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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

will save: 3+4=fail

The priestess continues caressing the top of Helena's wing while letting her gaze wander on her. "Well, that's one thing you need not worry about again while you're here. We're quite capable of disposing of any undesirable corpses. Say, since you're here, would you mind doing me a small favor? There's a supply drop at the drydock next to King's Favor inn. When you get there, ask for Alekhine and bring what he gives you back here without drawing attention, would you? I'd send one of the boys, but we prefer to avoid daylight." Though not a word of a reward is spoken out loud, it seems clear to Helena that this simple task is going to be worth doing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shudders as Laviss continues stroking her wing, thinking about the idea which suddenly sounded like a good one. Sure~! And I can get my new collar while I'm out too! And we can talk more when I get back, I would love to get your leatherworker's name, these restraints are lovely. Helena answered, her mind drifting around a bit, finding 3 perfectly good reasons to do the job for Laviss all by herself while she still had the 'pet' restraints hanging around her neck

Just open the trap door up top, I'll be back before you know it. Helena continued, turning for the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The male drow leads Helena through the dungeon and to the tavern-side of the building at the top.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Missing out on her chance to just fly, Helena didn't really care, she had a job to do and errands of her own to finish. Before she left, she turned to her male escort. Just to be sure, how long was I down here? I was meant to pick up my collar after 2 days had passed, that was the same day I came down to join you all.

Once she got her answer however, she would properly dress, her wings and other features fading during the walk back up into the tavern so she could pull on her shirt.

As for the restraints, well, to anyone else they really just looked like a bunch of leather, like the bit and bridle of a horse, she wasn't concerned and didn't wager they would draw any looks. Since they hadn't been reclaimed at any point, she just stowed them with the rest of her meager belongings on the trip in the intrepid and efficient manner of crumpling them all up and stuffing them into a sack.

Once all the annoyances were out of the way however, she went immediately on her way to the drydock... once she figured out where King's Favor Inn was, trying to remember if she'd seen it at any point.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"That was yesterday" the elf - suddenly looking like a normal, paleskinned one - replies politely, watching Helena leave.

Outside, the sun seems to be nearly overhead. If Helena remembers correctly, the inn is near the river and after some wandering, that's where she finds it. The inn looks modest but well-kept, in stark contrast to the nearby drydock, which seems badly in need of repair, or at least whitewashing. The area near the docks is moderately crowded, but few people pay Helena much attention, even if she is in minority here, as a human.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

So one more day for her collar then. Ahh well. She didn't have much trouble finding the landmark for the drydock, and despite being human, she wasn't getting a ton of attention, all the better.

Looking around for anyone who worked there, Helena just started asking around for Alekhine like she'd been told, looking to get the job done quickly and without any hassle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After finding the doorway through the fence, Helena finds the rather small drydock populated by a dozen people: most of them are at work cleaning the bottom of a riverboat while a carpenter seems to be fixing the ceiling of the cabin and a supervisor is watching over the men, occasionally barking orders. After asking the supervisor, Helena finds Alekhine - who turns out to be a halfling - fast asleep inside an open crate.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, eventually finding who she was after in the most mundane way possible, looked down at the Halfling, before reaching down and flicking him on the forehead to wake him up.

Oi! Lazybones. I need you for something. Cmon, up ya get. she said looking more like an annoyed ex girlfriend then someone who actually needed the Halfling for business. Why not, people had stranger tastes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"What does it take for a guy to have a nap here." the halfling mutters before opening his eyes. "Oh, hello sweetcheeks. What can lil' old Alekhine do for you?" There's just a touch of self-deprecating irony in his voice as he speaks, and his eyes swiftly take in all of Helena's appearance, no doubt memorizing her face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena skipped the bullshit, because she was meant to cause as little a scene as possible, leaning down sharply. You have something of mine... Apart from my dignity. she said aloud, before she finished the sentence mentally so that the chances of them being overheard were completely and utterly zero.

**Laviss sent me to pick something up for her, Lets have it then. Do look appropriately embarrassed, you can tell all your buddies whatever story you like, Hell! Tell em I'm a whore you promised a gift to before you left.**
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alekhine's eyes widen with surprise. "Wha- Oh. Oh! Here! Just leave me alone after this, I can't be seeing you in broad daylight." The halfling shoves Helena a package the size of a large-ish book.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Thanks hun. Helena said, taking the package before leaning in to kiss the Halfling like it was his last day on this earth.

Once that was done, and the halfling's reputation was both boosted and properly sullied in the same moment, Helena turned and just headed straight back. She had another day to kill anyway before she had to pick up her collar, which was the only real reason she was back in this town in the first place.

So it was to the Tavern again and back underground to her new bestest friend ever.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon after leaving the drydock, Helena is accosted by a pair of elves in guard uniforms. "Excuse me miss, but have you seen anything suspicious nearby?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops as the guards get her attention, before thinking about the question a bit. Yeah actually, quite a bit but it wasn't in town. It was this weird plant that attacked anyone who got too close. In a circle of trees, big red fruit. But that's all really. I'm here to pick up a piece of custom work from from an old acquaintance. Little older, black robe. But I'll keep my eyes open. she said, tilting her head and shrugging.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Black robe, you say? Interesting. I apologize for the inconvenience, but there are rumours of a smuggling ring operating nearby. May we see what's in the package?" The guard who speaks takes care to be polite, while his companion has a carefully schooled "just-doing-my-job" expression on his face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I would, but they're Mummy wrappings from the Amber Waste, and I doubt they were cleansed. If they haven't been, and I open them here, there's a good chance The Wasting will spread. At the very least I checked the package itself and it's warded, but that doesn't hold if it's opened. I really do have to get it back right away and take care of it. I'd hate for anyone to get sick. Helena said, thinking of the first dangerous thing she could think of that she'd been sent to get for her collar.

I'd really hate for a repeat of the Rose of Osiris incident. Several people died in a perfectly avoidable accident because a warded box was opened on the pier... Ahh! I know how about I Just prove I'm a sorcerer! Would that help at all? she suggested, opening her hand and forming a very small, very unthreatening ball of flames, before closing her hand and extinguishing it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can see the guard hesitate. "Right! Er... you'd better be on your way, then. Where are you staying in the town?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I haven't actually decided on an inn yet, I started out straight for business when I got here and wound up spending the night on my colleagues couch. Could you recommend one? I'll head there as soon as I'm done with this. she answered.

Whatever they said in regards to an inn, Helena would then immediately head off on her way with a cheerful smile towards her original destination of the tavern of hidden sneaky kinky funtimes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The Laughing Halfling is at the south-side of the town, near the gates. You can't miss it." The guards stop harassing Helena, and she makes it back to the tavern in peace.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Thank you very much. Helena answers, having the sense to blush a little, before brushing a strand of hair over her ear and heading off.

Once back in the tavern safely, Helena sighed in a relieved way that had nothing to do with fun and then immediately looked around for anyone she already recognized, knew, or anything of the sort, preferably the same tavern keeper who had been super suspicious of her the first time.

Need to head on downstairs. she said simply, shrugging and lifting the package slightly.