? I didn't figure you for impatient. Or maybe you're just a madman. You help me and my friends to get out of your realm, and trust me, we wont be coming back. Helena said, narrowing her eyes.

But you know, there is a certain man I want dead very... very badly. And not just dead, I want his soul... I want to see the light drain out of his eyes while I rip out his very essence and defile everything he ever was...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"And here I thought people wouldn't recognize me without my crown and usual garments." Azalin replies with a grin. "Unfortunately, getting back to your own world will be even trickier than you might believe. Though I'm sure you're already aware the usual magic won't allow you to return. I might be able to put you on the right track, at least... for a suitable price. Interested?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rubbed her forehead for a moment, before shrinking her hair down to something that wouldn't get in her face for the moment. Looking at Azalin, Helena cocked her head sideways and continued to regard this teleporting king.

Recognize? No, but figure? Yes. I've been stomping around in your territory making a great deal of noise, as you said, looking for a response, or perhaps maybe a more interesting visit when your vampiric friend came to collect me after our bargain was finished. So when a figure appears behind you looking for information, well. There's only so many answers. Helena answered, still thinking about this King and his apparent offer.

You know, there was another very powerful person who offered me something for a price once, but she lied about the exact exchange, or rather... Mislead. So if you do me a favor and spell everything out, be... Straightforward, then I'll have a lot more to safely consider. But yes... I'm Interested.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Straightforward. Very well. I will allow you and your companions access to my personal library and in exchange, you stop being so... disruptive while within my kingdom. In addition, you will act as my agent - retrieving artefacts, gathering information, that sort of thing - and will be paid in gold, equipment or both." Azalin says, his voice or demeanour betraying nothing of his emotions, though Helena can sense a spark of curiosity still.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Perfect. We should get along very well as long as we keep communication like this. I agree on one additional condition, that the members of my party be granted protection while I'm in your employ. I can't do my work well if I don't know they're safe. My first priority will always be to them... I owe them a lot Azalin. Helena said quickly, holding out her hand.

Too be honest, this is exactly what I hoped for in regards to you. We should work very well together. Is there anything else you need from me tonight? Because I need to somehow arrange the transport of this shipment to the amber wastes. There's a group of people there who need it badly and not for the coin. That said, if we have an agreement, I shall... Drastically Tone down my activities inside your borders, and keep my work for you secretive if asked. Helena continued, waiting for acceptance or rejection.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"That should not be a problem. We can discuss specific details once you arrive at the Castle Avernus." Azalin replies, shaking Helena's hand. "Unfortunately, the hour is rather late, and I will have duties to attend to in the morning." The king mutters a few words and disappears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded, shaking Azalin's hand firmly before watching him teleport away again, making a note to get ahold of that spell somehow.

Turning on the spot, Helena reverted back to a more human shape, and returned to her meditation for the entire evening, working on more efficient use of the energies she already commanded, rather then lusting for more, intent on drawing ever bit of power out of herself as it stood now. More power would come, as would knowledge. She had met and struck a bargain with a powerful man, Now was not the time to be greedy, but cautious.

Closing her eyes, she was still completely nude, but otherwise far more intent on her inner self until the first rays of dawn struck her closed eyes, and roused her from her intense introspection.

Once morning had come, Helena sent out the call to Jasmine. I met with Azalin Rex last night and struck a deal. I'll be retrieving things for him while you get full access to his library. The man has powerful magic at his beck and call, this should be very helpful. In addition, he said providing protection would be easy. But in exchange for that access, We keep a lower profile. Figured I'd let you know.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Um. Say that again?* Jasmine replies after half a minute.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I was Meditating on the deck last night, and then Azalin teleported behind me, and we talked. After talking, he offered to give us access to the library if I worked for him, and stopped... generally being a pest. It the Royal Library of a mage king. It may very well have what we need. Helena repeated, scratching her head as she flopped down on her back, looking up at the clouds.

Apparently we can smooth out details when we get to the castle. But yea. that's a thing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Hmm. Interesting. I guess we'll have to dump the rubber load somewhere after we pick up your enchantment from the wizard.* Jasmine replies, getting up to the deck with a dishevelled look, absent-mindedly running fingers through her hair, yet still managing to draw looks from the sailors.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Dump? DUMP!? Store Maybe, but Dump!? I don't think so Madam! We have machine people who need this, let alone that it's worth a Fortune, and I have no desire what so ever to just... give it up. I don't care if I keep it IN Azalin's CELLAR! Helena responded, mentally ranting, but on deck she was seen just staring at her Sister, her jaw dropped like Jasmine had gone insane.

Still, I need to get dressed, supposed to be behaving now. she grumbled, heading down, slapping Jasmine's ass on the way passed. Once she was back below deck, Helena would check on Willow and Cindy, before putting on some proper clothes, part of her really wishing she hadn't destroyed her custom armor back on the road.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Cindy and Willow in the mess, eating what passes for breakfast among the sailors.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, finding Willow and Cindy, gets dressed before sitting down with them, patting them both on the shoulders. Morning guys, you alright after yesterday? I think I got there just in time, you were in quite the tight spot. Still, it all paid off. We got the ship, I met a shadowy ruler... Helena says, hoping they weren't too pissed off about what happened, skipping on a regular meal again herself, finding food anymore was more a pleasure then a necessity.