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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena passes through the open gate into the town easily enough and the town seems somewhat familiar, though she's not sure she can remember which way to the wizard, not to mention that it's the middle of the night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Why did places have to have things like buildings, and streets. Instead of big glowing signs that pointed her in the right direction. Video games she could remember had it easier. Like something shitting pixie dust on the ground in the right way. No such luck in reality.

Still, she needed to find a place to sleep, if only to soothe her sanity for a moment, and some meditation would do wonders for her temperament. So it was to an inn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Luckily, since the elves don't need much sleep, it's not too hard to find an inn that's open even in the middle of the night. The innkeeper is a nice looking elf with blonde hair and imaculate manners, but the common room is otherwise empty save for a mysterious stranger camped in one corner.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It was like tables or chairs. Corner lurking mysteries, every Inn and Tavern had them. Likely 90% of them were just antisocial. Still, Helena endeavored to return the elf's manners with as much grace as she could as she paid for the night, heading up immediately.

Blessedly so far, no one had questioned the slimebaby. This was a good thing that Helena wasn't gonna make a big deal, or it was constantly hiding when she got near other people. She only made sure it was WITH HER.

Once in her room, Helena would lock the door if able, strip down, and sit cross legged on her bed, forgoing sleep in exchange for several hours of meditation if the mischievous booger let her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's meditation proceed peacefully and she awakens at dawn to find the slimebaby nowhere to be seen. The window of the room seems suspiciously open, but at least nothing else is missing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena comes out of her meditation smoothly, feeling better, before noticing a complete lack of evil booger, and an open window. Groaning loudly, Helena went to the window to look for the missing demonchild.

Then there was the possibility of it being nearby to, or even in the room. There was no telling with the little monster.

Still, that left her closing her eyes and looking around for it the way she preferred if she didn't immediately SEE it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimebaby doesn't seem to be in the immediate vicinity. Focusing on locating it mentally, Helena only manages to get the impression that it's happy and somewhere in the northern part of the town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You... little.... Agggghhhhh! Helena muttered, before getting dressed and heading and poking the turban that was STILL On her head. She was just impressed at this point. Praeligo was clingy.

Still, that left her wandering out into town at night or in the early morning, still dark, looking for Jello, which was too the North... somewhere. It was like looking for a river by listening for water in the rain. Still, she'd done it before, time to do it again, this time at least for something that felt unique.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though her appearance gathers a few looks, Helena manages to get to the northern part of the town unmolested. Though the search takes her better part of an hour, eventually Helena stumbles into an abandoned alley where the slimebaby drops on her from the rooftops.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't give the glances much thought, she was always getting stared at, she usually encouraged it when she wasn't hiding. Still, that left her slightly curious and wanting to find a mirror...

As the slime dropped on her from above, Helena oomphed before wriggling it around into her arms proper.

Please... PLEASE stop running off, gave me a heart attack you did. Come on, lets get back to the inn. she muttered, heading back. She had to wait for this thing called... DAYLIGHT... so she could figure out where that stupid wizard was.

Lo and behold though, she was getting terrible at recognizing what light levels were what... not like the dark really impeded here, but that bright shiny thing on the horizon, that was the sun, and like always it was too damned bright for her own good. Nevermind! we're going wizard hunting, then we can be done here. Come on. she said, trying to find something that looked Familiar enough to get her moving in the right direction.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It takes several times of getting lost, but eventually through a combination of luck, persistence and this being only a small town, Helena finds her way to the wizard's house.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If Helena wasn't as Blonde as she was, at least on the inside given her hair was still red right now, she'd probably have given up hours ago. But she was her, which meant she kept at it long passed the point any sane person wouldn't have bothered.

Still, at the end of getting lost again, she wound up staring right at the appropriate building, which then led to her charging back to her room at the Inn to get her stuff, and then finding her way back AGAIN, and blessedly having an easier time with the other two trips.

Tickling the slime baby, Helena cooed before heading for the door and knocking loudly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a minute or so, a familiar-looking black-robed wizard opens the door. "Ah, I was already starting to wonder whether you'd come back. Come in, and let's see what you've brought me." The wizard heads back inside, and gestures Helena to unload her treasure on the laboratory's mostly empty table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena deadpanned when she was met at the door. Wondering? Like I'd forget. Bah, here's all the stuff. she said, laying it all out for him, but keeping her hand on the boxed Rose of Osiris.

The fuck is up with this glowing flower? I mean, you need it, great, don't care. Don't want anything this crazy, but what is it? really. she asked, before eventually letting it go.

She'd brought everything he'd asked for... which left her flipping the key out of hiding to unlock her collar, setting that aside as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wizard picks up the Rose of Osiris, apparently admiring it. "According to a legend, the first Roses were created from the tears of Osiris as he walked the land and saw that the people there had turned away from him and started serving Set instead. Whether or not that is true, the Rose has potent magical properties." Hestarius sighs as he replaces the rose on the table. "It'll take me a couple days to enchant the collar, you can come back then."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I'll wait... a couple more days. Though, I'd prefer after this insanity it be done faster, I also realize the insanity was to offset the price of acquiring these materials. So we'll call it even when the job's done and part ways. Hopefully I wont need to darken your doorstep again. Though I'm always in the market for new spells. So who knows, and yes, I pay for those in gold. Until then Hestarius. she said, stroking the jiggly doom booger affectionately.

Heading back out, Helena tried to get in touch with Jasmine. They'd never really tested their range at this distance, but Jasmine had always been reachable even when others weren't.

*Found Hestarius, he's not at the landing, he's a short flight aways. Work will be done in a couple days. How are things moving along on the ship? Tell Aqua I need advice on the slime baby...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After Helena gets back to her room and tries to contact Jasmine, it takes a while for Jasmine to answer. *Hello Helena. After you left, we turned the ship around and headed towards Castle Avernus. Hopefully we'll find some Vistani to deliver the rubber along the way, but I'm not sure what we'll do with the boat.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fair enough, I get that. Smart. It'll take a couple days here to finish my order. But then I'll be heading over to join you. Try not to get into to much trouble... and keep an eye on the spiders... They'll get up to trouble the moment they get bored... Helena replied, chuckling to herself as she pondered how to spend the time where she was without getting herself killed... or arrested... or kidnapped. Again.

Sighing to herself, Helena looked down at the little booger, tickling it playfully before shrugging.

we got time to kill. What do you like to do? Instead of getting into trouble... she asked it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Will do. Aqua is keeping the spiders occupied.* Jasmine replies.

The slimebaby wriggles happily, forming half a face before poking Helena right on the nose.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena said Boop. when the slime baby poked her, booping it back with a laugh before wandering around the town. She had Jasmine's spell to keep her busy studying... She didn't really need to eat, though she was just getting more used to that. She didn't need to immediately feed, but she'd been using her magic...

All in all she was in a good mood, but that left her alone and to her own devices, which was a risky proposition to any town she was in. Still, she promised she'd behave.

Shrugging to herself, Helena found herself meandering into the forest at the edge of town without any real purpose. She'd always had fun in the woods, picked up strays... got into trouble... never a dull moment.